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Willingness to uphold Gov't secrets.

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posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 03:21 PM
First off, let me introduce myself. I am an 18 y/o from California and have been interested in everything ET since I was a boy. Ever since recently, though, my immature fascination turned into a burning want to obtain all the information I could in search of the truth. That being said, I am happy to see that there exists such a vast community dedicated to discussing alternative yet equally important topics. Sadly, I have never seen a UFO.

Now to get to my question. In the three month period that I have delved heavily into the subject of UFOs and ETs, I have came across many opinions, as far as what the alien agenda holds in store for us humans. If you have a listen to a lot of Dr. Greer's recent pieces he speaks a lot about how he believes all ETs are, in fact, benevolent. But, if you listen to someone like William Cooper (I don't know how much his name is worth in these forums) he tends to speak of how the Aliens are, indeed, hostile.

Focusing on the possibility that all of the ETs visiting us are benevolent and mean nothing but peace, how far would the Gov't go to keep us out of the know, or at least pitted against the aliens? Do you think they would go so far as to use an ARV (alien reproduction vehicle) to strike a small town with alien weaponry and lead us to believe it was the ETs who inflicted the damage?

I am sorry, I have so many more questions, but I just wanted to get some opinions on a few. Thank you, and I look forward to posting more.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 04:50 PM
Very interesting questions. Welcome to ATS! I won't really be able to answer your questions,(there's many top notch ATS members who are far more educated on the subject which I'm sure will be more then happy to answer you!) but I can give you my opinion on the last question you had concerning the government and pitting us against the ET's.

I believe that if the government lost their control of us, through media and everything else, their "evil" empire (which servers only the government) would fall. Something like that I doubt they'd let happen. For the only way they can stay in power is to control us.

They say that we are already at "war" with the ET's. (Well, the government at least.) I've seen many videos where it shows a UFO in space being attacked by a Russian missile. And have you noticed how 99% of all the movies we see today are about these "evil" aliens trying to capture us and use us for some crazy reason? (For example, War of the Worlds, although thats a bad example)

It's almost like they are trying to instill fear in us. But you said something about the government using some sort of ET device against us and claim it was the ET's. I wouldn't put it past them. But I believe it would be a last resort to try to convince us that they are bad.

The leaders of all the governments in the world want two things. Money and power. And for them to keep this, they must keep us under their control. And that's one reason why I honestly think that's is the reason we know nothing of UFO's or ET's. Because they are hiding it from us.

But that's my view, hopefully someone else here on ATS can elaborate a little more or put forth more information!

Again, welcome!

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Frontkjemper
They say that we are already at "war" with the ET's. (Well, the government at least.) I've seen many videos where it shows a UFO in space being attacked by a Russian missile.

Who are 'they'?

And welcome W.Knowledge

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Jibbs

Who are 'they'?

And welcome W.Knowledge

I thought we all knew who they were!

They = Governments. Especially the United States government.

Of course, I could be wrong.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Frontkjemper
I've seen many videos where it shows a UFO in space being attacked by a Russian missile.

This is news to me. can you supply a link to this rather incredible-sounding video?

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 12:01 AM
Haven't seen it for some two odd years ago.

You basically see (from the MIR?) a little white dot head towards the earth and suddenly a missile of some sort tries to intercept it, but the white dot zooms off in the opposite direction. It was supposedly a Russian missile. I'll look around for it and see what I can dig up.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by Frontkjemper]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 12:27 PM
Thanks for the replies! Now, given what you said about missiles attacking alien craft, that really kind of creeps me out. If the Aliens are benevolent, we aren't really making a good name for ourselves. Then again, where is the proof to show whether or not they are good? The more and more I read and get into the subject, I find more people recounting that the beings they encountered were, for the most part, cold and calculated; not really compassionate towards humans.

I would love to hear opinions on this.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by W. Knowledge
Thanks for the replies! Now, given what you said about missiles attacking alien craft, that really kind of creeps me out. If the Aliens are benevolent, we aren't really making a good name for ourselves. Then again, where is the proof to show whether or not they are good? The more and more I read and get into the subject, I find more people recounting that the beings they encountered were, for the most part, cold and calculated; not really compassionate towards humans.

I would love to hear opinions on this.

Welcome and just a caution on this.

If you look into the bottom line of all the 'alien/UFO' researchers, you will see a lot of infighting and competition. The bottom line of these people is making money on the lecture circuit.

It is unlikely that there are aliens or UFOs with aliens in them that are visiting the Earth. In fact it's extremely unlikely, and approaches zero. (My thought is that if there were 'aliens' visiting they'd be using nano-technology and not sending 'full-size' ships. In addition there are literally 'millions' of abduction reports and many tens of millions of sighting reports.

This rings as a false or 'jealous phenomenon', because, guess what, there are too many abductions for it to be a real, verifiable thing happening. The vast number of these "reports" correlate well with things like delusions, or fanciful thinking, and even mental aberrations.

If there are real abductions going on by actual non-terrestrial, non-human beings they are completely lost in the chatter, or the noise of all these reporst. Thus, there's little hope of being able to investigate them, let alone understand the 'phenomenon'.

Now for many people this is a fun pastime and it is intriguing. That's fine. Just be careful about getting too caught up in it.

The fact that it's intriguing doesn't make it real. In fact Jacques Vallee thinks it's an 'internal phenomenon'. Again, just because people experience things, it doesn't make those things able to impact -you- or your life. It also doesn't invalidate these internal experiences. Perhaps there is something like Jung's Collective Unconscious.

So keep some perspective and some skepticism while you go about this very fun and intriguing topic.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 05:13 PM
A healthy dose of skepticism (as Badge01 suggested) is definitely a good idea when looking into any phenomenon. Just don't turn into UFO Phil or Billy Meier and you should be okay.

However, it would be foolish, if not arrogant, to assume that only our planet, out of all the trillions in the universe, contain life, or intelligent life. So if there are aliens, it is possible, however unlikely, that they're visiting us.

As another poster said, this is intriguing. And worth discussion.

Thinking logically, and looking at reality, we can dismiss probably somewhere in the realm of 70-80% of craft sightings as being wishful thinking mixed with mistaken views on mundane objects, or intentional hoaxes. as far as closer encounters, abductions, and actual sightings of EBE's, we can likely dismiss upwards of 90% of these as outright lies, psychotic episodes, hallucinations, sleep paralysis, etc.

even though we can easily dismiss the vast majority of sightings as false, there are still many that are extremely difficult to explain away.

Some are impossible to know one way or the other; such as Roswell, where all the accounts are so third-hand, and the 'evidence' has been passed around so many times, by this point, 50-some years later, it's impossible to know.

Other cases are well-evidenced, and simply seem to defy explanation. Some are mass-sightings, where one phenomenon has been seen and/or video taped by people at different locations, independently at the same time; the Phoenix Lights spring to mind here.

So although it may be unlikely speaking strictly scientifically, that we're being visited by EBEs, it's not by any means impossible, and there are a number of sightings/episodes here on earth that are hard to explain if the possibility of extra-terrestrial visitation is discounted.

Now, I'm going to jump slightly off topic from the body of my post, and mention the fact that makes me think that we are indeed being visited. To me, there is simply too much from ancient cultures pointing to alien visitations. Granted, it's easy to imagine someone in the dark ages seeing something as mundane as a meteorite crossing the sky and thinking it's what we would now call a UFO, but there are depictions and stories from ancient cultures of EBE type creatures landing in large crafts and having physical contact with mankind. I just thought I'd mention that side of things; if you're curious about UFOs and aliens, it's worth looking in to the evidence of them from ancient cultures.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Nick Nightstalker
To me, there is simply too much from ancient cultures pointing to alien visitations. Granted, it's easy to imagine someone in the dark ages seeing something as mundane as a meteorite crossing the sky and thinking it's what we would now call a UFO, but there are depictions and stories from ancient cultures of EBE type creatures landing in large crafts and having physical contact with mankind. I just thought I'd mention that side of things; if you're curious about UFOs and aliens, it's worth looking in to the evidence of them from ancient cultures.

Agreed! There are many stories and drawings from ancient times that depicts surreal looking UFO's and aliens. Some can be found in ancient Egypt if I'm not totally mistaken.

However, one should first look at UFO's and such in a skeptical manner. As many of the sightings and abductions have a more logical explanation. But as Nightstalker said, not all can be easily dismissed.

I'm still looking for that one video I was talking about, and I believe I found it. However, it's a bit different from what I explained. (I may have gotten mixed up as it's been a very long time since I saw it.)

I'm still looking though to make sure.

But take a look at this video.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by Frontkjemper]

This guy has some very interesting footage taken from pretty much all space shuttle missions. Some of it is very good.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by Frontkjemper]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:42 PM
Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a human. Humans are so greedy sometimes, especially those who have power (and money leads to power) and do whatever they can to keep their power. So they suppress alien technology from us.

If only benevolent aliens did come to earth and spread some sweet alien technology to us such as anti-gravity, zero-point energy and such. We'd all be rich since we'd all have free energy that can be used for heat, air-conditioning, electricity, water, food production, etc. Money would be de-valued since it would only be used for non-essential goods and services. Working would be optional if you want money to buy non-essential stuff like entertainment. And the controllers would finally loose their power since they will be as rich as the rest of the 6.5 billion people on earth.

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