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I saw an NSA "listening" truck last night

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posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 07:26 AM
Like other posters have already mentioned. If an intelligence agency was doing covert “listening” operations, they probably wouldn’t be running around in trucks with their seal prominently displayed.

I have a better theory. It was probably a group of evil reptilian overlords. They put the NSA seals on the truck as a form of disinformation. They WANT you to think you’re being watched by our government.

If they too stupid to put contacts in their eyes when they have to appear on camera, they have to be too stupid to realize we would eventually catch on to them.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 08:02 AM
I don't think this is something we should make light of.

As for scanning car plates yes, maybe. But you could just be told that. IMO this isn't good in anyway, shape or form.

Martial Law anyone, they know where you are!

If I catch one around here I am grabbing my camera and car keys and doing some investigating myself.

Always in the night when the peoples are in and eyes closed to what they can do.

[edit on 1-11-2007 by observe50]

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 08:05 AM
Sounds more like a gas company truck or the phone company. Whatever they are doing it probably was not the NSA.


posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by DeltaNine

LMFAO also. The NSA can and will operate wherever the heck they please.
And they can do anything they want wherever they want under the auspices of 'homeland security' etc....

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 08:34 AM
Another possibility would be that it might have been the cable company, driving around looking for unsecure wireless networks.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
Who knows? But, I'm feeling equally paranoid now that I'm a full fledged member of the ATS boards... I was "randomly" picked by a new TSA program at the airport today. I had my feet swabbed, every item in my bag swabbed, and my checked luggage has a huge orange tag on it that I saved.

Swabbed? Hm? You mean .. to test for .. what? Explosive powder? lol.

I mean wouldnt an excellently designed bomb not leak any powder or explosive material onto ur luggage, it would make it easy to give you away? lol.

Swabbed your FEET? Was this for a DNA sample from your dead skin cells inbetween ur toes or some such? yuck..

Hope they dont make me take MY socks off in the airport.. that would be a National Emergency for real.

"Somebody get me a pair of nail clippers and a doctor, pronto!"

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
But, I'm feeling equally paranoid now that I'm a full fledged member of the ATS boards

Just out of curiosity, why would anyone care that you, or anyone else, is a member of the ATS boards? If there is a conspiracy that is truly out there, and is picked up on by the board, the credibility of practically everyone here is shot, thanks to posts like the recent "Proof there is no Space" thread, the Hollow Earth theories, the Reptillian theories, et al.

This board is alot of fun to read, and presents some fascinating ideas and theories, not all of which are totally outside the realm of possibility. That being said, I very much doubt that anyone, anywhere in any government, is seriously concerned about this board. What would happen?

"Agent 1: Hey Chuck, you read on the ATS board that some guy finally got a picture of our secret, NSA domestic surveillance truck?

Chuck: Yeah, I heard they got footage of Hillary Clinton turning into a gecko too."

Hardee har har..

Im not slamming the board. I respect you all, and the opinions that you share, even if I disagree. I just don't think over-inflating the importance of this site is productive.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 10:09 AM
Yeah Man,

Ive seen them around my area as well...Near Philly. It was late at night, I happen to see the truck off a side road with a big ass antenna and a huge coil around the bottom. It was more of a Jeep type truck but it was white. I decided to follow the guy and he promptly sped up till I caught him at a traffic light. He covered his dash with a towl as I pull up next to him. Never seen the vehicle again but I havent been out as late either.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 10:09 AM
Yeah Man,

Ive seen them around my area as well...Near Philly. It was late at night, I happen to see the truck off a side road with a big ass antenna and a huge coil around the bottom. It was more of a Jeep type truck but it was white. I decided to follow the guy and he promptly sped up till I caught him at a traffic light. He covered his dash with a towl as I pull up next to him. Never seen the vehicle again but I havent been out as late either.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:10 AM
You guys that have police vehicle scanning for stolen vehicles, where are you located? I live in a city that has had one of the highest rates of car theft in the nation for years, and I've never heard of such a thing.
Well any way, a truck with a directional antennae, could be the cable co., or satellite co. The truck drives along and "listens" for the electronic signature of the reciever amplifier, then checks it against customer records. If the address dosent have an account , illegal box, then an electronic pulse is generated that burns out the box. Ive seen them here, the local paper and tv news all did a big story on it. They even found some idiot to complain on camera about how they burned out his illegal reciever. Ive seen them in SanFrancisco and in LA. A third party company is hired to do the job, so the truck wont have the local cable/sattelite providers name or logo on them.
Oh, and by the way the NSA listens to ALL electronically transmitted media ALL THE TIME, and they dont need to drive around in a silly little truck to do it.
You guys never heard of "Predator"? And no not the movie or the the UAV, or " Carnivore"

[edit on 1-11-2007 by punkinworks]

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by theutahbigfoothunter
They have since come up with devices that can go through walls and be either used as a variety of weapons or devices of various espionage techniques. (I wonder if they can implant?..... just kidding!) Anyway the devices commonly used look a lot like the stuff on the top of the truck and resemble a sort of video-cam looking thing.

[edit on 31-10-2007 by asala]

[edit on 31-10-2007 by asala]

This sounds like the "PPA" that those aliens and time travelers use to shoot people through walls... even like the stuff that John Titor was talking about with government weapons that shoot folks through walls without any bullet shell casings left behind.
This looks suspicious...

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
Who knows? But, I'm feeling equally paranoid now that I'm a full fledged member of the ATS boards... I was "randomly" picked by a new TSA program at the airport today. I had my feet swabbed, every item in my bag swabbed, and my checked luggage has a huge orange tag on it that I saved.

That's pretty suspicious, because I crossed into Canada a few times, but each time at the border they acted like they found my name in some kind of database and made me go through immigration to get through the border (gave me some kind of yellow sheet with "non-resident" marked off that I had to walk over to immigration, where they checked my ID and bus tickets). Guy kept asking me if I was going to meet with somebody or something.
One time the guy pulled me aside and went through all my belongings, but no one ever gave a reason for anything.
Somehow, this doesn't sound so random that they would pick you at the airport...

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by hlesterjerome
I have a better theory. It was probably a group of evil reptilian overlords. They put the NSA seals on the truck as a form of disinformation. They WANT you to think you’re being watched by our government.

If they too stupid to put contacts in their eyes when they have to appear on camera, they have to be too stupid to realize we would eventually catch on to them.

Yeah, I agree. I say that its them aliens with some really deceptively human-looking cronies with fake NSA logos acting to be with the US Government so you don't find out who it is.
And, yeah, they are pretty stupid...

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by MegaCurious

hard not to become paranoid and have a negative outlook when your own or foreign governments treat you with suspicion.i do not have a criminal record have an innocent name am as white as snow/almost and used to work for canadas government for 34+ years----still on their payroll----but why i look so "evil" ? is beyond me-----last trip to states a month ago i got so sick of removing my clothes---not all--but getting there for to be scrutenized more closely --i told the wife why dont they just make us all go naked till we get where we are going---was going to suggest it next airport but wife convinced me to shut my mouth.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by elusivetruth
Sometimes they are not covert about it on purpose. The goal is to let you know they are listening, like a warning basically. "We're watching you, and if you step over the line, we'll retaliate." its a scare tactic.

but i think you have to do something worse than posting on a conspiracy site to get NSA to follow you.

Ha Ha, that's what I don't get! If they really want to spy on you, why would they ride around with a Seal on their car and be visible to you? Back in the 80's, I was getting weird phones calls, my phone would click constantly and white unmarked cars with dark glass were sitting near my home, and I lived out in the country. I felt like I was being watched, etc. So, what would their purpose be, to let you know they are spying on you?

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:04 PM
" to happen to see the truck off a side road with a big ass antenna and a huge coil around the bottom."

I have an antenna like that on the back of my vehicle. I use it for HAM RADIO.

The guy was probably afraid you were going to rob him or something.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Txhunter67
LMFAO also. The NSA can and will operate wherever the heck they please.
And they can do anything they want wherever they want under the auspices of 'homeland security' etc....

Nope, they can't do signals intelligence in the US on US citizens without a presidential directive or an EO, except in the case where you're doing sigint on a foreign national, or a US citizen who's a foreign agent and you are intercepting a communication with one leg outside the country. And then you need a FISA warrant, unless it's an emergency, in which case you have to have a pile of signatures and a FISA warrant in two days.

Inside the US, it's the FBI. Not NSA.

The FBI can request assistance in the form of "technical liaison" from a number of technically capable sources, not NSA though. And supposedly, all the "technical liaison" guy can do is act as an advisor, but there's no law to stop you from performing that training on site during the bust, which is normally what happens.

"Watch while I do this, which will show us where in the house the suspect is. Next time, you can do it"

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
Who knows? But, I'm feeling equally paranoid now that I'm a full fledged member of the ATS boards... I was "randomly" picked by a new TSA program at the airport today. I had my feet swabbed, every item in my bag swabbed, and my checked luggage has a huge orange tag on it that I saved.

You being picked out has nothing to do with where you post online.
My husband is in the military. He went to a funeral (for family) in his uniform - and he got randomly picked out to be searched.

Another time he got picked out he was in civi clothing, but showed his military ID and STILL got searched randomly.

Also, he doesnt fit the normal sterotypical "terrorist" suspect. So it wasnt because of that either.

It was just random.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by BloodthirstyCapitalist

Take a joooooooooooooooooooooke.

I don't think anyone is watching the boards, or any kind of information gathering or profiling of members is going on around here, as claimed by the paranoid residents. I've flown four previous times after joining with no trouble, and this seems to be merely coincidence. It's pretty awkward being singled out like that though, I was thinking about praying towards mecca right after the security check just to get a response, but I would have never made it home...

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:22 PM
If it really was a listening truck, I highly doubt there would be an NSA symbol on it and it would be acting conspicuously.

It probably there for psyops reasons because they are actively advertising their presence.

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