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John Lear's theory regarding the "Soul Collector"

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posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Happyface

Did you read Gurdjieff's "Beelzebub's Tales to his grandson"
Also mayor information about cosmology is on Ouspensky's book "In search of the miraculous".

I would like to know your thoughts.


posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 08:40 PM
yes Ive read 'Beelzebub'... just been reading through:

and I notice that much of sleepers views are similar to how Gurdjieff views ETs.

thanks for everyone's replies.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 02:37 PM
I can agree as to general principle, that there are people, "entities" that take care of a mission to reincarnate us. It would be hard for generally underdeveloped soul to find its mother and father, not to mention that it would have been even harder for the prospective parents to "shop".
And who would have done the shopping anyway? Mother or father?
So, of'course there could have been a automated system of soul allocation. Yet, my experience is different. When you are ready for reincarnation, or actually when you start feeling BURNING desire to learn to control your emotions through CONTROLLED experience machine which is "real matter" then you yourself turn to one of the "helpers". I can't describe how they look, as at that stage it does not matter to you anyway. You are a spirit, void of earthly desires, fears and so on. That is the main reason we are afraid of death. Now we may have our own preconceptions and likes and dislikes.Then we will be "clean" .. (after purification if needed). So, we are afraid of ourselves that we can become even the opposite of what we want to believe is true and just. Returning to the point of Moon. Personally I don't think so, as you exist in different plane. Like outside of the "material world". There is no Moon or earth or even the Galaxy. You are simply not aware of that. There are many more things to be busy with. I met what we can describe as "gods". They were "playing" with something. It looked like they were either controlling a star (our Sun?) or were working on something bigger (supernova explosion?).. They partially knew , partially were learning how to follow certain SPIRITUAL procedures to "CREATE REALITY" for others to see and utilize. I got very interested as it seemed to add plenty to meaning to my life. Yes life. I might have lived as anyone else for x-time. So, I tried to project something, then I could sense (kind of telepathy , but more spiritual) that I am not allowed to interfere as I don't know the "PROCEDURES". I am simply too inferior. Yet, they did not interact with me. They asked a higher BEING (GOD or some kind of supervisor or police) to do something about me.The I was SEALED off from their creation and unable to do anything on their creation.
I wanted to be like them. Anyway I knew nothing else, although I was aware that others could have been specializing in other spheres of creation, activities and so on. I was "told" that I need to progress. So, here I was, fresh, full of energy, almost no knowledge and tired of living in BLISS .. (State when you feel extremely peaceful and pleasant but without strong emotions --- I gather it is there where you gain energy, faith in life and sort of NAIVETY so necessary to plunge yourself forward ). I did not not what to do. Somebody got around me, like sensing that I was ready for help. He told me: We run a project you could be part of. This can help you to learn how to direct your energy in a more meaningful way.It seemed to me that somebody mentioned that the project may be cancelled or may near its cycle or so, commonly referred on earth as End Of The World. I am not sure, as I am aware that we are in need of similar "facility" so it cannot REALLY be cancelled.Also, it is unclear how this little Earth and other planets of our Universe relate to it. As project was mentioned an I was directed to earth. No one really offered me other options. Maybe my awareness did not allow that -- to perceive broader reality, I don't know.
When decided on the reincarnation despite some dangers , we went on. I was waiting for my set of parents. My assigned helpers were reporting to me some options and well, yes, the parents on some level had to agree to me as that particular soul (SUB SUB Conscious?)I remember that the parents "threatened" to disagree with each other. I insisted on being born, despite that. Anyway some years after my birth, my parents divorced.
There was as well something like (skills allocation?)You have a point system.

posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 04:50 AM
Respect Lear. Also respect that this highly respected man can push the envelope to far. The 'William English vietnam B52 investigation' is, in my opinion, John's most respected and varified case.


posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 06:31 AM
One thing that makes me very angry about being interested in UFO and figuring out if there is other intelligent life in the universe , is the amount of crap one has to wade through, and take note of in order to be taken seriously by others in the field. We all have our interests in specific feilds it seems, although my interest is general and hobbyist, rather than concentrated and obsessive. In any case, we all contribute to the pool of information when ever we see a subject that we can offer into positively. My attitude toward the goals of our cooperation on this matter is that if we keep our focus on science, proofs, hard court worthy evidence, then we might get someplace.
However there is a thorn in my balloon, a fly in my mayo in this regard. That would be the psuedo religious BS which has sprung up surrounding UFO , aliens and so forth. I am sick to the back teeth of these swindlers, nuts , and idiots fooling other nuts and idiots in to ignoring scientific proof, in favour of some faith like assurance. Its not bloody well good enough, and in my opinion the people who get caught up in it, hell even the people who give the ideas expressed by these stunted directionless twits a moments thought need a serious look at thier priorities. If droves of our number fly off to lala land with these galactic gurus and thier baseless nonsense, then our chances of actualy PROOVING the identity of even ONE UFO are pretty damned slim, and grow slimmer for every mind we loose to the space hippies.
Now I know some of you may take offense at what Im saying here, and others may suggest that I havent read enough, or paid attention to what has been said, or even that I have a closed mind. These arguments are invalid. I have payed attention, I have read , and my mind is as open as it can be, without pouring out through my nose. One does not have to have a closed mind to believe that the only way to PROOVE something , is to collect physical evidence of it, document the find, photograph your findings and show your investigative work.Then you have others examine it, and follow the black and white absolute of science to an answer. What you dont do , when your aim is to deny ignorance, is to base your only beliefs, your only involvement in that process on some false prophet , and his insane ramblings.
This total hogwash is exactly the sort of prattle I am talking about. It is totaly backward to insist that these unfounded cultist mouthpieces get ANY attention from a supposedly legitimate and scientificaly minded bunch of conspiracists. You see , I dont veiw conspiracists as tin foil hat wearing nutbars, I know that many are refined in thier intelligence and thier ability to apply information to the real world, and that is I think the source of my fustration with the inclusion of these totaly spurious stories and prophets in our collective datapool. It complicates an already deeply difficult subject, and steals minds through the application of subtle psychological manipulation, away from truth , and toward madness.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by StarLord
That's pretty rediculous. Soul does't need a "recptor" to collect it here on the physical plane. (moon)

I don't know about that. Practitioners of black magic and human sacrifice certainly seem to believe that the life energy of a person can be taken against their will and used for trade, etc.
Colin Wilson wrote a fiction book in 1967 called "The Mind Parasites" in which he quotes Gurdjieff as saying "We are all just cattle being fattened for the moon". I never checked to see if that was a real quote. Wilson later made the movie "Life Force" which involves an alien collector of souls machine which arrives along with Halley's Comet. On the subject of the moon, consider Von Reichenbach's research with "lunatics", people who would go out in their yards at night and stare at the moon for hours. Creepy.
edit on 20-4-2011 by grizzle2 because: Add info on Baron Reichenbach.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 10:56 PM
So where is John Lear hiding these days?

I now think that people like him and Bob Lazar are paid disinformation agents.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 05:55 AM
John Lear maybe relies on the RV of Ingo Swann but in the reports
from the afterlife as much contradictory they are there is no
collector mentioned on the moon, I met only something about
some higher civilisation on that plane of the reality.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
So where is John Lear hiding these days?

I now think that people like him and Bob Lazar are paid disinformation agents.

You can find Mr. Lear at the Open Minds Forums where he has a dedicated board he frequents with his special brand of "opinions."
I believe Ats member, Zorgon, has a dedicated board as well there.
edit on 4/21/2011 by dethduck because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 06:39 AM
After watching interviews with JL I do not know what to make of this guy. His cridentials seem to be in order but that doesn't say much about if his mind is still in order after so many years in retirement. He is excellent companionship when sitting around a campfire....I guess.

Anyways....we will all find out one day.....isn't life exciting.....all those answers, as a reward waiting for us in the end?

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by zatara

I am completely convinced John lear and bob lazar are disinfo agents suppressing supertechnologies.

John Lear's dad was hyping atigravity more than anyone in the 50s before the tech went black and Bob Lazar pretends to bring us alien disclosure, dangerous chemcials and hydrogen cars.. the perfect cover for someone suppressing super tehcnolgies.

His description of how the craft produces power is also indentical to how Rossi daid his cold fusion system works only Rossi's system uses the incredibly abundant nickel and Lazar claimed the alien craft needed the impossible to get element 115. Bob Lazar also showed up on the seen the same year Pons and Fleschman did.. coincidence?

One thing I do wonder though is if ther eis truth in Lear's disinfo.. for example.. let's say this soul collector is actually some advanced form of our tech that does somehting similar to what he describes but he is just spinning it..... oh wow.. I got it.. his soul collector might actually be a teleportation device.. does your body die and is reborn in a new body when teleported? It's probably somehting mind boggling like that.. I think he also said something about it not working under wate.r. mayb you can't telport under water or something?

edit on 21-4-2011 by 8311-XHT because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Denied

So now its looking like there may in fact be a very tall structure on the monn. How about that

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by wutz4tom
reply to post by Denied

So now its looking like there may in fact be a very tall structure on the monn. How about that

We all know there are very tall structures on the moon we aren't being told about. Short sentence to bring back a 6 year old thread. Don't you have a theory on why some alien race is doing this to the Prison Planet?

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by 8311-XHT

One thing I do wonder though is if ther eis truth in Lear's disinfo.. for example.. let's say this soul collector is actually some advanced form of our tech that does somehting similar to what he describes but he is just spinning it..... oh wow.. I got it.. his soul collector might actually be a teleportation device.. does your body die and is reborn in a new body when teleported? It's probably somehting mind boggling like that.. I think he also said something about it not working under wate.r. mayb you can't telport under water or something?

There are videos on Youtube of kids remembering past lives, reincarnation. One little boy remembers being his grandpa...and knew his grandpa's sister was killed by a bunch of guys and thrown into the ocean. He said "she is a fish now".

Maybe giving credence to John Lear...die in the water and the soul catcher on the moon can't get you?

Also gives credence to the Bible, when all those people were killed in the flood "by god" because they mixed with the angels....they couldn't be reincarnated. Stuck as fish.

Anyone know why John Lear was banned from ATS? Happened shortly after some 'private party' paid the owners of ATS a 6 figure sum. Which they could never get back, they'd never make money off of ATS. So it must have costed someone 6 figures to silence John Lear and ban him from here.....he mighta been on to something.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Pervius

Yes, your right..while it might have been a little hard to accept at the time, it seems like it is at least a possibility.
why...Perhaps we are just part of a process that was begun a long time ago..They must have a better grasp on the value of human souls. This is really going to take some thought...but it does kind of fit into the whole strange picture.
I'm going to look into this...Is the idea a good one or bad. Would you want to be regenerated through the soul catcher, or not?hummm..
edit on 1-2-2012 by wutz4tom because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 06:47 PM
To me it's a shame John isn't around here anymore. After listening to one of his broadcasts on Coast to coast way back in the day is how I found out about ATS. As he used to refer to some of the conversations here. As with quite a few members that have come and gone through the years here it's always a shame to see people that spark imagination get thrown out or cast out. Honestly it's what this site is lacking nowdays, seems people are only after S&F's anymore and quality is out the window. Sometimes it feels like glorified high school and a popularity contest. Seeing as this thread is still open would be nice to be able to still interact with John and company seeing as I myself have some questions I have pondered throughout the years.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Denied
But seriously with a man with nothing to gain, and his aviation background, can we really say hes a loon?

Yes, I wouldn't go with that logic: Howard Hughes suddenly comes to mind.

Wealthy pilots are not immune to Mental illness,greed,etc ....

edit on 1-2-2012 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 09:23 AM
I had a lucid dream in which souls were kept in "shoeboxes". There was a man there missing one of his front teeth and I was told he was the devil. The moon was referenced as being a "location of interest" and possibly the devil's "HQ".

It was implied that the moon is hell.

posted on Oct, 27 2023 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: Denied

link is dead, does anybody know what interview this was?

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