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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by isitmagic
Whats your take on the "face" on mars?

It is an “alien” artifact in an ancient Martian city

Also, any type of ET things going on, on the moon? (Like John Lear thinks)

Plenty things going on up there, John only touched on a few. But I can’t elaborate.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by adica1
Sorry to run on about the Christ illusion but do our creators do the "Christ gig" on all the prison planets at a certain time in evolution. If so they obviously know the outcomes and this would be an old hat to them.........

On many planets they have it amazingly similar but there are variations like in finger prints

I understand the point of thier good messages of eternal soul and loving kindess but are all the wars, destruction, hate and seperation part of thier point too and our lessons to learned?

Not all planets have the blood lust theme that we have on planets like earth---and the wars are part of that hidden and not so hidden lust everyone on this planet have or had in a previous life, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

My wife was wondering.... if beyond this phsyical world is abounding love then what is that in relation to the not-so-nice renegade ETs, entities and beings that dont have good intentions....are't they living this incredible space of love that they are traveling thought and exisitng they deny this state of being?

The evil ones are isolated mostly to the physical realms and some of the lower spiritual realms---they have little to no freedom and exist in a very chaotic and desperate state.

I have silly question but Im trying to create a picture...does Mitlon wear clothes(tiny clothes) when he is in your office?

Milton doesn’t need clothing, there are no private parts to hide, nor is he affected by temperature and perspiration, and he doesn’t have any human type bodily functions---I don’t know where the heck all that food and drink goes---
---he certainly doesn’t burn it off, the lazy bum---

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by mortalengine
ps. - Sleeper, read your blog, its pretty far fetched I wont lie, dont think you would doubt it either. Either way, I thought it was awesome, infact.... it correllates with what I know in the Urantia Book... very odd... Infact, even the bible backs it up - afterall, it was the Elohim who created us, and everyone knows Elohim means Angels of God... and we all know what that probably means too. Milton sounds like an "angelic" order of being mentioned in the Urantia book, although i couldnt figure out which one.

Not familiar with Urantia books

I know that my blog comes off as fictional fantasy but I did all I could to make it believable by not including the really far out stuff---the things we are forced to do to avoid being laughed out of town, or put into a straight jacket----
many have asked to see the other stuff in writing but I’m still working on it, but not sure if I will ever put it out there.

It also mentions earth is under quarantine at the moment, infact most of our system is under quarantine, is that true ?

Kind of, no one can leave with their skins on, nor enter with skin other than a few exceptions. Those taken off this planet by ETs get irradiated when they leave and before they are returned. Many types of ETs are barred from this planet

As human sanitation technology improves we will be allowed a bigger birth of space travel on our own, but still limited to one nearby planet and our moon. Anything else is out of the question for a long time.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:47 AM

Just wanted to thank you for what you have done on ATS

you have helped me and everyone i come in contact with a lot. I was headed down an ugly rode of envy and was starting to feel hate. I could see the show of life but could not change the channel and that made me an angry man. But it is not life that needs to change it was me all along. The more tools in my tool box I use the essayer i make life for others while I'm here. I still have a lot of work to do but I think i will get it down pat one of thees lifetimes lol Hate, envy and ego are necessary obstacles in our life so we can learn how to use the tools in our tool box.

Milton is a most Excellent ET for there is no way we can believe he is out there 100% and its not about that. So the choices we make are still ours to make. The only true teacher in life is oneself everyone else is but a guide.

Your the man Sleeper

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Hello Sleeper !
I'm one of the new kids on the block ! sorry for bringing a whiff of french cheese folks, I hope Milton won't be inconvenienced

I've been reading you for over four months now sleeper, and I'm finally done with both threads and the blog story of course. Great work !!! so first I want to thank you for being so consistent and patient in sharing those experiences and the knowledge you get out of it with all of us. I know you're sincere about your experience and that it's not always easy, aww. However I think I kinda figured the Miltster out. He's tired of ET not getting any credit for all the human achievement ! Tell him I know where he comes from : I hate it when my wife takes credit for my best pictures

Anyway I have a lot of questions for you but before I start I'll tell you that I have no ET experience whatsoever (that I would remember of, that is), no 'imaginary friends', however always had the feeling that there was something more out there. Since I met my wife who's had actually some interaction (for lack of better word) with other entities (apparently a lot with Pleiadians ?) I feel like I've been downloaded with a hell of a lot of information or maybe is it just my subconscious leaking

I feel like I 'know' more even though I have never experienced (consciously at least) anything special. Any take on that ?

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Izarith

Originally posted by Izarith
The only true teacher in life is oneself

It don’t get much plainer than that Izarith---

That’s where "all" the bucks stop---

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by camembert
Hello Sleeper !
I'm one of the new kids on the block ! sorry for bringing a whiff of french cheese folks, I hope Milton won't be inconvenienced

Hi camembert

Milton has no sense of smell, nor much of a sense of humor because he never gets my best jokes, come to think of it few terrestrials do either---I know its not me---

I've been reading you for over four months now sleeper, and I'm finally done with both threads and the blog story of course. Great work !!! so first I want to thank you for being so consistent and patient in sharing those experiences and the knowledge you get out of it with all of us. I know you're sincere about your experience and that it's not always easy, aww. However I think I kinda figured the Miltster out. He's tired of ET not getting any credit for all the human achievement ! Tell him I know where he comes from : I hate it when my wife takes credit for my best pictures

What Milton lacks in ego he makes up in coffee breaks. He insist he don’t do ego and prides himself on humility---more like humiliating if you could see him in his pink tutu

Anyway I have a lot of questions for you but before I start I'll tell you that I have no ET experience whatsoever (that I would remember of, that is), no 'imaginary friends', however always had the feeling that there was something more out there. Since I met my wife who's had actually some interaction (for lack of better word) with other entities (apparently a lot with Pleiadians ?) I feel like I've been downloaded with a hell of a lot of information or maybe is it just my subconscious leaking

I feel like I 'know' more even though I have never experienced (consciously at least) anything special. Any take on that ?

Our subconscious mind is a conduit to a vast amount of info that remains for the most part dormant, because some of that stuff is not acceptable to our perceived reality and certainly not acceptable to society in general. So we repress it or try too---Freudian stuff.

Truth hides inside of that vast reservoir that our wireless brains are hooked up to---but meditation is not the key to unlock it----virtue and “real” integrity are.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
It is an “alien” artifact in an ancient Martian city

Hi sleeper,

What were the Martians like?

Were humans at one point in history Martians?

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 06:21 PM
Hi Sleeper,
I got your book today....Amazon took forever! Are you and Miton planning on publishing more?? I hope so and my request is a history of the earth book because I feel the Discovery and History channel are a "little off"..

Remember if your books are not Oprah Book Clubish enough for the publshing companies you can always do direct printing....If not Im going to take all these posts from ATS and publish "Coversations with Milton" to replace "Conversations with God".....

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 06:45 PM
Hi Sleeper,

You mentioned that you were part of black ops when you were in the Army. Any chance you could tell us about some of the things you did in there? Or is it above top secret?

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by adica1
Hi Sleeper,
I got your book today....Amazon took forever! Are you and Miton planning on publishing more?? I hope so and my request is a history of the earth book because I feel the Discovery and History channel are a "little off"..

Remember if your books are not Oprah Book Clubish enough for the publshing companies you can always do direct printing....If not Im going to take all these posts from ATS and publish "Coversations with Milton" to replace "Conversations with God".....

What book might that be?

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 07:02 PM
Hey Sleeper,

What great questions and responses.

Some of our smart ATS buddies may be getting it. Knowing a tiny fraction of the total picture is scarey but opened a new way of thinking for me.

Reading some of the recent past posts, I saw myself asking the same questions.

Beethoven insisted on only one quote after he passed: "There is no logic" when you do the German subject thingy,,,it translates better to: Human logic does not exsist.

We are here to experience some painful tests and to see what we are made of, ie. do the right thing...make chicken salad out of chicken sh-t
and then when we think we have it all figured out...slam dunk for the next hit. Oh, yea, we do get to have some fun in the process....hmmmm?

This whole experiment is for some reason...What is it?.

Does Miltie get bored of our whining?

At what age are little kids subjected to the realities of why they were put here?

Was there an intervention by ET relative to Earth's future?

Are we, Earthlings, something special to ET's and the big house?

Bottom line is the no hate, envy headed toward love of everything and everyone....

I had a problem forgiving....both myself and others...then I found out that my ultimate test at this time was to check them off my list, forgive and move on...without the blame game and all the made up stories we tell ourselves. Bravado is denial of reality.

I am not on vacation Earth. The hurts are real. ET is the drill sargeant and it/she/he we have are

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Izarith

"Ditto" every point in that post.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

Originally posted by camembert

Truth hides inside of that vast reservoir that our wireless brains are hooked up to---but meditation is not the key to unlock it----virtue and “real” integrity are.

Hi sleeper,

Is that wireless network that our brains are hooked to equate to a matrix-like reality that is actually fed to us via that invisible network? Sort of like many computers hooked to a huge mainframe that has certain control over all of the input the little computers receive.


Can you expand on "real" integrity vs unreal integrity. I just want the clearest picture I can get of what integrity is and how to shoot for it.


Certainly meditation can be good for you. Especially if one is prone to thinking too much, like I am. No? I know when I do get around to meditating it is a very pleasant experience to just center and be still.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 02:48 AM
Thanks for the reply, Sleeper. Can you elaborate on what 'real' integrity is ? As opposed to what ? Fake, unreal ? If one defines integrity as 'doing the right thing', having consistency and faith in yourself or say in your path, I can't help wondering if a guy like Hitler was actually qualifying for integrity, scary thought, but... maybe he did think he was doing the 'right thing', it certainly seems that he did otherwise his drive would have died way before he did himself (if he did, in fact)

And that leads me to another question : say ET help us whatever our drive is - good or bad - what would happen if we did the same with our children ? Like, encouraging them whatever direction they're going... is it a lesson from ET to be applied in this dimension or that better be ignored ?

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 04:03 AM
For the people who are coming clean on extraterrestrials:

For the rest of us unwashed masses, this is faith-based. It's now in line with religion.

So with a Browning Hi-Power in one hand, and an ice-cream cone of "Ben & Jerry's" strawberry in the other, I still try too hunt and find strangers among us.

Sometimes children ask why my I'm carrying a cone of melting ice cream.

"Aliens, kiddo. They like this stuff. Keep your gun handy."

Now the kids look at me funny, and jeer at me. How could such an endeavor to save us all go so wrong?

"Just remember that you have a spark within you that is your soul, and it will never die - though your body might, and that will also probably hurt a lot. Oh, and weird people might even do weird stuff to our dead body. but the good news is that it will not hurt. The BAD news is you might have to watch someone have anal sex with your corpse. Anywho... Isn't the universe GRAND??!"


posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by sleeper

OK, sleeper - sometimes you write that skeptics are the ones who want to keep the masses asleep and so forth. I can only speak for myself but I have no desire to keep me or anyone else in the dark. In fact, it's quite the opposite. When I ask you to shed more light, you call my questions "silly."

Just know I'm basing all my silly questions only on what you said.

Here are a couple more puzzlers.

1. Why did you write this:

Souls are indestructible and survive completely whole.

When elsewhere you wrote this:

Some of the undesirables are part human part something else. They may have souls or some semblance of what is left of a soul that has become ragged from being on the run.

...their numbers grow as lost souls fall further away and become unreachable. Eventually they get rounded up and taken somewhere for disposal---it’s an ongoing process.

2. You frequently say you're "not interested in making ET believers of anyone" and so forth. Someone posted general thoughts about your thread way back when, which included this: "You've got people thinking and that's invaluable." You replied:

thank you angst18,

Your last sentence says it all, that’s the bottom line of what this thread is about

And other place you said this:

A segment of my job is leaking info, helping raise the curtain a few notches....

When I asked you to explain things like that, you say you'd given me "plenty of answers to your silly questions---just because you don’t understand or you disagree with them don’t make them red flags."

I've been looking for your answers and I can't find one anywhere.

You write in detail about things no one knows about, except for you and Milton and some others. But when you merge that world with the only one I'm familiar with, not only can you be unequivocally wrong - you put down things that don't make sense within your own description of how the universe works. I'm not the only one who sees this. When you're pressed about it, you don't clarify. Instead you attack the questioner, accusing him of wanting to keep everyone in the Dark Ages or asleep or whatnot.

This isn't me against you - it's you against you. What gives?

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by GeeGee
Hi sleeper,
What were the Martians like?
Were humans at one point in history Martians?

Humans are not from Mars, nor are men from Mars, or women from Venus---

There still are Martians on Mars but they are ugly----and live underground---but can’t give more details

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by adica1
Hi Sleeper,
I got your book today....Amazon took forever! Are you and Miton planning on publishing more?? I hope so and my request is a history of the earth book because I feel the Discovery and History channel are a "little off"..

Hi adica

The Discovery and History channels get paid to keep the lid on

Remember if your books are not Oprah Book Clubish enough for the publshing companies you can always do direct printing....If not Im going to take all these posts from ATS and publish "Coversations with Milton" to replace "Conversations with God".....

“Conversations with Milton” has a nice ring to it, I’ll have to talk to him about it----

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by LostInThought
Hi Sleeper,

You mentioned that you were part of black ops when you were in the Army. Any chance you could tell us about some of the things you did in there? Or is it above top secret?

Lets put it this way, they don’t give out medals nor punishment for those involved---because they don’t exist---

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