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The Search for Noah's Ark and the Aliens in the Book of Enoch Why Files

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posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 03:43 AM
The finding of the book of Enoch in Ethiopia which at first was said to be fake until another copy was found along with the dead sea scrolls. This video starts and covers what has been written about the watchers and all the evil that caused god to cause the great flood. Noah was the great grand son of Enoch and Enoch was someone that was taken (abducted) to "Heaven in the sky" and brought back to warn mankind and all the creatures the 300 angels created by interbreeding with human women.. This is one of the better Why Files IMO

Alien Abductions in the Book of Enoch and the Search for Noah's Ark

Enoch warned the Giants and the Watchers of the world. Repent or feel God's wrath.

They ignored his warning.

The floodgates of Heaven burst forth and water rushed over the Earth, destroying everything.

The only thing to survive is a single vessel, a huge ship: the Ark.

5 months later, the waters recede and the Ark made ground on a mountaintop. A man named Noah emerged, and civilization began again.

Some version of the Noah's Ark story exists in almost every religion and every culture on Earth.

But did Noah and the Ark really exist?

There's evidence that they did.

So much evidence, that it was classified by the CIA for almost 50 years.

But why classify it? Well, there are two problems with the Noah's Ark story. One, the Ark is much older than anyone thought. And two, the man named Noah? He wasn't a man. At least, not a man from Earth.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 03:54 AM
Noahs Ark and the World Wide Flood Story is just a myth and it never happened. Science and historical archeological evidence prove it. The science and the historical facts are all on this thread -

ATS Thread - Noahs Ark and the Biblical World Wide Flood Never Happened

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 04:51 AM
Noah's "ark" was just that - an ark. A big wooden box. That's why it was called an ark (and not a boat) and why it was rectangular in shape. The Israelites knew as much about ship building as they did about mobile phones.

However, in the original story, on which it was based, there was a small boat involved which out-rode the storm - but didn't have any echidnas, armadillos or dodos on board. And the storm only lasted a few days (as cyclones normally do).

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 05:03 AM
They seem to have hit a spot with their research and then just stopped?

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Love this show! I often listen while going for a walk (still get the gist with audio only). Enjoy the format of going full throttle believer with the story without question. Then once told ask the questions and do the debunking. And the fish is genuinely funny - lol quite often while traipsing the park

Looking forward to this instalment

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

As a kid I always thought the Ark was the spaceship in which Martians escaped their dying planet during some cataclysm and came to earth to start again. The joys of childhood imagination unencumbered by the burden of proof

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 06:22 AM
Thanks for posting the WF FF!

I’ve always been intrigued by the Book of Enoch. As in whenever an entity or authority, especially multiple churches does away with or buries something from antiquity from the public, my curiosity is very much piqued, and interest aroused.

While I’m not religious, I find the older I get the more I contend Evil and Good reside within the world demonstrated by humans and their collectives.

Lots to think about, as this was a good blast on info covering a few bases surrounding Noh, The Ark, the Book of Enoch and its descriptions.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
The finding of the book of Enoch ...

You guys know that the book of Enoch wasn't actually written by Enoch .... right? It's Pseudepigrapha. Attributed to a famous prophet or person in Jewish history but really written much later, the author/s unknown. It was written around 200 BC by different authors.

The book claims Enoch was 7th from Adam. Since Adam didn't exist and is a myth, that means Enoch is a myth as well and never actually existed. The book of Enoch also contradicts the Bible in many places. You can't believe the Bible is accurate AND the book of Enoch is accurate. The two are incompatible.

Partial List of Contradictions Here

Just google up Book of Enoch and contradictions. Lots of examples out there.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 08:14 AM
I see the story of Noah has something to do with the moon. Lots of room for a giraffe there. But of course we never went to the moon, cause if we did we just might have to explain what was found. In the current political environment, no.

Lots of floods as the moon came into earths orbit.

Mt Sinai is another potential for where a craft landed. Who ever built the Giza pyramids had something to do with Orion from the design of the place.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
This is one of the better Why Files IMO

I don't believe this is one of his best shows. In my opinion, it seems to reflect his bias towards Christianity.

Additionally, many of the topics he discussed could have been explored in different ways without causing offense to anyone, for example, by including Ron Wyatt. This is somewhat akin to including Jaime Maussan in a discussion about UFOs. 🤣

There is a wealth of more comprehensive information available on the subjects of Noah's Ark and the book of Enoch.

I do like his shows... the entertainment value is worth watching.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: imitator
for example, by including Ron Wyatt.

Ron Wyatt is a FRAUD. Proven fraud. He discovered nothing. He was an anesthetist who made wild claims of finding just about every major artifact that could exist. He claimed visions of Jesus. Israel issued a statement about him saying that he wasn't an archeologist and that he has never had any permits to dig in Israel. DEBUNKED years ago.

Ron Wyatt Collosal Fraud Ron Wyatt fraud

Ron Wyatt Fraud Information

Are Ron Wyatts Claims Reliable?

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 08:52 AM
For anyone who actually believes the hoaxer Ron Wyatt

Fake News in Biblical Archaeology

a) Ron Wyatt was not an archaeologist (he was a nurse anesthetist). This, in and of itself does not mean that he could not make a discovery. Many archaeological digs have volunteers helping them; some of these volunteers even make important discoveries. The interpretation of the discovery is done by trained archaeologists, however. One archaeologist has said archaeology is 10% excavation and 90% interpretation. Ron Wyatt had no training to interpret the discoveries he says he made.

b) Ron Wyatt was never carried out a systematic excavation that was licensed by the Israeli government. Joe Zias, the former Curator of Archaeology and Anthropology for the Israel Antiquities Authority said, “Mr. Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed excavation in Israel or Jerusalem…We are aware of his claims which border on the absurd as they have no scientific basis whatsoever nor have they ever been published in a professional journal. They fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National Enquirer, Sun etc. It’s amazing that anyone would believe them.”2

c) Ron Wyatt never published any of his supposed finds in a peer-reviewed archaeological journal. Publishing something in your own newsletter or on your own website does not pass the checks-and-balances peer-review. Dr. Scott Stripling, the Director of Excavations at Shiloh, led by the Associates for Biblical Research, says that the goal of archaeology is not excavation, but publication.

d) Ron Wyatt never made any of his supposed discoveries available for trained archaeologists to examine.

e) Ron Wyatt never adequately addressed inconsistencies in some of his stories, such as how he discovered the supposed chariot wheels at a depth of 200 feet using scuba equipment designed for depths of 125-130 feet.

f) Marine biologist, Dr. Robert Carter has pointed out numerous problems identifying the coral-encrusted structures Ron Wyatt found as chariot wheels, including the fact that “many species of coral will grow a large, flat plate on a stalk-like projection, giving the appearance of an axle and wheel to those not accustomed to coral growth forms.”3

f) People, like respected geologist John Baumgartner, who knew Ron Wyatt and worked closely with him, have testified that he was dishonest with his discoveries, misrepresented the views of others, and intentionally deceived people.

The list of fantastical discoveries should, in and of itself, raise questions about any discovery Ron Wyatt claimed to have made. This didn’t stop his “discovery” of chariot wheels spreading. It has been repeated in articles and books and documentaries though. In actual fact, Ron Wyatt’s work has universally debunked by respected archaeologists and scholars. In fact, even two ministers in his own denomination (Seven Day Adventist) wrote an entire book called, “Holy Relics or Revelation: Examining the claims of Ron Wyatt” and concluded that his work was largely a hoax.

The reality is that the Associates for Biblical Research (, a group of Christian archaeologists and scholars who are dedicated to demonstrating the historical reliability of Scripture, often promote the findings of other archaeologists who have made legitimate discoveries in a controlled archaeological excavation. The reason they do not promote Ron Wyatt’s work has nothing to do with professional jealousy; it has everything to do his unsubstantiated, unscholarly, and, quite possibly, fraudulent claims.

Ron Wyatt Fake Vision of Jesus

Elsewhere Wyatt claimed that an angel prohibited him from providing the details of his phenomenal discovery! (HRR, 70, 90, 285). There also were other accounts of angelic appearances and even a claim of seeing Christ (HRR, 127ff).

Incidentally, the reason Wyatt knew he saw Jesus was because the Lord "was dressed exactly as Ellen White"

Incidentally, the reason Wyatt knew he saw Jesus was because the Lord “was dressed exactly as Ellen White saw Him in vision, with the blue border at the hem of his garment”! Ellen White was the founder of the SDA church.

Ron Wyatt Honest or Deceitful Fraud? - Read Here About His Blood of Jesus Hoax

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Noahs Ark and the World Wide Flood Story is just a myth and it never happened. Science and historical archeological evidence prove it. The science and the historical facts are all on this thread -

ATS Thread - Noahs Ark and the Biblical World Wide Flood Never Happened

I am glad you posted the facts. Because science never lies or misleads. You settled it. We can stop learning now.

I absolutely love posts like this. People know the facts. The rest of us are idiots. Thankfully, those educated people can tell us how life is. They can just guide us through if we just listen and don't question the narrative

Science facts are all we need.

I mean, we didn't listen about global warming and we lost the entire east coast back in the early 2000s due to melting glaciers.

We didn't listen in the 70's to the global cooling crisis. Now, unfortunately most of the middle states are under ice and we have no agriculture.

Unfortunately, we lost Columbus and his ships because they didn't listen to science and they fell off the side of the earth.

Science is not the end all. We were here during covid. Ivermectin...the horse dewormer Trump said to use that everyone said was bad, is now on the CDC Website as a good treatment.

Blind trust in science is no better than blind trust in Bidens foreign policy.

Scientists have agendas. Their job is to make the science support whomever paid for the study. They have their own biases and personal beliefs.

I will never understand how people just believe these scientist are smarter than them. They are no different than us.

As to the OP.

if science came out and said biblical events happened, they would lose the power they have.

So knowing people will believe them, they say things like no floods happened world wide, just myth. And the vast majority of people...such as you...Will believe them. The rest of us are just science deniers.

Well, gotta put on my scuba suit, got a gig on Broadway today...this ocean rise really puts a damper on live theatre.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: theatreboy
Blind trust in science is no better than blind trust in Bidens foreign policy.

Truth is truth. The animals couldn't all fit on the ark like the story claims. There is ZERO evidence of a world wide flood wiping out everyone and everything. Egypt has an unbroken history all through the years the flood was supposed to wipe out every living person. Facts are facts. There was no Noahs Ark flood. It's just an easily disproven myth.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: imitator
for example, by including Ron Wyatt.

Ron Wyatt is a FRAUD.

It is why I made this comment lol...
by including Ron Wyatt. This is somewhat akin to including Jaime Maussan in a discussion about UFOs. 🤣

Frauds seem to infiltrate every field, and it would be entertaining if The Why Files dedicated a show specifically to various frauds.

It would be better than tainting other subjects/shows with frauds, which it appears to be the case in this episode.

edit on 12121231am312023Fri, 15 Dec 2023 09:12:36 -0600 by imitator because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: imitator
It is why I made this comment lol...
by including Ron Wyatt. This is somewhat akin to including Jaime Maussan in a discussion about UFOs. 🤣

ahhh okay.

I've run into people quoting Ron Wyatt before. It's sad to see them cling to him. I can't believe he still has a following, even after being exposed as a hoaxer and even condemned by his own church for being a fake.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

fakes/frauds etc...

I believe it's a characteristic of The Why Files' approach.

They typically start by introducing a captivating subject, narrate an engaging story, and then, towards the end of the show, they often reveal some surprising twist like, "Surprise! That person turned out to be crazy or a fraud.

It seems like this pattern is consistent across most of their shows, which can be quite amusing. 🤣📣

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: imitator

originally posted by: 727Sky
This is one of the better Why Files IMO

I don't believe this is one of his best shows. In my opinion, it seems to reflect his bias towards Christianity.

I remember AJ specifically stating (during the live After Files show) that he isn't religious, but that he is fascinated by folklore of all religions. His contents is typically driven by the channel fans and what YouTube allows. He's started doing podcasts where he deep-dives to greater depths about the YT show topics and is able to cover the taboo subjects which would get The WF banned or demonitised.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Noahs Ark and the World Wide Flood Story is just a myth and it never happened. Science and historical archeological evidence prove it. The science and the historical facts are all on this thread -

ATS Thread - Noahs Ark and the Biblical World Wide Flood Never Happened

We debated this and your last defense was "because the experts say so". There is no use in simply re-iterating "expert" opinion, it is best to assess the evidence on our own and discuss the details of the data. We are all rational adults capable of reason, we don't need others to do our thinking for us.

I compiled the evidence for Noah's flood here:

I am excited to see what the why files has to say, will comment more when I listen on my way home today

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: theatreboy
Blind trust in science is no better than blind trust in Bidens foreign policy.

Truth is truth. The animals couldn't all fit on the ark like the story claims. There is ZERO evidence of a world wide flood wiping out everyone and everything. Egypt has an unbroken history all through the years the flood was supposed to wipe out every living person. Facts are facts. There was no Noahs Ark flood. It's just an easily disproven myth.

There is evidence of world wide floods. You choose not to believe it bc....wait for it...


Maybe Noah had DNA tech. (Aside, it kills me when people think we are the best and smartest of all time. I propose we were smarter before. We are just devolving.)

I would actually defend my positions, but you are too closed minded to bother.

I don't understand why people post things, when they are not willing to listen to the others ideas. Waste of time for all of us.

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