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Top Bill Gates Virologist Predicts Deadlier COVID Variants For The Vaccinated In Looming Disaster

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posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 03:15 AM

originally posted by: burntheships
a reply to: Xtrozero

I am just not seeing very credible sources supporting evidence that the
vaccines are preventing serious illness.

Sources in my signature from the UK show a clear correlation between vaxxing and a reduction in serious sickness from covid.

It's so blatantly obvious.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: burntheships

He might have a patent in the works, but he isn't actually selling anything.

Selling, as in promoting, not as in retailing. My bad, this word has several meaning in English. He's promoting a product and trying to attract investors with the aim of having a product manufactured and distributed. I amend my original statement and accept that my choice of words was poor.

I am most certainly not boosting Bill Gates,but you can twist in the wind if you want to.

We've spent the last two years on those forum debating every single aspect of Gates and his big vax push, and here you come, pushing one of his henchmen, who just so happens to be promoting ... guess what ... another vax.

Oh, and he's warning about Super Covid, which Gates also warned about.

You even name dropped Gates in order to claim that this guy has credibility. You're certainly not critisizing him for his connections to Gates are you.

Like a scarecrow in a corn field, I doubt anyone is paying attention to you except the crows.

You do realize that you're the crow in this situation?

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I think your grasping at straws now, as your promoting a big pharma
vaccine that has been backed by and paid for in part by Gates through
GAVI yourself. In fact you could be profiting from your promotion of
big pharma and vaccines several different ways.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: carewemust

They're actually a vetranarian



edit on 18-6-2022 by fotsyfots because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: burntheships

Aside from the Mdog video you shared, thank you by the way,
can you provide the proof that all of the other virologists are
call him a nut?

Thanks in advance.

If you Google his name and debunked there is a huge number of people that spoke out against him, I just made it easy with the video. I really do not want to invest the time to help you here as this was all talked about over a year ago. You can believe him all you want, I'm just saying his letter over a year ago was false and he is now coming back to say the same damn thing again.

Its like I said the world will end in 4 months then I kind of disappear when it doesn't, then a year later I say the world will end in 4 months... What would you think of me?

Hmmm, well I would think you were right up there with those who have claimed oceans would wipe out coastlines catastropically by 2010, acid rain would be the norm by late 1990's, there'd be no ozone by 2005,man would walk on moon by 2020 & ask ....fearporn much ?

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 10:43 AM
Dr. Vanden Bossche is 100% correct in his analysis of the evolutionary biology of the virus. It's about time people start listening to the SCIENCE and not the B&**(SH8999T they find on the internet. I'm not a virologist, but I am a biochemist so I understand the mechanism. This virus may be about to go totally out of control. Non-neutralizing antibodies bind stronger to the spike protein and causes the virus to become more infectious. With or without the vaccine, this virus has the ability to mutate very efficiently. Unfortunately for the vaccinated (and this COULD NOT have been known at the time the original vaccine came out), once the neutralizing antibodies are defunct, they are at higher risk for infection. How lethal the new mutants will be remains to be seen. But I think we're only a hop, skip and a jump away from a highly lethal viral mutant.

Interesting article in SCIENCE this week about long COVID:

The virus is found on autopsy from people who DID NOT die of COVID, situating in organs other than the nasal cavity and lungs. Not much known yet but looks like once you have it, you have it for life.

edit on 18-6-2022 by Phantom423 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: Phantom423
Dr. Vanden Bossche is 100% correct in his analysis of the evolutionary biology of the virus. It's about time people start listening to the SCIENCE and not the B&**(SH8999T they find on the internet. I'm not a virologist, but I am a biochemist so I understand the mechanism. This virus may be about to go totally out of control. Non-neutralizing antibodies bind stronger to the spike protein and causes the virus to become more infectious. With or without the vaccine, this virus has the ability to mutate very efficiently.

Interesting article in SCIENCE this week about long COVID:

The virus is found on autopsy from people who DID NOT die of COVID, situating in organs other than the nasal cavity and lungs. Not much known yet but looks like once you have it, you have it for life.

Dr trozzi explains this exact process in a 5 part video series.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: mikell
I always thought the vaccination was the bomb. But what's the detonator??

MeatHookReality responding : So lets apply logic to this whole covid & vaccine response by looking at 3 scenarios.
#1 The covid-19 virus & the vaccine are part of a world wide nefarious reset with a population reduction in mind.
#2 The covid-19 virus was a natural occurrence & the vaccine is the nefarious element in a population reduction scheme by the elite .
#3 The covid-19 virus no matter it origins was fought by what science could do in a short amount of time with no nefarious intent .

So the first scenario & second scenario are only supported by imo a ridiculous plan that makes zero sense . Why would the elite force a culling on their servants ? Who is going to run power houses , air ports , agriculture, supply chains , infrastructure maintenance/building, medical & the militaries ?
No nation or cabal of evil elites are going to wipeout it’s slave labour. Further more , how did they manage to give medical , military, farmers and all the people that make it possible for the elite to enjoy their lives of luxury a fake vaccine that would not kill the most important people in society ?
So under this scenario we have to accept that the elite did not take the jab & when 75% of world dies from this jab , who is running the satellites , data farms , nuclear plants , snow removal, water distribution or anything for the elite ? The elite would not make it one year without us serfs catering to their needs . The vast majority of the world has had these shots & its the acme of stupidity that the secret evil hands of the powerful want us all dead .

Scenario #3 The vaccine was rushed to respond to a pandemic with the best intentions for humanity & their are risks with the vaccine as always . I personally know no one who has had issues or death due to the jab . Yet I know plenty of people who have died from covid . Never in my sixty plus years on Earth have I known personally or 1 removed from people I know die in these mass amounts.

I know no one who has died unexpectedly since getting shots or boosters for covid . Now Im not saying that there is not some concern & if the vaccines in the long run wipes out most who got them , what type of lives or world will be left to live in & who would want to be in that world ?
Every senior reactor operator, nuclear submarine crew , doctor etc had been jabbed .. So once again the elite want nuclear meltdowns , plane’s landing themselves, zero military for protection, no power , no heat , no air conditioning, no prime cattle for steak , no doctors to heal , no medicine manufactured…etc … because that is what would happen if just 25-40 % of the jabbed die from the jab would happen.
I believe the virus got out of a lab & the world did it’s best to solve this mess by hurried vaccines.
I believe the vaccines should have only been given to the most vulnerable & kids need not apply .
Sure it’s always about the money .. so why would the elite cull their consumers & working force in a one time shot ?
It’s not as if there are robot servitors abound to do all the work required to maintain Earth so the elite can enjoy the best of it . We are generations away from AI running everything & until then .. we are the AI that serve the powerful.
This conspiracy stuff is ridiculous by all logic .

Here is my question for the Q crowd or conspiracy types : If the goal of the NWO is to cull us , then why do it with a vaccine ? If they have the technology to create synthetic mrna death vaccines.. why not just engineer the covid virus to be more deadly ?
You may say that it was so they can get our money through all these medical expenses that we pay for before we die in treatment of covid.
Yet once again .. why kill somebody that you can strip of money over their life time as they toil in the your factories creating even more money & power for said elites.

Plus if you the unjabbed are the last 15-30 % left here on Earth after the vaccine kill off is complete, what type of life do you believe you would have under a NWO ???
No thank you … because under most of the ATS crowd’s theories only the unjabbed will live on .
Im here to tell you that if that was the case , then all of you unjabbed would be forced into hard labor or killed by the NWO .
If the NWO is behind this secret kill shot , then Im sure they would not be very happy with the non-compliance crowd .
No one is trying to kill off humanity in a global conspiracy.
Or what if the vaccinated who are getting infected with covid , host a new super resilient mutation that will kill off the unvaxed & eliminating the non-compliant rabble rousers of society so the rest of us will have a more peaceful Earth without crazy stiff necked Q types ???
Who knows , but if there was a conspiracy to kill a bunch of people by the powerful … Im sure the anti-vax non-compliant would be top on their list .
Reason is based on facts & reality.. not conjecture of the paranoid .
So as logic would go of the evil master plan , it’s the non-compliant who would be targeted.. because wolfs need sheep to live & they don’t tolerate coyote scavengers on the outskirts of society.
I had one J&J shot a year ago & Im ok with that .
Reality is not what you want it to be , it is only reality & living in reality sure beats conjecture found here .

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: burntheships
Thank you for this OP. SnF as usual.
I read the link that you provided, and this part (as well as the entire
article) is extremely concerning.
The former chief science officer and Pfizer vice president Dr. Michael Yeadon told LifeSiteNews he is “a bit sceptica(sic)l” of Vanden Bossche’s approach.
"Further, Yeadon said in email correspondence that while Vanden Bossche appears to be correct “that repeated ‘vaccination’ does mess up immune responses to reinfection,” he finds “his immunology downright odd. He majors all the time on blood-based antibodies. I’ve not met a virologist that thinks blood-based antibodies are particularly important to outcomes of airway infection[s] arriving from the air side."
Dr Yeadon is a quack. Antibodies, are proteins in the blood that fight-off infection. Where does he think anti-bodies come from? Additionally, the quack says, " ... airway infection[s] arriving from the air side." Again, where does he think most respiratory infections come from, if not from the air we breath?
Vanden Bossche has issued us a warning: Don't get jabbed, and by the end of July, there will be catastrophic reinfections of this engineered virus.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70
This vaccine was an IQ test.

At first I thought yes, but.
we have been brain wash't to have vaccinations.
the polio vaccination first in mass 1954.
and the Flu vaccination.
all of them have been push't Very Hard.
as soon as I was 18 I stopt having one of them.

I got colds less than other people.
never knew if it was a cold or the flue!
is the flu realy a cold?

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

What does Q types mean? You mean doctors with Phds, some of who are the most published in their field who ARE PRO VACCINE? You mean those types?

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:09 PM
The late Luc Montagnier (Nobel Prize winning virologist-died 8 February 2022), and Geert Vanden Bossche (virologist), as well as many other doctors, have been vocal opponents of the "vaccine" since it's inception. Luc and Geert didn't even argue about the adverse side effects of the vaccine. Their main argument was, and is, that the vaccination during a pandemic is an inexcusable mistake. I'll list a few of their key points:

1. The SARS virus is slippery, meaning it evolves quickly.

2. The vaccine is leaky, meaning is does not cause sterilizing immunity.

3. The vaccine is strain matched, meaning it should provide greater protection against one variant of a virus, while providing lesser protection against other variants. Natural immunity provides broad spectrum immunity, providing equal protection on present and future strains.

4. Leaky vaccines protect those with a higher viral load at a lower rate. During a pandemic this can give slippery viruses the advantage, causing variants (Antibody Dependent Enhancement - ADE), which will then spread rapidly due to the ongoing pandemic.

I work in a gambling environment. IMHO, getting the vaccine is what we call a "sucker's bet". You have a choice to get it, and it might work out for you, but the odds are definitely NOT in your favor.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: BlackmoonJester

It's a suckers bet WITHOUT even discussing the adverse effects like Beiber and his wife just BOTH experienced. And they got off easy. Many do not.
edit on 18-6-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: Dutchowl

You got the Covid vaxx, the boosters, you just scrwed your imune system up and made Covid that much more of a threat to you. If you get the monkeypox vaccine you're only making things worse.

The only people right now who need the monkey pox vaccine are sexually active gay men in areas where it is. Monkey pox is pretty nasty, though not deadly.

Are all vaccines bad now?

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

And you're defending one of Gate's henchmen.

I suppose you're going to link me into some data from the Clinton foundation to back him up?

Lol so true....

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: fotsyfots

Hmmm, well I would think you were right up there with those who have claimed oceans would wipe out coastlines catastropically by 2010, acid rain would be the norm by late 1990's, there'd be no ozone by 2005,man would walk on moon by 2020 & ask ....fearporn much ?

And why I am saying that Dr. Vanden Bossche is pushing end of times fear porn again as he did last year. This full time veterinarian part time virologist is saying we are all dead unless we switch to only Natural Killer Cells vaccines. Which do show promise but we are not there yet.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: burntheships

ATS at its best to spread fear and misinformation. Telling people they have 3-5 years left to live because they got the mRNA vaccine is just ridicolous and not true.

How does a scientist know a new variant will show up and kill everyone/most people that got the mRNA shots?
I got 2 shots of Moderna one year ago, said no to booster shot, and have no plan to take any more vaccines. Do I think it was a mistake to release a vaccine that we now see have tons of adverse effects? Yes!

There are reports coming out now, that implies that most people that had covid-19, Alpha, Beta or Delta variant, will have some sort of faster decay of brainmass then normal. This means alot of healthy young people will develop a brain 20 years older then a normal brainmass. Some cases will be worse too, giving people Alzheimers and dementia at a very young age.

Maybe the mRNA will give the same outcome, we just don`t know yet.

SARS-Cov-2 has been a sh*tshow for everyone. Long covid is no joke. Adverse effect from mRNA is no joke. Spreading fear and misinformation is no joke.

edit on 18-6-2022 by CryonicAngel because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-6-2022 by CryonicAngel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:47 PM
Not sure how the double post happened.
edit on v582022Saturdaypm30America/ChicagoSat, 18 Jun 2022 12:58:14 -05001 by Violater1 because: deleted

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: carewemust

They're actually a vetranarian


You didn't know that it is harder to get into vet school than Med school, did you.
I've been in the Medical system since 1977. I would trust a Vet in may cases, than I would trust one of these new Med Grads.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: CryonicAngel
a reply to: burntheships

ATS at its best to spread fear and misinformation. Telling people they have 3-5 years left to live because they got the mRNA vaccine is just ridicolous and not true.

How does a scientist know a new variant will show up and kill everyone/most people that got the mRNA shots?
I got 2 shots of Moderna one year ago, said no to booster shot, and have no plan to take any more vaccines. Do I think it was a mistake to release a vaccine that we now see have tons of adverse effects? Yes!

There are reports coming out now, that implies that most people that had covid-19, Alpha, Beta or Delta variant, will have some sort of faster decay of brainmass then normal.

Links please or it's just more disinformation.
Deny ignorance.

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