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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 12:01 AM
My first post here.

I've been lead here as a result of my personal journey to "figure out what the universe is".

There are some axioms I operate by:

1. I have routinely dreamed events, wrote them down, and watched myself encounter them. Deja-Vu is more solid with the presence of mind to write our dreams down. Personal lesson 1: The mind can transcend logical physics.

2. I used to have an eidetic memory - a curse - if you didn't have a pleasant childhood. Given time, I'm tried many methods to blast that away. Lots of acid (enough to be considered technically "insane" - thank god), and now merely regularly imbibe amazing quantities of alcohol. Ultimately it doesn't work, and I've been piecing things together since a small child. Things are "adding up", and my journey eventually lead me here. Personal lesson 2: Things are adding up to shake me into actually looking into the ET stuff. It NOT a direction I've wanted to take, but it's adding up, and making sense. I sometimes wish it didn't.

3. I have a scientific mind, and tend to be a skeptic. I got here because of trying to quell idiots on YouTube in both camps: We went to the moon, we didn't go to the moon. In the end, I had to come down off the fence and was shocked to realize that IF WE WENT, THEN .... Well, I'm not ready to join that camp publicly yet. Let's just say that for the big picture to make sense, I had to start listening to John Lear and that Hoagland fellow. Personal lesson 3: After wading through, and weeding OUT enough BS, I have found myself in a place and on a path I never intended to be. All I can do is throw-up my hands, shrug, and keep plodding along. I'll get my answers as I find them, I just don't always like them.

4. I have an ability to tie together knowledge learned across years and bafflingly diverse sources. In my circles, I'm known as "the worlds slowest genius". My knowledge is surprising in scope, and never forgotten. I don't consider this a benefit. I can attend a meeting of minds, and not understand and put it all together until on my journey home. But I find myself able to put pieces together and come to conclusions that the speakers themselves didn't catch. Personal lesson 4: Whatever I'm learning is not quick. I may be 80 before I finally believe the answers piece together. That kind of sucks. I got used to the "instant gratification" thing of the computer age, and hate having to wait to be smarter.

5. I have Asperger's. The only benefit I have found is my memory, and that I'm a critical reader. My memory is like a video tape back to 3 years old. Even still. Some things I have to make effort to not think about. Everything else I can re-play on command, like I was there. I can return to past events and re-play them and suddenly understand them. I was surprised to find that other people don't do this, but was also extremely not happy when I discovered I had Asperger's. I previously thought that everyone else was stupid, I was a genius, and It made me lonely. I considered other people toys and playthings, thus the field of Sociology was the most fun. The discovery that I was abnormal in a world of people who seem to be able to carry on conversations containing mostly pronouns and body language shook me, and made be incredibly sad. Personal lesson 5: They're not the broken toy, I am. I will have to use my strengths to compensate, where I used to think others had to rise to my level. I finally learned the meaning of "Paradigm shift".

Oh, and "critical reader"? In "A day with an Extraterrestrial" sleeper mistakenly used the word "Presents" for "Presence", and used "my" for "by". This means he uses a spell check, but not a grammar check. This leads me to believe English is not his first language. Reportedly Italian, I can believe this. Still, it's better English than most Americans who have it as their only language. Good job, mate.

I hit 4k already?

Oh, I type a lot.


posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by Cold Metallic Voice

But when people have criticized sleeper with valid counterpoints, I think they've been brushed off too quickly. I don't understand why it's almost blasphemy to bring up valid criticisms, or why some responses have been pretty reactionary - although I know one time that was not. That's when I tore sleeper's android info. to shreds a while back. What I wrote was totally ignored and I know why - because they can't be addressed truthfully without acknowledging all the logical faults. If anyone wants to criticize what I wrote, please be my guest:


I personally don't think it is blasphemy to criticize sleeper's statements. In fact, i think if there was no doubt in what he says you might be nuts. My beef with people in the skeptical camp is the arrogant insinuations with which they cast anyone that finds value in what sleeper says as morons. I think it is the very fact that many skeptics take the insultingly aggressive tone that reveals they actually don't understand what sleeper seems to be saying about the purpose behind ET phenomena - if his story is true - or simply haven't read all of his threads and put the pieces together.

The reason I'm okay with the insanity of sleeper's stuff is because it jives well with my discriminitory research into truth from all angles that I've embarked upon. This gives me the willingness to give the crazy bastard the benefit of the doubt without the need to become a follower, or an absolute believer.

I've seen the clone-like poisonous attitude of the intellectual skeptic on many forums on the web. In fact, it is probably the negative pole of an archetypal identity pattern.

Again, absolutely nothing wrong with skepticism. It is a very useful tool of the intellect, but only if one doesn't confuse skepticism as being the ultimate in intelligence, which would probably include the subtleties of the human heart.

One can voice their doubts and challenges, as you have done here, without insulting the dignity of others. But, I suppose that takes a certain level of maturity that many have not reached yet. Hey, this joint being a boot camp for us retarded terrestrials is looking more logical all the time.

Why sleeper is not answering your nano questions I do not know. But for me, even if they go unanswered it does not negate the value I find in other questions that do get answered. I've had posts ignored by sleeper as well. For me, there is too much wisdom to be gleaned to write the guy off as a phoney because he snubbed something I asked. I just figured milton probably had him in some painful leg lock so he couldn't get to the keyboard.

I know that doesn't address your nanotech query, but I have no expertise and little knowledge of that field. I say keep firing tough questions. If sleeper is a poser it should and will be exposed. I imagine a response probably would be more forthcoming if the dude wasn't "tore into" though. I know I wouldn't respond in a mutually respectful way to that.

The thing that separates truth from all limited knowledge based views is that it doesn't eventually perish, like untrue scientific or spiritual beliefs do. It remains after all illusions have been cut through. Isn't that what we are all interested in? But then again, that's only my limited view at this time. I'm willing to have it shatter as well.

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 07:16 AM
Hi Sleeper..

A question..
On your blog you decribed how you were near the sun, yet it was not so hot..
Elsewhere, (I cannot remember the exact words) you said that it is not the heat of the sun that has an influence, but something to do with the gravity or something. (Sorry but I just vaguely recall something to that extend)

Forests fires and volcanic eruptions contribute more in a week than all of humanity in a few decades. Plus the sun has a lot to do with it---it is currently in a hot spell.

Does this mean heat does play a roll?

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
Thanks for your reply about human souls inhabiting animals that could even be our pets.
You mentioned that there is some sort of family link, so I am wondering if our deceased relatives use the animals bodies to visit us. If we are not aware they are in there, what is the point?

Not everything is for our benefit alone and it’s a way for them to touch us physically. ----Most people are not ready to believe that past loved ones can reenter this existence, especially as pets. There are myriads of paranormal things going on that people need "not" know or "understand", right under our noses.

I have a bratty chihuahua that reminds me of my Mom, and it makes me chuckle to think that I have given Mother a flea dip.

And she is not all too happy about that flea dip, it’s very unbecoming----

I just had the impression from previous posts that some souls were contained in animals as a sort of punishment.

There are a lot of animals on this planet and most never come in contact with humans. Souls are stored inside “some” animals including fish and birds, while they wait for their next assignment or further punishment.

Also, do we have the ability to visit people via animals when we are in a dream state?

There are no limits to what we are allowed to experience while in the dream vortex---only what we are allowed to remember----and make sense of

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 10:38 AM
Ok sleeper,

I'll put it to the test.

I want your (so called godly/ if even real) aliens to give me cosmic power, beauty, the universe, and get me out of this ever so boring human body.

I want to create worlds.
I want every life form to obey me.
I want infinite pleasures.
I want power.
I want everything.

I would give (free will) my life to those dark aliens just for these desires. Love can not give you these great powers. Who needs love when you would have the power to create your own family, friends and make them like you. Can you not see sleeper love is just another illusion that holds no power?

The power of creation/control dominates all life. That is existence in it's true form. All else is an illusion wouldn't you agree?

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Mr Ekshin

Originally posted by Mr Ekshin
Oh, and "critical reader"? In "A day with an Extraterrestrial" sleeper mistakenly used the word "Presents" for "Presence", and used "my" for "by". This means he uses a spell check, but not a grammar check. This leads me to believe English is not his first language. Reportedly Italian, I can believe this. Still, it's better English than most Americans who have it as their only language. Good job, mate.

Thanks for sharing Ekshin!

My parents were very smart but neither of them picked up the English language until their latter years. Not soon enough to be helpful to me. Many in the neighborhood spoke Italian so the need was not immediate. Although my dad was given a book by immigration so that he could learn enough English to take the citizenship test, and he would sit at the dinner table reciting “How now brown cow” over and over again that I had nightmares about brown cows even though I didn’t quite know what a brown cow was at the time.---

I was slow to pick up English and my teachers had little patience with me, my sixth grade teacher recommended that my parents put me into a class with the learning impaired, and in fact I did a week in that class, it was like first grade and most kids did nothing but stare at the walls the whole time. I flunked every grade in grade school, and my first year of high school they started bussing us to other neighborhoods and put me into enemy territory----it was a real life Westside Story and so there was constant fighting I lasted three months and quit school---so my formal education level is “zero”---In the army I took a GED test and passed it, after the military I took some college classes and did very well. Bottom line I certainly didn’t get my education from this world. But I retain my rough edges concerning English grammar---

I hesitated to write this because I would hate to give the impression that education is not important, because it is----my friends had quit school too and they didn’t do well at all.

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by qrios
Hi Sleeper..
A question..
On your blog you decribed how you were near the sun, yet it was not so hot..

I was inside a super structure and they had air-conditioning

Elsewhere, (I cannot remember the exact words) you said that it is not the heat of the sun that has an influence, but something to do with the gravity or something. (Sorry but I just vaguely recall something to that extend)

Forests fires and volcanic eruptions contribute more in a week than all of humanity in a few decades. Plus the sun has a lot to do with it---it is currently in a hot spell.

Does this mean heat does play a roll?

The heat from the sun plays a major roll in the dynamics of earth's temperature.

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Lady-X
Ok sleeper,

I'll put it to the test.

I want your (so called godly/ if even real) aliens to give me cosmic power, beauty, the universe, and get me out of this ever so boring human body.

I want to create worlds.
I want every life form to obey me.
I want infinite pleasures.
I want power.
I want everything.

I would give (free will) my life to those dark aliens just for these desires. Love can not give you these great powers. Who needs love when you would have the power to create your own family, friends and make them like you. Can you not see sleeper love is just another illusion that holds no power?

The power of creation/control dominates all life. That is existence in it's true form. All else is an illusion wouldn't you agree?

I passed along your request to my godly thing a ma jigs and the only thing they want in return for those hefty requests is the source of your avatar---they think it’s so cool---

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 11:44 AM
Hi again Sleeper

Ok, I'v lied about certain things and knowingly (things that I say I have done, but havent really etc). Is there forgiveness aslong as you are truely guilty about it and recognise your wrong doing?

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 12:30 PM
Thank you for responding to my last post Sleeper, I only have about a million more questions in my head. I will attempt to keep it to two or three at a time....

So much has been revealed to you. You have visited truly fantastic places . You even have Milton raiding your fridge and swatting at pop-fly wads of paper by your waste basket. It would seem like your purpose on earth is more for a "job" than a "sentencing." Yet they still block alot of your memories. Will 'ALL' be revealed when this job is complete and you leave earth....or is your next level just another layer of the onion?...and if the latter is the case, will there be time when all is revealed?

sorry if the above is vague and appears to be more coffee-house chat rather than definitive question.
...I think I may be one of those humans that frustrates his guides to the point where they get fed up and request transfers....

I am trying to understand dreams a little more. Sometimes in dreams, reality is strangely distorted. Is that the work of the ETs blocking portions of the dream out and making the content of the dream more subtle? I have re-written this question four times now....still not coming out quite right...good luck sir.

aw man, John Lear is gonna yell for sure..

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 03:43 PM
Hi Sleeper,

Recently joined ATS and trying to settle in.
Reading through this thread, the “blood” issue triggered a few questions which have been drifting through my mind ever since reading Sitchin.

Are the different blood groups in human beings related to past genetic modifications and alien genes?
Why does the combination of certain Rh-factors cause serious problems in a new born?
Personally, I can only guess!

On a "lighter" note; Does Milton maybe know where Enki is hanging out these days?

Thanks for your time and energy.

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by dodgygeeza
Hi again Sleeper

Ok, I'v lied about certain things and knowingly (things that I say I have done, but havent really etc). Is there forgiveness aslong as you are truely guilty about it and recognise your wrong doing?

Hi dodgy

There is no outright forgiveness for things we do because everything comes with a price, and somehow everything will be made right in the here and now or later, even the little things we feel shouldn’t have consequences, have consequences.

But when we realize our misdeeds or whatever we can stop adding to our tab and in certain cases reverse some of the charges.

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Vortices
Thank you for responding to my last post Sleeper, I only have about a million more questions in my head. I will attempt to keep it to two or three at a time....

So much has been revealed to you. You have visited truly fantastic places . You even have Milton raiding your fridge and swatting at pop-fly wads of paper by your waste basket. It would seem like your purpose on earth is more for a "job" than a "sentencing." Yet they still block alot of your memories. Will 'ALL' be revealed when this job is complete and you leave earth....or is your next level just another layer of the onion?...and if the latter is the case, will there be time when all is revealed?

It’s a big onion and there are numerous layers that even the likes of a Milton has yet to see.

...I think I may be one of those humans that frustrates his guides to the point where they get fed up and request transfers....

There is a high turnover rate here on earth, so you are not the only one with that problem---

I am trying to understand dreams a little more. Sometimes in dreams, reality is strangely distorted. Is that the work of the ETs blocking portions of the dream out and making the content of the dream more subtle? I have re-written this question four times now....still not coming out quite right...good luck sir.

Most dreams are distorted because they resided on other dimensions, dimensions much higher than the 3D we are accustomed to in our wake state.

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Out in the Wild
Hi Sleeper,

Recently joined ATS and trying to settle in.
Reading through this thread, the “blood” issue triggered a few questions which have been drifting through my mind ever since reading Sitchin.

Are the different blood groups in human beings related to past genetic modifications and alien genes?

Hi Wild

Everything about us is “alien” since we are “alien” creations. But our blood types are consequences of our genes that come from our parental units.

Why does the combination of certain Rh-factors cause serious problems in a new born?
Personally, I can only guess!

A mechanism to curtail the flow of inferior genes when the pool is too small and too close to home, diversity in genes works better

On a "lighter" note; Does Milton maybe know where Enki is hanging out these days?

He might be hiding out on Mars

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 06:29 PM

Where do you think this is all taking us? I had a weird idea cross my mind yesterday afternoon, not normally the way I think but..
If there is something big and it involves mass extinction, on this planet, are we the only ones aware and that can see the full 'glory' of destruction? To know what it means and its implications? Thats all in the death and destruction category, but maybe it'll be something different? Maybe we'll become more 'aware' than we already are? Maybe we'll start using more of the unused portions of our brains?

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 08:53 PM
Hey Sleeper,

Think you, can tell us how much influence ET actually has over our lives? Are they responsible for me locking my keys in my car?

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 11:00 PM
Hi Milton and Sleeper,
I hope you enjoyed your short break from questions....

If the universe and ETs can create anything, why not create evolved souls that are already perfected? Why send souls to prison planets to learn and grow....Im sure they could grow us off the assembly line if they wanted...

Also is the physical universe/this dimension always growing and expanding? Does the universe reach point where it ends and the galaxies stop or is this physical universe more of an illusion? Are we in a sort of illusion bubble?

Also what is Miltons favorite earth dessert?

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by zenfish

Indeed, zen, you're not going to get far in life if all you do is attack people or insult them, etc. I'm not a fan of that.

Sleeper writes a lot that most anyone, including me, could never in a million years refute. But there are plenty times when I can. Again, using the one-example-at-a-time method, I refer to the Page 4 mention of the Wright Brothers. Sleeper writes:

Many humans had ET mentors as did the Wright Brothers.


NASA with all their techno toys tried to duplicate what the Wright Brothers did and failed.

I used to live in NC. Many times I've sat on the dunes of Kitty Hawk and watched today's hang gliders soar like the Wright Brothers did. Yes, at the 100th anniversary of the first flight, the replica glider did not fly.

But sleeper failed to mention that the weather was horrible that day (which is why I didn't drive several hours to be there myself.) Also - the same replica had made earlier test flights. In fact, many other replicas have been successful over the years. One flew the other day!
Wright Replica

A big chunk of NASA's role in the 2003 replica was to help out with wind tunnel tests. The plane wasn't built by NASA. It was a project led by a group in Virginia. They built the thing pretty much like the Wrights did - no techno toys. I know this because I was born, raised and lived in Va. before moving to NC in 2001, and I was reading about them all the time then.

NASA's wind tunnel wasn't novel. The Wrights had one, too. Plus, they designed a very unstable plane for the 1903 flight. Read anyone who's tried to fly one, or has piloted a replica - they can't believe the thing works.

Why would ETs teach the Wrights to invent a rickety thing like this? Sleeper says that the ET-mentored Wrights "only achieved what they were allowed to achieve."

OK, so why wasn't ET-inspired airplane help given to the Montgolfier brothers in the 1700s? All they had was a crappy balloon. Why was 1903 chosen for the airplane's Grand Introduction? So it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of known technology? If that's the case, then you're going to have to make it the excuse for every inventor and engineer who ever tried to develop a heavier-than-air machine - because the Wrights were very specific about where their ideas and interests in flight came from. They never mentioned ETs, but they knew what had been going in Europe, for example.

The number of flight experiments in Europe skyrocketed in the last decades of the 19th century. They all failed - yet in another way they did not. The Wrights were able to study all the things that went wrong and try to find solutions. If they had been born 20 years earlier, they very well could have been killed.

Do you know what the Wrights' first plan was for manned flight? They wanted to strap a guy on a giant kite. What kind of ET mentoring is required for that?

The first kite didn't work. They built a bigger kite to see if they could control it without a man. That didn't work. But from those failures they learned about weight distribution, balance, etc. The Wrights went to gliders next. They flew them for hundreds of feet and learned things about aerodynamics that no one knew before.

At first, the Wrights tinkered with flight for fun. But the more they got into it, the more they became obsessed with the science behind it. Their design for the propeller was a huge breakthrough. But all they did was apply the same air principles of a wing. They also found out that different machines required different propellers.

Why didn't the ETs at least give them a universal prop?

Sleeper, you can't say things like this and be taken seriously. I've now addressed 3 specific giant red flags in your postings.

Be happy to keep going....

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 06:52 AM
Hello Sleeper !!!!!!!!

Do you know of any techniques to be come more aware during dreams?

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Chiiru

Where do you think this is all taking us? I had a weird idea cross my mind yesterday afternoon, not normally the way I think but..
If there is something big and it involves mass extinction, on this planet, are we the only ones aware and that can see the full 'glory' of destruction? To know what it means and its implications? Thats all in the death and destruction category, but maybe it'll be something different? Maybe we'll become more 'aware' than we already are? Maybe we'll start using more of the unused portions of our brains?

There is no “mass extinction” in the plans, only subtle changes that few will even notice.

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