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UFOs / 'the Phenomenon' and "Machine Intelligence"

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posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

but because perhaps you see me from a perspective that I don't come from

You're not an easy one to grok Kev, at least not for me.

I'm not saying your faeries are not 'real'; they certainly are; but they are co-evolving through you, like you are co-evolving through them.

So from that standpoint, which of you, man or faerie is actually independently alive?

Why neither of course.

Ya know Kev, I still have not gotten even close to what "fairies" actually are. I remember your mentioning "manes", that wasn't lost on me. Though reading the definition on wikipedia makes it sound "dirty".

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

So if I grok quantum physics, Beings are emergent properties of a vacuum, a bit like soda bubbles?

(Image is public domain)

Hmm Kevin, hmmm!


Edit to add: Forbidden Planet (Anne Francis was hot) and 'imaginal space'. I understand from another thread that humans may be "evolving" towards learning to control 'imaginal space'?

My suggestion is humans have probably always been able to do that. What humans (maybe) have not done is to make a machine to do it for them. Here is why I think it is is natural:

I read the first chapter of the Skinwalker book, the story of the bullet proof wolf.

A week or two later, there is something prowling about my house far enough away yet just close enough to notice. Watch it for a few nights and it resolves into a large wolf. Since we don't have those here in Australia, it is obvious the origin is my reading that book. So I sit on my verandah and it prowls.

Then one day it pounces on me while I am working in the vege patch, and firmly bites me around the neck holding on. Next thing what looks like a three year old human girl appears.

She is impaled with a six inch thorn. So we pull the thorn out, and they disappear.

It isn't difficult to work out what was going on here. The point of the matter was, a shared 'imaginal space' (an 'interactive shared dreamscape' in my language) was created over time, maybe two weeks. It was a pantomine with a serious request "remove the thorn", so the costumes and backstory simply set the stage.

Most folks would say I was mistreated, manipulated with fear and deception. Well that doesn't matter really. I can understand a "mother" and her "precious thing" needed help. They couldn't remove the thorn themselves.

So, with my compliance, a shared interactive 'imaginal space' was created with a purpose.

People can do that naturally. If I were to take an educated guess as to why it is rare these days. Well, I would suggest people are stuck in an existing 'imaginal space'.

edit on 25-4-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added edit to add

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

Oh geepers.

You wouldn't know who the 'Paris 4' are, would you?

Just like some, might wish to understand the modern folklore
around the "montauk project", I'm alwasy interested in modern
folklore around "Kundalini".

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Fairies are whatever you want them to be, so long as you can
mediate them through your midbrain.

Others who try this, wind up with gremlins or poltergeists,
orbs or 'UFOs'.

There is some 'there', 'there', but its like a soap bubble,
and gets easily overwritten by our 'base desires' to
know what it is.

Ancient occultists talk about this all the time.. and
surprisingly, it wan't total rubbish.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Well, I would suggest people are stuck in an existing 'imaginal space'.

Correct! Give the man a Kewpie doll.


Humans have ALWAYS had access to imaginal space.. mostly
UNCONSCIOUSLY and non-hepfully.

I mean, we created religions that send nearly everyone to hell,
and then call it 'good news', that's just my favorite example..
there are so many.

We need to learn to tell GOOD STORIES, and if we can discover
how to do this imaginal stuff 'responsibly' as part of a larger
'community of worlds',

then at long last,

people will get those 'aliens' and 'elder brothers' they've been

though, laughably, like Star Trek First Contact,

that won't happen,

utnil we don't NEED those 'elder brothers'.

(have to invent warp for ourselves first).

Movies DO have interesting snippets in them,
being so close to imaginal sometimes like
they are.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

that IS one of the best stories on the web.

Have you considered what your part of that thorn is/was?

Such things are rarely about one party or the other;
usually both.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

You can read this Kev. I have no idea who the Paris 4 are , or that they are even real?

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

This sounds like another Dennies type event. Do you also enjoy
the modern mythology/folklore angle, or do you take things
entirely literally?

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

No idea what kind of event it is or was. It could be entirely made up. It just came to my attention years ago Kev. It's over my head to be frank.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Have you considered what your part of that thorn is/was?

Such things are rarely about one party or the other;
usually both.

It is late here, so I'll tell you about the wolf. I don't give much thought to these things as they happen a lot and a few are on-going.

I heard somewhere that if you see a wolf, that is not the one to be warry off since they hunt in packs. So what I was seeing was not dangerous, yet the event is also potentially violent. So the plan was; sit back and see what happens. A wolf would not show itself without reason.

The time prowling at a distance kept my attention on it every evening. In hindsight that may be important to create the 'imaginal space'.

When it pounced, it took me by surprise. I could feel it, but it went no further than to make sure I understood the potential situation. My thought at the time was wait and see what happens next.

When the child appeared, and I understood she was injured, the whole thing became clear. I suspect the wolf did not trust humans with it's precious thing. If the wolf could have removed the thorn on it's own, or could get help from somewhere else, I think it would have done so rather than to trust me.

At the time I reassured the wolf, it could keep a hold of my neck while the thorn was removed.

Then it was just a matter of reaching a hand into the child and gently pulling out the thorn.

Then they disappeared.

One does try to make sense of these things. I settled on the the idea that the wolf knew I could remove the thorn, and yet was distrustful. From memory I thought; "well, I guess it was a case of holding a gun to a doctor's head to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. I can understand that".

If you have a different take on the story, I would be interested in hearing.


posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Simply that this all happened due to a 'thorn in you' and not just in the wolf.

We tend to attract these things to ourselves, to heal our own damage,
not to heal another.

Or it's both.

That was my point.

It's well-documented this point.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

A "Kewpie doll" I shall treasure that, from memory you don't give away many of those.


Humans have ALWAYS had access to imaginal space.. mostly
UNCONSCIOUSLY and non-hepfully.

I mean, we created religions that send nearly everyone to hell,
and then call it 'good news', that's just my favorite example..
there are so many.

We need to learn to tell GOOD STORIES, and if we can discover
how to do this imaginal stuff 'responsibly' as part of a larger
'community of worlds',

then at long last,

people will get those 'aliens' and 'elder brothers' they've been

though, laughably, like Star Trek First Contact,

that won't happen,

utnil we don't NEED those 'elder brothers'.

(have to invent warp for ourselves first).

Movies DO have interesting snippets in them,
being so close to imaginal sometimes like
they are.

Now I think we are on the same page, I quite agree with all the above.

You have said this before Kev: humans like the "woo" and dress up games. I see that too. One day they may realise it it is all deceptively simple and kick themselves.

Like the soda bubbles. A fairy once showed me: bubbles floating along in the waters of time.

Which reminds me of Persephone's better half ol' Hades. I was watching her watching the 'imaginal space' surrounding CERN. Ol' Hades was keeping an eye on me and said: "They want to prove the non-existance of time."

Maybe once science learns to create physical 'imaginal spaces' the stars will be within reach. That would be amazing.

Untill then, like you say Kev, we should begin to tell good stories.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I get cha.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

you may find it humorous, that my wife's jeep is named Persephone.
She's a family friend of a sort.. the variation of the story where she
wasn't raped, but went with Hades due to being in love with him.
We like strong women who aren't victims.

Now time... that is a discussion for a different time ;-)

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: Baablacksheep
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

You can read this Kev. I have no idea who the Paris 4 are , or that they are even real?

I wouldn't waste any time on this story.

Now, on a positive note, it's obvious due to some markers those 4 wrote about,
that yes, indeed at least one of them knew something about Kundalini from
personal experience.

And yes, they come across as a genuine private occult group, that is attempting
a syncretic merger of christianity and hermeticism.

I've seen dozens of varieties of this tired old, regressive material over the years.

But thanks for sharing it.. I now understand much better where a few
of the cast of characters were spending their time.

edit on 25-4-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

And yes, they come across as a genuine private occult group, that is attempting
a syncretic merger of christianity and hermeticism

Interesting that.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Not sure if this article somehow dovetails into Machine Intelligence. Imaginal space is mentioned briefly in one sentence. In part the article broadens the context of Liminal space. Ehhh, perhaps a read for another topic….anyway here it is…perhaps something of use can be found.

Schizophrenia and the Supernatural

Perhaps just apples and oranges…. perhaps not?


posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

i'll give it a read, sure.

I have an entire folder for just mental illness.

some of the greatest minds humans have ever produced
had 'mental illness'; it's always a valid topic to keep in
the mix.

I just grabbed the first one that came up.. but I've seen
many many lists like this:

what's interesting is that NEWTON, the father of modern
science and physics is on the list. And of course, Newton
published far more material on alchemy then on physics.

11 mentally ill geniuses
edit on 25-4-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 02:24 PM
Most people never try to 'heal their inner child', or become
familiar with the 'monsters of the id' (that's a metaphor,
but psychiatrists take the concept seriously).

What most moderns do, is to cram down the wounds of
thier psyche with alcohol, prescription meds and such,
rather than to 'process' the 'dark underbelly' of their
own minds.

If you want to get into 'high end metaphysics', your brain
gets supercharged in a manner like artificially induced
high-funcdtioning autistic (it's entirely biological, not
necessariy 'mystical').

the problem with that, is that the 'monsters of the id'
and the 'hurt inner child' get gasoline thrown on them
as the entire brain is magnified.

So if you play with your neurology in the search for
'cheap party tricks', you can easily wind up with a
hitler-like personality or other monstrous traits.

So in general, I do anytihng i can, to keep people
from mucking with such things, but on the other

our societies in this world are many of them quite
monstrous and destructive.

It's almost a matter of which deadly dangerous bomb
that you wish to play with..

We humans can't keep going just like we are... everything
is falling apart;

technology has grown faster than our own 'better natures'
which have not evolve very much, and despite all the
hot air from neurology and psychiatry,

We understand the brain better than we did a thousand years
ago, sure. (I mean the ancient thought the mind lived in the
heart or the stomach, and that the brain was some filtraton
device like the liver).

but we don't know anyting more about the mind, I don't care
if you say it's only an epiphenon of the brain or what your
angle is.. but we don't understand the mind any better
than we did a thousand years ago, and in some ways
even worse.

Hopefully that will change.

Or we won't 'make it'.
edit on 25-4-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

So, I read the article you found.

It rather continues a healthy part of some modern psychology,
that has developed for people on the autistic specrum like me.
High functioning autismis no longer considered a disorder
or illness in any way, at least if it's not a hardship, just
a syndrome.. a constellaton of symptoms.. for example I'm
extremely oversensitive to sensory stimualation is my main
symptom. So I avoid overstimulation. (Imagine that).

If the neurological differnces cause no hardship, then it's at
most a syndrome.

and if the neurological difference gives you abilities that
others simply don't have (for example I could count multiple
decks of cards in Reno (it's like Vegas, only smaller), then
your 'difference, whatever else it is, is a gift.

So I liked the article.. for what it's worth.

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