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The Anunnaki and the Matrix of Lies. The Missing Links.

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posted on Oct, 27 2023 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

It would be nice to include a link to the original information so it can be interrogated.

Whenever I consider anything I always consider first, do I have enough information on any subject to come to a conclusion. Second, I must realize there are forces at work that actively try to conceal pertinent information.
3rd, those said forces do attempt to rewrite history to favor their position. I have already seen this a few time where dots disappear, reappear in a new location, or, they change colors....

First question is

all major Yiddish linguists
Who are they? And who do they work for?

Considering the history of Khazaria has already been written and put out publicly, plus, the DNA results are in, how could all of a sudden be changed by a group of unknown linguists? Especially when one of them is, "One of Them"... Its like a criminal claiming authority over, crime...

Another point is the "good cop, bad cop" scenario. Or the flim flam man with his covert assistants played out with an assumed authority. You control the subject by "controlled opposition" This way you can manipulate the debate any way you wish.

Oh, the red flag of the word "Debunked". Who says this? What authority?

Yes, Ideology is behind, everything. Even the covert ideology.

posted on Oct, 27 2023 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: AllSeeingEye2

You got 9 to Go . Just Spam them somewhere

I havent a clue as to how Discord works. I registered but cant find instructions on messaging outside my server, etc. Dont know how to message that guy.. Maybe join my discord ASE and straighten me out? Im so confused lol lol

posted on Oct, 27 2023 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: AllSeeingEye2

Or you could just Wait until the RESET PASSWORD Function is Restored on the ATS Homepage . That could be soon . Keep Checking.

posted on Oct, 27 2023 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: AllSeeingEye2

There you go.........

posted on Oct, 27 2023 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: AllSeeingEye2

There you go.........

This post would most likely fit into the "The Talmud came from the Khazarian Empire?" Thread, but no biggie.

It is a stretch to claim that the article uproots the Khazars are Jews theory, after all all he shared was actually evidence the Jews were in fact in the area in those timelines. Besides, the Khazars were also known for name changing and victim identity theft. The Great Pretenders...

He also shares none of those names and how and where they originate but in the most general terms. And he does not share his thoughts on the Silver, Gold, and Rose oddity that are always associated with Jewish names.

Weighing his considerations compared to the wealth of information to the information, it just doesn't budge the scales.

Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel Complete

So what Im saying is, there is nothing he offers that's worth debating.

Khazaria: A Forgotten Jewish Empire

Nicholas Soteri reflects on the often-overlooked Jewish kingdom of Khazaria, and the vital role they played in balancing Christian and Muslim power in the early medieval period.

edit on 27-10-2023 by AllSeeingEye2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2023 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: AllSeeingEye2

I would think Genetics would Solve that Question for Good . No ?

posted on Oct, 27 2023 @ 11:47 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: AllSeeingEye2

I would think Genetics would Solve that Question for Good . No ?

It could if, the DNA of the ancient Pharisees could be established to make any comparisons, connections. I cant assume they were of Palestinians, Hebrew, bloodlines. Jesus made it pretty clear who's bloodlines he thought they were.

What ever the debate may be, European Jews are not of Semite bloodlines, or, Semite names. And their symbol should be a flag with the menorah on it, not, a blue star.

Another issue with the Yiddish language is that it was said the Khazarians were importers, exporters and as such were required to us foreign languages to which many words were incorporated into Yiddish. So that alone would make tracking the language, impossible, at least not in any official proclamation.

All I know for certain is, the mindset of the Talmud from Babylon ended up in Easter European Jews. How.

posted on Oct, 28 2023 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: AllSeeingEye2

An interesting Perspective on the Subject , Let me know what you Think...

posted on Oct, 28 2023 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: AllSeeingEye2

An interesting Perspective on the Subject , Let me know what you Think...

Very nice addition to the data base of knowledge. He fills in many of the blanks. I wonder what head gear the "Khagan" wore....

Benjamin Freedman said their original form of religion was Phallic worship. Its new to me that they had a "Sky God", did this God give them their first religion?

Others have said that the "Silk Road" ran through their territory and it was constantly harassed by road bandits. And this was the basis for the countries eventual destruction. It may also be true that the Khagun simply looked the other way on these matters as he may have been receiving a percentage of the loot in taxation. It is also said that the Khazarians also had a network of spies that kept track of commerce and military movements of its neighbors, and as such the Royalty were forewarned of the last pending invasion and pulled up steaks and headed east, and abandon their homeland. The Rothschilds (And other bloodlines) could be part of that royal evacuation.

The main question that should be asked, is why is it so difficult in recovering information from this time period, and the simple answer is, the Khazarians wanted this history to be, suppressed. After all, Criminals dont usually write books about their exploits...

As far as where the mindset originates is, I think, in intelligence, and as you pointed out, genetics. Some people are just predisposed to a life of crime. And ones consideration of a after life, or not. So when you factor in the Homo Capensis you could either wind up, with a "Savior" or, a "Super Villian" . The common man would be manipulated back and forth from those polar opposites, with all sorts of outcomes.

posted on Oct, 28 2023 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Some final thoughts on the Talmudic connections between Judea and Khazaria.

It is possible that the Talmudic mindset was already present in Khazaria prior to the Transition to Judaism and being practiced on its own. And the "Royal" Khagan was already a Talmudist. For as pointed out there really was no Jewish religion, it was just a set of laws. One set for the Homo Sapiens, and another for the Homo Capensis. The "Sky God" may have given it to them..

The other possibility is that the Talmud was transferred via the trade routs from Judea to Khazaria. They may have already had secret connections with the Pharisees, probably within the Sanhedrin itself. Rat networks under the noses of the Romans. After all, criminal cartels' will work together when it is beneficial for both, and fight each other when it isnt.

Some sentiments I concur with...

We do not have a "Jewish" problem, and that was never the problem. WE HAVE A "TALMUDIST" PROBLEM. "They" own hollywood, the media, governments, schools, and yes, even religions. And by this they control public opinion and trick you into believing one group of people are the problem, are evil, when in fact, "THEY" are the problem, and your only enemy. Jesus was not against the Jews, he was against the Talmudist's who at the time called themselves Pharisees Jews. But Talmudists are in all religions. If Jesus walked today, would you call him "AnitSemite"? Or would you sit down, shut up, and listen?? It was the Talmud that was banned in so many countries, not the Jews themselves!!
You live in a Talmudic world, and you only see, think, and do what they allow. WAKE UP PEOPLE! WWIII is knocking on the Door!!!!

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: AllSeeingEye2

Doesn't the Talmud Have Two Other Names , Gemara and Shas ? Which one are you referring to , and are they Any Different ?

* " The word talmud means learning, closely related to the word talmid, Hebrew for “student.” The Talmudic commentaries on the Mishnah have another name as well, gemara, Aramaic for “completion,” thus named because they provide the full context and interpretation for the Mishnah. Since the middle ages, Gemara has become the preferred term for Talmud among learned Jews. In part, this was in order to avoid undue attention from Christian authorities who abhorred Talmud, which they saw as a threat to their traditions.

Shas is an acronym for shisha sedarim, “six orders.” In common parlance, when one studies Talmud we say he is “learning Gemara,” but when speaking of the work as a whole, it is often referred to as Shas, since it encompasses teachings on all six orders of the Mishnah."

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

I will not, and can not argue the finer points of, intentional complications, Ill try to explain.

Its in the mindsets of the two separate human species. The homo sapiens are the lambs, and the homo capensis, is the wolf, or, the seeds of the serpent.

I have noticed, because of the higher I.Q. of the capensis, he is able to manipulate the masses of the sheep by over complicating "any" subject, and thereby establishing his authority over that subject, unknown to the sheep. And then by entering the mass's of the sheep pretending to be a sheep he can control any opposition. The example is present day "Hammas" which is a controlled opposition to the occupying authority. This same methodology has been in practice since the great flood.

When the sheep started to see the truth of the Talmudic teachings it was necessary to complicate the book with rewrites to conceal the core vulgarities of the teachings, and, attempt to protect it from banishment once again. Or, a watered down version. This may be the reasons why Christians are so quick to accept "Jews" as spiritual authority.

I am far more interested in the mindset of the unknown "Elders" who were the basis of the book(Oral Traditions), rather than the names its been given. And I would be willing to bet, they were not, Homo Sapiens...

And as Jesus said, they (Pharasees/homo capensis) strain at a Nat, but swallow a camel. Translated to me means they over complicate the simple. And I believe this is, as I stated above, is what the "Matrix of Lies", is all about. Keeping the sheep so busy trying to understand, nonsense. And how you yourself point out in your dissertation of the Talmud. and how complicated it has become. This is to keep the simple minded sheep away from the subject, like, all other subjects. It is their motis operandi.

There is a book that digs into the Talmud titled "The Plot Against Christianity: The Jewish Religion And Its Influence Today" by Elizabeth Dilling. Though I would argue the title is a bit misleading as the "Plot" is against all of mankind (The Sheep
)". In it she highlights the hatred and vulgarity held against mankind, and the superiority complex of the Phariseeic Jew (Talmudist). In all actuality, the Talmudic religion is of its own and has nothing to do with the original Jewish faith, but is a infiltrator within all religions.

Bible scholars are aware that Jesus Christ denounced the Pharisees. He said they nullified all the Commandments of God by their Tradition, "teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" (Mark 7:13; Matt. 15:6-9, etc.). His invective, in truth, cannot be equalled. All of Matthew 23 is like a whiplash. He likened Pharisaism to a whited sepulchre, indeed beautiful outwardly, but "inside full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness." Christ climaxed one condemnation after another with the expletive, "Hypocrites!" He called the Pharisees children of them that killed the Prophets. He foretold they would go on killing, crucifying and persecuting until the guilt for all the righteous blood shed from Abel on down would be upon them. "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" Christ asked.

Why Was It So Often Burned?

Why is the Talmud kept so unknown to non-Jews? Why was there no usable English translation of the Talmud until the Soncino Edition, 1934-48? Why, in European history, when the laws of the Talmud became commonly known, was it burned over and over by order of the Popes, excoriated by Martin Luther, denounced everywhere, and its followers exiled from one country after another down through the centuries?

The Talmud's basic law is that only the Pharisee Jew ranks as a man, or human being. All others rank as animals, "the people who are like an ass — slaves who are considered the property of the master." The attitude resulting from such teachings has been resented by non-Jews in all countries and centuries. Such resentment, however, is always portrayed by Jews as "persecution of the Jews."

There is more disgust within the Talmud that is brought out, such as pedophilia, theft, and murder I do not want to go into. But if one looks at the world today it is a reflection of this secret religion, Talmudism. And as it appears, it is not a religion for the sheep, but for the wolves.

Was Christ Just to Pharisees?

Without some knowledge of the written form of the "Tradition of the Pharisees," the Babylonian Talmud, one is unable to intelligently judge whether Jesus Christ was fair and just in His acid denunciations of Pharisaism, or not. One needs proof, offered by the irrefutable exhibits from Jewish authorities (set forth elsewhere herein) that the Talmud reverses every one of the Ten Commandments, the teachings of Moses and the Prophets, and enshrines their opposites under a "whited sepulchre" which is a disguise for murder and "all uncleanness," as Christ charged. Murder of non-Pharisees is always permitted; theft, sodomy, incest, rape are all permitted. For example, the righteousness of grown men violating baby girls under three is a favorite topic for discussion in book after book of the Talmud.

Why incest? Because its important to keep the Homo Capensis bloodlines as pure as possible. And is also a tradition within the previous ruling elites. Talmudism, is, the religion of the Elites......

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: AllSeeingEye2

Inbreeding does have it's Setbacks......

Do you think Many Egyptian Pharaohs were members of Homo Capensis ?

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: AllSeeingEye2

Inbreeding does have it's Setbacks......

Do you think Many Egyptian Pharaohs were members of Homo Capensis ?

Who is this AllSeeingEye2, this reprobate who dare impersonate me? Has he tricked you into believing I could ever be replaced? lol lol lol

Back to the seriousness at hand.

It is written that the Ancient Anunnaki gods were prolific in breeders. So it would be a natural extension of their bloodlines, or demi gods, to follow suit. Though I doubt ancient Egypt is the only place to look for this. South America should also explore their ancient leaders in the same manner when the situation permits.

Very nice presentation, by the way.

To answer your question, one only has to look at those sculls and head dress to answer that question. Those sculls also show up in South America.

The Amish of Ohio and Pennsylvania were also having "Inbreeding" issues to the point they had to have volunteers come in and mate with chosen women. I know this first hand as I was approached, and declined. Though their circumstance is far different than the bloodlines of the Demi gods.

There is one passage in the old testament that I know of, that documents incest in Genesis 19:33-35. You might think this would give some official approval to the practice. But it also might betray who the Old Testament was written about, the Demi gods, and their exploits after the flood. And another reason why I believe Noah was actually of the demi god bloodlines and why he was chosen to be saved. After all, if you were a god and knew of the pending destruction, would you not try to save your lineage?

I do not know if the blood type of the Pharaohs has been recovered, but I would be willing to bet they were RH-. I would also be willing to bet Noah and his family were also RH-.

A Pharaoh documents a UFO sighting.

The so called “Tulli Papyrus” is an enigmatic text that some describe as the first written account of a UFO sighting. This Egyptian text records an event which supposedly occurred during the 18th dynasty, around 1480 BC. So, the real question about the Tulli Papyrus is: Could this be proof of alien existence?

Running forward to today. It is recorded that the vast majority of "Alien" encounters are, are you ready, of RH- people. I find that more than interesting, but, revealing! Are the gods tweaking the bloodline so it is less obvious? Making the head less obvious? A controlled breeding program? It could be a million things they could be doing, that is the primary thing that comes to mind because we dont see as many of those sculls today. Though Rothschild does have a larger scull than most, it still does not compare, to the ancients.....

The ancient demi gods are mimicked in two ways I know of. 1. The practice of head binding by the ignorant sheep. and 2. By the Catholic Church and the popes

Its not about race, its about, Species...

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

The 'Tulli' sighting sounds like a meteor shower of some sort.

It has crossed my mind in the past that some of those ancient egyptians of royal lineage might bind their childrens heads as a mark of royalty.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: midicon
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

The 'Tulli' sighting sounds like a meteor shower of some sort.

It has crossed my mind in the past that some of those ancient egyptians of royal lineage might bind their childrens heads as a mark of royalty.

So, the people who just gave us the Pyramids, and other great achievements, could not tell the difference between a meteor shower, and a craft???

And why would you want to bind a infants scull, when it is already as large as a Mellon???

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

You mentioned "archon soul trap" in another thread, so I did look it up. I found this jewel.

He mentions "Machine Elves" as messengers. That falls into the previous subject of messages, and, messengers. Something I have been aware of for at least 20 years... Something I have kept to myself, not because I cant explain, but because at this point, it shouldn't.

This fella explains the light, and the evil ones on the spiritual side. I dont take "Trips" so I must focus on the physical world. I have very little doubts that these Archons use the homo capensis meat bag to control the world. To cause the pain and suffering we see, as they in the flesh reap the profits from setting up the ugly and painful events we are all forced to endure. It is the only way they could walk among us, undetected.. Well, until now lol

This is why they desperately try to keep the DNA pure, so it can be utilized to the max. In breading is a necessity.

I sure hope the good guys were able to get my wife before she entered the light....

Concerning this Topic , I Found this Gentlemen has some Very Interesting Insights into this Possible " Matrix " Trap we All seem to be in ...............

posted on Nov, 1 2023 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

I cant speak much to the realities we might face after our departure from this realm. I can say I have read most of what he shared. We both have suffered to the same extent, except I have had no near death experiences. Besides, the spirit realm leaves only the shadow of a footprint, and that isn't enough evidence to even start forming a theory.

Many people have testified to the experience, and there are only a few elements that are the same. Leaving your body and hovering over it to see, your own body. After that the experiences seem to be unique. He is right about not having the information you thought you might gain after passing. My wife came to me in a dream and asked why she died. You would think she would have known. So we cant really make any assumptions.

Jesus shared a bit of knowledge with the honest Pharisee, Nicodumis, where he said for us to go to heaven we would have to be "Born Again". I know how contemporary Christians view the subject, but that is not what Jesus was referring to. He was speaking of Spiritually being reborn into a Physical body, again, that resides in the physical Heavenly realm. Quite a concept to comprehend, especially if, you dont believe in reincarnation. And Jesus gave us a direct example of what he was talking about when he died and 3 days later arose, with a new body. Where was he during those 3 days? In the spirit realm, probably waiting for a body to be Reborn into. If anyone is interested in this train of thought I would suggest reading The Gospel of Judas where they both discuss the realm where Jesus originally came from, and where he returned.
(Note: I find it interesting the the words Bo[A]rbelo, and Hyper"bor"ia, and Arora "Bor" ialis all have "Bor" in them. )

The Spiritual Matrix trap you speak of reminds me of the song by the Eagles, "Hotel California". Where you can check in but never leave. It reminds me of a Amuzment park ride where you are constantly tricked into getting back in line to ride the rids again, over and over, and over, like the Movie "Groundhog Day". Its always our choice to ride again, but we forget and not taught, that their are other rides to be ridden. And how can we choose to go to Jesus's Heaven ride, if we do not know it exists...

But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

Jesus is telling us two things in this passage. There is a divine heavenly domain we can go to, and the Pharisees are keeping mankind from entering. And this "Matrix of Lies" is what the Pharisees enforce to keep mankind in that amusement park ride that they "Harvest" our energy with.

I would guess people would need to know what exactly a "Pharisees" is, for any of this to make a shred of sense. Well, you have to kind of get into Jesus's mind to see what he was talking about. There actually were no Jews in those days, there were people who lived in the land of Judea that was occupied by Roman forces. And there was a time where the Torah, was the law. There was no Talmud. Jew, was short for Judean. So when Jesus was calling the Pharisees imposters, he was just as easily calling them, imposter human beings. And the rest of his chastisement is basically confirming this, when he called them "Serpents, brood of Vipers".

It is in my opinion that the Pharisees Jesus was referring to are actually a class of human being that is set apart from the rest, or, the difference between Homo Sapiens(Sadducee), and the Homo Capensis(Pharisees).

Jesus spoke the truth when he said "And the Truth shall set you free". Once we finally realize how evil and controlling and enslaving the the Pharisees (Homo Capensis) are, and that through their efforts have kept us ignorant of "Our" Heaven, we shall be free To return.

As groups we have a different genesis, and different Heavens. And, different gods. And, the Pharisees have tricked us into worshiping their god, instead of Jesus's father, our Divine Creator. It may be true that, that light at the end of the Tunnel, is the light of the moon, for that is "Their" heaven. For our light (Homo Sapiens) is not external, but comes from within..

Cant remember where I read it, but the moon spirit trap has been, dismantled. We can only hope and pray that is the truth....

From what I have gathered, the Homo Capensis has copper based blood, the blood of Serpents.... So again, I think Jesus got it right ...

I love this clip lol lol

posted on Nov, 1 2023 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Jesus Christ ! That was some Opining there . I am in Awe.............*)

posted on Nov, 4 2023 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Jesus Christ ! That was some Opining there . I am in Awe.............*)

I am truly humbled. But wait, there's more.

We all have been indoctrinated into the old testament Bible's version of Genesis. But of late with the revelations pouring out of the Cuneiform Tablets those OT stories are now taking on a new context.

When viewing the Bible I usually use the King James version, and then, I saw the English Standard Version. And then, it clicked.

English Standard Version Genesis 4
"Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, “I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord.”

King James Bible Version Genesis 4
"And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. "

And what was the reasoning behind, this?

Genesis 3:15 Both versions are identical.
"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Enmity = Hate.

Why did Eve, need help? And, who was this "Lord" who helped her?

It basically translates to Cain and Able, were half brothers, and the true biological father was, the Lord. And if you know anything about Antediluvian times, the Lord was one of the gods. Enki, specifically. The snake in the garden. The help, was the original sin, rape.

And because of this transgression came the following of Genesis 3:15. It was the creation of another species of human being, the Canaanites.

The two species are virtually identical, except, worlds apart internally, spiritually. Adamites and Canaanites, or, Pharisees and Sadducee. Or today, Zionists and orthodox Jews, All the same, by different names.

And the same from the above post, scientifically proven, there are two species of human being. But not known by all the name changing thought out time, but by blood.

And Jesus called them out for who, and what they were, the seed of Satan.

And now Jesus takes the bloodline back to its first murder.

Matthew 23:34-35

34 Because of this, I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify, and others you will flog in your synagogues and persecute in town after town. 35 And so upon you will come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36Truly I tell you, all these things will come upon this generation

Today, the descendants of Cain are still doing their fathers bidding, lying murdering killing the descendants of Able, who they still hate. The names have changed through out time, but the heart and blood, never do...

This end-time deception study will focus on the hexagram, which we’ve been told is the “Star of David,” the universally recognized symbol of the state of Israel and the Jews today.

The truth is that King David never used a star as a symbol, so calling it the “Star of David” is a nice-sounding name to cover what it really represents. Satan hides the true meaning of his symbols behind counterfeit explanations.

The Star of David Deception

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