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How "the law of attraction" works

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posted on May, 29 2008 @ 06:36 PM

I was wondering if I had inadvertently tainted the experiment just by thinking of bringing it up

I hear you...
Does anyone have a good "recipe" how to preserve the Mind from observing itself too closely - how to prevent "mindfulness" from being too mindful of itself? :-)

It may sound like a joke, but it can be a huge problem.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 06:39 PM
I don't know if you noticed but 39, 40, and 41 pages that are not there yet are showing up at the top and bottom of your post.

Never mind, gone now. must be some glitch......

[edit on 29-5-2008 by Illahee]

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 06:49 PM

I don't know if you noticed but 39, 40, and 41 pages that are not there yet are showing up at the top and bottom of your post.

Never mind, gone now. must be some glitch......

Give it a few hours, maybe a day, and it'll be back...

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Vanitas

I appreciate what you were trying to do for the guy on the other thread. My patience wears thin quickly for those folks when I really should be the bigger person and lead the path properly. I feel time is too short for many of these things at least for me perhaps.

Just wanted to say I noticed.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by Illahee

Alright, I'm in. This is really exciting. I can't wait to see what happens!

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by sc2099
reply to post by Illahee

Alright, I'm in. This is really exciting. I can't wait to see what happens!

You are very welcome. I know your interest and sincere intention will be a very heavy weight on the scales of the work. It has very little to do with advanced knowledge, it is sincere desire.

Best to you,

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 12:06 AM
I don't recall this issue being addressed in the thread, but can the LoA be used to strengthen a long-term relationship? I'm curious as to what extent it can be used to positively influence another individual.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by maria_stardust
I don't recall this issue being addressed in the thread, but can the LoA be used to strengthen a long-term relationship? I'm curious as to what extent it can be used to positively influence another individual.

Certainly. I was once in the presence, and it was revealed to me the method to restore any relationship is to go back to the very beginning and relive it fully. Then take the partner on the very same journey. The feelings you experience are the ones that will restore. Take them and focus with intention and it will be. No ifs ands or buts, it will be if you follow through.

Best to you,

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Illahee

There's something to be said about revisiting love's past. It makes sense on so many levels. Sometimes the best solutions are the most obvious. Thank you for the insight.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 01:15 AM
I'm going out on a limb here and I have no fear at all. The question you have asked is quite possibly the best one that has ever been asked, anywhere, at any time in history.

It is the root of what makes us human. Love. It is the Law we are dealing with. The law of attraction is really the law of love. Had I not asked the same question myself I would have no answer. My answer is based on my own actions. What I know works. I have done what i recommended and it did relight the spark. I won't lie and say it caused the same pheromones or have some special science reason. All I can say is I have asked the question of a higher power and my answer was to go back to the beginning where it all started, and I would know what must be done. When I knew, I took my wife on the same journey and she knew too. It may be an aberration that I experienced it once alone and once with her but I know the result in my heart and that is enough for me to know truth.

God Bless You for asking and I sincerely wish you what I found.

Please go do this for yourself right away, then the other.

Report back, it will please all of us here.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Vanitas

SkyFloating said it. Sometimes the fabric picks up on the desire and begins before we get around to it. Hence the need for clean thoughts. Consciousness is the begining.

In the beginning there was the Word. The Christos. The Being. Long before we ever were. The Christ light went out over the primordial seas and gave life to consciousness? There is a truth.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by Illahee

Yes, I was wondering if I had inadvertently tainted the experiment just by thinking of bringing it up, but there are multiple significant challenges ahead, so time will tell all.

By being the one setting up the experiment of course you have "tainted" it. But what does it matter...the success of the project is what counts not what or who is the source of it.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by Illahee

It has very little to do with advanced knowledge, it is sincere desire.

Yes...thats why excited newbies are often more effective.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by Vanitas

I hear you...
Does anyone have a good "recipe" how to preserve the Mind from observing itself too closely - how to prevent "mindfulness" from being too mindful of itself? :-)

It may sound like a joke, but it can be a huge problem.

1. There´s a difference between self-analzying (an activity of the mind) and self-observing (an acitivty of the soul)

2. Attention-on-the-mind usually doesnt create the desired silence of mind but attention on external things (such as working on a job you like your object-focussing).

[edit on 30-5-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by maria_stardust
I don't recall this issue being addressed in the thread, but can the LoA be used to strengthen a long-term relationship? I'm curious as to what extent it can be used to positively influence another individual.

Yes. One (of many) ways to improve a relationship is to look not at what is flowing from the other but flowing from you to the other. That means you´d be less concerned at what the other is saying, doing, thinking, feeling and more concerned with what vibe YOU are putting off...because thats what you will get back from the external world (which includes your partner). That goes back again to the principle "Dont fix the mirror, fix yourself"

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 01:11 PM
Yeah, I have a few minutes so let's see if this is helpful to anyone.

So many people say things like the Law of Attraction do not work. Thinking positively doesn't help. "I've tried it, nothing happened."

Then, you hope on threads like this and see dozens of "fools". Looking to get rich quick, or some such nonsense.

The fact is, compare the LoA attempts you put out, towards the rest of the messages you put out during the day. It's like whispering at a metal concert. It's a waste of time.

Our every thought, word, feeling, and deed is a message that gets transmitted to the entire Universe. Most of the messages we send out are negative. We tell ourselves we can do this, can't do that, this is real, or this is false.

Messages like these will always get a response back from the Universe. That response is "You need to clarify your message." So, we will suffer the effects of "Karma" ie, the results of the messages we sent out. When our messages are not harmonious, the Universe will not respond in a harmonious way.

There is a language of the spirit. It's the combination of vivid mental pictures, and feeling. This is the language Universal to all people, no matter what culture or language you are from, this is something we all have, and understand. So, this is the language the Universe responds to. When a message is sent via vivid, clear mental images, with harmonious feeling, the Universe must respond in a harmonious way.

You need to then practice regularly sending out these harmonious messages, so that eventually, your subconscious is programmed to send them out constantly. Once eventually you are sending out your message at all times, by the law of Causality, the Universe must always be in a state of reaction to the message you are sending out, thus it must always be helping you.

But when you are sending out a less than harmonious message, and broadcasting this type of thing at all times, but then, on occasion, you send a good message out, which do you think the Universe will more visably respond to? The negative messages being sent out all the time, of course!

Think of it this way. If you fill a sink with water, and stir the water counter clockwise a hundred times, eventualy, the current will spin on it's own. Now, think of the rotating water as the Universe reacting to the messages you are sending out. Every thought, feeling, word, and deed is a churn in the counter clockwise direction.

Now, if you had been spinning this wtaer this way your whole life, you woudln't even know there was another direction. Physically, your hand would not be coordinated in such a way as to even spin that way. Even if you can force your hand to churn the water clockwise a few times, that's hardly anything compared to the millions of churns counter clockwise.

So, when you do not see the results you want after a few churns here and there for a few days, weeks, or months, you wonder why? Because, you're still taking the majority of your steps, rotating the water counter clockwise, the way you don't want to go.

In order to get the LoA to assist you, you need to stop churning counterclockwise altogether, and make it a habit to send out harmonious messages at all times. Then, you will visably notice the law begin to help you.

Then your power to reap the benefits of this law will become apparently. You can at this point, work on strengthening all parts of the equation. Stronger, more vivid imagery. More powerful, harmonious feeling. Strong, direct, planned out action towards your goal.

From here, you may begin to develop your spiritual qualities which will vastly boost the power of all of your efforts.

You can transform your character and build Compassion and Charity, by sharing when it is most difficult, and treating others as you'd like to be treated.

You can build Strength by overcoming obstacles in your life, and doing the difficult.

You can develop Humility by putting yourself into embarassing situations.

You can learn the widsom of Prudence, Temperance, and Patience, by understanding timing in your life.

You can cultivate Faith, by trusting in the Universe, and building within yourself this belief via Auto-Suggestion.

You can work on your sense of Gratitude, by appreciating exactly what you have, in whatever situation.

You can apply Harmony to your life, by removing any resistance to your efforts, either interal or external.

You can improve your sense of Flexibility, by learning to adapt to life, by facing stresses, and living in the present.

You can build your sense of Truth, by always representing yourself as truthfully as possible.

You can acquire a sense of Hope, by working to see the greatest potential in every situation. Instead of the apple seed, see the potential vastness of many apple orchards for millions of years that could spring from that seed.

You can develop Justice, by always living to your own highest standard of what is right and wrong, and not forcing the issue upon anyone.

By developing each of these areas, you are cultivating that divine spark within you, nourishing it, and becoming more conscious of the potential that lies within you. Then, things like the LoA will become but a normal thing.

All it takes is time, and constant improvement.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 01:19 PM

All it takes is time, and constant improvement.

But not without the essential, basic first step: a conscious, definitive, final decision whether you are going to believe - or are you going to spend some more time searching around for reasons to convince you either way, not realising - or even realising - that the final answer can never come from other people, because there will always be nay-sayers on the one side and kooks on the other.

That is the worst time (and energy) waster in my opinion.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 02:07 PM
I think the biggest problem is people with no occult background at all attempting to rationalize in their own minds something they have never been taught and therefore not have a framework to reason it out with, and the eventually fall back to science to attempt not to be shamed. What people do not understand is science is slowly being rewritten to match what is, tiny bits at a time. Don't forget science came from chemists, who came from alchemists, who were/and still are working occultists.

Trying to explain to a non initiate is like trying to stick a watermelon in their pants pocket for them. Its never going to fit and it can only turn messy from there. I know I don't take my own advice here, but its best to walk away and leave them to their own devices.

If people are ready they will watch, listen and pay attention.

[edit on 30-5-2008 by Illahee]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Vanitas

a conscious, definitive, final decision whether you are going to believe - or are you going to spend some more time searching around for reasons to convince you either way, not realising - or even realising - that the final answer can never come from other people, because there will always be nay-sayers on the one side and kooks on the other.

"Final Decision" is a key. I forgot all about that, thanks for bringing it up.

About 10 years ago I told myself: "I dont care if this is true or not. Im going to apply it until it becomes true. This is the way-of-thinking I like and I choose for myself, period."

So there´s really no swaying from side to side, uncertainty, indecision. Indeed before someone decides on what he/she wants, he/she decides that he/she has the authority to decide. Period.


[edit on 30-5-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 02:26 PM
Hmm, very interesting.
A few weeks back I picked an “intent”, wrote it down and focused on it for a bit and tried to put it out of my mind. I say tried because for the next few days I was just waiting (skeptically) for the intent to come to be. After that I wrote it off as a waist of time and moved on.
I just now out of the blue received a message that the intent will come to be tonight. I don’t want to go into details about what it was but I pick out something simple that although unlikely, could very easily happen on its own. Something along the line of “I will have roast duck for dinner in the near future”.
I have never had roast duck nor do I foresee roast duck in my near future but it would not make the ten o’clock news if it came to be.
Obviously I will be trying this again with new found enthusiasm. And if I should happen to sit down to a plate of roast duck I will be full in on LOA.

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