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Ok the Titor clock is there, how are we supposed to know?

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posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 12:32 AM
Seriously how are we supposed to know when it begins if it begins? Is it supposed to be some big bang? Or is it some simple invasion of privacy, like the NSA putting cookies on our computers to track us or the president ordering wiretaps without court orders.

I'm just wondering since the clock is there, what exactly am I looking for? Do I need to get under my desk and curl up in a ball like I did in elementary school, it would not have wrorked then either? Dang that tiled floor was cold. Anyway what is it I am watching for? What cue should tip me off that it is beginning or not beginning? TIA

Mod I looked in the thread about Titor and this one is different, it is about the clock and what I need to be looking for to know if it is for real or not.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 03:46 AM
Now really after all this time of the skeptics making fun of it and then there are the true believers not one of you can tell me what to watch for to tell one way or the other if this prediction is going to happen. C'mon how does does this thing start?

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 05:05 AM
it's classic it's pure classic

thios first thing i would watch for is angrey mobs out on the street

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 05:34 AM
I was wondering the same thing myself.

Turn on CNN and wait,,,

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 05:49 AM

loads of John Titor info.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 05:52 AM
I think the clock is there to show that the prediction is not true, i.e that the U.S breaks out in civil war in 2005 according to John Titor from the year 2035.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 09:30 AM
Yep. I'm under the impression the clock will show that it's not true.
However, the die hards will say that events took place in 2005 that
started the war .... only we won't know it for a few years and when
we look back they will point to certain things and say ... 'see, it
started there.'

So even if you don't see mehem in the streets, those who believe
will still believe. They'll say it has started behind the scenes.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 08:11 PM
Honestly, what is the problem with some of you? Did you not even read what Titor actually said?

Titor said that the war would begin in 2004 and 2005, but it would not be obvious to everyone until **2008**.

Don't treat the "BELIEVERS" as if they are morons who keep adjusting dates for their own benefit of belief, it's biased and unfair.

I am not sure if I believe or don't believe, but I do know that some of the things going on right now would be things that might contribute to a goodly amount of people feeling very displeased with their government.

It is also disturbing that the extremists seem to have taken control of the entire political process on BOTH sides. I don't want nuts from left OR right ruling over me.

Try not to treat people with different beliefs with such incredulity and scorn, it reflects upon you as people.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 04:50 AM
So basically what I have learned is the occurance that starts this war is going to be such a small thing most of us will not take notice of the event until 2008.

You guys got to admit this government surveillance without a court order and all of this invasion of privacy is pretty close to what Titor says will occur.
Our doors have not been kicked in yet but thats probably just a matter of time. If I recall correctly the start is when people's rights are ignored and that leads into a police state and then civil war. Is that correct? If that is so I'm starting to get just a wee bit nervous.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 07:06 AM
Goose: That is, in a general sense, what Titor said according to the logged conversations.

What makes me shake my head is that people claim to be skeptics while they are quite obviously unbelievers. I'm skeptical, there isn't enough evidence to suggest he was right or wrong yet, but it does seem to be leaning towards a police-state type of United States, which does coincide with some of the things Titor said.

It's also frustrating that people on this website came up with some random, arbitrary date such as 2006 as some definitive proof of Titor's hoax status.

Honestly, why is it so damn important that Titor is a hoax? Why is it so important to NOT believe in him? I have always held issue with people that fight tooth and nail to prove something false, it is as if because they were robbed of beliefs in other areas they must then rob others of the same in order to fulfill themselves.

You lose nothing by believing in Titor... if you do believe in him, then you might gain a bit of wisdom in how you observe the world and view how our society and government operates... believing means you are aware of the possibility, it doesn't mean he was true or false.

I feel it is less harmful to be suspicious of any government, and aware of what harm can be done. I also feel it is harmful for people to believe that we are too lazy and political minded to actually pick up arms and fight eachother in a civil war type setting... as if somehow we have transcended that part of our humanity.

*Shakes his head*

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 08:44 AM
I think most folks when they read JT just want it to be not true, it would be easier to say it was a hoax. The future that JT talks about is not a good one, and it is one we can all change. But the big question is, will we? Or will we just bury our heads in the sand so we don’t have to see if it is true. IF and I say IF JT is a true TT, and the 2% divergence between his world and ours makes a major difference, then we can go on and have a happy future. If the 2% does not make a difference that we can see, then we will probably see more and more ‘terrorist’ activity in the years to come.

Now, if JT is a hoax, that would be great, we wouldn’t have to worry about anything that he said…..or would we. It seems a lot of what he talked about is showing up. Mad Cow, the nonlethal weapons….etc..etc..

posted on Jan, 2 2006 @ 01:32 AM
the best source, imho, for unfiltered JT is here;

lets see what he posted about the 2005 date...

((8. John says the civil war which starts in 2004 or 2005 (depending on the post) leads to the world war which starts in 2015. ( So we have a TEN YEAR civil war???))

It’s 2004. I apologize for a missed key (very observant – we all need good critics). Perhaps our definition of war is different. I would define it as a conflict where organized groups engage in maneuver and armed conflict. The first U.S. civil war lasted 4 years and the English civil war lasted 6. How long is too long?

he corrects the poster, and reiterates its 2004 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

can anyone demonstrate

organized groups engage in maneuver and armed conflict

happening since 2004 ????????

game over

posted on Jan, 2 2006 @ 06:23 AM
He said a civil war would begin in 2004, but would NOT BE APPARENT to everyone until 2008.

And he didn't say then we'd go into World War 3, he said "Which culminated in a very short World War 3 where Russia Nuked most major cities."

Which sounds a bit sarcastic, as it wouldn't be much of a war after missiles are launched. Just a slaughter.

Do I have to keep repeating what was ACTUALLY said until you actually read what you are talking about?

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 05:00 PM
Now what are we suppose to do?

Start a new thread on our beloved ATS!!

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by TheCrystalSword
He said a civil war would begin in 2004, but would NOT BE APPARENT to everyone until 2008.

And he didn't say then we'd go into World War 3, he said "Which culminated in a very short World War 3 where Russia Nuked most major cities."

Which sounds a bit sarcastic, as it wouldn't be much of a war after missiles are launched. Just a slaughter.

Do I have to keep repeating what was ACTUALLY said until you actually read what you are talking about?

Actually I can see the reasoning behind the Russians making a decision with everything so unstable inside the US if this occurs they might be afraid some fanatical leader might order them bombed first. It almost makes sense unfortunately.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by TheCrystalSword
He said a civil war would begin in 2004, but would NOT BE APPARENT to everyone until 2008.

And he didn't say then we'd go into World War 3, he said "Which culminated in a very short World War 3 where Russia Nuked most major cities."

Which sounds a bit sarcastic, as it wouldn't be much of a war after missiles are launched. Just a slaughter.

Do I have to keep repeating what was ACTUALLY said until you actually read what you are talking about?

OK, I'll play along.

you're own words ...."He said a civil war would begin in 2004"

OK, demostrate one piece of evidence that this is happening, and has been since 2004. Titor also said it would recieve media attention like waco, so it shouldn't be hard to find. Happy googling !


posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 09:10 PM
I think you would be better suited to asking me if I think that the stage is set for violence to erupt within the united states between citizens and government...

And my answer is yes... I feel it is inevitable at this point in the game. When it starts is unknown, but I know that there is so much hatred and division in the United States that this is NOT the place I grew up in, this is NOT the country I knew as a child or as a young adult.

There is suspicion and fear and distrust everywhere I look, and that only breeds anger and discontent.

You can define Civil War however you wish to define it, Syrinx.... according to what I see it began Tentatively in 2000 and was exacerbated in 2004.

It isn't about shooting guns yet, it isn't about killing people YET. It is about the anger and hatred that two factions which are neatly dividing the country have spawned. Either the pressure needs to be released and this hatred let go, or guns will be fired, people will be killed.

When? I'm not a psychic. I'm not from the future. I can't claim when. I can only claim what I observe.

And what I observe is your definition of Civil War is a literal one involving violence, for you there is no room for seething, creeping doom which stabs you in the back at night unawares and unprepared.

To me, Civil War means something beyond killing, though it eventually erupts into that regardless.

If nobody is killing anybody by Dec. 2008 or gearing up to do so, that's fine, Titor was a hoax... but that doesn't mean people won't start just because he was wrong.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 09:39 PM
i find it funny though, if you were to follow what titor said to prepare yourself for this civil war you would be basically a survivalist. his message to prepare was
1. stop eating meat because its not good for you
when in fact hes right, eat fish, forget what the "news" is telling you. my grandfather was a fisherman and still fishes often, deep sea as well. he doesnt believe it at all. my dads friend at one point was eating it 3 times a day for actually months. at first i thought that would be dangerous because of the mercury the papers claimed....yea it was BS. he was in better condition then ever. he had a heart attack months before and was told he should stop smoking drinking and all. he didnt he just changed his diet alot, and all that omega 3 paid off. the cavemans who had almost 0 body fat so was in almost perfect condition as far as muscles go, had a 2 to 1 ratio of omega 3 to omega 6, omega 3 being the 2. now people have like a 1and 20 ratio or some rediculous difference. sure calcium is another must. but believe it or not fish is a soruce of just about everything you need except i think calcium and a few other things like vitamin c or something.

2. get in shape, wow thats such a bad messure to take.

3. stop depending on cars. yea cause that might kill you.

4. learn to shoot a gun. which i feel is pretty much a necessary. learning to defend yourself to say the least is an idea we should all follow and teach our children when they become of age. i grew up around a family like this and all the men in the family can defend should anybody, government or robber came in the house. they all know gun safety and really are better informed of how to handle guns properly to not cause any accidents

im sorry but civil war or not, he had the right idea to follow as far as what we should be doing. you will find out soon enough though that your meat will not be as healthy as you think....and all those carbs they push saying you need them for energy...not so, protien turns into energy when you dont have enough carbs, so instead of eating carbs if you eat extra protien its like the same thing but healthier.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by TheCrystalSword
I think you would be better suited to asking me if I think that the stage is set for violence to erupt within the united states between citizens and government...

And my answer is yes... I feel it is inevitable at this point in the game. When it starts is unknown, but I know that there is so much hatred and division in the United States that this is NOT the place I grew up in, this is NOT the country I knew as a child or as a young adult.

There is suspicion and fear and distrust everywhere I look, and that only breeds anger and discontent.

You can define Civil War however you wish to define it, Syrinx.... according to what I see it began Tentatively in 2000 and was exacerbated in 2004.

It isn't about shooting guns yet, it isn't about killing people YET. It is about the anger and hatred that two factions which are neatly dividing the country have spawned. Either the pressure needs to be released and this hatred let go, or guns will be fired, people will be killed.

When? I'm not a psychic. I'm not from the future. I can't claim when. I can only claim what I observe.

And what I observe is your definition of Civil War is a literal one involving violence, for you there is no room for seething, creeping doom which stabs you in the back at night unawares and unprepared.

To me, Civil War means something beyond killing, though it eventually erupts into that regardless.

If nobody is killing anybody by Dec. 2008 or gearing up to do so, that's fine, Titor was a hoax... but that doesn't mean people won't start just because he was wrong.

we've been down this road for months sword in the other thread

tired, incorrect argument #1
"he didn't mean actual war, but the seeds have been planted" wrong. he describes it in my sig, check it

tired, incorrect argument #2
"we have to wait until....insert date say he is a hoax"
c'mon, ya'll just keep pushing the date back. pretty soon its going to be 2036....

my BS meter was off the charts 3 paragraphs into his steaming pile of manure

what about torino ? don't tell me you are on the "torino isn't official" bandwagon that would be very disappointing

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 10:26 PM
John Titor is going to become like those cultists that talk about the end of the world. Once the prediction date passes, people will "move the goalposts" so the new prediction is some time farther in the future. I guess it'll be 2035 before we can put this issue to rest for good.

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