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WTC the financial MECCA of the USA

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posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:36 PM
Hi to all,
This may have been discussed already, I am relatively NEW.

I Just wanted to point out and get responses to the idea that when the WTC was attacked (And I do not subscribe to the wacky notion that the WTC attack was orchestrated by anyone other that Al-Qaida with logistical support from various Arab/Muslim countries), the Muslim fundamentalists in essence targeted the 'Great Satan's' (as they call the US) greatest temple. The heart of the US, being a Capitalist country, can only be its financial power. Therefore the Muslim fundamentalists actually targeted the US's Mecca.

With this in mind, wouldn't it be fair to say that should the US be attacked again on its soil by Muslim fundamentalists, the US would be Justified to bomb MECCA?

I know this is extreme and would have WW III, IV and V repercussions all rolled into one. But why should the US become a punching bag for a LARGE group of thugs supported by Arab/Muslim countries.

In addition I would like Arabs, Muslims and anti-US sympathizers to understand that 9/11 was equal in magnitude to to attacking MECCA or Medina. Which would Justify bringing down the Taliban regime and the Sadaam regime regardless of whether Sadaam had or didn't have WMD.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:53 PM
welcome !

please take your hate elsewhere !


posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:56 PM
Here's thread that might be of interest to you JudahMacabee
Has U.S. threatened to vaporize Mecca?

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:00 PM

I would like Arabs, Muslims and anti-US sympathizers to understand that 9/11 was equal in magnitude to to attacking MECCA or Medina.

Uh... 4000 people dead on 9/11 compared to how many dead in a "bombing" of mecca? How about the consequences of irritating the world's billion or so muslims? I am no fan of the Muslim church but I do not want to fight them either. What sort of bombs did you have in mind? Cluster bombs? Napalm bombs? Atomic bombs?

EDIT: Rudeness removed.

[edit on 12-4-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:03 PM
Please keep your discussion of this topic civilized. It is understandable that it can become quite heated, but do not resort to name calling and personal attacks. thanks

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
I know this is extreme and would have WW III, IV and V repercussions all rolled into one. But why should the US become a punching bag for a LARGE group of thugs supported by Arab/Muslim countries.

Yeah, why?

And why on Earth has the US fell under the control of Israel?

I just keep asking myself these questions. And why some people are having wet dreams about having Mecca bombed? Even if it entails "WW III, IV and V"? Sick people indeed.

In addition I would like Arabs, Muslims and anti-US sympathizers to understand that 9/11 was equal in magnitude to to attacking MECCA or Medina.

No it was not. I'm not Muslim and I am very pro-US, for the record.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:06 PM
Ha ha, I edited my nastiness out before you posted, WW. I knew you'd chastize me.

I've read this JudahMac person's posts elsewhere and his attitude seems connected to the "Dark Days" banner and the whole idea of divisiveness. To equate the destruction of Mecca to what happened on 9/11 is foolish and irresponsible. I'll be happy to take on all comers on this subject.

[edit on 12-4-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:10 PM
I disagree. I do not think that it would be fair at all. Mecca is considered a very holy place to all followers of Islam, and attacking it would be parallel to attacking the religion of Islam as a whole, essentially lumping all followers of this religion into a 'terrorist' group.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:25 PM
I do not propose or agree with bombing MECCA. I just want our enemies and those on the enemies side who are sitting on the sidelines to understand the magnitude of 9-11. I know that Muslim fundamentalists have no respect for life especially those of non-muslims - that is why I think they should know that their act was equivalent to bombing MECCA and that no such reoccurance would be acceptable - Anywhere in the world.

Yes a billion Muslims would be up in arms over this. Again, I would not suggest this action.

smallpeeps: The 4000 dead of 9-11 could have easly reached 20,000 should the WTC have been in full capacity. You miss the point The fundamentalist Muslims desecrated our country and our culture and while this happened their sympathizers danced in the streets. While I do not support bombing MECCA - I do think that the Europeans, the left and the rest of the free world should pull their heads out of the sands and grasp the dimensions of 9-11.

As for syrinx high priest - My words peanuts next to the actions of 9-11 - That takes hate. It is those fundamentalists who should take their hate elsewhere.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
The fundamentalist Muslims desecrated our country and our culture and while this happened their sympathizers danced in the streets.

WTC was not a temple or shrine. It was a freaking office building.

I think our Savior Jesus Christ gave pretty strict instructions about not conducting business in places of worship.

Destroying the WTC did not desecrate anything. It was a really henious crime.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by DCFusion
I disagree. I do not think that it would be fair at all. Mecca is considered a very holy place to all followers of Islam, and attacking it would be parallel to attacking the religion of Islam as a whole, essentially lumping all followers of this religion into a 'terrorist' group.

Religion is a system of beliefs. You can be Hindu, Jewish, Christian, agnostic, darwinist, communist, capitalist or Raelian. NASDAQ had something to say about 9-11 and it cost people plenty. For those who believe in Capitalism (I am not necessarily one of those people) this can mean quite a lot. Some people will argue that money is a motivating force equivalent to religion others will tell you that money has killed just as many people as religion.

By attacking WTC fundamental Muslims have lumped an entire nation and lifestyle into an 'enemy' worthy of targeting regardless of their religion, nationality, political affiliation or point of view.

What would be in your view equivalent to bombing MECCA? bombing the Vatican? the UN?

I think that human life is of the highest value and not a building (WTC or the mosque of MECCA) therefore this wanton behavior of indiscriminant murder (the attack of WTC) far surpasses the destruction of a mosque.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:53 PM

The fundamentalist Muslims desecrated our country and our culture and while this happened their sympathizers danced in the streets. While I do not support bombing MECCA - I do think that the Europeans, the left and the rest of the free world should pull their heads out of the sands and grasp the dimensions of 9-11.

No, actually, our own country (the USA) used Muslims and manipulated their religion to recruit mujahedeen soldiers. We (the USA) need to think before we act like arses, globally speaking. Whoever's driving my government is driving it off a cliff.

Why are you so sensitive about 9/11? I will agree it was a horrendous event, but haven't you heard of power being manipulated? You begin your thread by polarizing the issue such that anyone who subscribes to "conspiracy theories" is not even on your level. You should research conspiracies through history and how little the common man actually knew about what his armies were doing.

I am curious, what do you think would be the result of this scenario? Let us assume the following completely fantasy-based timeline:

1: Nuclear device is detonated in an American harbor. Videotape is produced of Osama himself, planting the device and fleeing.

2: Osama is captured offshore, on live television, and executed. The USA detonates a hiroshima-sized (10-kt) nuclear weapon directly over the city of Mecca.

3: All Muslims worldwide awake to find that Mecca is gone, irradiated for a century. They go out into the street and...

...Now you pick up the thread from here. Please clarify what you are talking about. How do you think 9/11 equates to the destruction of a religious shrine?

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Aelita

WTC was not a temple or shrine. It was a freaking office building.

WTC was an symbol of a way of life, of a city, of a people. Look at any TV series or movie with Manhatten prior to 9-11. WTC stood there proudly every time. Know of any tourist who came to Manhatten but didn't go to WTC? This symbol is what was targeted. The attack could have been carried out at night where less people would have probably been killed - But no, it was planned for the start of the work day. In that they targeted the sanctity of human life something held precious by Christianity, Judaism and other systems of belief.

And this mosque is just a freaking building as well.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 04:03 PM

WTC was an symbol of a way of life, of a city, of a people. Look at any TV series or movie with Manhatten prior to 9-11. WTC stood there proudly every time.

How phallic you make it sound. Frankly, every time I see the towers in a video or whatever, I become more and more convinced that we are being decieved. I read several books (can't remember the titles now) that documented the difficulties involved in building the towers and how many people hated them. Several streetsfull of businesses were forced to shut down (electronics businesses, as I recall) and there were other local residents who missed the days when Empire State dominated the skyline. This is true if you care to research.

Islam, however, goes back centuries and is the basis of several important world governments (Indonesia, Iran, etc).

Sad that you equate commercial office space to something like Mecca which should be preserved on Earth forever if for no other reason than for the number of dead men who have died for it. As I said, I do not approve of the current Muslim church, but humans are humans and if people want to hold a place as religious and holy, then so be it.

Nobody ever fell on a sword for the WTC or their insurers.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

Originally posted by Aelita

WTC was not a temple or shrine. It was a freaking office building.

WTC was an symbol of a way of life, of a city, of a people. Look at any TV series or movie with Manhatten prior to 9-11.

I don't need to, I lived there and witnessed the tragedy. By the way, the correct spelling is "Manhattan".

WTC stood there proudly every time. Know of any tourist who came to Manhatten but didn't go to WTC?

Yes, the line was long and when it was windy the deck was closed.

And this mosque is just a freaking building as well.

No it's a place worship, and Mecca is the central shrine of one of the worlds major religions.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Why are you so sensitive about 9/11? I will agree it was a horrendous event, but haven't you heard of power being manipulated? You begin your thread by polarizing the issue such that anyone who subscribes to "conspiracy theories" is not even on your level.

I guess you know the answer - the Judah needed a spot where he can spill the excess vitriol and cast diatribes. So he created it. He just hates all things Muslim and wants to vent. A simple person, really.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 04:12 PM

...Now you pick up the thread from here. Please clarify what you are talking about. How do you think 9/11 equates to the destruction of a religious shrine?

Muslims have destroyed many religious shrines in India, Israel, Europe and somehow this was tolerated. 9/11 targeted a way of life that is based on a system of beliefs. You need to think in a secular mind frame for this. They targeted secularism, capitalism and everything they perceive as AMERICAN. There are those who love the US more than they love their religion. To them this is a desecration of their way of life.

I purposely used an extreme example in order to point out that mosque in MECCA is no better than WTC, the UN building or Joseph's tomb in Nabalus.
What is of importance is human life which seems to be of the least importance to these fundamentalists. If these fanatics understand that their holy shrine is to be targeted should their attacks continue and the free world learns to grasp the magnitude of the WTC attack then maybe WW III can be averted. In my view WWIII will be against Islam regardless of if we attack MECCA or not.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 04:14 PM

this wanton behavior of indiscriminant murder (the attack of WTC) far surpasses the destruction of a mosque.

It WAS murder, and that's why Americans should pay more attention to 9/11 than to the murder-centred TV programming offered to them. The largest mass-murder on US soil and we have no forensic evidence remaining. Even that supposed piece from the Pentagon (the one that had some AA markings on it) is being held under strict security by somebody not affiliated with the American people.

You would be better served spending your time learning than focusing your "fury".

[edit on 12-4-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Aelita
He just hates all things Muslim and wants to vent.

That is where you are wrong. It is the lies spread by those who claim to lead Islam that I hate. It is their intolerance that I hate. It is their hate that I hate.

I know Muslims and work with them. I have no problem with them. It is with the next Hitler, Stalin, next ISM that will lead us to a bloody war that I am against.
In my view is is Wahabism, Pan Arabism (or the likes) that I fear will lead us to a war like none other experienced since it will be a religious war of the middle ages with modern day weapons against an enemy with no morals aside from his religious obligations to his imperialistic 'god'.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 04:31 PM

Muslims have destroyed many religious shrines in India, Israel, Europe and somehow this was tolerated.

Are you talking about buddhism or hinduism? Shrines of these religions do not equate to Islam's adoration of Mecca, from what I can see.

9/11 targeted a way of life that is based on a system of beliefs.

Is money your belief system? I don't get it. WTC was an office building. 9/11 initiated the war in Afghanistan (kinda like if the Russians faked a Vietnamese 9/11 and went into Hanoi) and the current Iraq war. We've already killed an exponentially greater number of their people in retaliation so that's that. We need to lay off them for a while and try the carrot. Muslims can be civilized if they are exposed to the west. That's why guys like Osama are so paranoid.

It takes years for history to play out. If 9/11 happens at the turn of the century, 2001, we won't know the whole truth of it until at least ten years after the fact. Look how long it took for Macnamara to give in on Vietnam. The idea to cause a 'terror' incident is not a new one, having been thought up long before. Search for Operation Northwoods.

WTC and buildings like that are symbols, yes, but no American is stupid enough to identify with a building. Sorry. We're too smart for that.

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