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Oh look it's the fake Opposition.

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posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: just4fun

With that mob?

Good luck.

Your not really apt to get accepted or invited to their parties unless you went to school with them and done the dead pig head thing, if you ken what i mean.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

There are no spiritual qualities unique to or directly attributable to Christianity whether positive or negative, it is however an extension of Sethianism which is entirely based in negative qualities, primarily self serving deception and manipulation of others related to the archetype of Mercury Evening star.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: Madrusa

Funny how no one questions the fakeness of the UK opposition but if the US is bought up, complete different story. How can any self respecting conspiracy realist even consider Trump and/or the right isn't complicit. He bought in Fauci, the vax, and was best mates with Epstien ffs. Guess they are just under the thumb more than anyone else, how soon the Bush's are forgotten...

Left and Right are two sides of the same coin, a false dichotomy, it's painfully obvious and support for either is an embarrassing joke, it's the same almost everywhere, I hate the lot of them and can't wait until we are rid of them all.

edit on 9-2-2022 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: Klassified

I don't disagree there needs to be a revolution. I'm saying there will never be one because the people can't and won't stomach a revolution. The people will not be inconvenienced, even for a non-violent revolution, and the elites of this world are well aware of it. I wish it were not so, but it is.

We are the people and some of us certainly have the stomach for a revolution. It's an increasing trend and this is obvious, the Cabal will keep pushing incrementally and resistance will grow conversely, I'd say its inevitable once some sort of critical mass is reached.

Guerrilla warfare has a long tradition of being successful against overwhelming odds. People have been standing up to tyranny forever, particularly when it becomes so bad it's intolerable, sometimes it works, why would now be any different?

Really the fate they have planned for us is worse than death, nothing to loose!

edit on 9-2-2022 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: primalfractal

The difficulty lies in what they are expected to be loyal too and what defines them as traitors, in the past governing Democratic bodies had a tribal basis whether the Roman Senate, Greek Ecclesia or Jewish Qahal, a traitor could be easily defined as acting against the interest of the tribal group.

European Americans hoped that Trump through his dog-whistling would represent their interests but he was under no obligation to do so and clearly didn't, he is expected only to be loyal to the notions of the American constitution and that can include replacing European Americans with Somalians if that can be argued to be in the greater interest of the country or allowing Israel complete control over the American Senate which he saw as a good thing, people expect their tribal interests to be represented while their governments are redefining what it means to be an American, or British or Australian.

Obviously the lack of a defined tribal basis is being exploited by others operating through such tradition, if people want their tribal interest represented they need to establish a political system that does so.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: Madrusa

Yes well it's clear which tribe Trump is representing and it isn't ours.

The same one as this guy

Don't think they will have Biden kiss the Set wall, f#ker is just too disgusting, probably give everyone aids or something, but he does have the other horrible habit of kneeling to anyone who knows the correct hand signal.

In a meeting with Israel’s outgoing president Reuven Rivlin at the White House on Monday, Biden knelt before Rivlin’s bureau chief, an ultra- Orthodox woman named Rivka Ravitz, in deference to the fact that she has 12 children.

Bit of a pattern here?

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: Madrusa

I was thinking more about the tribal aspect, often the binding element of a strong tribal culture is religion and the political system follows suit. Generally those of European decent worship the foreign malign Hebrew god jehova/typhon, demonstrated by various political figures giving obeisance to walls etc, this is totally inimical to tribal coherence.

The right as a false opposition that appeals to conspiracy types is successful in the US and not so much in other European cultures because evangelical Chrisianity is so big there, it's basically messianic Judaism. Sure, false dichotomy does always work for the normies worldwide but normies generally aren't concerned with opposition in any way, they simply follow one lot or the other. In Australia they have to be more subtle and give us types like Max Igan and Avi Yemini.

Evangelical groups usually accept Messianic Judaism as a form of Christianity. Adherents of Messianic Judaism believe that the movement is a sect of Judaism. In Hebrew they tend to refer to themselves as maaminim ("believers"), not converts, and yehudim ("Jews"), not notzrim ("Christians").

Although Trump supports Orthodox Judaism his connections to Epstien are suspiciously Sabbatean. And he's not an evangelical Christian yet he is their improbable Messiah.

Would be solved by the return of the Titans...

edit on 10-2-2022 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

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