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War Profits, and un-ethical behaviour.

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posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 05:44 PM
When do ties become unethical?
How can a man send his troops into conflict, to ensure he makes a profit?

How would it look to international alliances.. being our leaders are involved in making profit from this 'supposidly' genuine war, that turned out to be a set-up.

“Cheney told "Meet the Press" in 2003 that he didn't have any financial ties to the firm (Halliburton).”

“Cheney said Sunday on NBC that since becoming vice president, "I've severed all my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interest. I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind and haven't had, now, for over three years."”

Well, if this was the case MR Cheney, and you didn’t have ANY FINANCIAL tie to Halliburton, how is it possible that your STOCK OPTIONS have risen over 3281% in 2005?

You had $241,498 worth of OPTIONS in Halliburton,
As of mid 2005, they exploded into $8,000,000 in your pocket.

Cheney seems to justify this LIE, because he will donate after tax profits to a charity.

“However, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) concluded in Sept. 2003 that holding stock options while in elective office does constitute a “financial interest” regardless of whether the holder of the options will donate proceeds to charities.”

“Since I left Halliburton to become George Bush's vice president, I've severed all my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interest," the Vice President said. "I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind and haven't had, now, for over three years.” – D.Cheney

According to financial disclosure forms, he was paid:
$205,298 in 2001
$162,392 in 2002
$178,437 in 2003
$194,852 in 2004

And remember in 2005 his stock was estimated at $8,000,000.00

How exactly does this man justify having NO FINANCIAL TIE?

So obviously, he was making money from Halliburton.
But did he have a say in Halliburton being PICKED for the IRAQI mission?

“The contract was granted under a January Bush administration waiver that, according to the Washington Post, allowed "government agencies to handpick companies for Iraqi reconstruction projects."”

This contract was
- Opened Ended
- No time limit
- No $ Limit
- It was a COST PLUS contract (meaning that the company is guaranteed to recover costs and then make a guaranteed profit)

So there’s a new WAIVER within the US Government, giving them the ability to DECIDE whom makes money of the WAR?

"Also, the vice president has nothing whatsoever to do with the Pentagon bidding process," the aide added.

But then

The Pentagon has acknowledged that Vice-President Dick Cheney's chief of staff and other political appointees helped make the controversial decision on a $1.8 million contract for the postwar recovery of Iraq's oil sector.

How convenient it happens to be a company, that the very US governments people have FINANCIAL INTEREST in.

I mean, with Cheneys stock options its fair to say.. should Halliburton do well, its stock holders do well. This would explain the 3000+ % increase in stock value for My Cheney.

Have you noticed how the Wheat board in Australia right now is being investigated and highly criticized for selling wheat and giving kickbacks to Iraq?
How about this :

“But the one company that helped Saddam exploit the oil-for-food program in the mid-1990s that wasn't identified in Duelfer's report was Halliburton, and the person at the helm of Halliburton at the time of the scheme was Vice President Dick Cheney. Halliburton and its subsidiaries were one of several American and foreign oil supply companies that helped Iraq increase its crude exports from $4 billion in 1997 to nearly $18 billion in 2000 by skirting U.S. laws and selling Iraq spare parts so it could repair its oil fields and pump more oil. Since the oil-for-food program began, Iraq has sold $40 billion worth of oil. U.S. and European officials have long argued that the increase in Iraq's oil production also expanded Saddam's ability to use some of that money for weapons, luxury goods and palaces. Security Council diplomats estimate that Iraq was skimming off as much as 10 percent of the proceeds from the oil-for-food program thanks to companies like Halliburton and former executives such as Cheney.”

Ok, so we’re clear that Cheney is making money from Halliburton.
And Halliburton is making money from the Iraq war.
And that Cheney and Halliburton had direct dealings with SADDAM prior to the invasion, which also made a lot of money.

Now, the government, and Cheney declare this as ‘not a conflict of interest’.
Well, When YOUR country invades another country and you make a 3000% profit on your interests BECAUSE of it, that to me is a conflict.

Especially when all the evidence and meaning to go to war in the first place, ended up being forged. That to me is a VERY SUSPICOUS conflict of interest now.
What would make it worse, was if it came to light that Cheney himself, pushed for the IRAQ War.


i]“Nobody pushed harder than Cheney for a military strike against Saddam Hussein. Nobody was more cocksure about the presence of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear components. Nobody was more emphatic about a secret alliance between al Qaeda and Baghdad.”

Where’s his evidence? What made him believe Saddam had wmd’s?
Wasn’t it Cheney involved with GW Snr? When they went in, trampled Saddam and forced the destruction of his arsenal?
Cheney knew from that day that Iraq never had Wmd’s, and that they were militarily inferior to the USA…… is that why he was so eager to send hundreds of thousands of people head first into a conflict with them?


Jesus, America..

Your blood, your young men and women, the fruit of your labor are being sent to war, influenced by a man making PROFITS from that battle?

Is this not enough for you to be enraged?
To be protesting and rioting?

These are your sons and daughters who are dying daily because of GREED!

Who cares that it’s a war based on lies.
Who cares it’s a administration that cheated their way to power.
Who cares that 3000 of your own citizens were sacrificed to make you feel angry towards a region.

But Jesus, I thought you’d care enough when your children were being sent to battle FOR MONEY!

mod edit to add external quotes

[edit on 27-11-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

[edit on 27-11-2006 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 06:00 PM
Hi, again, Chop--

Well done !

Though not really vocal (enough!) about it, MOST American are of the understanding that we have a whole cartel of Criminals in the Administrative Branch of Government. Of course, there are a bunch of Reps and RW Christians up here that will disagree with that statement, but, everybody has a Right to be WRONG.
The fact of the matter is that such denial never solved any problem, but has served only to create more and deeper ones.

Going to be an interesting thread--one where, for myself, would like to see some answers and solutions, rather than the normal agree/disagree debates.

Good Job!!

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 06:11 PM
Cheney is one of the members of the task energy force that is to oversee the oil business in Iraq.

They are partners with all the mayor oil companies in the US and UK.

They will not put forward any money for the oil in Iraq until they agree to give away the rights to the Iraqi oil to them.

Funny that Iraq has to buy oil from other countries but oil is been pumping out and refine in Iraq and the gas been sell in Iraq right now in the streets is black market gas.

It seems very weird that soon after Cheney meeting with Saudi Arabia yesterday a major oil pipe got blown up in Iraq.

These oil barons wants nothing but to make money and Cheney is one of the group that has profited the most so far.

But he is running out of time if the Iraqi civil war keeps pushing US to get the heck of Iraq.

Nice thread.

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 10:52 PM

“But the one company that helped Saddam exploit the oil-for-food program in the mid-1990s that wasn't identified in Duelfer's report was Halliburton, and the person at the helm of Halliburton at the time of the scheme was Vice President Dick Cheney. Halliburton and its subsidiaries were one of several American and foreign oil supply companies that helped Iraq increase its crude exports from $4 billion in 1997 to nearly $18 billion in 2000 by skirting U.S. laws and selling Iraq spare parts so it could repair its oil fields and pump more oil. Since the oil-for-food program began, Iraq has sold $40 billion worth of oil. U.S. and European officials have long argued that the increase in Iraq's oil production also expanded Saddam's ability to use some of that money for weapons, luxury goods and palaces. Security Council diplomats estimate that Iraq was skimming off as much as 10 percent of the proceeds from the oil-for-food program thanks to companies like Halliburton and former executives such as Cheney.”

Thinking about this,

in January 2000, Cheney was ceo of halliburton, and halliburton was dealing with saddam in the oil for food scandal.

By January 2002, Cheney was VP of America, and making a war with iraq over these supposid incidents which broke the UN restrictions.

Cheney, that sob snake, knew iraq was a cash cow, with a crippled twisted dictator..
If only he could get his companies into iraq to control all that potential wealth..

Thats gotta be a first....
A man, was elected into the 2nd most powerful position, in the world super powers heirachy...

He got there not through service to america, and its people..
but because he was so corporately driven, when presented with the opportunity to 'pick' the VP for bush's campaign...

he just couldnt resist that business 'opportunity'

[edit on 27-11-2006 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 02:31 AM
Corporations behave like psychopaths according to Joel Bakan "The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power". So naturally they are unethical. The psychopath diagnose is the only psychiatric ailment where the patient does not suffer. Only his subjects do. Unethical behaviour is the very foundation of business. And that's the reason for Mr. Cheney's succes.

It's only about money. Any means to make them is OK.

According to Wall Street Journal a subsidiary of Halliburton Energy Services was opened in Tehran in 2001. The company called Halliburton Products and Services Ltd, HPS, operated
"behind an unmarked door on the nineth floor of a new north Tehran tower block."

Although HPS was incorporated in the Cayman Islands in 1975 and is "non-American", it shares both the logo and name of Halliburton Energy Services and, according to Dow Jones Newswires offers services from Halliburton units world-wide through its Tehran office. Such behaviour, undertaken while Cheney was CEO of Halliburton, may have violated the Trading with the Enemy Act.
No legal action has been taken against the company or its officials.

What else they've gotten away with might have been lost in time or sudden death. But beside the roumours and myths the traces left are there to be unearthened.

Halliburton has subsidiaries in 131 countries.
Here's a report about what they do in Russia, published by the well-reputed CPI.

Dated pre-war, it only goes to show how much better even they have fared since.

Cheney Led Halliburton To Feast at Federal Trough

WASHINGTON, August 2, 2000 — Under the guidance of Richard Cheney, a get-the-government-out-of-my-face conservative, Halliburton Company over the past five years has emerged as a corporate welfare hog, benefiting from at least $3.8 billion in federal contracts and taxpayer-insured loans.

One of these loans was approved in April by the U.S. Export-Import Bank. It guaranteed $489 million in credits to a Russian oil company whose roots are imbedded in a legacy of KGB and Communist Party corruption, as well as drug trafficking and organized crime funds, according to Russian and U.S. sources and documents.

Halliburton, which lobbied for the Ex-Im loan after the State Department initially asserted that the deal would run counter to the "national interest," will receive $292 million of those funds to refurbish a massive Siberian oil field owned by the Russian company, the Tyumen Oil Co., which is controlled by a conglomerate called the Alfa Group.

Some allegations of organized crime and drug activities involving Tyumen's parent company, the Alfa Group, had been made public in Russia last year.

The allegations were contained in a report delivered in 1997 by anonymous officials from the FSB (the Russian equivalent of the FBI) to the national security committee of the Duma, or lower house of parliament.

A Russian-American specialist on business practices in the former Soviet Union who has worked with the White House and Pentagon told The Public i that the allegations contained in the 1997 report have been the subject of an investigation by the FSB but that the probe, for unexplained reasons, had been "put away for a better day."
That document and the FSB report claim that Alfa Bank, one of Russia's largest and most profitable, as well as Alfa Eko, a trading company, had been deeply involved in the early 1990s in laundering of Russian and Colombian drug money and in trafficking drugs from the Far East to Europe.

The former KGB major, who with the fall of communism in the late 1980s had himself been involved in the plan by the KGB and Communist Party to loot state enterprises, said that Alfa Bank was founded with party and KGB funds, and quickly attracted rogue agents who had served in anti-organized-crime units. "They (the rogue agents on the banks payroll) quickly determined that dealing in drugs would bring the highest profits with literally no risk in Russia," according to the former KGB officer.

He claimed that a "large channel of heroin transit was established from Burma through Laos, Vietnam, to the Far East [Siberia]." From there the drugs were camouflaged as flour and sugar shipments and forwarded on to Germany. The drug operation was controlled by a Chechen mob family, he said.

This story is attributed to the Halliburton company of "Brown & Root", from 2002 merged with Kellogg to form the infamous subsidiary "KBR".

"Brown & Root" was originally a construction firm specialized in dam building with a history as government contractor going back to WW II.

It was one of the first to build offshore platforms and is involved in any kind of construction today from pipelines to military camps.

During the Vietnam days activists called it "Burn & Loot" because of its heavy involvement in that war.

Finally a snippet, that more than suggests involvements in drug-trade.
It is clear that everywhere there is oil there is Brown and Root. But increasingly, everywhere there is war or insurrection there is Brown and Root also. From Bosnia and Kosovo, to Chechnya, to Rwanda, to Burma, to Pakistan, to Laos, to Vietnam, to Indonesia, to Iran to Libya to Mexico to Colombia, Brown and Root's traditional operations have expanded from heavy construction to include the provision of logistical support for the U.S. military. Now, instead of U.S. Army quartermasters, the world is likely to see Brown and Root warehouses storing and managing everything from uniforms to rations to vehicles.

Do yourself the favour to read it all.

I started a thread were I try to unravel the ties between WoT, its business opportunities and the drug-trade, War on Terror financed by drugs?

The same story can be found there but in a different link

Maybe it's too hot to touch.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

“But the one company that helped Saddam exploit the oil-for-food program in the mid-1990s that wasn't identified in Duelfer's report was Halliburton, and the person at the helm of Halliburton at the time of the scheme was Vice President Dick Cheney.

And guess what!!!! our own government help keep the black out companies from the list of he scandal companies, to protect their privacy.

But that is how it works when our own government is a corporation.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 10:45 PM
It really makes you wonder WHY there hasnt been any sufficient investigation into such irregularities...

You never hear about this in the media, not on the real scale of the situation..

Why isnt more being done against these things,
Look how much the civil libities have disappeared... democracy is bs within america, how the hell do they intend on making it work over sea's.... when it originated from corporate greed?

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 11:48 PM
A rather pointed documentary can be seen here: Iraq for Sale

It goes indepth on contractor opperations in Iraq and explains exactly what "cost plus" is and why it's a remarkably bad way to do business.

Corporations do not belong on the battlefield!

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
It really makes you wonder WHY there hasnt been any sufficient investigation into such irregularities...

You never hear about this in the media, not on the real scale of the situation..

Why isnt more being done against these things,
Look how much the civil libities have disappeared... democracy is bs within america, how the hell do they intend on making it work over sea's.... when it originated from corporate greed?


There are quite a number of reasons, actually. The one at the top of the list is that every time some investigative reporter (example only) has tried to trace these things out, they run into brick walls with the words "National Security" and "NAS" written all over them. If you want to know what is at the Hub of the NWO/WoT/Drugs (ony 3 of many spokes) --try the CIA/NSA Intel community for starters. The problem is that just about everybody who is anybody in America is "on the take" in one way or another--and finding out who is responsible for all of it--the names in the top box--is the ultimate exercise in futility.

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 12:31 AM
You got my vote for way above! Excellent post!!!

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 05:41 PM
Cheney and his business partners are not finished with Iraq yet, no just yet they have to get their hands on that elusive Iraqi oil.

Right now the talks about having the leader of Iraq talking to Iran and Syria has prompted Cheney to look for friends to help in Iraq from Sadi, Jordan, Egypt and Kuwait.

It seems that their biggest investment may just slip out of their greedy hands if Iraq joints Iran and Syria.

On top of that the propaganda machine is now blaming no longer Al-qaida for Iraq downfall but Syria and Iraq and Hezbollah is taking the place of Al-qaida.

Also politicans are asking for Sadr's head a clerical leader made famous by the disastrous policies of Bremen interrine government in Iraq that after pushing democracy and liberating Iraq wanted to silence the liberated people and Sadr news paper so it could not tell the truth about post invation iraq.

And now we have a mysterious memo that calls the leader of Iraq as not suitable to rule that nation.

I tell you anything just to control that oil in that country.

The propaganda of these greedy dirty profiteers of war is just incredible.

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 11:56 PM
Thanks for the replies..
I take great pride in watching people so powerful in there defense for their government when people suggest inner workings about 911.
or that the government lied about Iraq..
yet... when something of substance is put forward....
they cant reply..... they refuse to touch it...

You only have to flick on tv stations outside of Murdochs realm, and outside of the USA's influence to see that majority of independant factions... all agree that Iraq, and sep11 are extremely suspicous..

and having such a corporately driven government only adds further length on this conspiracy.

Americans are being brainwashed.. but its encouraging to see some breaking away from the hold it has over media.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 08:35 PM
Hi, Chop-

As always, you hit the nail on the head.

For what it’s worth, I had to put a bit more time in thinking about this thread than I normally do before I composed a reply.

At the age of 60, if I have learned anything relatively important about the majority of my fellow Americans, it is that most of them are Sheep. “Sheeple”, easily led, easily convinced, easily swayed, easily indoctrinated, too willing to allow real or perceived authority to do their thinking for them, nearly completely indecisive on any issue, possessive of the desire to “be on the winning side” rather than risk taking a stand for Truth, too willing to give up Rights in favor of “Safety and Security”, and very, very, easily distracted—especially when faced with the Truth. The unfortunate Truth is that my whole Country is in a nearly constant state of Denial.

Oh, we do definitely pull together when the Chips are down, like natural disasters, but always too late when it comes to the preventable problems.

Here is an example of the standard of mentality I’m treating here. There was a news item this evening regards a sexual harassment/abuse issue at a McDonalds. An 18 year-old female employee was strip-searched by a female supervisor. It seems that some guy phoned the store, identified himself as a Police Detective, and told the Supervisor that the young lady was a “suspect” is a crime. He then requested over the phone that the young gal be strip-searched. After that was accomplished, he talked the Supervisors’ boyfriend into “kissing the girl and spanking her”. This was done WITHOUT QUESTION. Mickey D’s is being sued for 200mil.

The trick here is the NOBODY questioned anything—even the victim. Just how stupid can it get? Remember, these people were charged with managing a business.

As to Iraq, we invaded a country and took down a Brutal, but Stable Government, and replaced it with an Unstable Government that is even MORE Brutal—and all at the behest of, by, and for, Corporate Interests.

Then you have the Evangelical Conservative “Christians” and their Right-wing Politicians. Nobody seems to comprehend that the Leadership of the Evangelical Movement are Big Business People and the Commodity they sell is “God”. The mandate is to “save their Soul and keep them ignorant”—and that so they can get YOUR MONEY, for which you receive nothing at all. The Evangelicals are nothing more than Con Artists in Christian Cloaks. Every one of them are filthy rich off the backs of their Following. Categorically, they are as far from God and a Hawk from the Moon. How would I know? I am a Minister, and an historical Churchman.
Even though I know the Truth and stand for it, Chop, I am only One Man in a country of 300mil of which about 95% are completely stupid Sheep. What can I do, really, other than try to talk to who I can, when I can, and show the Truth to those willing to see it?

As to an answer to the intuitive question, “Why do American condone such a state of Corruption as the certainly have?”, I can’t answer you, and that is because such defies any Logic or Common Sense. I just don’t know why and I am at a loss for any answer. I just hope and pray that we all wake the heck up.

[edit on 1-12-2006 by Ed Littlefox]

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Ed Littlefox

As to Iraq, we invaded a country and took down a Brutal, but Stable Government, and replaced it with an Unstable Government that is even MORE Brutal—and all at the behest of, by, and for, Corporate Interests.
[edit on 1-12-2006 by Ed Littlefox]

IT may sound stupid...

but.. people talk of the antichrist and such as being a being.. someone mortal.

I believe it something created by a mortal, that spreads through people based on sins.

Hitler created the fear of jews.. the hatred for jews...
Todays civlisation created the corproate entity.

Both things are endless in lifespan, yet can cause so much horror...

horror, that only man himself can replicate.

corporate greed mightnt continue through the world war it creates.. all it had to do was infest itself enough to create friction between people.

Hatred for jews wasnt around throughout worldwar2, but it certainly gave hitler a foothold to start his drive.

Corporate greed created the foothold for powerful men to desire more
it doesnt matter that the men fighting dont follow that mentality...
it only matters that man allowed it to get that far....before we realised it was to late.

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