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Girl gets detention for hugging friends

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posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:03 AM
i haven't read through this whole thread yet, but if the majority of parents stand up to the school authorities -- through parent-teacher conferences and petitioning the school boards - they'd have no choice but to put an end to these absurd rules that are sending the wrong messages to kids.

this is all a part of a carefully orchestrated movement to disempower people, in general, and to take away the rights of parents in how their kids are educated AND - get this - "medicated". there is a movement well under way to have forced vaccinations and psychotherapeutic medications administered regularly to kids.

so what are the parents even doing about all these things? are they getting organized and vocal? are they wondering what "empowers" these schools to take such actions? are they demanding answers from the teachers, principles, school boards, or are they getting involved in city council meetings? are they doing what is necessary, or are they just playing the victims, turning a blind eye and leading the kids to believe that nothing can be done?

these practices will only continue to get worse and worse unless and until people stop ranting and playing the victim and start to get active, smart and organized - and empower themselves and their communities.

[edit on 8-11-2007 by chutso_ha]

[edit on 8-11-2007 by chutso_ha]

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:29 AM
p.c. is the rot that begins inside and is currently destroying our society.

this can be traced back to the origin of the left wing agenda advancement of the 1950's and 1960's.

for example, the concept of 'offensive'.

we're too concerned about what any one person might consider offensive to worry about preventing those who want to deny us our freedom from doing so.

this is the rot from the inside out that will eventually lead to the downfall of the united states, which is likely no accident.

pain and offense free existence is incompatible with reality.

life is sometimes painful, it is sometimes offensive.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Snake Plisskin
I haven't read through the whole thread but has anyone seen the movie "equilibrium"? That's what is going to happen in the future I bet. People will eventually be banned from having emotions and be seen as a threat to the worker drones in society.

the movie idiocracy is likely a more accurate prediction, in many ways its coming more true every day...

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:42 AM
If they're so PC over there, whats with the Injun mascot?

Mascoutah Middle School

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 10:54 AM
This is my first post on this thread, so forgive me for taking it back on
topic. When this story was first reported a few days ago on the news
websites, my first thoughts were, 'It must be a slow news day..and
some jealous school administrator is taking out his/her lack of receiving
affection at home out on some poor kid.'

My wife has been a school teacher for over 25 years. In our district,
(Palatine, IL.) the students are encouraged to care for and look out for
each other. Student friends hug hello/goodbye every day.

If you look hard enough across America, you can find something each
and every day that is out of the ordinary at schools, on jobs, in the
malls, at churches, etc.. Whatever drives up ratings and creates
conversations is what the media dredges up and reports as "news".
It doesn't make that issue a trend, or a change in policy though.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 10:55 AM
Whatever happened to commonsense? It's one thing to see Adam & Eve having sex under the bleachers or French kissing in the hallways, but for a friend comforting a friend who had just lost a loved one is completely innocent. It's not right to put her in the same crowd as the bad bunch. It's thinking like this that holds these kids back from being great. Everybody's worried about law suits against the school, parents, students etc. These kids have dreams that could result into awesome realities. Like the Dell guy who sat there in his college dorm and dreamed of everybody having a dell computer. He not only made his dream a reality but he also created jobs with his dreams and some millianaires dealing with dell computers. I just don't know what to think about it anymore. It's a shame and shouldn't happen. Bring back commonsense people, THINK!!

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 02:51 PM
Not sure if these have been posted or not.....2 more incidents of Detention for Hugs.

More Cases of Detention for Hugs

They really are trying to make our children uncaring monsters like themselves.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 03:05 PM
I suspect that as hugs disappear from schools, guns will take their place.

This is a shame. Schools do NOT have the right to say what people can and can't do... especially if it is a non-sexual thing.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by planetfall

even more extreme, check out the movie THX1138. that is the extreme of where things are headed, but... it could happen if people don't wake up out of their sedated minds.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by carewemust

most would agree that people need to be aware of and harness what is good in society - that is just normal. but don't put your head in the sand by saying that these incidents are not on the increase. that is how fascist states come about - by saying that it is just a few isolated events and nothing will ever come about it. that is exactly how it started in Nazi Germany. fascism doesn't happen overnight. they step down their agenda bit-by-bit morcel-by-morcel (there is even a blueprint for it) until what is sinsister in society, becomes an accepted norm. and freedom of expression becomes a dim memory.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 03:58 PM
For the folks that think its is public education that is failing our kids I got news for you, its not! Our kids here in America are lucky to have the great equalizer at their disposal. If a child chooses not to do well in school it is their fault along with thier family....There are millions of children that would love the chance to go to school everyday as opposed to sweat shops to work for practically nothing..The breakdown of the family mainly caused by absente fathers is the biggest culprit...We can throw all the money in the fed reserve at education but the bottom line remains the child and family must embrace it. We have a wellfare system that allow many impoverished families to live pretty comfortable and the children see this and have no motivation because their life is comfortable. We have adults that refuse to move out of the home becuause quite simply put they are tiddy babies and can not do anything for them selves. Lets look from within and try and fix this problem instead of blaming everyone but ourselves...Most of us thought school was boring, but guess what we did everything we were supposed to and for the majority of us came out all right. Its not a perfect system but its better than anyother that I see..Also if you dont like it you could also homeschool or go private...So that should cover most if not all bases.Take care

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Snake Plisskin
The condoms are not to protect your kids from aids or STDs, it's part of a population control plan set up by the global elite.

The subject of condoms in schools could fill a few threads itself, so I'll try not to stray too far here.

The point is it seems a bit ridiculous too all but encourage teenagers to copulate, yet punish them for exchanging simple hugs. While there's an obvious difference between a hug of support or friendship, and "making out" or groping, sometimes zero-tolerance policies do go too far.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by cortiz09

what your saying is way out in left field. you are talking about a different subject all together.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 02:56 AM
Here in scandinavia, schools do not care whatever the students do, hugging or kissing or whatever. It's taken as none of their buisness and has nothing to do with education and has never been viewed as a problem either. I'm seeing that this world is going totaly messed up and i really mean it when i say all our freedoms are slowly stripped away. But what is more messed up then that is that most people don't seem to care.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 04:49 PM
It's my personal belief that the people who write these outrageous policies were considered "outsiders" when they were in grade school.

These individuals grow up despising others who have close friends, since these outsiders may not have had the social training from home on how to socialize.

It may be that their parents were so introverted, that they forbade any friends their offsprings might have had from visiting them at their home.

Therefore, the friendship may have drifted and other students may have become wary of forming any friedship with these individuals.

The bottom line is that they grow up to become "adult outsiders" because they haven't got any clue on how to win friends.

This, of course , is my theory and the other problem may be the reluctance of the public to get out on election day and vote these individuals out of the positions of authority.

It's sad that we live in a world where we must not show any affection for people we love and show love for people that are deranged.

I hope this made sense. Gotta go.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:04 PM
Tap, tap, tap. Testing, one, two. Can you hear me?

Umm, just what country do I live in these days? I ride around with an American flag sticker on my vehicle. I wonder what it stands for anymore?

Everything may not be messed up just yet, but I don't like to hear these kinds of stories. They seem to point to an un-lovely future.


posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:30 PM
"Life imitates art". I think it was Picasso who said that?

Anybody saw Equilibrium? I think that film is a good indication of where our world is going. As any world should which refuses to acknowledge that Democracy, Socialism and Communism are all the same: rooted in Humanism, with the Equal Rights in democracy being replaced by enforced Equality in Socialism. And eventually, the Equality turns all into equal slaves of the more-equal tyrants.

Start with desensitizing the children. Give them violence, magick and witchcraft and promote free sex in the media, turn Freedom of Religion into Freedom from Religion (but the term stays Freedom OF religion) and prosecute them and/or their parents, if they show any affection at all.

Needless to say, we will have a massive surge in school/college killings and suicide rates, because they will only know what is wrong and that they are wrong to care for one another, all the while being preached to about how we "must care for one another."

It is a no-win situation our tyrants... sorry, leaders wish to put our children in, with the only logical "right" way, none, therefore death is the only viable alternative.

So then the world's population won't need to be executed to make them more manageable to the NWO; they will do the job themselves.

Break them in childhood; chances are, they'll never heal.

And silence all who mention God or Jesus. That is the uttermost form of harassment, apparently....

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:35 PM
Sorry, snake plisskin. I saw your posting on Equilibrium only after I posted. Guess great minds think alike?

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 09:26 PM
Our oxymoronic "mandatory free education" system was designed not to educate anyone, but to indoctrinate people with a consumer mentality. In our social order, mindless loyalty to the system is rewarded and individualism is crushed. The regimen of our schools is identical to that of our jobs: We arise at a given hour, prepare ourselves, travel en masse to a given location, and strive all day to appease a handful of sadistic idiots who reward us with report cards or paychecks.

In the last 35 years or so, the workplace has changed dramatically. At one time, you could joke and horseplay with your coworkers, enjoy a grope now and then — yes, I've been groped by women at work and I enjoyed it immensely — and socialize freely on the job. Today, any of the pleasures listed above will get your ass fired on the spot, or even land you in a courtroom. Is it any wonder that telecommuting is becoming so popular, with employees drifting away from on-site jobs?

Just so, as our education system mirrors our workplace, our schools are becoming socially sterile — they're no longer in the business of even pretending to teach human beings. Today they're forcing people to endure 12 years of behavior modification and political indoctrination, so that the unfortunate graduates of this system can barely spell, have no idea of the geographic location of their hometowns, and they're not even qualified to flip a goddamned hamburger. However, their minds are brimming with pure political horse hockey and anti-American sentiments.

These graduates don't even know where they acquired their opinions.

Which tells me that students today aren't encouraged to think for themselves, they're not allowed to challenge authority (we should be able to do this in a free society), and they're By God not allowed to touch one another — because, in the "real world," merely touching somebody means you want to have sex with that person, and this opens the door for sexual harassment litigation. Oh, sweet creeping Jesus, we musn't allow physical contact in schools, the next thing you know they'll be raping each other, and my little Johnny could be labeled a sexual predator!

We're denying our humanity for fear of The System, people. Do you understand that? The word is out: God is Dead, Man Rules. Except that Man is doing a really, really piss-poor job of running the show — so he's elevating The System to a position of Godhood. Fear The System. The System is Greater than Your Humanity. You Must Shed Your Humanity to Become One with The System.

Do you not see this happening around you? Step back and try on these glasses for a bit, see if you don't agree.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 10:49 PM
I'm tellin' ya, it's a CONSPIRACY !!!!!

Have we finally gone all the way mad ? I guess students are gonna have to maintain a arms-length minimum distance from now on, and only speak when spoken to. This is really a stupid suspension, due to the fact that both parties were willing participants, and no other assault or battery occurred.

We've already turned schools into quasi-prisons, so we might as well go all the way, with student uniforms, heavily-armed police officers with attack dogs, pepper spray, shotguns that fire rubber bullets, and Taser if these weren't being deployed already.

For 12 years, our kids are being subjected to Juvenile Hall, even if they've committed no crime, other than by being "young". Don't these imbecile school officials understand the very rebellion that's slowly festering amongst the kids ? my day, the worst rule we had to deal with was "long hair", which could not extend past one's shoulders, and had to be decently groomed and kept clean. And my generation thought WE had it rough ???? Pfft !

Now, OUR kids have to deal with strip searches, metal detectors, drug dogs, and terrorists almost on a daily basis. And we wonder why our kids need to see shrinks ??????

I'd like to encourage the younger generation to consider some of the old-school heavy metal tunes of the 70's and 80's era, for their enlightenment :

"School Daze" by W.A.S.P.
"We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister
"School's Out" by Alice Cooper
"Surrender" by Cheap Trick
"Rock And Roll Children" by Ronnie James Dio
"You've Got Another Thing Coming" by Judas Priest
"Balls To The Wall" by Accept

These are just a few of the rockers that got me through some of the darkest days of adolescence, and they continue to inspire me to keep going even today. May these and more be the fight songs for the youth of today.

Also...go to and LEARN YOUR RIGHTS !!!!!!!!!!

We're with ya, kids....hugs to ya !

"....a PLEDGE PIN ???? ON YOUR UNIFORM ???????"

[edit on 9-11-2007 by Dale Gribble]

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