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How "the law of attraction" works

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posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by CavemanDD

Considering that we have about 1000 thoughts an hour, many of them on a sub-aware level and many of them neutralizing each other, its no surprise when our life is a mix of this and that.

Thats why its good practice to prioritize general-well-being and just have that vibe of general-well-being attract corresponding events, imo.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 04:31 PM
Yep, don't really bother with the thoughts. Look at how you're feeling. If you're feeling good, you will be attracting more experiences that you can feel good about.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

If you closely examine the daily newspapers of...lets say...only the last 100 years, you will find out that this is nothing new. According to these, we are constantly "on the brink of total destruction". Remember the great depression? Remember WWII? The Vietnam War? 911 and "The War on Terrorism?" And now the "Great Economic Crisis of 2008".

Thank you, Sky, for your answer. This sounds a lot like the answer my husband gives me when I start to fret. The conversation goes something like this:
Me: Do you think the world is ending?
Him: No.
Me: Really? How can you be sure?
Him: Just am.
Me: But I mean, really. How can you be sure-sure?
Him: Every generation thinks they're the last. Why should we be any different? WWI? WWII? You think they didn't think the world was ending?
Me: Good point. But what if it is?
Him: What can you do about it? Just enjoy your life.

I've been consciously turning from that spiral of fear, but this last week had me reeling. After a news fast and spending time outside focusing on the beauty of now, I feel back to centered and positive. It was frustrating to be caught in that cycle again, though, since I was starting to see things happen with my manifestations. Seeing things start to happen is so exciting and feels so good. I want to stay in that place!

The Wizard/Shaman is not swayed by the ever-changing winds of fear and desire but stands poised, responsible, clear and optimistic regardless of what is happening around him/her. And in this way he/she is of the greatest assistance to his fellow humans. To be a force of good in your sphere of influence...thats relevant.

THAT is exactly what I want to be.

This thread is so good. Thank you.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Agreed, and if we can take focus off those 1000 thoughts and put it towards 1, imagine the potential.

At this point theres no mystery that thoughts manifest, i acknowledge synchronicity everywhere and I don't it possible to say, this is my own thought, or this action was completely and individualy mine.

To me its like saying I can move without my shadow following in perfect harmony, which I just don't see it that way at all. Its a dance, I move and you move with me, the decision for me to move, was a group decision, though percieved through a different vantage point.

Its seems to me like deepening that realisation which alters your vantage point, extends your awareness and gives you more of an ability to conduct this group dance and better observe it.

I feel this is why they teach you to give to recieve in methods of manifestation.. not necessarily expecting to get anything in return, but just to further understand the interconnectedness, the unity, therefore expanding our awareness so we have more control over manifestation of thought. One could call this raising your frequency or love, it seems clear how it would be effective.

Thanks again for the input.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by CavemanDD

The law-of-attraction does work flawlessly but rarely exactly as our mind/ego, with its limited viewpoint, limited self-importance and limited resources expects. I have desired/intended a number of things and mostly received things that were different...but better than the intended. This is something I often recognize in retrospect. Does that stop me from practicing the art-of-intention or visualisation? Not hardly. I continue to send out intentions on a daily basis but release the small-minded-ego from the process of manifestation, i.e. I give jurisdiction over what then actually happens or manifests over to "the field".

So its a perfect relationship between the small-mind/ego (does the intending/desiring) and infinity (delivers whats more appropriate).

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 11:45 PM
Ok, here is a mediocre example of this...I wanted a big harvest table. A rectangle, and I had it all picked out. My husbands family is large and they come over here for "festivities" because we have a lot of room. The table I was "attracting" was expensive and nice, but I went looking elsewhere. I don't know why. Then I was offered a table for 350 bucks. (used, but about 2000 dollars cheaper) It is square and seats 8 just like the rectangle, just as nice and well built. When I got it home and arranged it, I realized it actually fit perfectly in the space in our dining room next to the "square fireplace" and looks great. I never would have considered a square table.....The image in my head was a traditional one. I love my new table, it's "perfect".

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 01:29 AM
I have a couple more questions.

1. Could you use the law of attraction to attract success upon others? IE, helping other people in the world achieve their dreams.

2. If there are people of many different religions who genuinely believe that everything within their religion is correct, would they manifest their beliefs?

[edit on 18-10-2008 by Syntax123]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Syntax123

I will answer, without authority, yes, and yes.

Why would you wish success upon another? I know, altruism. But is there a difference between how you would perceive their success, and how they would measure it? Perhaps there's room to learn, there. Even if not, every action we take can be considered as 'ripples' in the ocean of possibility. There is effect, regardless of how one might measure it; as always, the most we can do is perceive. And we attract that perception.

As to finding religious 'truth', I will have to say 'I dont know'. But, I do know that I can explain the same mathematical concept to someone, a dozen different ways. And it's the same concept, but their interpretation of each different explanation might lead to different paths of though, and interpretations of reality in a new light. Who's to say what's 'correct', there? It seems to me, when I do such explanation, that the results 'narrow in' on the concept I myself am trying to explain, but what's the 'correct' explanation? Is there one? I avail myself, in teaching, to what each individual would attract as their explanation and illumination, such as I can provide. Does the world do any different?

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by Syntax123
I have a couple more questions.

1. Could you use the law of attraction to attract success upon others? IE, helping other people in the world achieve their dreams.

2. If there are people of many different religions who genuinely believe that everything within their religion is correct, would they manifest their beliefs?

[edit on 18-10-2008 by Syntax123]

When I answer these questions I answer them from the perspective of someone who teaches LOA. Just FYI (that is to say there are many ways to answer these questions, but here would be a typical LOA-answer).

1. You have the most healthful and strengthening effect on other people not by trying to change them or create-for-them but by appreciating them as-they-are and improving yourSELF. As you improve yourself, you start to radiate and that radiation transfers to "others". From a universal perspective we are all ONE, so improving self = improving ALL.

Feeling sorry for others actually weakens them because it projects thought-forms of weakness onto them.

2. Yes. Because they so strongly believe in their faith, it manifests for them in one way or another. Strong belief has the advantage of creating realities but the disadvantage of closing oneself to other realities. When overdone this can lead to fanatasism. When unfullfilled this leads to even more fanatasism (some beliefs remain unfullfilled if they are put forth without love and integrity-towards-the-whole). If someone really believed something he wouldnt have to try convincing others of it all the time. So the true religious believer is not necessarily someone who constantly tries to convince others, but feels a deep sense of peace and belonging within and radiates this onto others.

Fact is, you dont convert people to your religion by trying to persuade them, but by radiating a certain mood that makes them ask "Whats up with you? I wanna have what you have".

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by GirlNextDoor

Him: Every generation thinks they're the last. Why should we be any different? WWI? WWII? You think they didn't think the world was ending?
Me: Good point. But what if it is?
Him: What can you do about it? Just enjoy your life.

I've been consciously turning from that spiral of fear, but this last week had me reeling. After a news fast and spending time outside focusing on the beauty of now, I feel back to centered and positive. It was frustrating to be caught in that cycle again, though, since I was starting to see things happen with my manifestations. Seeing things start to happen is so exciting and feels so good. I want to stay in that place!

I hear you and feel your challenge, but as a reforming hard core news junkie, I can say that w/o a doubt the quality of my life has improved by emotionally distancing myself from the events I read in the news. IMO, your husband is right on with his advice, my own mantra is 'you only get this moment once so you might as well be happy in it' .

It sounds simplistic, but it has had a powerful and postive effect on every aspect of my life as I am mindful of it 24/7. That doesn't mean other emotions don't occur but I have become so aware of anything negative shifting my mood/focus that I immediately recognize whatever it is and begin to address it.

I have also been reading certain metaphysical-type books which have helped enormously in this process. The one I most heartily reccommend, and is also, I believe, one of the books Sky listed earlier in the thread is: "Seth Speaks The Eternal Validity of the Soul".

It is a 'channeled' book, so you have to get your head around that, but is so concise and clearly written from the perspective of a high-intellect, that you can almost open it up anywhere and 'put a pin in it' and will find a sentence that is significant in its meaning. ....

Actually I'm gonna do it right now... hang on... Okay, here we go... closing my eyes, flipping the book and blindly pointing to.. a line on page... 215:

"If you desperately try to reamin young, it is ususally to hide your own beliefs about age, and to negate all of those emotions connected with it."

See? Concise, clear statement that is full of significance.

And whether you choose to believe that it is truly channeled is immaterial IMO as whatever one thinks it is, it is clearly the voice of a teacher who is functioning w/o ego and dogma.

As a matter of fact the phrase "You create your own reality" was coined in this book (pub. in 1972).

All to say, I can't recommend it enough (I am on my second reading) and if you decide to embark on that journey I also reccommend that you mark it up. I underline and make ntoes n the top of the page as to the topic or exercise being taught, it's v. helpful when you want to revisit something -- and I can promise you, if you read it, you will want to revisit.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:52 PM
Off topic but, FINALLY... someone who writes in books. I get so much flak for it from "book lovers". I take baths with them, write in them, underline, ear mark, and am generally rough with them. Thanks Eye! I feel better now.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by TheWayISeeIt
I hear you and feel your challenge, but as a reforming hard core news junkie, I can say that w/o a doubt the quality of my life has improved by emotionally distancing myself from the events I read in the news. IMO, your husband is right on with his advice, my own mantra is 'you only get this moment once so you might as well be happy in it' .

It sounds simplistic, but it has had a powerful and postive effect on every aspect of my life as I am mindful of it 24/7. That doesn't mean other emotions don't occur but I have become so aware of anything negative shifting my mood/focus that I immediately recognize whatever it is and begin to address it.

Thank you for posting this. It's good to know I'm not the only one who struggles this way. I know my life is better when I don't watch the news, but sometimes it's like looking at the car wreck. Why do I feel compelled to look?! I've been reading a "metaphysical-type" book, too, and was really struck by the idea that what we give attention to is what we draw to us or create. So that gives me even more reason to not watch the bad news on the news. I find I'm also having to curb how much time I spend reading certain threads here at ATS. Which makes me all the more grateful for this thread and all of the positive sharing of knowledge and experience here. It's opened my mind and changed my life for the better.

Oh, and I write in books too. Habitually. And without shame. It's how I learn.

In the last two days I've had two experiences of Instant Synchronicity (distant cousin of Instant Karma). Both almost made my head explode as they seemed so random.

The first: I was reading this inspirational poem I have on my desk and really trying to feel the words and believe the words. I read through it carefully, got to the end where the author's name is and wondered, "Who is Marianne Williamson?" Right after that I checked my email, and there was a video sent from a friend. About that movie called The Shift. So I watch the trailer and in it this woman says something and across the bottom of the screen is her name: Marianne Williamson. Whoa.

Then today I was in my car, and the car ahead of me had this little emblem on it, looked like a crab with the letters FSM in it. I wondered what it was. Continued on my way. Got home, checked my email. Got a message from this site where I'm a member. So I go to the site, and was poking around a bit and saw this group name that I found humorous: Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I click the link to find out what they're all about. Look at their merchandise. They have this emblem. Looks like a crab with the letters FSM. Whoa.

That's just bizarre.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by TheWayISeeIt

i have a hard time getting over the "channeled" books (i use parenthesis to give credence to the certainty that there are hoaxsters in this field, as they exist in every can be vicious). However, I will not preclude it as a possibility.

I liken it to Lobsang Rampa. Is his story far fetched? Of course it is. Is it true? I don't know. But what he says makes sense and is very logical. So it stands on its own.

that sounds like the book you have described. I will have to look it up.

BTW, if we are sharing, a book that changed my life is "The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman. Changed my faith, actually. I bought it for my son, and have bought it for over a dozen friends who were in need of its message.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 09:01 PM
This is probably the DUMBEST request I have ever made... and don't get offended, upset, or beat me about the head and shoulders. ( I am too sore to notice, but I need my limbs to finish some tiling for someone)

I am highly doubtful I can 'form' anything- including coherent thoughts some days thanks to stress and pain- but I'd love it if you can truly make a thought 'real' I'd love for someone to form me a wife- even if it's my ex g/f. I haven't 2 nickles to rub together- and what with the bank doing strange things to my account- I may never have $$ ever again.... Think of it as helping a fellow human being- who's been single for 2 decades....

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by wylekat

Check out this book:

"Living on Love - The Messenger" by Klaus Joehle. I've read it recently. It's an amazing book and teaches you how to generate love from within and radiate it outward towards the world around you and the people in it. It shouldn't be difficult to attract other people, especially the opposite sex after doing this for at least a month. People subconsciously gravitate towards love in it's purest form.

Here's the book freely available online:

P.s.: Some parts of it may sound too fantastic to be true. But as the author says, take what you like from it and leave the rest to someone else.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by TheBandit795]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 09:58 PM
Btw... Sky, if you haven't read the books by Klaus Joehle, check them out. Reading the second book: "Living on Love -- The Shameful Secret" gave me a feeling of "déjà lu"

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Btw... Sky, if you haven't read the books by Klaus Joehle, check them out. Reading the second book: "Living on Love -- The Shameful Secret" gave me a feeling of "déjà lu"

Alright, I´ll pick it up the next time im at the bookstore. Thanks

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Ian McLean

reply to post by Skyfloating

Thank you for the in depth replies.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 11:04 PM

If I raised a child to believe that he was incredibly strong, and that he could hurl a bus, would he be able to do it?

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 03:45 AM
I appreciate this thread and the important info herein. How refreshing to find a civil and intelligent discourse on ATS without a polarized argument!

There is a lot of good info in the movie. And the info is presented in a well organized manner. The technique of visualizing your goals as successfully being fulfilled and then charging up these visualizations with emotion or intention can be a powerful tool. 35 years ago this might have been considered nonsense, but today it is regularly taught to anyone involved in trying to succeed in sports, public speaking, etc.
BUT, I agree that there are a lot of flaws in "the Secret":
* It is so self centered. It sounds like Reagan era 80's selfishness. No mention of family, friends, others, developing community goals. It is all me, me me, what do I want, rather than what do we need.
* The source and substance for these goals are so materialistic. The film dwells on how to fulfill ego based desires; I want this and that thing, as if these things are going to benefit anyone in a significant way. No mention of how these techniques can be used to fulfill desires such as: I want peace of mind, I want self understanding, I want more honesty and sincerity in my relationships, etc. From an esoteric perspective, from which these techniques supposedly come, using these techniques for materialistic gain is considered black magic.
* The Law of Attraction may well exist, but it is not the only nor most powerful Law. It is often mitigated by the Law of Karma. To some extent we create our own reality. There is also a large part of our lives which is the result of being in a matrix created by being in imperfect human bodies connected to the world through limited human perceptions. We are all subject to all kinds of karma or direct results of previous actions. The karma may come from our past-lives, our selves, our families, our nationality, etc. Karma can not just be shirked by having a positive attitude. Children die of cancer. It is not a reality they created because they buried their anger.
* There is also the Law of Reciprocity, which may be interpreted as "you have to pay for what you get". Put your energy into visualizing extra cash and you best be willing to work for it, lest you get it after your parents die in a fiery wreck.
* I suppose that it is great for some people to be really goal oriented. However, even thinking I know what is best for me seems kind of arrogant. Personally I believe that I have a destiny that is unfolding in my life. And I do not pretend to know all the ins and outs of how, why, and where my life proceeds as it does. Ask any A.A. er and they will tell ya that the solution to a successful life has more to do with surrendering to a higher purpose than getting what you want. 'Cause often what we want is not what we need. Posting a goal board with little images of this goal, then that goal may well work great and take your life miles away from where your true fulfillment lies.
* As a nod to Discordianism, let us not forget the Law that has the power to override all others: Murphy's Law.

Ya, "the Secret". I think it is a bunch of half truths designed to give spiritually lost, emotionally isolated, and purpose vacant Western world consumers and worker drones a shallow sense of control over their lives. Be very careful in how you use it.

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