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Suggestions for stopping the war

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posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

The aggressor FREQUENTLY ends up surrendering

I'm referring to a particular battle not the entire war over many years as WWII was. The battle here is particularly the Russian assault on Ukraine. Sure, if this war went on for years and Russia lost that's another story. As they withdrew from Afghanistan, in the 90s, and as the US withdrew from Afghanistan recently, and in Vietnam in 75. But as of now, that doesn't apply since Russia as far as we know is not necessarily losing this war. I wish they were, and maybe they are but that's not apparent at his point.





MANY examples of individual battles too.

There just is no such 'usually' related to who is the aggressor.

The best prepared and most determined 'usually' win.

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

My point is about surrendering. You mentioned Russia surrendering.

Sure, in individual battles one side loses but that doesn’t always mean they lose the war and surrender. The Union lost many battles. Sometimes in battles, one side surrenders and they take prisoners, sure, but surrendering is a relative term as apples to this war.

Surrender in a war like this will be Russia like the US did in Afghanistan just leaving.

no big thing, just semantics

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

My point is about surrendering. You mentioned Russia surrendering.

Sure, in individual battles one side loses but that doesn’t always mean they lose the war and surrender. The Union lost many battles. Sometimes in battles, one side surrenders and they take prisoners, sure, but surrendering is a relative term as apples to this war.

Surrender in a war like this will be Russia like the US did in Afghanistan just leaving.

no big thing, just semantics

Surrender is FAR larger.

No ceasefire in Ukraine will end the war russia started.

Not until russia surrenders.

A ceasefire in Ukraine might save a few civilian lives.

But doesn't end the war.

Everyone always knew that Ukraine could only hold out for so long military, but we ALL thought that would end with complete russian occupation of Ukraine.

russia now badly wants to retreat.

They should.

But that doesn't change anything other than the shooting in Ukraine.

You think ANYONE is gonna back off after what russia just did?

We're still just getting started.

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