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Iran will launch their first Spy Satelite next Thursday.

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posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 09:43 AM
In Oct.27/05 so meaning by next thursday we'll be the 43rd country in the world to do so and we'll probably take pictures of Isreals airfields,SAM sites and training camps, there will be about 6 other different types of Satelites launched, the current one which is being luanched now is Sina-1 and has a life spam of 5 years. What are your thoughts on this.....Also U.S troops will be monitered along with your supplys and navy near persian gulf so this can give us advantage just in case.

Rough Translation:

Iran Sina-1 Satellite is scheduled to launch next Thursday Oct. 27th from Russia.

The satellite's mission is communication and research on surprise events/incidents (natural disasters?).

Earlier other press reports have framed Sina-1 as the "first Iranian Spy Satellite".


posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by NR
In Oct.27/05 so meaning by next thursday we'll be the 43rd country in the world to do so and we'll probably take pictures of Isreals airfields,SAM sites and training camps, there will be about 6 other different types of Satelites launched, the current one which is being luanched now is Sina-1 and has a life spam of 5 years. What are your thoughts on this.....Also U.S troops will be monitered along with your supplys and navy near persian gulf so this can give us advantage just in case.

Rough Translation:

Iran Sina-1 Satellite is scheduled to launch next Thursday Oct. 27th from Russia.

The satellite's mission is communication and research on surprise events/incidents (natural disasters?).

Earlier other press reports have framed Sina-1 as the "first Iranian Spy Satellite".


That souds pretty cool. You guys are finally gonna be able to see that nobody is really doing anything spectacularly important or threatening.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by NR
In Oct.27/05 so meaning by next thursday we'll be the 43rd country in the world to do so and we'll probably take pictures of Isreals airfields,SAM sites and training camps, there will be about 6 other different types of Satelites launched, the current one which is being luanched now is Sina-1 and has a life spam of 5 years. What are your thoughts on this.....Also U.S troops will be monitered along with your supplys and navy near persian gulf so this can give us advantage just in case.

Very ambitous of Iran. I have a feeling some of those satelites, the ones that actually make it into orbit, will experience a "malfunction" not long afterwards.

But good for them, its about time they started to put something other than warheads on the top of their rockets...

"...give us advantage..." LOL, thats cute.

[edit on 21-10-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 12:42 PM
good for them
nice to see Iran investing in this type of tec
a good and effective way of keeping an eye on their boarders and potential threats

what are the chance that the US would launch an asat and blow it up?

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 12:17 AM
Are you freaking serious? How the heck did they ever managed to put the satelite in space?

Anyways, I don't think it is a very sophisticated spy satelite, so I'm not really concerned.

EDIT: Arrggg, damn Russians will do anything for money nowdays.

[edit on 22-10-2005 by RK_Pr0t0c0l]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 01:34 AM

what are the chance that the US would launch an asat and blow it up?

That would be unnecessary and would not happen unless we were at war with Iran. BTW, its not like we wouldn’t know where this satellite was flying over at all times.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 02:00 AM
Iran could always have used Commercial Satellites they will take pictures for a country just as much as they will for a private citizen if you pay. I guess they decided its more cost effective to bu theor own.

When dealing with countries like the USA and Russia a spy satellite wont tell you much more then a Commercial one will. They can track every object in orbit down to the size of about a glove. Nobody will catch a top secret plane parked outside a Area 51 hangar for example because of that.


posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 09:38 PM
I was not surpised by all the hatred towards Iran by some members here but you guys are now gonna have to face facts, were developing way better than before and sooner or later you guys wont stand a chance but its not like you guys can touch us now.

the rocket is awaiting blast off, heres the actuall picture.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 09:45 PM
I'm seriously not sure of Iran's ideals but....

Shouldn't you guys lanuch a Spy Satellite, with as little people knowing as possible?

For crying out loud, its call "Spy Satellite" for some reason.


posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Humster
I'm seriously not sure of Iran's ideals but....

Shouldn't you guys lanuch a Spy Satellite, with as little people knowing as possible?

For crying out loud, its call "Spy Satellite" for some reason.

I dont get what you mean??!!??, i dont know if its a commercial or Spy because it keeps on switching but its definatly the satelite that will take down pictures such as airfields,military camp sites etc... also there will be 3 more launched this year so its all good.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by NR

I dont get what you mean??!!??, i dont know if its a commercial or Spy because it keeps on switching but its definatly the satelite that will take down pictures such as airfields,military camp sites etc... also there will be 3 more launched this year so its all good.

Then I guess the local papers should call it a "Geograpical Surveying Satelite" Since the term "Spy" IS a rather offensive term.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 10:17 PM

I was not surpised by all the hatred towards Iran by some members here but you guys are now gonna have to face facts, were developing way better than before and sooner or later you guys wont stand a chance but its not like you guys can touch us now.

There's no hatred, only facts being stated. If you seriously believe your statement then you need some serious education.


posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23

I was not surpised by all the hatred towards Iran by some members here but you guys are now gonna have to face facts, were developing way better than before and sooner or later you guys wont stand a chance but its not like you guys can touch us now.

There's no hatred, only facts being stated. If you seriously believe your statement then you need some serious education.

like what? show me your facts please, so your saying that your not going to believe me when i said were gonna launch a satelite next thursday even tho i gaved you hard evidence and facts!, dude mabey just because you American or i'm Iranian doesnt mean we have to hate each other, infact we were the best allies so lets stop with that american BS along with Iranian....

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 10:40 PM
First Photos of Iranian satellites in orbit:

Seriously.... all your satellitez belong to us...
Thank You for the contribution...

History notes: The first successful attack on an optical spy satellite in orbit, from a ground-based laser, and the first successful ASAT intercept were in the early 60's

Edited: misspelled successful...argh.

[edit on 22-10-2005 by ZPE StarPilot]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

When dealing with countries like the USA and Russia a spy satellite wont tell you much more then a Commercial one will. They can track every object in orbit down to the size of about a glove. Nobody will catch a top secret plane parked outside a Area 51 hangar for example because of that.

No.. thats Google Earth's job!!!

Do they own IKONOS or do they buy the photos??
The Indian Media has gone berserk with google earth "security violations"!!

And it seems google earth has major problems with the status of Taiwan and the that of Kashmir..

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by NR
I was not surpised by all the hatred towards Iran by some members here but you guys are now gonna have to face facts, were developing way better than before and sooner or later you guys wont stand a chance but its not like you guys can touch us now.

You serious about the last bit??

And why did you change your location to Iran??
You said you were in Canada!!
Are you in Iran now??
If so you must be one of the first ATS members to post live from the middle- east!!

Surely a first-time on ATS..

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 12:23 AM
NR I never said anything about Iran not being able to launch a spy satellite. I was talking about the ability of countries with advanced space programs to be able to tack and know where every satellite in near earth orbit is at all times.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by bodrul
good for them
nice to see Iran investing in this type of tec
a good and effective way of keeping an eye on their boarders and potential threats

what are the chance that the US would launch an asat and blow it up?

I would tend to agree; The more nations developing Space for Peaceful purposes, the better for all mankind.

I wonder, however, if it is in fact accurate to describe this vehicle as a Spy satellite. A single satellite, to be useful for reconaissance purposes, would have to be able to loiter over a specific area of interest, say Israel, for an extended period of time. This would require a geosynchronus orbit; aproximately 22,000 miles in altitude.

I was not aware that Iran had developed the technology to place an object in such a high orbit.

From an international relations standpoint (ie.: nervous America), the prospect of Iran posessing even low earth orbit (LEO) capabilities will likely be seen as quite worrisome; even, provocative.

The US is likely to see this not merely as a further demonstration of Iran's ability to match the west achivement for achievement. Coupled with Iran's determination to develop nuclear resources, the ability to place an object in even a low earth orbit (especially a low earth orbit!) will likely be viewed as at best a potential future concern, and at worst, A Clear and Present Danger!

Given the West's current paranoia regarding Islam and the development of nuclear power by Muslim states: a Muslim nation with BOTH Nuclear resources AND orbital capabilities would just about send the current US government into a fit of Appocalyptic apoplexy!

Sputnik was, in the eyes of the US government at the time, not just a stunning technological Soviet achievement; it was also a clear indication by a nuclear-armed aggressor of its ability to drop A-bombs on the US from space, for which the US had (and still has) no effective defense.

The US often likes to portray itself as an Eagle; in these matters, Iran, consider the US as you would a Scorpion.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by skippytjc
"...give us advantage..." LOL, thats cute.

In fact an independent Iranian satellite array would prove a huge advantage, for several reasons. The most important one would be that it is possible to monitor large troop and equipment movements by adverse militaries, as well as naval buildups in the Gulf. A "secret plane at Area 51" of course can be towqed into a hangar if a satellite would come along, but one cannot hide that sort of large movement from satellites. So Iran would have a decent picture of enemy opositions and bases, as well as a threat indicator (and I wouldnt trust Patriot systems to be vastly effective against a volley of ballistic missiles).

The second advantage is that the satellite would act as an alarm clock, because either they are left in orbit and provide a continous feed of intelligence to Iranian command, or they are taken out, which will be evidence of a prepared attack by adverse forces. In any case of an attack from western nations, this would be the first time they would not have the absolute strategic superiourity, and thats why I would not belittle the capabilities of this Iranian space program, especially given how few is (publicly) known of its technical quality.

"US being capable of defeating Iran in less than 8 weeks"? Without a doubt any sort of western coalition would win against Iran if there was a determined attack, but neither in this short period of time, nor with acceptable losses. This is exactly the talk that continues to force Iran into its current self-picture of a "victim" (and in turn plays into the hands of jihadists).

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 09:55 AM

The most important one would be that it is possible to monitor large troop and equipment movements by adverse militaries, as well as naval buildups in the Gulf.

Or they simply have someone with a mobile phone.

Seriously, you can't move 200,000 troops, with hardware, to any country's borders and not have them know about it. A spy satellite is not at all necessary for defensive purposes.

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