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Why are there not more ghosts?

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posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 05:02 AM
Although a believer in the paranormal, I have always had a question I could not answer.

Why are there not more ghosts being seen or felt ?

With the amount of deaths that occur every year in any location, why are there not more ghosts being seen.

Some believe the departed do not crossover, thus leaving their spirit to haunt a paticular location, person or object. If this is so, should we assume only a very small amount of people refuse to crossover.

Do ghosts only haunt a location for a specific period of time and then make way for a new ghost, in turn , keeping ghost sightings and hauntings to a minimum?

You would think with the amount of people that die in the run of a year, be it horrific or peaceful, there would be an overwhelming amount of sigtings reported with the numbers constantly rising.

Any theories?

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 09:20 PM
from what i have heard, a ghost is a soul of a person that has unfinished bussiness in life that the person feels that they absolutely "MUST" do. until they feel closure "weather their wants are satisfied or not" they will cross over.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 09:51 PM
There are probably hundreds of reports of ghosts around the world each day, some of them just aren't worth reporting, though. Unless there's concrete evidence, the media don't want to hear about it, sadly.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 06:48 AM
yeah, most go unreported, but there again is the society that we're living in;
ghost wearing allstars & jeans is not interesting, we see those every day. give us some really creepy ghosts, from 18th century or something! or those who look like devil, with horns and everything, those are really scary, yeah!

damn, i hate pop culture....

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 11:28 AM
'unfinished business' is a possibility, but with the amount of people dying at any given moment, surely unfinished business must be prevelant.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Grailkeeper
Why are there not more ghosts being seen or felt ?

I fully believe that ghosts are around us all the time and in vast numbers. However, humans are so busy and so distracted with their own priorities and their own notions of what is important so they don't bother to stop, look, and listen.

I read somewhere that ghosts usually just hang around for a few weeks and then they move on, so the earth isn't overpopulated with them. But there are still plenty of ghosts in transition that if humans would acknowledge that there are things bigger than themselves .... they'd sense the ghosts.


posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:10 PM
perhaps a large portion of society doesn't believe in ghosts and, therefore, doesn't tie them in to any strange sightings?

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 05:59 AM
I just think that if so many ghosts existed, people would have no choice but to accept them for what they are.

There would be an abundance of sightings and occurances that could not just be pushed aside.

If you were able to poll a large percent of people, I wonder how many would want to come back or remain on earth as a ghost.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 10:48 AM
There are rumors of some people who can see ghost all the time. They say that ghost and spirits are around us all the time, normal people cannot see them and only the more power ones can reveal themselves to us should they wish to do so.

These people are also believed to avoid places where many people have died like hospitals, graveyards and battlefields because they can see large concentrations of spirits there.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Grailkeeper
Although a believer in the paranormal, I have always had a question I could not answer.

Why are there not more ghosts being seen or felt ?

With the amount of deaths that occur every year in any location, why are there not more ghosts being seen.

Some believe the departed do not crossover, thus leaving their spirit to haunt a paticular location, person or object. If this is so, should we assume only a very small amount of people refuse to crossover.

Do ghosts only haunt a location for a specific period of time and then make way for a new ghost, in turn , keeping ghost sightings and hauntings to a minimum?

You would think with the amount of people that die in the run of a year, be it horrific or peaceful, there would be an overwhelming amount of sigtings reported with the numbers constantly rising.

Any theories?

There are lots and lots of ghosts, (think Sixth Sense, But without the gore)

most people don't see them because they are to caught up in day to day living, your attention is focused else where, plus the fact your average joe isn't to sensertive,

and sometimes they don't "cross over" because they get lost, if you can talk to them and remind them to look for the light it sometimes helps

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 01:20 AM
I believe that the there are souls out and about. I think that most people aren't listening or looking for them properly. Also...I believe that not everyone that has passed on has the ability to be able to contact or interact with those of us still kickin'.
If it was easy...we would all have the proof we need.

Some interactions might only come from a dream or a wandering thought not of your own doing. Perhaps a familiar or pleasant aroma that isn't really there that brings up a particular memory.
Most people might have seen a glimmer of light in the room or a shadow out of the corner of their eye and think that it was just a trick of light or their imagination.
It all depends on the abilities of the person looking and the spirit answering.

From my own experience,and I'm not anyone special, I've taken pictures of things not visible to the eye. Plasma streaks and orbs. ( I am sceptical of a lot of these images because of the opportunity of confusion between motion blurs,pollen, dust and such.) But there are some that are not easily explanable.
My wife and I have recorded voices and sounds in quiet empty rooms.
Anyone can do these things....they just got to be patient and go out and do it. You don't have to go to a graveyard or anyplace special. Just have a positive attitude and ask nicely for someone to answer. It does take patience though.

Each person has the ability to do things. Some people hear. Some see. Some just feel. That goes for the living and the passed on. Some just can do it better than others.
But like the ufo' won't ever see one if you don't look up and search the sky. Also...just because you don't see them with your vision doesn't mean they are not still there. A nightvision camera picks up many things you would normally not see. (although it can also distort things that you can see)
But you still can't expect ol' "Aunt Jenny" to pop up and say hi. You have to look for the possibilities for messages in dreams, thoughts, chance happenstances.
And if you do get something, it just might be from some random spirit with the abilty to say hi.

Our first E.V.P. recorded, my wife asked if there was anyone there and a series of other questions. Upon playback, there was only one response and that was the name. Dory. A girls voice. That's all she said.
No Dory living here and not anyone we know. Why did she answer or who she is? We don't know. But...we got a reply. Spooked the hell out of us but it got us hooked.

I believe there are special places and the energy that inhabits those places help in the contact or photography of spirits. That energy can also come from specific people as well.
Lots of variables but it boils down to, if you want to have something happen, you have to help it along and look for it.


posted on May, 6 2007 @ 09:39 AM
I have two avenues of thought concerning your question.
It is possible that these departed spirits have no comprehension of their current state and reside on the fringes of a surreal plateau to which some living people believe exists. Some would define this as a state of 'limbo' or oblivion. These souls are trapped and unable to reconnect with the existence they left behind.
Maybe they are on the other side of a transition hemisphere and cannot return.
Those departed spirits that remain within the thin veil between their previous state of existence and their current one have perhaps discovered a 'portal' to exploit and can possibly track between the hemispheres of our world and the one they currently inhabit.
Everything here is debatable. I hope my contribution will ignite more speculation on this interesting subject.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 01:53 PM
I believe ghosts may be all around us. Their interference with life does not dismiss their existence.

We may be bumping into other creatures all the time without knowing it. We may be influenced by their thoughts and we may in turn be influencing their actions. We don't know how the pendulum swings.

Your actions may change what kind of entities follow you around however. The more nefarious deeds you pull, the darker the entity. If you perform "good" deeds often, there may be angels following you around.

Who knows after all right?

I have seen spirits before, but I do not see them all the time (hardly ever). It has only been on a few occasions where I thought I saw a ghost. It has always been a humanoid.

They are everywhere, but they are not here to haunt or scare us. They are merely another level of creation.


posted on May, 17 2007 @ 02:17 PM
There's at least one...well, two!

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