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Proof on NASA's own tape!

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posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 06:09 AM
To show you I am not a complete unbeliever, I find this object to be quite interesting, however, it is still inconclusive.

I have borrowed one of your Pictures

If you can use a program like quicktime you can scroll back and forth to watch this objects path quickly, It is not conclusive that the same object which leaves the top of the screen is the same object which returns.

Or you can watch on the google link for the 31 min video, you can scroll on there, You don't have to allow it all to load you can move the play marker to 27min and it will load from that point only
Oopps it might have been removed from google video.

[edit on 27/2/2006 by Wig]

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 10:31 AM
I have all the videos on my computer and also a program capable of scrolling back and forth, so I have studied all the videos closely.
I think it's too much strange things going on...

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by sensfan
How many threads is this showing an ice particle changing direction due to the MANY thrusters on the shuttle which are fired very frequently in order to keep it's possition? 10? 100?

Six hundred and eighteen.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 10:07 PM
Enkidu: Sometimes it's just bether to not post...

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 07:31 PM
I have just come across this thread and I'm amazed at the kind of answers the poor TrappedSoul got. I mean, do you guys work for the government or something?

Needless to say, I totally agree with TrappedSoul. The STS-75 footage is the most INSANE UFO footage I have ever seen! It almost made me *bleep* my pants. Therefore, if there are really "Six hundred and eighteen" threads like this one, and all have been ridiculed like this one, I feel the need to spill my gut.

To those who say the footage is bad and/or out of focus, is because the footage is filmed with a CCD camera, which can capture in the near Ultra Violet spectrum, which is a higher frequency, and we cannot see it with our bare eyes. This explains how these objects can suddenly "appear" from nowhere: they actually lowered frequency or something and became visible to the CCD camera. See here for info on the spectrum:
, and CCD:

I also want to note on the link that is posted here multiple times, namely . On this website they try to debunk it and say that the objects are moving in front of the tether, which is really quite ridiculous. look at the pictures here: (middle of the page). Now THAT is some bad footage indeed! And the net is full of it it seems. So time I put up some files :

Reference picture (so you can verify the motion of the object)
Objec t is behind the tether.

I already rest my case about the "in front of the tether" thing, but I will go just a little further, just to rub it in a little, or better, a lot.

Shocker, jaws drop to the floor, case closed.

Obviously these "debunkers" had to go through a LOT of effort to get to such a *really* crappy picture.

About the "airy disk" thing, supposed to be an "out of focus effect", well here are REAL airy disks, from that same footage:
BTW: these exist, because the cameraman went out of focus, trying to hide that object moving in the back (gone by the second shot).

About the argument that these things are just pieces of space junk (coincidentally all of them looking the same, pulsating, a few miles wide and not showing up on normal sub UV-cams) that starts moving (and changing direction) because of thrusters getting satellites positioned or something I say: that does NOT make objects shoot from earth and leaving orbit. I'll back this up again:
2 object leaving orbit in the _same_ sequence.

I don't remember if there where any more arguments against these being UFO's, but please post if you still have any. I want to be proven wrong, it's just that the arguments so far, are really ridiculous.

The truth isn't out there, it's right here:

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by TrappedSoul
I present to you this video clearly showing an object suddenly appear on NASA's high frequency cam's which also changes direction!

Watch it closely and you'll see what i'm talking about!
This is proof that something is going on up there that NASA wont tell us!
The question is, is it extraterrestrial or not?

I have my own reasons to believe in extraterrestrial life and I think it's shoocking that most people go around and deny it when we have all this video evidence... (some good ones in The Case of NASA UFOs - by David Sereda)

Let's keep this thread serioulsy and discuss what we see in this video!
Why it must be an UFO, or why you don't think so!

Here is the full video, showing even more suddenly appearing objects!
I counted 5 clearly visible ones!

I also got a video of the tether incident, more strange things going on there! Werid, the file was cut too short

I'll try to upload it again tomorrow, goodnight!

[edit on 2006/2/13 by TrappedSoul]

Ofcause we are being visited, anyone able to think outside the box can easily find this out. I certainly don't buy their "ice crystals" and "thrusters" explanation. Unbelievable what people will swallow as long as it comes from our authorities. I don't buy it at all.

Watch David Sereda's dokumentary on the NASA UFO's, it's clear as day, and don't waste your time on those who can't grasp it. Just give them a little time, they'll come around when things get to the surface in the future.

Sometimes getting an alternative reality in your face can be a difficult thing to deal with, and that's all it is, some great people, who just can't believe that NASA would lie to them. Support them, this stuff is really hard for them, seriously.



[edit on 6-3-2006 by Cade]

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 08:29 PM
oh and by the way, who ever said we all had to agree anyway??? People got a right to their own opinion right? So what if they don't think we caught NASA filming our lille "house guests" ? It don't make them disappear does it? They are still there.

So peace.



posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 08:29 PM
Ah, and you are right, but there's another side to that.

I myself have been shocked several times, and a few times with things I really didn't want to know about. Not this though. And seeing it's obviously true, and we don't tell about it, and the truth comes out the moment these guys want it to come out... how shocked will they be then?


posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 09:15 PM

No, we don't all have to agree. And if there was anyone who doesn't believe half the stuff told to us by governments it's me. I have examined these clips and come to my own's out of focus ice/dust whatever. When the brightlight (which they lie is sunrise on the video) shines into the camera lens you get the same circles with a dark centres appearing, and there's no way you or anyone else is going to say that is anything but a light optical effect. So why don't you see the similarities with all the spheres? Sorry, I can't take screen shots to illustrate what I'm on about.

All your .png files on imageshack are useless to me, why didn't you put up normal .jpg ?

[edit on 6/3/2006 by Wig]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by Wig
All your .png files on imageshack are useless to me, why didn't you put up normal .jpg ?

Because jpg is lossy compression resulting in image quality loss. What are you using anyway, Internet Explorer 4.0 or something? And sorry no, I won't keep myself busy converting them, just download a decent image viewer and then be convinced these are not dust particles (or whatever). Could it be possible you saw some fabricated bad-quality cover-up movies, Wig?

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 10:27 AM
Thank you!

I also started to think they could be from the government or something...
And I also lost my respect for ProjectProve.
And I think it was weird everyone linked to that page.

[edit on 2006/3/7 by TrappedSoul]


posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 12:00 PM
I have internet explorer 6.something when I clicked on your png links it breifly opened a new window (as ATS does) then the window closed imediately and I was asked if I wanted to save the file ??? totally weird. If it were a normal link to imageshack (jpg gif bmp whatever) a window would have opened with the picture on.

I can't be bothered DL'ing some obscure software to try and view your pics which I have prolly already seen. If you want people to see what you're on about I suggest you change tactic.

God knows what you're on about - I have seen some dodgy video, If you had read the thread you would have seen I have viewed the 31min video.

Still no one explains why the same dark circle in the centre of a lighter circle is present on the light refracting on the camera lens. Making it look remarkably like the out of focus spheres.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Wig
I can't be bothered DL'ing some obscure software to try and view your pics which I have prolly already seen. If you want people to see what you're on about I suggest you change tactic.

I can see the pictures in both Internet Explorer and Firefox, and I don't need any obscure software, so calm down.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 04:21 PM
Yow, TrappedSoul, glad to see you back!

"Still no one explains why the same dark circle in the centre of a lighter circle is present on the light refracting on the camera lens. Making it look remarkably like the out of focus spheres."

If you would look at the pics, that answers it all. I give you proof, and you want arguments? man you are weird. But an argument could be: considering higher frequency on the spectrum, special camera making it visible, middle could be too high a frequency to be seen by that camera. There you go?

Can you explain to me why none of the REAL airy disks do NOT have notches in the side?

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 08:29 PM

I have seen some dodgy video, If you had read the thread you would have seen I have viewed the 31min video.

That 31 min. video is only one part of a larger film.

All the objects seen that appear as sphere's with notches , look like that because the camera is not focused on them. This is similar to "Airy Disks".

It is just an optical phenomena caused by the objects being accidentally or deliberately out of focus. The slit you see in the side of all of them is actually caused by an aperture arm inside the camera.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 09:01 PM
Are you saying that all the objects in these movies that we see moving are Alien craft?????

Are you saying theres that much UFO traffic going on in space???

I'm a pure believer in alien life because its ignorant to think we're the only peoples in this enormous universe. But to think that theres so much traffic going on right outside our atmosphere is pretty wild.

Why when they speak on the videos they don't seem concerned with the objects winging across the lens?

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by rick_y_2
Are you saying that all the objects in these movies that we see moving are Alien craft?????

I'm not saying that. I'm positive that all the objects are not Alien Craft!

Originally posted by rick_y_2

Are you saying theres that much UFO traffic going on in space???

If you go to there are many events that show "anomalies". It does seem that "anomalies" are fairly common.

Originally posted by rick_y_2

Why when they speak on the videos they don't seem concerned with the objects winging across the lens?

Likely because these people work for NASA and are trained not to freak out on NASA Select T.V.

There are times when "objects" appear to be causing some concern at times.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
All the objects seen that appear as sphere's with notches , look like that because the camera is not focused on them. This is similar to "Airy Disks".

But why can't we see the notches on these then?

And are you then saying that none of them is actually moving behind the tether?

[edit on 2006/3/7 by TrappedSoul]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 04:13 PM
lost_shaman, stop linking . This website is clearly part of a cover-up, as I and others already pointed out in this thread. They even dare put copyright on degraded public material, it's just too obvious.

Originally posted by rick_y_2
Are you saying that all the objects in these movies that we see moving are Alien craft?????

Are you saying theres that much UFO traffic going on in space???

I'm a pure believer in alien life because its ignorant to think we're the only peoples in this enormous universe. But to think that theres so much traffic going on right outside our atmosphere is pretty wild.

Why when they speak on the videos they don't seem concerned with the objects winging across the lens?

I don't know if they are alien, but since nobody can (really!) tell just what they are, it makes them UFO's.

I have the full video called "Smoking Gun", and when you listen carefully to the STS-75 scene you can actually hear people wowing in the background, when a bright pulsing UFO slowly passes.

Also highly recommended is the "Evidence: The Case for NASA UFO's" video by David Sereda, where he tries to give a full analysis of the best scenes in all the footage he got from Martin Stubbs. He does a good job destroying the airy disk excuse.


posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by TrappedSoul

Originally posted by Wig
I can't be bothered DL'ing some obscure software to try and view your pics which I have prolly already seen. If you want people to see what you're on about I suggest you change tactic.

I can see the pictures in both Internet Explorer and Firefox, and I don't need any obscure software, so calm down.

You're on the wrong horse again.

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