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posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 04:21 PM
I hit Prison Planet and Infowars at least weekly and find a very good mix of legitimate and speculative editorial alike. As with any news site it is important to use your grey matter to discern that which is legitimate and viable versus bunk and junk.

To me, there is no end all, be all news site that speaks 100% truth. Why? Because journalism is a.) not a science, b.) orginates in the consciousness of man and is therefore subjective and open to interpretation and c.) is driven by motivation, which is usually not fully disclosed but may be either obvious or subject to speculation.

As a result it is the obligation of the person reading the "news" to use their judgement in determining the legitimacy of the content. That, dear friends, is the crux of personal responsibility when reading anything published. Approach ALL news with healthy skepticism, employ logic and reason and do not hesitate to go on a fact-finding mission. In other words, don't believe anything anything you read until you've fully vetted it.

And that's my take on the "news."

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by manbearpig

Well I can't comment on your entire list of positive points about AJ, but he didn't "start the Ron Paul Revolution", that was started here, in the Valley of the Sun by a local group.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 05:41 PM
Alex Jones backs up ALL of his op-ed work with numerous sources. Most of his websites are links to other news sources like AP/UPI/ETC. He doesn't get into any THING that is associated with UFOs, reptilians. and other BS that is conjecture..... EVERYTHING he exposes is based on fact and he presents the evidence and provides numerous references and bits of info that anyone with half a brain can go out and verify for their self. I have been researching/following the bilderberg/CFR/TriLateral conspiracy since I was 12 years old and I'm an old man now; so a lot of what he talks about I already knew.... it's just validation of my own research. He also presents a lot of recent developments and correlates it to the past.

People don't like him and his message for one reason..... if they were to research (as he tells everyone to do) what he presents they would find he is right..... and that would mean their view of the world, everything they have been inculcated with throughout their lives is a lie..... is wrong. And those deeply seated beliefs would need to be rejected..... some people cannot handle the deconstruction of their belief systems. And that is why the vehemently reject Jones and people like him.

So the bottom line is AJ and his websites and Drudge are both OK sources because when they Op-Ed anything it is backed up and correlated with the facts......

Most people just can't handle the truth.

too bad for them.... I'm glad they'll all be dead soon too (the NWO does have at least one good idea).


[edit on 20-12-2007 by euclid]

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Silenceisall
Alex Jones is a rabid conspiracy theorist. He is a conspiracy junky, about three heartbeats away from believing that aliens are sending him messages through his gonads. He has concocted a dramatic storyline dating back centuries and culminating in the implementation of a cruel and sadistic NWO. I agree with him on aspects of his 911 theory, but everything beyond that is only speculation

Petty, unsubstantiated character slander.
He is a journalist and covers topics across the entire political spectrum. You have a hate for conspiracy theorists which, as I mentioned earlier in thread, all Alex Jones haters have as well. You label conspiracy theorists as if they are all one, all encompassing, and insane etc.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 11:33 PM

i don't listen to AJ's live show anymore but i do check the PP site 2 or 3 times a day for any updates... except for the articles written by the Watson brothers, all of the news stories posted there come from MSM or other Alternative Media news sources... and usually, within the Watson brothers stories, there are numerous links to MSM and AM sources as well to back up the story...

a lot of the stories i see posted there are also posted here at ATS in the Breaking News section, albeit sometimes they come from sources other than that are referenced at the PP site...

i generally don't check AJ's Infowars site because i don't like the format/layout of it...

a lot of people bash AJ, but the PP site itself is not bad overall...

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by manbearpig

I think websites like and have some valid information. I think Alex Jones is probably sincere considering he doesn't seem to make much profit off what he's doing. He sells it cheap and is ok with people copying and giving it away. I certainly don't think it's a good idea to only believe the general media. But with all information you have to be careful.

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