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Boomers ruined America and why are there STILL no term limits?

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posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: Thejaybird

originally posted by: stevieray

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: Ch1nch1lla

Who is voting for these people?

Other boomers.

Fortunately, more young people are coming out to vote with every election.

I feel like if you probably aren't going to live long enough to see the outcome of your policy, you shouldn't be involved in policy.

A lot of very stupid young people put Biden in the WH, if you believe the 81 million votes story.
Can’t have it both ways. Throw in Kameltoe and others like AOC, Bootygrab, Katie Hobbs, Swallowwell, and these younger folks are really going places. Nowhere I want to go, but they’re going alright.

Well, then, I guess they will make the trip without you. And, I will go out on a limb and guess that they won't resort to Ad Hominem attacks. Idiot.

See what I did there?

Cries about ad hom, then snivels “idiot”.
You gotta get better ghost writers. Lose the guys who are deliberately making you look bad.
And is it really ad hom to believe those who put Biden in the WH are stupid ? I mean, we do have a record of how it’s going …..
What should be said about whoever caused today’s America ?

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

I am a 20 something.
I do not trust an 80+ year old person to water my plants while I'm on vacation let alone run the country and make decisions on my behalf.

They are responsible for outsourcing all the manufacturing to 3rd world countries. The boomer generation single handedly hollowed out the American economy and ruined the country.


You probably would not be here if it were not for us, and judging by the disrespect, you, and so many others of your generation show to your parents and the older generation, you may not even deserve to be here.

Who protected you? Who paid for your education?
Do you think all the crap that your generation is involved in today makes you worthy of putting all of us down?

Sounds like the disillusioned rants of a juvenile, disrespectful, snotty little sh_t to me.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: datguy
a reply to: ITSALIVE

to be fair, its not his fault that he was subject to the failed education policies of George Bush Jr.'s "no child left behind" act.

Remember the hanging chads!!

I would actually go so far to argue that these failed policies were the seeds of what we are seeing across the country now in newer, controversial educational laws

No child allowed to excel

Go right back to USSR strategy, agitate in the US for the retardification of the youth. We’ve got at least 2 generations where they succeeded. The newest wave that’s being subjected to trans, BLM, antifa, etc…. Are gonna be doozies (old boomer term).

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

100% absolutely agree with everything you’ve stated. Im glad that more and more “citizens” are waking up to the fact that, perhaps in its inception, democracy was a good thing, but over the course of the history of this USA, it has been dwindled and swindled down to an elite club for only those with unnecessary massive wealth (besides being necessary for boosting their power, even more wealth and influence in this secret oligarchy).
Voting seems to have lost its intended purposes, as the system that once worked, can and has been manipulated to the desires of those wishing to remain in power, indefinitely.
It’s incredibly disheartening and frustrating, at the same time, to realize these facts, then top it off with a potus who’s willing to threaten the citizenry with jets and tanks, if they were to exercise their constitutional rights and oppose the deep seated tyranny, corruption and greed at every conceivable level of government. A government which injects every possible division amongst its citizenry…racism, sexism, hateism (yeah, it’s real), classism, etc. A government that has intentionally failed to serve its people, but has instead chosen to serve itself and the sh!tty offspring they will unleash upon this world for generations and generations to come.
Sadly, yes, the boomer generation apathetically allowed these actions to not only continue, but by their ongoing passive or straight up support of such activity, it has not only gotten much worse, but has trickled down into the very fabric of this nation, its citizens. Corporations are corrupt and greedy, no longer providing the quality products which served to create their worldwide renown, but instead produce crappy, cheap garbage products, which, last but a fraction of the original depreciation and cost a ridiculous amount more; corporations who pollute and decimate our natural Earth and home environment with little to no repercussions; lobbyists who pander to the wealthy ruling class, neither of whom share an iota of concern for the citizens they are entrusted to serve or are a part of; random Joe Schmoe, who steals, bribes and possesses within his/herself the same greed and corruption, which, has started at the top and like sh!t, has rolled downhill; police forces that have become unbelievably militarized and who no longer “serve,” or “protect” the citizens, as they’ve sworn to do, but rather only those in positions of wealth or of power; the judicial system, which, is no longer about Justice, but rather what is legal according to an exasperating amount of paper with some contrived words written upon them…basically an entire system of governance that breaches its original charge of being fair and just, and now only exists merely as a means of controlling the lives of its citizens.
All of this is incredibly overwhelming, as such that it’s not surprising that this massive amount of oppression from every direction has created a people unwilling to educate themselves to the facts that surround them; a people who are weak and uninterested in anything other than their immediate gratification.
I’ve toiled with these issues for all of my adult life, perhaps longer unconsciously, and the question remains, what can we, the people of this once great nation do to oppose all of this? Violence, clearly, cannot be the answer, because the dictator in chief will drown us all in our own blood with missiles, tanks and bombs in order to maintain this matrix of control. The campaign of fear is a multi headed beast, a beast we’re not familiar with fighting or dealing with and who is very clearly, unseen. Like all things unfamiliar, such as the deep dark woods, humans are paralyzed by fear. The only conceivable action, imo, is to no longer participate in their game, and it is a game. We must no longer buy into the scripted hatred of our fellow man (woman, he/she or she/he) no matter how different they may be or choose to live their lives, as they are not our enemy. We must teach ourselves to rise above this low level of thinking and existence and choose, instead, to be the best version of ourselves possible. We must not stoop to this lower lever in order to take cheap shots at one another. And we must accept that we are the ones who truly possess the power to create the world in which we want to live and pass on to future generations.
I have many mottos in life, but one which I share with as many as I can is this: “Do what you want, as long as you are not hurting others, and if you get hurt doing what you want, at least you were doing what you want (for which, there can be no complaint).” Why are we so wrapped up in the goings on in everyone else’s lives? Who cares that that guy is now a girl, they’re doing what they want and it has no affect upon my life. Who cares that the person over there is mowing the grass different way? They’re doing what they want and it affects me in no way, shape or form. In contrast, every single action by those in power absolutely has an affect upon each and every life of those they claim to serve, and it is this here, which should unite us, despite our morals, despite our creed and in spite of the personal decisions each of us make. Therein lies our power, and yes, this may seem like a tall order, impossible even, but that’s how our ancestors of old created this great nation, and we all still possess the same vigor and passion, albeit deep, and perhaps even much deeper down in some.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 03:55 PM
Participation is compliance. It’s all a con game, especially in a country that has politics in your face all year every year, bullish!t will always baffle brains.

Picture what would happen if nobody voted in your elections. If the whole populace just went f’it, decided they didn’t need the bread and forgot about the circus.

a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
Yeah...sorry about that. I was busy working my ass off to help build a country for a bunch of ungrateful little sh**s.

Really? Because from younger peoples perspective, all boomers did was send all our jobs to China and give China a huge economic advantage they are now using and will use to dominate the global economy and replace the US dollar as global reserve currency. But ok boomer. You're the best!
edit on 4-6-2023 by Ch1nch1lla because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

Boomers ruined America and why are there STILL no term limits?

If it weren't for the boomers designing and implementing the WWW. you couldn't have made this thread.

What have you done?

Wow one of the inventions and perhaps the only innovation in history that has actually made society worse and turned everyone into social media zombie narcissists. Great. What a contribution.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: MaxNasty
a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

If you think boomers ruined America, wait until the results from YOUR generation come back.

I'd love to be able to compare the report cards.

Oh don't worry, I'm sure by the time people my age turn 35 and are eligible to run for president, the country, government included will have collapsed and there won't be anything to run lol. But thanks for that endorsement. At least you'll know leaders who are my age won't be pooping their pants in committee meetings.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

jesus mate educate yourself, you dont have to be 35 to run for office, there are mayors that are teen agers people your age sitting in state legislatures.

Stop crying get to doing if you hate the world that much, be that change you desire so much.

In general lot of people in this thread that have obviously never lived anywhere other than the area they grew up in. The US is huge entirely different dynamics in different locations in the US.

Get out see the nation, get out see the world expand your horizons rather than sit at home and complain about boomers.

I am a gen x imitate us find your own path and happiness in the world dont wait for the govt to tell you what should make you happy.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: SeeReeS
and the question remains, what can we, the people of this once great nation do to oppose all of this? Violence, clearly, cannot be the answer, because the dictator in chief will drown us all in our own blood with missiles, tanks and bombs in order to maintain this matrix of control.

This IS the burden of freedom, for too long ignored
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

The only conceivable action, imo, is to no longer participate in their game, and it is a game. We must no longer buy into the scripted hatred of our fellow man no matter how different they may be or choose to live their lives, as they are not our enemy.
We must teach ourselves to rise above this low level of thinking and existence and choose, instead, to be the best version of ourselves possible. We must not stoop to this lower lever in order to take cheap shots at one another. And we must accept that we are the ones who truly possess the power to create the world in which we want to live and pass on to future generations.

All of this is true, but its implamentation fails miserably without action, we can say things all we want but they mean nothing until we do them. It would be inconceivable to have the latter and ignore the former. You can choose not to participate but that will not stop the game, it will simply continue without you.
Hence the cause of this post. IMO

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

jesus mate educate yourself, you dont have to be 35 to run for office, there are mayors that are teen agers people your age sitting in state legislatures.

Stop crying get to doing if you hate the world that much, be that change you desire so much.

In general lot of people in this thread that have obviously never lived anywhere other than the area they grew up in. The US is huge entirely different dynamics in different locations in the US.

Get out see the nation, get out see the world expand your horizons rather than sit at home and complain about boomers.

I am a gen x imitate us find your own path and happiness in the world dont wait for the govt to tell you what should make you happy.

Been around the world thanks to the military. Still got about 15 years left. Had to join at 18 because there were no economic opportunities left in America since the boomers sent all our jobs to China.
edit on 4-6-2023 by Ch1nch1lla because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

I'm sure by the time people my age turn 35

So run for office then, if you want to "fix" things get in office and get after it.

Stop blaming people in the past for decisions they based on the data they had at the time.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: Ch1nch1lla

originally posted by: DAVID64
Yeah...sorry about that. I was busy working my ass off to help build a country for a bunch of ungrateful little sh**s.

Really? Because from younger peoples perspective, all boomers did was send all our jobs to China and give China a huge economic advantage they are now using and will use to dominate the global economy and replace the US dollar as global reserve currency. But ok boomer. You're the best!

So you failed to learn about the founding of the Federal reserve? Roosevelts "new deal" which effectively removed the dollar from the gold standard and created a fiat banking cartel in march of 1933? but it must have been the boomers....
And it wasn't the boomers who sent jobs anywhere, most of the boomers were picketing in union jobs trying to prevent just that, you can thank the corporate leadership and its corrupt influence in politics for that, they wanted cheap labor after the boomers unionized for better wages, but lemme guess, you use still amazon and drink starbucks?

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

I'm sure by the time people my age turn 35

So run for office then, if you want to "fix" things get in office and get after it.

Stop blaming people in the past for decisions they based on the data they had at the time.

That is always people's solution and it is a weak nonanswer. How do people get elected when they have no supporters, no time to campaign. Literally can't run for office because they are and will be active duty military for the foreseeable future?

A better solution is that we energize our voter base and elect younger people who reflect actual pro-America values. Not people who put every other country before America.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: datguy

originally posted by: Ch1nch1lla

originally posted by: DAVID64
Yeah...sorry about that. I was busy working my ass off to help build a country for a bunch of ungrateful little sh**s.

Really? Because from younger peoples perspective, all boomers did was send all our jobs to China and give China a huge economic advantage they are now using and will use to dominate the global economy and replace the US dollar as global reserve currency. But ok boomer. You're the best!

So you failed to learn about the founding of the Federal reserve? Roosevelts "new deal" which effectively removed the dollar from the gold standard and created a fiat banking cartel in march of 1933? but it must have been the boomers....
And it wasn't the boomers who sent jobs anywhere, most of the boomers were picketing in union jobs trying to prevent just that, you can thank the corporate leadership and its corrupt influence in politics for that, they wanted cheap labor after the boomers unionized for better wages, but lemme guess, you use still amazon and drink starbucks?

Actually proving my point that nothing was enough for boomers. They wanted more. And it resulted in a lot of jobs going overseas which ruined the economy. You don't see my generation out here striking because we are smart enough to know that if we complain too much, the masters will take our jobs away too. Guess boomers didn't get that memo.

Also yeah. Everybody knows about the beast from jekyll Island. Things didn't REALLY go downhill until Breton Woods and that much is obvious, despite the great depression.
edit on 4-6-2023 by Ch1nch1lla because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 04:27 PM
I don't blame the Boomers, my parents are Boomers and they raised me to respect my elders, as they have hard won wisdom and can pass down valuable lessons and valuable traditions that help build character in the long term.

Too many kids these days want it and want it NOW without earning it, or deserving it.

They're spoiled.

It's not the Boomers, it's not the Elders, it's the corruption inherent in people padding their pockets instead of serving the public welfare.

There needs to be some compromise, and right now, no one's listening to the other and it keeps going back and forth with nothing getting done to address the crux of the matter and heart of the issue.

Gen X, still working my ass off and making slow progress but not giving up and throwing a tantrum about it.

edit on 6/4/23 by GENERAL EYES because: grammar edit

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: Ch1nch1lla

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

jesus mate educate yourself, you dont have to be 35 to run for office, there are mayors that are teen agers people your age sitting in state legislatures.

Stop crying get to doing if you hate the world that much, be that change you desire so much.

In general lot of people in this thread that have obviously never lived anywhere other than the area they grew up in. The US is huge entirely different dynamics in different locations in the US.

Get out see the nation, get out see the world expand your horizons rather than sit at home and complain about boomers.

I am a gen x imitate us find your own path and happiness in the world dont wait for the govt to tell you what should make you happy.

Been around the world thanks to the military. Still got about 15 years left. Had to join at 18 because there were no economic opportunities left in America since the boomers sent all our jobs to China.

You’ve been in 5 years and been all around the world, eh ? Not likely mate, more like one assignment, just starting a second.
Don’t let this thread turn into make believe.
If you’re really in the military, get yourself a free college degree, and get out to OTS / OCS. It would sure beat moaning and groaning and finger pointing.
These are the things boomers do, to get ahead and serve others.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

no, instead you protest over rainbow flags and sex changes for kids.
or cry because the criminal got shot while he was trying to shoot someone else
you pretty much just admited that it wasnt boomers who sent jobs over seas but it was still their fault?

Still their fault they had bills to pay and had families to feed.
Promise me one thing, that you will never start a family, never a marry your loved one, never have kids to feed that way you can focus on changing the world, and the future generations cant blame you for thier problems...ill still be here in 20 years, it goes by fast, cant wait to see what you accomplish

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: Ch1nch1lla

originally posted by: datguy

originally posted by: Ch1nch1lla

originally posted by: DAVID64
Yeah...sorry about that. I was busy working my ass off to help build a country for a bunch of ungrateful little sh**s.

Really? Because from younger peoples perspective, all boomers did was send all our jobs to China and give China a huge economic advantage they are now using and will use to dominate the global economy and replace the US dollar as global reserve currency. But ok boomer. You're the best!

So you failed to learn about the founding of the Federal reserve? Roosevelts "new deal" which effectively removed the dollar from the gold standard and created a fiat banking cartel in march of 1933? but it must have been the boomers....
And it wasn't the boomers who sent jobs anywhere, most of the boomers were picketing in union jobs trying to prevent just that, you can thank the corporate leadership and its corrupt influence in politics for that, they wanted cheap labor after the boomers unionized for better wages, but lemme guess, you use still amazon and drink starbucks?

Actually proving my point that nothing was enough for boomers. They wanted more. And it resulted in a lot of jobs going overseas which ruined the economy. You don't see my generation out here striking because we are smart enough to know that if we complain too much, the masters will take our jobs away too. Guess boomers didn't get that memo.

Also yeah. Everybody knows about the beast from jekyll Island. Things didn't REALLY go downhill until Breton Woods and that much is obvious, despite the great depression.

Bretton Woods, Jekyll Island, and the depression couldn’t have less to do with boomers.
You’re long on excuses and complaints, and short on good ideas or solutions.
Do really well in the military, knock out a degree, retire at 38, and the world is your oyster (another old boomer saying).
This is how people get set up to do the things you claim you can never do.
Everybody I’ve ever known who got out early, wished they hadn’t.
Just like scouting. Everybody I’ve known who quit just shy of Eagle, regretted it the rest of their life.
Have a plan and follow it through. Old boomer philosophy.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: Ch1nch1lla

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

I'm sure by the time people my age turn 35

So run for office then, if you want to "fix" things get in office and get after it.

Stop blaming people in the past for decisions they based on the data they had at the time.

That is always people's solution and it is a weak nonanswer. How do people get elected when they have no supporters, no time to campaign. Literally can't run for office because they are and will be active duty military for the foreseeable future?

A better solution is that we energize our voter base and elect younger people who reflect actual pro-America values. Not people who put every other country before America.

It is not a weak non-answer, saying that means you dont want to do it, you want someone to do it for you.

at 25 run for city council, then mayor, then state legislature etc, much like the military you dont start out as an E-9 or O-10 you work up to it.

You must be trolling at this point.

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