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UK troops captured by Iran

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posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:56 AM
Here you go...

Source: Third letter released from female sailor


posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:57 AM
With the release of a third letter, the Iranians have certainly over-played their hand.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Monkfish

If it comes to a war with Iran, you can expect to see an uprising of muslims, particularly in the UK as they are now no longer a minority.

It's all very worrying.

If it comes to war between the UK and Iran, do you really think the UK public will sit back and let (dont even know why your including muslims!!!) Irainian National to uprise in this country? There is no way in hell will they get away with it, if you think the racial attacks are bad right now, it will be ten times worse if it does come to war....

Frankly I dont see how we can be help justified for actions of another country, also I would like americans to stop hijajking this thread if at all possible.

Isnt just americans who are doing this Wasp, but Im like you gettin kinda sick of asking members to stick to the thread topic and stop straying off it.... It just causes emotions to run high, and it is not need at all....

Most of the US members are sympathetic from what I have seen on the threads anyways.....

So guys n gals come on, lets try and stick to the topic pls thanks

Omg did you all see, the footage of that marine, confessing on Iranian TV, wth!!!!! Iran is definately pushing thier luck now.....

Also this third letter, obviously she is being coerced into written these letters...

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:42 AM
Thanks for the link.

Ah, I guess I took the word "sacraficed" a little too she was going to be 'sacraficed' due to the policies of the British and US governments etc.

Still though, the way this is heading it looks almost inevitable that there will be war.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 07:07 AM

How I know Blair faked Iran map

There is no agreed boundary in the Northern Gulf, either between Iran and Iraq or between Iraq and Kuwait. The Iran-Iraq border has been agreed inside the Shatt al-Arab waterway, because there it is also the land border. But that agreement does not extend beyond the low tide line of the coast.

Even that very limited agreement is arguably no longer in force. Since it was reached in 1975, a war has been fought over it, and ten-year reviews - necessary because waters and sandbanks in this region move about dramatically - have never been carried out.

But what about the map the Ministry of Defence produced on Tuesday, with territorial boundaries set out by a clear red line, and the co-ordinates of the incident marked in relation to it?

I have news for you. Those boundaries are fake. They were drawn up by the MoD. They are not agreed or recognised by any international authority.


German Armed Forces University: British Boundary Map "Fictitious"

In today's printed version of the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Prof Khan of the University for the Federal Armed Forces in Munich confirms Craig Murrays statement:

"In their presentation, the British have effectively drawn a fictitious line in their attempt to prove where exactly the soldiers were when taken captive instead of showing a clear border. They couldn't have done the latter in any case as the border between Iran and Iraq around Shatt el-Arab is not clearly identifiable."

So who made up what?

I smell a rat coming out of MoD.

Usually their potty stinks most...

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 07:14 AM

you are using an internet blogger to prove your point now?

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by infinite

you are using an internet blogger to prove your point now?


I am using Mister Craig Murray - Former Ambassador to Uzbekistan and Head of the Foreign Office's Maritime Section.

Please Read:

I am best known as the former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, but from 1989 to 1992 I headed the Foreign Office's maritime section. This included responsibility for territorial sea claims and for negotiating our own maritime boundaries. The expertise of the Royal Navy was invaluable.

For eight months I also worked with Royal Naval and Defence Intelligence Service personnel in the Embargo Surveillance Centre, a secret unit operating 24 hours a day from an underground command centre in Central London to prevent Iraqi attempts at weapons procurement.

We analysed information from intelligence and other sources, and could instruct Royal Naval craft in the Gulf to board and inspect individual ships. I was responsible for getting the political clearance for operations just like the one now in question, in this exact location. So I know what I'm talking about.

Not that I agree with current actions of Iranian government - but ask yourself, what would you do in the same scenario? I think that Iranian government is bad and provocative and not really obeying international laws; but the question is, how many countries act like that too and always can get away with it? Certain more Powerful countries, which can say that their MAP IS THE BEST and that the other map sucks. Frankly both of them need to stop boosting their egos and start to tell us the Truth. If the U.K. government admits they were breaing Iranian territoral waters I bet that those marines would be hours away from home. But we all know that the big ego of mister Tony shall never allow that. So we have crisis...

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
If the U.K. government admits they were breaing Iranian territoral waters I bet that those marines would be hours away from home.

But if you have come out, with GPS data, proved your point on international stage you wouldn't suddenly cave in. Thats the problem.

Plus the UK was willing to admit to a mistake, before the troops appeared on TV.

[edit on 2-4-2007 by infinite]

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by infinite
But if you have come out, with GPS data, proved your point on international stage you wouldn't suddenly cave in. Thats the problem.

Excuse me, but how can you have GPS date of the border, when this border was actually NEVER agreed by the two countries - Iran and Iraq - on the water boundary inthe Northern Gulf? How come that the MoD suddenly know where that lines is, when the two countries (which actually have this border between them) do not know where it is? Does the MoD have a certain magic wand? I am puzzled somehow over this, that is all.

There is no agreed boundary in the Northern Gulf, either between Iran and Iraq or between Iraq and Kuwait. The Iran-Iraq border has been agreed inside the Shatt al-Arab waterway, because there it is also the land border. But that agreement does not extend beyond the low tide line of the coast.

Even that very limited agreement is arguably no longer in force. Since it was reached in 1975, a war has been fought over it, and ten-year reviews - necessary because waters and sandbanks in this region move about dramatically - have never been carried out.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
I am using Mister Craig Murray - Former Ambassador to Uzbekistan and Head of the Foreign Office's Maritime Section.

Yes ambassador to Uzbekistan, why didn you try the ambassador to iran? Oh no wait there stuck in the embassy by rioters.
Ever considered this guy has an agenda of his own.
Ps see other threads for debunking hsi theory.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by Souljah

Originally posted by infinite
But if you have come out, with GPS data, proved your point on international stage you wouldn't suddenly cave in. Thats the problem.

Excuse me, but how can you have GPS date of the border, when this border was actually NEVER agreed by the two countries - Iran and Iraq - on the water boundary inthe Northern Gulf? How come that the MoD suddenly know where that lines is, when the two countries (which actually have this border between them) do not know where it is? Does the MoD have a certain magic wand? I am puzzled somehow over this, that is all.

There is no agreed boundary in the Northern Gulf, either between Iran and Iraq or between Iraq and Kuwait. The Iran-Iraq border has been agreed inside the Shatt al-Arab waterway, because there it is also the land border. But that agreement does not extend beyond the low tide line of the coast.

Even that very limited agreement is arguably no longer in force. Since it was reached in 1975, a war has been fought over it, and ten-year reviews - necessary because waters and sandbanks in this region move about dramatically - have never been carried out.

Good grief. The Iranians also had the same border outlined on their little map.

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by markjaxson
What did they expect?

If any Iranians started trawling around the US's or UK's territories then im sure the US and UK would do exactly the same!

They have every right to question these people!

The same goes for every other country in the world.

Whats wrong with you people.

true enough.

the thing i can't understand (and i have done my time on ships) is what the hell were they doing soo far away from their base of operations if they were only conducting a routine boarding? if they ran into trouble, where was their backup? they could be very easily mistaken for pirates. they had to be doing something other than routine boardings to be out there alone soo far from base.

their conduct when challenged probably contributed to the lack of hard core torture when they were detained

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 01:40 AM
I'm very glad that the British troops have been released.

[edit on 4/7/2007 by TheAvenger]

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