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GOD may be ANGRY at CALIFORNIA for Becoming an ABORTION Mecca.

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posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

imo, Humans at some point separated the act of murdering unborn children, using the word "abortion" to describe the process. Same end result, but less taxing on the (guilty) conscience.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
a reply to: carewemust

With respect I’d ask you to consider that projecting God’s wrath on CA fails to recognize that Cali has been taken over by lunatics. We tried and imo were cheated out of recalling Newsom, CA was once a red state and there’s tons of shenanigans that have gone on here with our elections, it’s possible Trump actually won CA too ?

Most people associate CA with Hollywierd, Silicon Valley and dysfunctional liberal cities like SF and LA, but Cali has a lot of good, hardworking people, farmland, ranchers and military bases, that protect and feed the Country. IDK cwm, it’s just more complicated then condemning CA as a whole, I’m betting God understands this. I’ve grownup here and very few people I’ve ever met support unbridled abortions, especially late term ones, Newsom doesn’t speak for the majority and we know he’s scum.

I live in LA, I asked my wife to grab some water as we're almost out. She said there is no more, people have gone doomsday over this "storm". There are plenty and way too many Newsom supporters where I live and work.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: carewemust

I don't think the Bible mentions America or abortions for that matter.

Certainly does not seem to appear in any translation of the book, the word "abortion" that is.

Out of more than 600 laws of Moses, none comments on abortion. One Mosaic law about miscarriage specifically contradicts the claim that the bible is antiabortion, clearly stating that miscarriage does not involve the death of a human being. If a woman has a miscarriage as the result of a fight, the man who caused it should be fined. If the woman dies, however, the culprit must be killed

"If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

"And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth . . ." Ex. 21:22-25

The bible orders the death penalty for murder of a human being, but not for the expulsion of a fetus.

Good luck debating with cult members, who think God brought them Trump
and hurricanes to Democrats!

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Well, that's a handy opinion to support your way of thinking.

Still doesn't seem to change the fact that the bible would seem to indicate that the death penalty is required for the murder of a human being, but not for the expulsion of a fetus.

According to the Bible carewemust, life begins at birth.

Life begins at birth when a baby draws its first breath. The Bible defines life as "breath" in several significant passages, including the story of Adam's creation in Genesis 2:7, when God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Jewish law traditionally considers that personhood begins at birth.

Anyhoo i don't really think we are going to see eye to eye with respect to the topic in question.

And believe it or not i don't wish to offend anyone's religious sensibilities.

Suffice to say i don't think god is angry at anyone, and if he is then he really is not the benevolent sort of chap in the first place.

Off out now for some exercise with the day.

Andy out.

edit on 20-8-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

I think ancient man believed that life began at first gasp because they couldn't see inside as well as we can.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: Kaiju666

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
a reply to: carewemust

With respect I’d ask you to consider that projecting God’s wrath on CA fails to recognize that Cali has been taken over by lunatics. We tried and imo were cheated out of recalling Newsom, CA was once a red state and there’s tons of shenanigans that have gone on here with our elections, it’s possible Trump actually won CA too ?

Most people associate CA with Hollywierd, Silicon Valley and dysfunctional liberal cities like SF and LA, but Cali has a lot of good, hardworking people, farmland, ranchers and military bases, that protect and feed the Country. IDK cwm, it’s just more complicated then condemning CA as a whole, I’m betting God understands this. I’ve grownup here and very few people I’ve ever met support unbridled abortions, especially late term ones, Newsom doesn’t speak for the majority and we know he’s scum.

I live in LA, I asked my wife to grab some water as we're almost out. She said there is no more, people have gone doomsday over this "storm". There are plenty and way too many Newsom supporters where I live and work.

Maybe this big Storm will mentally strengthen Californians, like Hurricanes do Floridians.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:34 PM
Your starting to sound like the Westboro church

originally posted by: carewemust
Thursday, May 12, 2022

California officials, led by Governor Gavin Newsome are letting the world know that California will be THE place for getting abortions.

If you don't want to give birth to the baby God has blessed you with, right up until the moment he/she draws their first breath outside the womb, California doctors will kill him/her for you, on the spot.

1.) Come to California and get assistance in paying for your abortion...up to 100% FREE even!

2.) Want to move to California for your abortion and potentially stay here afterwards? California will financially assist with relocating you here!

3.) New Law moves forward: Regardless of what the U.S. Supreme Court rules...California will ALWAYS be a "Sanctuary State" for aborting/killing the unborn.

--------As You Can Imagine, GOD is NOT PLEASED---------

Contrary to what many (falsely) believe, humans do not own other humans. "My Body My Choice" does not apply to killing other humans, which includes babies in the womb. Those little ones/spirits/souls are created by, and owned by GOD, until he brings them home at some point.

Since the state of California is knowingly and intentionally making itself the #1 destination for killing God's unborn children, the state will have to pay a price. In human terms, it's called Justice/Karma. Payment for sins.

What I will do in this thread is add what, in my opinion, are examples of Justice being delivered to California from GOD, and California ignoring those warnings.

Endorsing and encouraging the murdering of God's unborn children isn't the only immoral thing California endorses, but it's the most heinous, terrible, evil thing.

We'll start with an example of justice being delivered to some who are (most likely) involved in medical side of California's baby-murder industry.

LAGUNA HILLS, Calif. - A massive fire engulfed multimillion-dollar mansions near the Laguna Niguel area Wednesday.

Fire officials said Thursday morning crews worked through the night in the canyon and in the neighborhoods. The fire, dubbed the "Coastal Fire," has now burned 199 acres.
More at:

More to come...until California repents, or is removed from the USA, or is destroyed totally, by our Creator/Owner...GOD.


posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

I didn't know the Bible says human life doesn't begin until "birth".

It is possible that God doesn't see a 7 month old fetus dying in a plastic bag as a human.

But I doubt it.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: Rumrunner
Thanks for getting things back on track!

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: UpThenDown

History shows God wiping out entire swath of populations...much like we did in Japan.

I agree...Both God and Man should be more "surgical" when it comes to punishing evil.

your comparing god to total nuclear destruction and his lack of finesse with who he targets

perhaps i should read the bible more it sounds a lot different when you describe it, dare i say almost horrific

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 04:47 PM
Well, on top of a hurricane, we just had a 5.0 quake near where I live.

The rain has started, big fat drops. Wind isn't strong yet, gusting in swirls.

But that damn earthquake came out of NOwhere.

Now I'm officially freaked out.
edit on 8/20/2023 by CoyoteAngels because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 04:50 PM
Angry? Nah wish he would unleash San Andreas and sink commiefornia it into the bottom of the ocean!

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: ATSAlex

Would that not kill 39.24 million people or thereabouts?

I don't think god cares much about ideologies like communism or capitalism.

If anything the dude advocates for a system of monarchy or monarchical rule if you think about it.

Something the USA shirked off quite some time ago or so I'm led to believe.

Just something to ponder.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I didn't know the Bible says human life doesn't begin until "birth".

Genesis 2:7 when God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." would seem to imply when life begins aka birth.

It is possible that God doesn't see a 7 month old fetus dying in a plastic bag as a human.

I don't think anyone is suggesting abortions should take place at 7 months unless there is a serious risk to life.

Most sane forward-thinking nations allow abortion up to 23 weeks.

As to what God would see, well there is all that mass genocide committed in his name over the span of recorded history.
edit on 20-8-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: ATSAlex
Angry? Nah wish he would unleash San Andreas and sink commiefornia it into the bottom of the ocean!

I don't want anything bad to happen to anybody

I do wish Californians would hold more rational political views, and stop putting people like Nancy Pelosi in DC.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: Turquosie
a reply to: TTU77

Correction - America is a fallen Christian nation - never forget that. The freedoms you speak of and cling to are a direct result of Christianity - freedom and the support of God given rights.

I find this so silly. What was christian about American in the past? We had widespread slavery and then treated blacks as less than whites in many states. We killed countless native Americans to obtain this land.

slavery was brought to the Americas by Spain, France and England. and the Native Americans had slaves.
the US Government ENDED slavery.

What was so christian about America that made it a "fallen christian nation". We never started out with christian values in the first place. Then again, most nations that adopted religions like christianity, islam, and judiasm never really followed the main messages either.

the writings of the founding fathers and early USA make it plain the USA was Christian. Bible study and prayer in public school for instance.

America was never some utopian christian nation of morality and virtue. It was founded on slavery and theft of native Americans. All this new-age progressive stuff that you may disagree with pales in comparison to the horrors America has done in the past. And even still does. Lets not forget about all the wars and conflicts we supported for our own agendas.

the USA was not 'founded on' slavery. it was one of many issues. nobody is saying the USA is/was perfect.

I understand wanting to have pride in your country but when people pretend like America used to be some holy great Christian nation, it just sounds like they never read any history. Or are being ignorant.

but that IS accurate history.

edit on 01032020 by ElGoobero because: clarify

edit on 01032020 by ElGoobero because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: ElGoobero

the writings of the founding fathers and early USA make it plain the USA was Christian.

I would have thought that while there were certainly Christian influences among your founding fathers, and some references to God in their writings, the USA was deliberately established as a nation that respected religious diversity and maintained a separation between church and state.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:11 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2023

Southern California has just experienced a moderate EARTHQUAKE, as Hilary's remnants pummel the area.

Earthquake Just Hit:

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: ElGoobero

1. THe U.S. government ended slavery after it was abolished in many other parts of the world. Before that, slavery was often used. Even after slavery ended, racism continued well into the 1950s/60s.

2. Slavery played a huge part in start of American history till the civil war.

3. Furtheremore, America was founded on taking land from Native Americans and allowing the south to use slavery until the civil war.

You may disagree with some semantics, but the main point is that America was NEVER at a high point in morality or ethics. While the constitution and basis of governance had some great affects to freedoms, many of these "freedoms" were never afforded to minorities and the poeple we took the land from.

People have this nostologia for a great America that was really only somewhat existance for WHITE people.

The fact that we rollover the ugly side of American history for patriotic ideals is why I reply and comment to these posts of a false american utopia that never existed.

Nobdy said America was "perfect' but many seem to beleive we were founded on "freedom" and "persuit of happiness" when in fact this was only a foundation for white citizens. There is no such thing as freedom if it only applies to a group of people.

This doesn't discount the positives of the constituion but we need to stop being so naive and pretending.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Right, its one of the benefits of the constitution. Founding fathers had a lot of great ideas but they're impefect and at times, immoral; subject to the harsh realities of the times.

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