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The Anunnaki and the Matrix of Lies. The Missing Links.

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posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

This is All Setup so Hunter " Falls on his Sword " to Protect the " Big Guy " . He will get Off with a Prearranged Light Sentence On Orders from the Garbageland's DOJ . Yeah , I Have to Finally Admit it , America has been Conquered by it's Own Ignorance and Indifference to a Communist Threat that has been Preached about by those who were Aware of the Future Threats to Our Taken for Granted Freedoms for the Last 79 Years .

edit on 9-12-2023 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Yeah , I Have to Finally Admit it , America has been Conquered by it's Own Ignorance and Indifference to a Communist Threat that has been Preached about by those who were Aware of the Future Threats to Our Taken for Granted Freedoms for the Last 79 Years

Its funny, I was never taught this in school. Now looking back, I can see why.

And here we were all miss lead by the Hell Fire Club. If Ben did actually say these words then its probably a certainty they viewed him as a enemy and targeted him to some degree.

If you look at the state we are presently in, those words describe it perfectly.

Depravity, degraded, disrespected, unbelievably in debt, and, a swampy deep state.

"Gods Chosen"? Or "Satan's Protected".

King James Bible
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

The "Mark and Curse" of the Canaanites

The curse is having a false heart, one filled with enmity, and a Narcissistic world view. And as I said before, are excellent actors, Chameleon of Deception. Though still half human hold the choice. A choice to reason out the world, or follow the Talmudic Narcissism.

Yes, the bloodline was given a unmistakable mark. But though time, inbreeding, selective breeding, the mark has become diluted, and not so obvious. But when one knows what to look for, it becomes blatant.

I will not expose that mark here as too many of them have turned their lives over to true service to others. To them I say with the utmost respect, God Bless You.

79 years? Maybe for the Communist buzzards to come pick our bones clean. But the true enemy actually signed the Documents that made this country. They were here in disguise... And even then, the good ones tried to tell the truth and point that truth out.

Yep, clear as day..........

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: Harte
The biggest lie is the one being parroted in the OP, that the Anunnaki existed at all.


I only wish it was true as it would make life more interesting. I get tired of the old human evil guys we need to fight I want something new!!!

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

" I want something new!!! "

Geez , Take Your Pick . Aliens , Demons , the Possessed , Clueless Progressive Liberals , NWO Demigods....etc .

Ourselves > ? ......Hmm.....

posted on Dec, 10 2023 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: Xtrozero

" I want something new!!! "

Geez , Take Your Pick . Aliens , Demons , the Possessed , Clueless Progressive Liberals , NWO Demigods....etc .

Ourselves > ? ......Hmm.....

I'm tired of crazy liberals, they are just boring, let's go all Supernatural!

One of my sayings is that the supernatural is only believable at the personal level of experience. 1000 people can tell you they saw a ghost, but until you do personally it doesn't count. I would love to be a witness to a true demonic possession, it might change my view on reality.

posted on Dec, 10 2023 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

lol lol

Okay then. Something new you say,

So you want to see a real live demonic possession. I'm not too troubled that your first pick you would want to see a "Divine Possession", but that neither here nor there...

You want Demonic? Watch TV......... Especially, the News.....

posted on Dec, 10 2023 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Xtrozero

lol lol

Okay then. Something new you say,

So you want to see a real live demonic possession. I'm not too troubled that your first pick you would want to see a "Divine Possession", but that neither here nor there...

You want Demonic? Watch TV......... Especially, the News.....

Naw, it got to be a person speaking ancient Babylonian and knowing things about me only I would know. As to why a demonic possession? That would put reality on the other half of God too.

posted on Dec, 10 2023 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Xtrozero

lol lol

Okay then. Something new you say,

So you want to see a real live demonic possession. I'm not too troubled that your first pick you would want to see a "Divine Possession", but that neither here nor there...

You want Demonic? Watch TV......... Especially, the News.....

Naw, it got to be a person speaking ancient Babylonian and knowing things about me only I would know. As to why a demonic possession? That would put reality on the other half of God too.

Well, then, again, watch the news. I'm sure someone is going to break out, spewing something lol lol lol

Someone is certainly going to start "Babbling" away lol lol lol

posted on Dec, 10 2023 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Here is Something I Found . I was previously under the Impression that Enlil was also Identified as Yahweh by some Ancient Cultures , but it Seems Anu was the one considered to be also Yahweh . What do you Think ?

posted on Dec, 11 2023 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Here is Something I Found . I was previously under the Impression that Enlil was also Identified as Yahweh by some Ancient Cultures , but it Seems Anu was the one considered to be also Yahweh . What do you Think ?

New King James Version
Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”

Clearly, it says "US". Us as being the Ancient gods. I have always assumed Anu was the top god of the old testament, with side gods ruling over their own kingdoms, allotments. Going down as in down from their version of heaven, or as the other interpretation calls him, Alla, the moon god. Their version of a Battle Cruiser. For it seems they love to play, Army.

I generally agree with the logic in the video. Each allotment had its own version of events and main players. Interesting the video associated Enki with being a "Snake" in the garden. And there is nothing to imply All of them were not Snake like humanoids. The Gnostic's also associated the god of the old testament to a evil being who gave us the Archons. It could be the Archon's are actually the half breed humans, Demi Gods, globally as Identified in the Canaanites, but represented in all races. It appears they created their own version of the Meat Bag containers, to live life more directly among the people to control, dominate.

I stumbled upon this video too late to go too deeply into what he share and points out, but to say, I agree with a lot he points out. Your video discussed "Saturn", and it may be involved in the ancient wars, takeover. I will discuss Saturn later.


The Star of Remphan appears to be one in the same for the "Cover" of the North Pole of Saturn.

Many names, many, histories, to "Confuse". And none of it would make any sense unless we knew how Planets hold their orbits around the Sun, and the true makeup of planets. If they are hollow then the point that locks to that orbit, is its core. The planet that used to orbit in the Asteroid belt was destroyed, but its "core" Ceres still maintains its orbit. Keeping this knowledge from mankind would ensure they would never advance to the place of the ancient gods. And why Enki stated the secrets of heaven and earth shall not be shared with mankind.

Anyone with any limited intellectual abilities will recognize that the North Pole of Saturn is covered by a Construct, craft of sorts. In our highly limited view we would dismiss this as sheer lunacy because of its incredible size. We can not conciliate the construction or methods involved because of our limited view of what is actually possible. We have been scaled down.

If planets are hollow then over time whats on the inside will venture out, and what is on the outside, will venture in. I would first consider magnetic pull or draw for this. Here in Earth we have basically the same thing with water and atmosphere. If you wanted to halt or stop this process, you only need to block one of the entrances. Here on earth we have blockage in the form of a Ice plug that serves the purpose. Melt the plug and the full flow would once again circulate. And Im all for 35% oxygen content....

But Saturn has a very nasty atmosphere, and to rehabilitate would require great effort, but only half, if it were on the inside(as originally designed to be, a vault of heaven). Block one entrance, and convert the interior to the atmosphere you wished. Then, plant the seeds.........

Could Saturn be the true base of operations for the physical creator gods, in this solar system? If it is, then the ones who know, are not talking... It does seem to have a lot of "Battle Cruisers" sitting about. The possibilities, remain.

If I were the Divine Creator and contracted a "Helper" to spread seeds, I would give them all the info they required to accomplish the mission. But, some contractors, just cant be trusted
Its just the way it is.....

If Planet Earth would be put back the way it was originally, magnetic North point of rotation, we would not have seasons, and we would not have polar ice caps. And life would live much longer...

Gen. 6:3 Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”

Jesus told us, the Earth was Hollow, but not so you could see or understand.

But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

Plato also told us the same thing when the last sentence he said the gods withdrew to the the center of the earth to decide mans fate.

Zeus, the god of gods, who rules according to law, and is able to see into such things, perceiving that an honourable race was in a woeful plight, and wanting to inflict punishment on them, that they might be chastened and improve, collected all the gods into their most holy habitation, which, being placed in the centre of the world, beholds all created things. And when he had called them together, he spake as follows: *

Jesus also at the same time called out the Archons, the Pharisees, the imposter Jews as being from the synagogue of Satan.
I admit, Jesus was sent on a mission he wholly believed in, but since the powers that be controlled also his world view there were things he just couldn't have known. And even if he did, the memories of those things have been lost. As above, so too, below.

Spiritually speaking, I believe Jesus's father was and is, Our Divine Creator God, who created this reality we all live in. And the contractor gods attempted to replace him and expected us, to see them as one in the same. Which, they are not. And the Gnostics knew this...

What do you Think ?

I think, it time, for a revival. I think its time for the true intellectuals to be given the true facts. I think, its time.

posted on Dec, 11 2023 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

The " Remphan Star " , The Hexagon Cloud formation on Saturn , The Star of David , 666 , The Ancient God Moloch , Rapha the 6 Fingered and 6 Toed Beings of Large Stature , The Different Versions of the Bible Include and Omit Certain Lines of Information ( To Deceive ) Man from a Truth ? A Fascinating Insight into the Mysteries of our Ancient Past . Hmm... Something for Xtrozero to Contemplate, eh ? ...........*)

posted on Dec, 11 2023 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

The " Remphan Star " , The Hexagon Cloud formation on Saturn , The Star of David , 666 , The Ancient God Moloch , Rapha the 6 Fingered and 6 Toed Beings of Large Stature , The Different Versions of the Bible Include and Omit Certain Lines of Information ( To Deceive ) Man from a Truth ? A Fascinating Insight into the Mysteries of our Ancient Past . Hmm... Something for Xtrozero to Contemplate, eh ? ...........*)

Again, snake.

This son of hers was the demiurge. The Gnostic text Reality of the Rulers describes “him” as an androgynous being, an “arrogant beast” that resembled an aborted fetus in both appearance and character.[7] The Secret Book of John adds that he had the body of a snake and the head of a lion, with eyes like lightning bolts.[8] (In ancient Greek philosophy, the lion was frequently a symbol of irrational passions. The Gnostics were steeped in the Greek philosophical tradition, so their description of the demiurge as having a lion’s head was probably intended to show that he was a being who couldn’t or wouldn’t control his base urges.[9] That certainly fits the demiurge’s personality as described in their texts.)

The demiurge then created Adam and Eve and imprisoned divine sparks from Heaven within them. He told them that he was the only god and issued the Ten Commandments, even though he himself broke each and every one of those commandments. For example, he lied when he claimed to be the only god and that Adam and Eve would die if they ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; he insulted his mother and father by refusing to acknowledge their existence; he made a graven image of the divine when he modeled the material world on his corrupt and ignorant misunderstanding of Heaven; and he committed adultery by attempting to rape Eve.[11]

Strange as it may at first seem, this, too, was probably a good-faith interpretation of Christian scriptures that were already widespread, popular, and authoritative in the Gnostics’ time. After all, the Gospel of Luke (4:6) and the Gospel of Matthew (4:8) assume that Satan is the ruler of the world when Satan offers Jesus the world in exchange for his worship. Likewise, the Gospel of John mentions an evil “ruler (archon) of this world” in no less than three places (12:31, 14:30, and 16:11). Luke (10:18) and John (12:31) both speak of Satan or a Satan-like entity ruling the earth from the sky and being vanquished by Jesus’s ministry.[14] 1 John 5:19 is even more blunt: “We know that we are God’s children, and that the whole world lies under the power of the evil one.”[15]

attempting to rape Eve.? And that is where the "Archons" come from. No attempt, it was rape, and the global Canaanite bloodlines were born. Cross breeding.

I suspect the original Adam, Eve, were created to Divine specifications, then perverted after the contract was breached.. The "Mark" will identify them, but let them be judged by their hearts..

The Gnostic Demiurge

P.S. You got mail.
edit on PMMondayMonday thAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago58123 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2023 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Whoa , Talk about a Freaky Coincidence . This Weird Video just Appeared on my YouTube Suggested Videos ...!

edit on 11-12-2023 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2023 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

" Untold Story of 30,000 Altered Words in the Bible Across Seven Rewritings, Dr Kevin Hogan "

The Biblical Revisionists Made Sure the King James Version of the Bible was the ONLY Politically Correct One .

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

" Untold Story of 30,000 Altered Words in the Bible Across Seven Rewritings, Dr Kevin Hogan "

The Biblical Revisionists Made Sure the King James Version of the Bible was the ONLY Politically Correct One .

This is what caught my eye many years ago.. Why!

King James Bible
And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

English Standard Version
The LORD said to Satan, “From where have you come?” Satan answered the LORD and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.”

Why one word! And what would that one word imply? You can actually go IN earth? Say it aint so.

A lot of changes to hide a very ancient truth. Jesus said as much, but not so you would see, or understand.

New International Version
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

New King James Version
“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.

So basically, we have a hidden kingdom out here That is based on the covert descendants of the Pharisees, or Cains bloodline, who rule by deception, lies, murder, blackmail, theft, and anything else they might find useful in maintaining that vulgar kingdom. It is Satan's Matrix of lies... that hides the Divine Truth....

They have played their parts well, playing the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. And are masters of deception, the Chameleons of deception.

Plato tells us the ancient gods withdrew into that Kingdom. Might they also been the King upon the throne? Who were responsible for the greatest secret, never told? Could that throne be held by a "Chameleon of deception"? Being a King his word was final, no arguments, no compromise. For troublesome subjects, they would die (Having ones memories wiped).

There is little doubt that the Soul of Jesus came from that realm, going through spiritual death (Physical) with a certain mission. Would the Chameleon allow the truth to come out? Or, might he have been given a new mission, while in the spirit realm, before his birth into this one..., where the Divine Creator himself directed.

Shroud of Turin.

Enki, and the other gods made it clear, we were to remain ignorant. Ignorant of them, and, their unbelievably advanced technology. Time travel is not possible, because, you cant go somewhere that just doesn't exist. Travel in the now, can.

The Shroud of Turin is as stated in the video, its in essence, a exposed role of film, recording the flash of intensely bright light, of Teleportation. Where he went was into a "craft" hidden by clouds, and his body put into a "Med Bed". (Leave the Nail holes). Then, teleported back.

And as your video points out, Jesus continued with his mission on earth, which is not pointed out in the bible. Wonder why! Did he finally take the throne, in the Secret Kingdom?

30,000 alterations in the Bible? I wonder how many, in all the other books, subjects...

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Music has a way of bridging thoughts, ideas, that could otherwise not be spoken, or, spoken of.

But yet Jesus himself left word for us to read. And maybe, one day understood.

In the recently discovered Gospel of Judas are exactly that. Lost words. Im not going to go over all of them, just a selection.

Another Generation

The next morning, he appeared to his disciples. [And] they said to him, "Master, where did [you] go and what did you do when you left us?"

Jesus said to them, "I went to another great and holy generation."

His disciples said to him, "Lord, what great generation is better and holier than us, that's not in these realms?"

Now when Jesus heard this, he laughed. He said to them, "Why are you wondering in your hearts about the strong and holy generation? 37 Truly I say to you, no one born [of] this realm will see that [generation], no army of angels from the stars will rule over it, and no person of mortal birth will be able to join it, because that generation doesn't come from […] that has become […] the generation of the people among [them] is from the generation of the great people […] the powerful authorities who […] nor the powers […] those by which you rule."

When his disciples heard these things, they were each troubled in their spirit. They couldn't say a thing.

Yes, our old friend "Silence" Here Jesus admits "Going Home" for a short time. How could anyone in those times comprehend.

The Disciples' Vision

Another day Jesus came up to them. They said to him, "Master, we've seen you in a dream, because we had great [dreams last] night."

But Jesus said, "Why […] hidden yourselves?"

38 And they [said, "We saw] a great [house, with a great] altar [in it, and] twelve people – we'd say they were priests – and a name. And a crowd of people was waiting at the altar [until] the priests [finished receiving] the offerings. We kept waiting too."

[Jesus said], "What were they like?"

And they said, "[Some] fast [for] two weeks. Others sacrifice their own children; others their wives, praising and humbling themselves among each other. Others sleep with men; others murder; yet others commit many sins and do criminal things. [And] the people standing [before] the altar invoke your [name]! 39 And in all their sacrificing, they fill the [altar] with their offerings." When they said this, [they] fell silent because they were troubled.

It certainly could have been written today.

Jesus said to them, "Why are you troubled? Truly I say to you, all the priests standing before that altar invoke my name. And [again], I say to you, my name has been written on this [house] of the generations of the stars by the human generations. [And they] have shamefully planted fruitless trees in my name." Jesus said to them, "You're the ones receiving the offerings on the altar you've seen. That's the God you serve, and you're the twelve people you've seen. And the animals you saw brought in to be sacrificed are the crowd you lead astray before that altar.

Jesus is describing the Christian church as it is today, worshiping a false "Neon" god, that they Created. Where all the Apostles, pharisees?

[Your minister] will stand up and use my name like that, and [the] generations of the pious will be loyal to him. After him, another person will present [those who sleep around], and another those who murder children, and another those who sleep with men, and those who fast, and the rest of impurity, crime, and error. And those who say, 'We're equal to the angels' – they're the stars that finish everything. It's been said to the human generations, 'Look, God has accepted your sacrifice from the hands of priests,' that is, the minister of error. But the Lord who commands is the Lord over everything. On the last day, they'll be found guilty."

Its kind of obvious that if the Church had access to this gospel it would certainly ended up in Silence, in the vaults.

Sometimes when those seeds are planted you never know what fruit they may bare. I guess that in itself can be exciting.

The Gospel of Judas by Mark M. Mattison

"I Believe"

Zanti, thank you.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Music has a way of bridging thoughts, ideas, that could otherwise not be spoken, or, spoken of.

But yet Jesus himself left word for us to read. And maybe, one day understood.

In the recently discovered Gospel of Judas are exactly that. Lost words. Im not going to go over all of them, just a selection.

Another Generation

The next morning, he appeared to his disciples. [And] they said to him, "Master, where did [you] go and what did you do when you left us?"

Jesus said to them, "I went to another great and holy generation."

His disciples said to him, "Lord, what great generation is better and holier than us, that's not in these realms?"

Now when Jesus heard this, he laughed. He said to them, "Why are you wondering in your hearts about the strong and holy generation? 37 Truly I say to you, no one born [of] this realm will see that [generation], no army of angels from the stars will rule over it, and no person of mortal birth will be able to join it, because that generation doesn't come from […] that has become […] the generation of the people among [them] is from the generation of the great people […] the powerful authorities who […] nor the powers […] those by which you rule."

When his disciples heard these things, they were each troubled in their spirit. They couldn't say a thing.

Yes, our old friend "Silence" Here Jesus admits "Going Home" for a short time. How could anyone in those times comprehend.

The Disciples' Vision

Another day Jesus came up to them. They said to him, "Master, we've seen you in a dream, because we had great [dreams last] night."

But Jesus said, "Why […] hidden yourselves?"

38 And they [said, "We saw] a great [house, with a great] altar [in it, and] twelve people – we'd say they were priests – and a name. And a crowd of people was waiting at the altar [until] the priests [finished receiving] the offerings. We kept waiting too."

[Jesus said], "What were they like?"

And they said, "[Some] fast [for] two weeks. Others sacrifice their own children; others their wives, praising and humbling themselves among each other. Others sleep with men; others murder; yet others commit many sins and do criminal things. [And] the people standing [before] the altar invoke your [name]! 39 And in all their sacrificing, they fill the [altar] with their offerings." When they said this, [they] fell silent because they were troubled.

It certainly could have been written today.

Jesus said to them, "Why are you troubled? Truly I say to you, all the priests standing before that altar invoke my name. And [again], I say to you, my name has been written on this [house] of the generations of the stars by the human generations. [And they] have shamefully planted fruitless trees in my name." Jesus said to them, "You're the ones receiving the offerings on the altar you've seen. That's the God you serve, and you're the twelve people you've seen. And the animals you saw brought in to be sacrificed are the crowd you lead astray before that altar.

Jesus is describing the Christian church as it is today, worshiping a false "Neon" god, that they Created. Where all the Apostles, pharisees?

[Your minister] will stand up and use my name like that, and [the] generations of the pious will be loyal to him. After him, another person will present [those who sleep around], and another those who murder children, and another those who sleep with men, and those who fast, and the rest of impurity, crime, and error. And those who say, 'We're equal to the angels' – they're the stars that finish everything. It's been said to the human generations, 'Look, God has accepted your sacrifice from the hands of priests,' that is, the minister of error. But the Lord who commands is the Lord over everything. On the last day, they'll be found guilty."

Its kind of obvious that if the Church had access to this gospel it would certainly ended up in Silence, in the vaults.

Sometimes when those seeds are planted you never know what fruit they may bare. I guess that in itself can be exciting.

The Gospel of Judas by Mark M. Mattison

"I Believe"

Zanti, thank you.

Hey ! Let's Play a Game ! Guess How Many Times Joe Spaces Out in 10 Minutes !


edit on 14-12-2023 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Man, that creep-ed me out lol

That part about Spock, yea, come to think about it, lol lol. It never crossed my mind lol

Something odd. My net speed seems to have doubled. Seems to have started somewhere after 10:07 local lol
Someone somewhere, must be in the dark lol lol

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Hey ! What the Hell is going on Man ? Was Shakespear Right ? All the Worlds a Stage ?

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Everything today is a direct result of what happened in the past. "Well, thats pretty obvious" one might say. But if we were not allowed to know what actually happened in the past, we would be at the mercy, of those, that did. And that is exactly where we are.

Now that the antediluvian records of the Sumerians are being revealed, more of that history is being explored and interrogated. At the same time great discoveries around the world are coming to light and much conformation is being gathered to our true history.

After the flood mankind was thrown into a state of survival mode and much of our history to that point was destroyed, and or scattered about the globe. Survivors varied between the ignorant and royals around the world. Some records were made and basically told of the event. Great confusion was to follow as humanity started to make a comeback. It would be the most intelligent that would come to rule, and write the history. A history called, the Old Testament.

But when one looks at that Old Testament history we find that the original Sumerian records held far more detailed information, not only of the events but also of the main players, gods, the Anunnaki. It appears these ancient gods were compiled, compressed into one god, and in doing so hid ancient truths. And in doing that, created a false narrative, history that not only hid these gods, but also their "Created" man, or Demi gods.

King James Bible
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

It was this species of man that were not giants physically, but, intellectually. Sons of god, were the Anunnaki taking part in a cross breeding project to produce a more intelligent slave. A slave who went on to become Kings, Pharaohs, globally. This breed are marked with a very unique skull, that is also present in the "breed" that was allowed to stay in "Nature" as a fur covered beast and is generally not acknowledged. The "Giants" is as stated and are the original Human Being that lived on this planet for millions upon millions of years. And, still do.

King James Bible
And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

"To become like one of US". Knowing that the cross breed Homo Capensis was vary intelligent would have to be the "Man" spoken of. Their own creation was about to equal these Anunnaki gods. And this is the reason the Great Flood occurred. It was a act of paranoid self defense. Homo Sapiens were not the real target but suffered the same fate.

Enki was primarily responsible for the cross breeding and held a fondness for them. It was Enki who picked the Homo Capensis family that would ultimately be, Noah. They were chosen to ride the flood out and restart his "humanity". And it is at this point the Old Testament coverup begins. The Hidden bloodlines of the Homo Capensis, Gods Chosen, the Imposter, Jews.

But the above is only one story in one area. As all the other "Allotments" had their own versions of the Homo Capensis. Some of those family bloodlines also survived.

But, the cross breeding went back even further with the creation of the Adamic race itself. And this is betrayed in some of our genetic traits. "There were Giants in the Earth in those Days, and after". But not one word about the other dwarf species of humans that have recently been discovered. Yes, the original Human Being was a giant, to us. But to them, quite normal. The fact that we have in our genome the oddity of whats called a defect, Dwarfism, and Gigantizm, like a tail, exposes our deepest genetic origins. It would then be logical to assume, we Homo Sapiens (Adamites) are the result of a mating between the Giants, and the Dwarf race, to give us our smaller stature. The true "Gulliver's Travels".

Since the flood was directed at destroying the Homo Capensis species, they, have decided to keep all information concerning them and their origins, secret (To include their half brother, the Sasquatch). And why we live in the Matrix of lies, they have created. Its their "Paranoid Defense".

The species itself, being highly intelligent, will eventually destroy itself along with all others, because, it lacks a very basic attribute, empathy. Or as the Bible states, their hearts are filled with "Enmity".

Knowing all this isnt a hill of beans when it comes to a remedy. As seen in the past, a global flood is a poor choice. Im sure the "Spirit Realm" is watching with bated breath, but can only do so much. Us Homo Sapiens (Sapiens) can do very little, without bloodshed (Even if we knew the true enemies)(And could overcome the capensis mind control machine). That leaves us with the Original Human Beings. And to be honest they actually have tried to wake us up and assist us. But, why should they? After all, they must view us, as a cross breed, freak. And when they sent a Emissary what did we do to them? They owe us nothing. If anything, we owe them...

There is another hidden player that resides deep in the crust. Great for covert survival when not discovered, but a tomb, when it is. (Igigi)

Will Jesus ever come back? Come back to save a ungrateful, disrespectful, sinful humanity? God, only knows...

Oh, but wait....... wait a minute. Those people, all those people see the evil in those imposters. Not the governments, but the people, they see.... Even some of "Them" are crying out.. I would hope and pray, God, sees that too...

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