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Americans Now support Interacial Dating

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posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:25 PM
Ignore my previous post, but, Listen guys this post is exhausting, what I have to say is this:

1. I Don't think the majority of america support interacial dating,,, Behind close doors is a diffrent story.. That poll is just a conspiracy and a propganda, for the world to see.. But the world ain't buying that crap..

2. I personally, don't like white women, as others won't like Black women... I love them because, i can associate with them, and basically we share the same culture.

3. I won't go out my way to make other races uncomfortable, Now that is racist...

4. Ats: Deny ignorance, conspiracy and Lies.................
Evcen though we tend to differ, Wheter you are a white Guy, hiding behind a flickering computer screen, u are my `` bro``, we are all in this diverse community called ATS Peace!

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:25 PM
Again, you are choosing to ignore the questions.

"By saying you don't agree with this poll what does that mean? Do you think the poll is false?"

"And what are the lies in the Gallup poll?
What does the Gallup poll have to do with Katrina? "

Too Bad! That's your choice...

You say this thread wasn't to insult anyone and now you have just insulted me even further.

Do you even know what you are typing? Do you even know what point you are trying to make? Evidently from your posts in this thread, you do not.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:26 PM
Look at my previous post before you rant, and then make your comment

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:27 PM
Dude, uh, Skeptic Overlord, thats the guy from above! Holy crap you are real! I never seen you post before, look like an Incredible.

Anyways on topic.

Again, what does race matter? If you have fun on a date or just hanging out or more, what does race matter?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by crusader
Genetic engineering? Why on earth will i want to whiten my skin? i love being Black and I am proud.

Alright, you can be black and be proud, and still fall in love with someone regardless of their skin color. How is saying someone isn't worth dating, marrying, or having children with because of their skin color any different from avoiding someone because of their eye color, hair color, the car they drive, their lack of funds, body weight, breast size, etc.? I guess someone who doesn't have your skin color can't be as smart, funny, loving, caring, or raise a child as well as someone who is "pure".

also, as a black person I see the world diffrently, than a white person.

And how exactly is that? From what I can see, the main difference between how you see this world and how I see is resides in your ability to prejudice yourself against members of the opposite sex who aren't of your skin tone. If that's the case, you see the world just the same as many, many white people who regularly dress up in sheets or wear swastikas with pride.

I have friends of diffrent races, this thread, wasn't to insult anyone, but to deny the ignorance, and the Lies conducted, by that Gallup poll.

And the lies are...? If I'm not mistaken, they reported that their poll found those results. That's not a lie; maybe you can question the validity of their surveying technique--maybe they only surveyed people who are in interracial relationships. As far as their claim that their survey represents the majority of the population, then if you dispute that you might as well dispute every other poll ever created, regardless of the findings.

Are we forgetting Katrina people?

You're right; I completely forgotten about a hurricane that wiped out a large, thriving city. Remind me again how that affects my choice for a potential mate though?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:33 PM

Genetic engineering? Why on earth will i want to whiten my skin?

Who was talking about genetic engineering?
I missed that.

I was talking about existing biology, not altering anyone's biology.

And our knowledge of existing biology says humanity cannot be divided into separate and distinct "races". Humanity is a single, remarkably biologically consistent species. Aside from cosmetic differences, we are pretty much all the same. Moreso than almost any other species on the planet in fact - mainly because modern humans are such a new species.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:34 PM

I don't mind as much if you really LOVE each other. But too many times it's because the black guy wants a white woman because it makes him look cool. That black guy, in effect, is saying that blacks are inferior.

changed my mind--this subject just a lil too touchy better go now..bye.

[edit on 13-10-2005 by Saphronia]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by crusader
Look at my previous post before you rant, and then make your comment

Our posts went up at the same time. I guess that answers my question about if you even know what you are typing.

Springer has some good advice in his signature. I think I'm going to take it.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:46 PM

Let me contemplate.... U all don't understand, Period

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:52 PM
Edit-Not even worth instigating the conversation.

[edit on 13-10-2005 by phoenixhasrisin]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by crusader

Let me contemplate.... U all don't understand, Period

You got me pegged. I don't understand at all.

I don't understand how in 2005 there's still people supporting the ideals that were so staunchly protested 40 years ago. I don't understand why people would fight against segregation, fight for equality, and when it's over they segregate themselves. I don't understand why people feel the need to hold someone accountable for what one's ancestors did to another's--I know I sure's to hell never held a whip in my life, nor any of my ancestors to my knowledge, but I'm still held accountable for hundreds of years of repression by people who never saw a hard day in their life. I don't understand how people can still look at someone else and stop at the skin, and yet claim to be civilized.

I don't understand why it's if you deny someone a job, force them into a different school, even look at someone sideways because they're a different color, you're racist--but it's okay to not date someone just because of their skin color, regardless of whatever other qualities they may have. That's not racist? That's not discrimination? Sounds rather discriminatory to me.

I don't understand where the line is drawn between what's "racist" and what's "personal preference." Shouldn't it all be considered personal preference, if you really think about it? Hell, I prefer to not date a black girl; I prefer to not hire a black man to work for me; I prefer to not let that black family sit anywhere but the back of the bus. See, it's all preference.

I don't understand how one person in an internet forum saying "keep the races pure" is any different from a guy with a bad moustache saying the same thing in German in 1939. I don't understand why it's only bad to talk down on interracial dating if your head's shaved or you're wearing a white sheet.

Yeah, you're definitely right. I still don't understand.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 02:14 PM
When I was four years old my grandmoter took me and my brothers to City Park in Virginia Beach. My most vivid memory from this trip is the fact that my grandmother tanned my hide for drinking from the coloreds fountain. That was 48 years ago. I see not much has changed since then.

I do not take pride in my race. I take pride in my accomplishments. I do not describe myself as a race. That is too limiting. Race is only important in Everquest. But if you do enough quests and kill enough mobs, even race can be overcome.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 02:23 PM
Let me throw a question out to everyone, and this may or may not have any bearing on this topic at all but I'll let you decide.

Why is it that I don't see any white male athletes dating and marrying African American women but I see plenty of African American male athletes dating and marrying white women?

Are these black athletes "sell-outs" to the black community? I don't think so, far from it. Are the white women just in it for the money? If so then what does the black athlete get out of it? Why would you want to be a "sell-out" to your race and marry a woman who just wanted your money? It's got to be something else doesn't it??????


[edit on 13-10-2005 by Dr Love]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
Let me throw a question out to everyone, and this may or may not have any bearing on this topic at all but I'll let you decide.

Why is it that I don't see any white male athletes dating or marrying African American women but I see plenty of African American male athletes dating and marrying white women?

Are these black athletes "sell-outs" to the black community? I don't think so, far from it. Are the white women just in it for the money? If so then what does the black athlete get out of it? Why would you want to be a "sell-out" to your race and marry a woman who just wanted your money? It's got to be something else doesn't it??????


For what it's worth, barring the NHL I don't see very many white athletes any more period

My quasi-educated guess is where most of the athletes grow up. While there are most definitely exceptions to the rules, it seems that a lot of white athletes grow up in fairly smalll, sports centered towns. These are towns where you grow up with football, baseball, whatever, because that's just what you do--parents even hold their kids back a year or two sometimes just so they'll be bigger in high school games.

A fair portion of black athletes grow up in areas--mainly large cities--where there isn't much opportunity, and sports is pretty much their only option if they want to be able to afford college. Again, there's most definitely exceptions, but at least most of the "when I was a kid..." stories I've heard define these two situations.

In the rural and small town areas, there's generally much less racial diversity, and people growing up in those areas generally either don't have much of an open mind when it comes to interracial relationships, or they just flat-out don't feel comfortable. Larger cities, even though they generally have their neighborhoods that are fairly homogenous, still present a more racially connected environment. Most times, if you want to survive in a large city you can't be racist. If you are, then at best you'll have problems with work, and at worst you might find yourself suffering acute lead poisoning.

Another aspect is the media presentation of popular icons such as athletes. I'm sure there are quite a few white athletes who are married to non-whites, but for one reason or another they just don't get the same amount or type of airtime as their black counterparts who are married to whites. The reasoning for this I'll leave up to someone else.

Also, I don't think it would be terribly fair to say that the white women involved are money hungry, nor the black athletes are "selling out" their race. While I'm sure there's plenty of such women involved with athletes--same with any big-money industry icons--I think that if it were truly money then the woman would just as easily go for a white guy. I'd say research the individual couples if you're really curious; if they met way before he was a star, then my guess is it's not a money issue at all. If they met afterwards, then what background does she come from? Maybe daddy's independently wealthy, so money isn't an issue. Lots of possibilities.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
and want to keep it as pure as possible. Believing this does not make me a racist.

Of course it does. Thats what racism is at its base. Keep the race "pure", don't mix with those dirty subhumans, preserve the bloodlines. Its racism.

If I were African American or any other race would my original post's meaning be any different?

Actually I thought you were black. Honestly.

When I use the word "pure" I don't mean it in the Hitler/Mengele sense.

What sense do you mean then? you don't want the other race to infect/spoil/dirty/dilute your race. This in the first place presupposes that your race has actual racial characteristics, which, of course, it doesn't. There is nothing to preserve in terms of 'race', and people don't get all worked up over pride in melanin concentration or the angles of facial bones. They get appalled by dirty, savage, less than human under men mixing with their pure race, ie racism. Perhaps you aren't a violent racist, and perhaps you get along with and genuinely like members of other races, but you recognize these non existent groups called races, give them some properties or another (at least properties that can be kept undiluted) and also, more importantly, aren't 'down' with them mixing; not enough to tell someone else their business, but enough to say 'my blood shalt not mix with thine blood'. Thats a basic, simple, stunningly acceptable part of racism.

To be a child of a mixed marriage is not a pleasant thing to be. It is hard for that child to find acceptance from either group,

its hard for the child to be accepted by racists within either group. normal people just won't care if the person can be easily pigeonholed into one race or another. When was the last time you ever said, "I don't like johnny, I don't know what race he's in".

experience all the best of what the various people's have to offer.

All humans are the same race, the diversity you see woudl be there no matter how 'rampant' 'race' mixing becomes.

By any actual correct definition of the term 'race' the last time there were recognisably separate 'human races' was when Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens both roamed the globe.

Neanderthal and Sapiens are probably different species, as opposed to sub-species. A race is a little more tricky, a species can be divived up into races, sometimes a division of a species will be called a 'sport', or an oddly variant population of a species will be called that. Actual biological Races could exist in Homo sapiens, its just that they don't happen to actually exist. Thats because humans are constantly exchanging genes. A person in africa mates with another person in the next village, there are now genes in an area that they weren't before, and by this simple method genes will flow out of africa, into europe and asia, and vice versa, even though individuals won't actually go there. IOW, there are no races within Homo sapiens, as you point out, because there is simply so much mixing of the genetic material. And the people that are concerned about keeping pride in their race and preserving it are deluding themselves, becuase even without much direct racial mixing, the genes that make all of us up are constantly flowing back and forth between our populations. They are being 'race mixed', and of course, since this is meaningless, they don't notice any effect of it. But when they start throwing these concepts of race and pride and ickiness, thats what they are concerned about.

When was the last time, you seen a cat, mated with a [r]at? NEVER!!!!! AND u will never see it!

In case you didn't know, humans are humans, not rats, not cats. All humans are the same species, same race. Everyone's been banging everyone else throughout history.

I must reproduce with my own kind. so, it will continue..

There is no kind, it will not continue, it will allways change. Your descendants will allways be your descendants, and will have more to do with you than other people unrelated to you who have similar melanin concentrations. Respect your family line, if anything, not some meaningless idea of 'black'.

double ina inter racial marriage. clashes of culture...

What culture? If the cutlures are clashing, then the two idividuals will not be getting married and having kids in the first place. And if their cultures do 'clash', and they don't care, then what the hell does it matter?

and she calls me the N***** word, what sense does that make? Umm, i will beat the lights out of her, if she utters that word..

Why do you think she would call you that?

After all, I don't think my ancestors, having gone through much suffering, will want me to ever go down that road

They'd probably think it ironic that you have the same mentality as the people that kidnapped and enslaved them. This keeping to one's own is the kernel of all that at the best. And, again, no matter who your ancestors are, you have their genes, and you pass their genes on to your kid. Your kid will have half of your genes, irrespective of what your mate's race is and thats all that your ancestors are going to get.

But we are diffrent races

Race is a sociological construct, it has no biological reality. Change the culture, change the race. Latin and Oscan used to be different races. Now they all happily eat tomato sauce and drink vino togther, because the culture has changed.

also, as a black person I see the world diffrently, than a white person.

No, as a person raised in a specific sub-set of american culture, 'black culture', you see things slightly differently than other americans raised in another subset, and you clearly see things differently than black people in africa.

but to deny the ignorance, and the Lies conducted, by that Gallup poll

What lies? Its a poll. young people today aren't as bigoted as the previous generation.

Are we forgetting Katrina people?

wtf does that have to do with you being a bigot??

if you're a white girl and don't want to date a black guy, you're accused of being racist

If you don't want to date a person, and therefore can't relate to them like other humans, simply because they are black, guess're a racist!

My husband, for example, hates red hair. Doesn't mean he hates redheads...just doesn't like the color hair.

And he detests the idea of other people dating red heads? He won't like his kids date red heads? if he meets a really great women, falls in love, and then finds out she dyes her hair and is really a red head, he looses all feeling for her?
The red head analogy is also irrelevant because you're talking about a single invariant characteristic, being a red head. There is no one single 'black person' that all blacks are copies of, all red heads are, as far as red hair goes, copies of one another, you're either a red head or not. Blacks are far too variable to say, carte blanche, you wouldn't date any of them.

also think it's being encouraged by the NWO shills to break down any racial/national barriers.

So its a mix of bigotry and paranoia eh?

But too many times it's because the black guy wants a white woman because it makes him look cool.

This has nothing to do with you and your husband 'detesting' interracial dating, and its a pretty disgusting and dehumanizing sterotype to presume that all black guys only date white chicks merely to 'look cool'. And if you are saying that that is just a single example that you have a problem with, thats bs, because you aren't saying 'i hate people who are posers', you're saying ' i find inter-racial dating loathsome'

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

This in the first place presupposes that your race has actual racial characteristics, which, of course, it doesn't. There is nothing to preserve in terms of 'race' . . . but you recognize these non existent groups called races, give them some properties or another (at least properties that can be kept undiluted) and also, more importantly, aren't 'down' with them mixing; not enough to tell someone else their business, but enough to say 'my blood shalt not mix with thine blood'.

If this is true, and there are no such thing as racial characteristics, how come the public (black, white or brown) agrees who belongs in which category?

If there is, as you say, 'nothing to preserve,' then how do people perceive the existence of race?

Except when there is intermarriage, (and even then) people agree on what race a person is, regardless of the viewers OWN race.

Saying that "race is a fiction" is itself a fiction. If race WAS a fiction, people couldn't agree upon it, and there would be no problem.

This is what is wrong with a lot of socialist thinking. It means well, but then ignores/distorts/makes up "facts" to fit their worldview. Sort of like a religion, that way.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 04:33 PM
Crap! Nygdan, I was going to vote you WATS!
Great post!

Originally posted by crusader
1. I Don't think the majority of america support interacial dating,,, Behind close doors is a diffrent story.. That poll is just a conspiracy and a propganda, for the world to see.. But the world ain't buying that crap..

Keep telling yourself that. It always sucks when you're in the minority, huh? And I mean because of your outdated 'racial' views. You don't even realize that you're bigoted.

It's ok, though. It takes all kinds.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by tovenar
If this is true, and there are no such thing as racial characteristics, how come the public (black, white or brown) agrees who belongs in which category?

Because its a social construct. How come people of the past, heck who are we kidding, of today, think that other 'races' are subhuman? Its not because of any biological reality.

If there is, as you say, 'nothing to preserve,' then how do people perceive the existence of race?

These of course are sensible questions and I have had to consider them in considering the subject. Why can people generally agree who belongs in what race? But whats it matter, those 'categories' still have no biological realities, and when you look at individuals that don't conform to any of the races strictly, thats where you start to see that races don't infact exist. When you don't look at just stereotypic representations (stero-type is not a bad word, it just means a duplicated, replicated or repeating 'type') of, say 'blacks', you have trouble pigeon holing indivduals into black. Its easiest when looking at 'whites'. Show us a native of britian and most people on the planet will say 'its a white guy' (of course, in the distant past, 'white' wasn't even a consideration, iow, the 'race', the social construct, didn't exist then). But show people a sicilian, or a greek, and there is disagreement. Or show them a turk and there are problems. There's a 'core' that tends to conform to what society, but not biology, says is 'white', sure. Make up a definition and you can find objects, here people, that fit into it. Whats at issue is that this 'core' is just a range within a very wide, smooth, continuous variation, a spectrum.

people agree on what race a person is, regardless of the viewers OWN race.

Nope, they don't.

This is what is wrong with a lot of socialist thinking.

Preposterous. I am not a socialist, and this has nothing to do with socialism.

It means well, but then ignores/distorts/makes up "facts" to fit their worldview.

No facts are being made up or distorted. Yes, we have these ideas of race, but they have no biological basis in reality. People used to consider the latins a different race than the samnites and sabines, and the etruscans were a whole different story. But no one talks about these divisions now. The people are still there, the civilization and culture that recognized the divisions simply isn't.

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 08:34 AM

You got me pegged. I don't understand at all.

Of course you will njot understand my brother, sure. do you think after the holocaust many years ago, the jews will forget, what happen to their ancestors and go against their roots? no they will not. They will be incensed at any notion of anti-semitism, which they have the right to be.

After 400 years of slavery, and decades of segregation, it easy to forgive, but not forget it's only Human. Sure I will not have animosity towards whites, but thta doesn't mean to say, I am not racist, i should marry someone outside, my race.

Anyways, I want my children to llok like me, not a hybrid.


posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by crusader
Of course you will njot understand my brother, sure. do you think after the holocaust many years ago, the jews will forget, what happen to their ancestors and go against their roots? no they will not. They will be incensed at any notion of anti-semitism, which they have the right to be.

So a Jew marrying a Christian is anti-semitism? I can understand if a Jew didn't want to marry an SS officer in particular, but hold it against everyone else whether they were involved or not? Doesn't make sense to me.

After 400 years of slavery, and decades of segregation, it easy to forgive, but not forget it's only Human.

How old are you? You were enslaved for 400 years? Man, have you talked to Guiness? That's gotta be a longevity record.
If you want to play the racial history card, then why not throw out stuff about how other races have succeeded beyond all odds, or suffered terribly?

I strongly doubt that, if you found a white chick, she had directly had some part in all of the crap that "we" have done in the past. You may see that as a viable argument, but it's just about ignorant in my opinion--that's just as bad as if I said all black people were car thieves because my car was stolen in a black neighborhood.

And since when did being "human" have a card in this discussion? I thought it was all about race? All throughout this thread, everyone who's said something about being human has been ignored.

Sure I will not have animosity towards whites, but thta doesn't mean to say, I am not racist, i should marry someone outside, my race.

And all this time you've been touting how you aren't've now admitted you have a problem, and that's the first step to recovery.

Anyways, I want my children to llok like me, not a hybrid.


I'll be happy if my kid is born alive and without too many health problems. I'd be pretty upset if it's black or oriental, but only because I'm white and my fiance's half white, half mexican--there'd have to be something screwy going on and I wasn't invited. As long as it looks enough like me to where I know it's mine, and it has a full set of working limbs, I don't see what the problem is.

EDIT: fixed bolding

[edit on 10/14/2005 by MCory1]

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