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Divine or Demonic?

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posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Your reading and understanding of the biblical scenario of revelations is flawed. It can’t be trusted as truth or understood in its text. Many of the words inserted into the translation of the original text are assumptions due to the fact that some of what was written down couldn’t be translated or was missing altogether. So people are basing their predictions and assumptions on something that is at best a guessing of what was written down. Then they assume that the original author meant for it to be interpreted their way. As for the pope, never trust an institution that has millions of dollars and says they believe in God, but there are millions of people in the world starving and in need.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

If I enjoyed hunting, would it be prudent of me to give my child a deer rifle at age 2 and let him go hunting with me? I daresay no one would agree with that statement. Would I give a three-year-old child a motorcycle, so he could ride with me? Certainly not! As parents, we must understand when our children are ready to grow and advance, and until that time, protect them even if doing so seems wrong to them at the time.

I remember a poster not long ago that made a thread that goes along those lines, which premise I like a lot

If our kids see us use a tool that we always hide and even lock away, so they might not be able to use it, we should not be surprised if such behavior has repercussions once they get hold of the tool. I might even say it's our own fault! Let me elaborate. Unfortunately The curiosity of a kid will drive it to this tool, sooner or later it will get to know where we have the keys, or what the code is. Now we have to improve the locks. So We create an arms race, between our kids trying to get the tool and is trying to improve the locks. Sure, there are tools that they couldn't even lift, up to a certain age. But once they can, we should learn them the proper ways to deal with it. Start with small tasks. Learn them the dangers and the benefits. Not improve the locks.
If we are afraid they break the tool but no one can get hurt, just let them play under guidance, as soon as possible. They won't have the physical power to break it and by the time they have, they mastered the tool to wield it properly.
And still # happens and stuff breaks.
If it is a tool that could be a danger to ourselves or anybody elses, we have two options, either hide and lock it away until we deem them fit. But some never grow up.
And once they open the lock and find out how the tool Work they will use it, they will have the power but not the skills to wield it properly, and they can be a danger to themselves and anybody else.
Or we teach them from early on how things work, and they learn little by little. By the time they have the power to lift it, they have already all the skills they need to wield it, without being a danger to them or anybody else.

Yet there are tools that hold so much power in so little space, a baby could lift and use it without a problem. Best not to have them around, or face the consequences when they get hold of it.

More quotes from that poster, almost reads like my life...

My kid used to play with hammer, axes, knives and saws when it could barely walk. you should have seen the fear in the eyes of some parents, seing a 2 year old toddler lifting an axe. I'm pretty shure although they don't lock these tools away they would take it from the toddler. Sure he hurt himself, but he doesn't had the strength to make it a serious wound. A little cut, at worst a black nail.

ats thread

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: mcsnacks77

So people are basing their predictions and assumptions on something that is at best a guessing of what was written down. Then they assume that the original author meant for it to be interpreted their way.

Does that mean everyones interpretation is flawed? Or just the ones that don't interpret it your way?

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:46 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Klassified

It's still just words in a book, that will be interpreted differently by diffrent people.

What if I'm more interested in the diffrent interpretations, as there is obviously no authority to tell whose interpretation is right, it comes to personal understanding and interpretations.

its not “just words in a book”

It is The Word, the living word of God, not just words but the essence of divinity you’re running in circles trying to argue about but not truly seeking knowledge.

In the beginning there was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God…..

Those words in the bible have supernatural qualities that can be accessed through faith in Christ.

If you really wanted answers you could study the Word of God and pray about it….

instead you are here……I am curious what your motive is.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 03:01 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Growing up, there were always dangerous tools around. Dad had a few different guns; they weren't locked up. They were in the gun rack, and I was told, under no uncertain terms, to never touch them. As I got older, I got my own BB gun; I could use it myself, but at first I needed Dad's permission and guidance while I did so. Today, I can handle a gun as it was meant to be: as a tool. I never shot anyone growing up, and I never shot myself growing up.

Out in the garage was Dad's workshop. He had all kinds of saws and jointers; he was a woodworker by trade most of my early life, and he built this house himself, with his own two hands. Was I allowed to use that table saw he did such marvels with? Not by myself; he had to be there supervising me. Was it locked up? No. I was taught not to use it alone. Today I still have that table saw, although I use my Ridgid table saw more. I can do most of the things he could do with it (most, not all) and I have never sliced off a finger using it.

We had a chainsaw, and Dad used it a lot; most of the fences we have use red cedar posts he cut in the mountain. I knew where it was, but I was told to not touch it until the time Dad decided I could try it out. I never cut myself or anyone else. Today I have two Stihl chainsaws that I use (as best I can since the disability) to keep the place clear.

The poster you refer to was correct: keeping a tool under lock and key is not a good thing when it comes to teaching children. Their innate curiosity will cause them to try and learn about it, often with disastrous consequences. Have you ever wondered why the more parents decide to lock their guns away, the more shootings increase? That's why... children do not learn about the tool; they learn that the tool is mysterious.

Now apply that to the Garden of Eden. Is that not what God did with us? The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was not hidden from view; it was not locked up behind a fence and gate; it was not surrounded by alarms. It stood right there in the middle of the Garden for Adam and Eve to see. They did not eat from it because God told them not to eat from it.

But then the Devil, in the form of a serpent*, tempted Eve to eat of it... and Eve then tempted Adam... and man fell.

That was not God's doing. God told us to not eat of the tree at the time. What his reasoning was, we do not know; does a 2-year-old know why Daddy says to not use the chainsaw? Can he know why?

No, that was the Devil inserting himself into the situation to cause the fall of mankind. It was no different than, in my previous analogy, someone tempting me to use Dad's tablesaw before I was ready. Indeed, how many times in discussing a shooting by a teenager, do we find out that they gained access to the parent's guns... and how many of those times did someone else encourage them to do so? We'll never know the answer to that question, but I would assume almost all.

And that illustrates exactly what this thread started out asking: what is divinity and what is demonic? Satan demonstrated demonic by interfering in God's plan. Satan caused man to "bring death." Satan caused God to have to separate man from the Garden of Eden, apparently to protect him from himself. Satan brought all the evil, the death, the decay, the anger and resentment and separation from God that we experience today on a daily basis.

That is demonic. That is destruction for the sake of destruction, interference with malice, manipulation to do harm. God did none of those things; God did only what God felt He needed to do to minimize the damage caused by Satan.

There are those who will tell you that because God created the Devil, God is also demonic. A few have tried to say so in this very thread. Their reasoning, however, is flawed... God created Lucifer; Lucifer became the Devil against the desires of God. God may have created the ability of evil to exist, but without doing so how could He have created good? The evil came into being not because of God, but because one being, Lucifer, chose to rebel against God.

And so those same people create more evil in the world by choosing to themselves rebel against God. That is demonic.

* I use the term "serpent" because that is what most are familiar with, being the term used in the KJV. There are many avenues of thought on what this "serpent" really was... a snake? a dragon? a sea serpent? something else?... but that is a subject that really deserves its own thread.


posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: GoShredAK

If you really wanted answers you could study the Word of God and pray about it…. instead you are here……I am curious what your motive is.

I'm curious what yours is, for being here, too.

Those words in the bible have supernatural qualities that can be accessed through faith in Christ.

Dude, the last time I said words have supernatural powers, everyone wanted to burn me at the stakes...

So I guess you do your little magick with that book by yourself and leave me out of it...

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: GoShredAK

I have to jump in here...

Those words in the bible have supernatural qualities that can be accessed through faith in Christ.

If you really wanted answers you could study the Word of God and pray about it….

How can one access those "supernatural qualities that can be accessed through faith in Christ" without faith in Christ? How can one have faith in Christ without knowing Christ? And how can one know Christ without knowing the Word?

I once heard Kenneth Copeland say the following: "The largest hindrance God has to getting people to live through faith is religion." I thought that was a very wise statement. In my journey though life, marked with many, many discussions on faith, one thing has always stood out to me: those who question the hardest are typically those who had religion forced upon them at an early age, but also who did not have that religion explained in a way they could understand.

I was "saved" and baptized at around age 10 or so. I was told I would be a "new person." But all I got was wet. There was nothing new about me after I dried off. I couldn't understand what was wrong... mainly because I couldn't understand what I was supposed to be doing. I heard all the key words; I could recite several Bible verses; but I had no idea what they really meant. Without the basic understanding of what I was being told, how could I?

When I actually did get saved, when i accepted Jesus' sacrifice, I did change. I felt new and fresh. But that could not happen until I understood what I had been told.

When a first-grader cannot add 25 and 86 together, do we claim he is unable to learn math? No... we teach him so he can learn. When a new driver presses the brake too hard and jerks to a stop, do we tell him he can never hold a license to drive? No, we teach him to do better. Why then, when someone questions what they have been told, do we assume they are evil and unable to be saved? Heaven forbid that had happened to me!

Sure, sometimes people say things that are intended to be hurtful... "God is evil"; "God is a fairy tale"; "God hates this group or that group"... but we should understand that this is not coming from a place of inherent evil, but from a misunderstanding of what Christ was all about. The Devil may be whispering in their ear, sure, but he is only using their misunderstanding of the truth to bring about more destruction. It is our place to correct that misunderstanding, not to condemn them for it.

Think about what we even call our religious leaders... "preacher": one who instructs... "Rabbi": a mentor, an honored teacher... "minister": one who ministers or helps... none of these terms imply condemnation, but exaltation through instruction and aid.

Now, can we save everyone? Probably not... to learn, one must be willing to accept what one is taught. That is not our ability as teachers; we can only instruct and hope. But God's Will, as stated in His Word, is for all men to be saved, so it is a sin against God to not try with everyone. If we earnestly try and fail we have still done God's Will; if we try and succeed, all the angels in heaven are celebrating.

Terpene may or may not be serious about learning... only Terpene knows which. But I see an opportunity to maybe help him along his journey, and I will take that opportunity. It is God's Will that I do so; it is Terpene's decision how he decides to use what I say.

I caution you about condemnation of others' ignorance and misunderstanding.


posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 04:06 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Terpene may or may not be serious about learning... only Terpene knows which. But I see an opportunity to maybe help him along his journey, and I will take that opportunity. It is God's Will that I do so; it is Terpene's decision how he decides to use what I say.

I do appreciate our conversation a lot! And I'm learning a lot, if the journey takes me somewhere that ultimately makes anyone cheer is of no importance. Only that I keep moving forward, learning more and adding new strokes to the bigger picture.
After the words are written, and you have read them and interpreted in a way that makes sense to you, there is nothing more to learn from the book.
Until you realize, there is a plethora of different interpretation by different people. Now you realize that your interpretation is falling short, as there is much more to it, things you might not have seen from your POV. What I find really uncomfortable is the notion that I'm wrong because of my POV, while your POV is right. I think it holds many truths, and different folks see different strokes.

I consider anyones interpretation valid. And if you tell me mine isn't you show me the authority that defines mine as flawed, if there is none, then it's just your opinion, and I respect that but do not pretend that your opinion is baked by any authority and therefore the truth...

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 05:12 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Interpretations do vary, sometimes quite considerably. Human communication is inherently flawed in that respect. But I ask you, what good is your interpretation? What good is my interpretation? Both are attempts to understand the original intent. I submit, then, that the interpretation is irrelevant; the original intent is the relevant part.

The simplest way to determine original intent is to take the Bible as a whole. After all, there are two distinct possibilities at stake here: either the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God, or it is not. If not, then there really is nothing to be learned from it; the Bible becomes nothing more than a collection of words assembled at some time in the distant past. Interpretations mean nothing.

If, however, as I earnestly believe, the Bible is the inspired Word of God, then that changes things. It is no longer just a collection of words from a man, but divine and therefore truth by definition. As such, each verse must be interpreted in the context in which it exists, else the Bible becomes contradictory. Contradiction in something that must by definition be true indicates a poor interpretation.

For example, if Jesus were to tell someone "go and sin no more," then instruct the same person to perform an action, that action must not be a sin. How else can the two statements be correlated with each other? That is an interpretation based on context. One could also say that Jesus tried to entrap the person into disobeying Him, but that interpretation would mean that Jesus was dishonest... and if Jesus was dishonest, how could He be the Son of God? The entire premise of the New Testament falls apart, indicating an incorrect interpretation.

So if interpretations can be incorrect, how do we determine how correct or incorrect our interpretation is? By study. Many times a single word mis-defined can lead to a vastly different interpretation. We can identify those errors in interpretation by examining the context... what exactly was God really doing? What was His purpose? Sometimes, as with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, we aren't able to say completely. Other times, like the earlier example of "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," an examination of the original words and original meanings can help us to understand.

One thing I believe many do not realize is that in Christianity, even the preacher is suspect to a bad interpretation. The assumption is that a preacher, by devoting his life to God in the service of others, is endowed with a greater ability to discern truth... and this may well be the case many times. But other times, as we have seen from celebrity evangelists, the supposed devotion to God is an illusion. This places the statements made in question, for if a preacher has not truly devoted his life to God, how can his interpretation be superior?

My solution has always been to listen, read the passages referenced for myself, using Strong's Exhaustive Concordance to ascertain original meanings, and consider what has been said for myself. The preacher, even if he is endowed with greater understanding, is still a man, and as I keep saying, man is fallible. One who is consistently correct may get the benefit of the doubt, but that does not preclude self-examination of the material presented.

And that includes me. I have been shown to be wrong many times. I do not claim prophetic knowledge; I'm not even a preacher. The important thing is, when I am shown where my interpretation is contradictory to other parts of the Bible, I attempt to try and find out why. Maybe I misinterpreted the other parts; maybe I misinterpreted this part; maybe I was wrong on both. There is no shame in being wrong... only shame in not admitting to being wrong when shown otherwise.

The Bible even tells us that we are to chastise each other... meaning that we are to correct other Christians if we see them making incorrect statements. Of course, in some churches that will get you asked to leave... I know that well.

In short, interpreting the Bible on one's own is fine, but one will never discover the original intent that way. There's just too much there for one man to take in alone. The key is to be willing to believe the Bible, even when that belief forces one to change their own personal biases. I will do that: if someone shows me in the Bible where it contradicts what I am thinking, I will change my thinking. Let God be right, and all men (including me) wrong.


posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

In short, interpreting the Bible on one's own is fine, but one will never discover the original intent that way. There's just too much there for one man to take in alone.

What if that is the purpose of the bible, the original intent.
only when all, and I mean all, even polar opposite interpretation come together,the truth will be revealed. Ones interpretation is just one little piece to the bigger picture.

Attributing good and evil to things that are just part of the creation, does not bring togetherness it brings division.

Why would I need to write a book if I could communicate anytime with my children directly or trough my proxy jesus, but on a plane that does not need any material?

Books are a very powerful tool to control a narative and the masses, as they can transport an idea trough time and space. God doesn't need books to achieve that, humans do...

I think they were afraid that what has been brought to our attention through the teachings of jesus would bring down their control scheme.
Divide and rule, possible only because we ate the forbidden fruit, because for divide and rule to work you must attribute good and evil to your surroundings.

the only way to counter an information source humans can tap into at will, and is not possible to compromise, is to write a book that spins the information in a way that humans will stay trapped in this polar good and evil thinking.
You would also need one hell of a promotion campaign, censorship would be very important too. Unfortunately I see all these tell tale signs of a conspiracy to supress the truth in christian history.

God did not come to write the bible even jesus didn't wrote a word in the Bible. So excuse my suspicion about the intention that these humans had at the time of writing down the teachings that were spreading like wildfire.

Everytime I listen to the spirit to discern good or evil all I get is, leave all judgment to me.
So I take that discernment, even if I can practice it, really is none of my business.

Duality is the first hurdle and space the final frontier

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: Terpene

only when all, and I mean all, even polar opposite interpretation come together,the truth will be revealed. Ones interpretation is just one little piece to the bigger picture.

That assumes that all possible interpretations are a part of the original intent. That is simply not possible. The fact that it is not possible should be self-evident.

What you are suggesting is the equivalent of "there is no truth." If there is no truth, then nothing can exist.

Attributing good and evil to things that are just part of the creation, does not bring togetherness it brings division.

And here you are trying to say that there is no good or evil. Again, the falsity of that statement should be self-evident. I don't think anyone would suggest that the intentional murder of a child is "good," but if we ascribe everything to a duality, it becomes "good." I cannot accept that. A lifetime of experience shows me otherwise.

Now, if you want suggest that good can come from otherwise evil things, yes, it can. But there is still good and evil, nonetheless.

Why would I need to write a book if I could communicate anytime with my children directly or trough my proxy jesus, but on a plane that does not need any material?

If God was willing to do that, why are so many unable to hear Him? Why are there wars fought over some misguided belief that God wishes them to fight? Why were innocent people slaughtered in the Spanish inquisition? Why were innocent women murdered as witches in Salem?

The entirety of human history shows that, even with a book and the ability to communicate through divine means, it is still often insufficient to get the message across to humanity.

The truth is that unless one is sinless, one cannot communicate directly with God. Any attempt to do so would destroy those making the attempt. Evil cannot stand before God. That's why Jesus is the only way to God; only in His perfect name can we stand before God without being destroyed.

God does not want to destroy humanity. He wants to save it.

The rest of your post is describing how man exercises control. We are not discussing man; we are discussing God.


posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Everyone’s is flawed. I have an interpretation but I would never state it as fact, but probably as the one with the highest percentage of accuracy. Which still wouldn’t be an impressive number

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I don't think anyone would suggest that the intentional murder of a child is "good,"

Exodus 11:4, what makes that a divine action?

I see you trust the men that wrote the bible to not have an ulterior motive.

God did not write the bible humans did, Jesus did not write a word in the bible, even if he is the only human that had a straight line to God the earth has seen since. I think if it was important he would have dedicated more time to this...

The rest of your post is describing how man exercises control. We are not discussing man; we are discussing God.

No, we are discussing men's interpretation of God, only God knows God.
mens interpretation of god has lead to lots of control over others in Gods name, so there is a connection, if you want to turn a blind eye on that fine.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: mcsnacks77

I'd love to hear it.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: Terpene

First of all Christianity is NOT a death cult, that was a claim made since heathen Roman times.

Secondly the second coming is NOT the end of the world.

Thirdly Christian or not everyone has to accept that the world DOES have an end and the Christian faith tells us of a NEW Earth and a NEW Heaven that will replace it.

Fourthly everyone dies and for everyone that is pretty much the same as the end of the world as far as there physical death is concerned though it is probably more like the birth into a better bigger world beyond (not all Christians accept this some and some Jewish sects deny that the spirit exists after the death of the body and believe that it has to wait for judgement day before it is awake again, I have had my experiences so believe that life DOES continue and whom was Jesus talking too when he said this "He that believeth in my and lives shall never die and he that believeth in me THOUGH HE WERE (Already) DEAD shall live", yes the usual is that he was talking to the spiritually dead but that is an old argument and I feel it is pretty obvious he was talking to the spirit world there.

People do want our Lord to come back for a simple reason, a GOLDEN AGE and one in which we will see our family's again, our loved ones, our friends and even many of our former enemy's whom will then be like family to us.

Your point 2, and 4, and 5 are not Biblically sound.

Regarding your Point 2: At the second coming the world will be destroyed, "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?" 2 Peter 3:9-12

Your point 3: Yes there will be a new heavens and a new earth as Isaiah 66 says. But this comes AFTER the destruction of the world as the earth is made new. [There is more to it than that, but I'm trying to be brief]

Your point 4: Even Jesus said death is a sleep. No human spirits are wandering around either heaven or hell. John 11
clearly outlines the understanding of what happens when you die. Jesus said Lazarus sleeps, that is, he is dead [John 11:11,14] Then Martha clearly said Genesis in speaking with Jesus of state of Lazarus "Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day." John 11:24. Also Genesis 3 clearly indicates what happens to humanity when they die, they become dust, and all wait for the resurrection. "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2
. The Bible is consistent on this point.

Your point 5, Golden Age: you appear to believe in universalism, which states that even the wicked will be eventually allowed into heaven. This is categorically false. The wicked, the true enemies of God's people of all ages, will NEVER enter the kingdom. They will be destroyed. The Bible is clear "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." Revelation 21:8

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Exodus 11:4, what makes that a divine action?

It being of God... by definition.

That is a good example of taking information out of context. We could do an entire series of threads about Moses and the plagues. However, I doubt that would do much good.

God did not write the bible humans did, Jesus did not write a word in the bible, even if he is the only human that had a straight line to God the earth has seen since. I think if it was important he would have dedicated more time to this...

God is a spirit. God does not use pen and paper; He uses humans to handle physical tasks.

As for Jesus writing His own autobiography, you doubt the information given by eyewitnesses based on an assumption that they all had ulterior motives. How much more would you describe an account by Jesus Himself as having an ulterior motive? As it is, we have four independent eyewitness accounts in writing as to the miracles Jesus performed. plus a few that are not included in the Christian Bible. There are also secular sources that identify these writers as actual people who lived during the time of Jesus. And yet, you do not believe them.

That says volumes right there. Perhaps you would do good to ask yourself why that is.

No, we are discussing men's interpretation of God, only God knows God.

Only God can know God completely, but I will daresay I know God pretty well for a human. I speak to Him quite often, and He speaks to me. There are millions of people around the world who have a similar connection.

And you also discount them out of hand. Again, perhaps asking yourself why you do so would be prudent.


posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I really don't expect you to understand how to transmute duality, it's a real mind bender...

Maybe blur the boundaries a little?

Imagine a line between the polar opposites. Now we define them on each polarity one extrem, take anything you want, fast/slow, warm/cold, dark/light, loud/silent, divine/demonic

Now you draw two crossing lines from where on you would start to feel unconfortable. Too cold/too warm, too loud/too silent... you get the gist. The more people you ask the more diffrent positions for these lines that define ones comfort zone would appear.

In some categories like light dark, divine demonic, you will see the biggest variety and extremes, whatever that means.

Is any of them right or wrong, no that's just where he feels comfortable. But we attribute evil to the parts that are outside our comfort zone, we just can't help our selfs. It does us no good to extend this anywhere further than to satisfy our basic needs.

It has nothing to do with negating duality, you can't, it has more to do with understanding that everything in between is part of the whole and that attributing good and evil is our problem.
the child mostly gets murdered because someone attributes something bad to the child, the initial bad action in question is allready motivated trough that thing we learned from the forbidden fruit, that we can attribute good and evil to things.

Things just are, only when we attribute good and evil we have a motive to do something that ultimately is evil too.

All the examples you brought where humans that got motivated by thinking they are doing something good against evil, ultimately doing evil.

If they would have just accepted that there were other believe systems that work, and are part of the whole, it would have been impossible to motivated them to commit these atrocities.

It's a vicious circle much like a drug, only that you don't get a joyce to taste it or not. Innocents get imbued in the notion of good and evil by the ones using the knowledge of the fruit to feel good enough to commit an atrocity against what they in their trance think is evil.

These innocents will, if they haven't learnd to forgive the way jesus did, very likely fall into that same trance, and seek revenge... And on and on it goes forever, breeding sociopaths that feel good by killing evil.

How do you break that spell?

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

God is a spirit. He uses humans to handle physical tasks

like killing babies? Or did he make an exception in this case? If i remeber correctly a couple of exceptions to that "rule" he seems to focus alot more of his energy into such divine acts. Why not focus on a book? he made some tablets why not make more? If it was sooooo absolutely fundamental to understand what he wanted to communicate...
We rely on a second hand accounts that have been, freed for public consumption, by the vatican. They have the last say when it comes to the bible.
You think they're not hiding anything under there, why is it kept secret?

That says volumes right there. Perhaps you would do good to ask yourself why that is

Do I really have to explain why i mistrust the establishment to tell us the truth on a conspiracy forum?
History is always written by the winner, rings a bell?

maybe you would do good to ask yourself why in this particular instance your healthy mistrust, for the lying cheating bastards that have kept us shackled since forever, completely disappears?

Even in todays age where information travels the speed of light they can change and alter the narrative as they please, they've been doing that long before jesus came along almost toppling everything. It toik some effort to negate what jesus really brought and this effort is mirrored in alot of actions taken by the vatican.

Only God can know God completely, but I will daresay I know God pretty well for a human. I speak to Him quite often, and He speaks to me. There are millions of people around the world who have a similar connection.

And you also discount them out of hand.

Like I said I try to include all and not discount any, more strokes to the picture.
maybe it would be prudent to ask yourself on what ground you think you could discount my connection to God?
edit on 27-1-2022 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:33 PM
I would answer with this scripture in John. We must ask for faith and faith will be provided by our creators spirt, God has all of the answers and he will let you know if you keep seeking and asking.

24Now Thomas called Didymus,d one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. 25So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”

But he replied, “Unless I see the nail marks in His hands, and put my finger where the nails have been, and put my hand into His side, I will never believe.”

26Eight days later, His disciples were once again inside with the doors locked, and Thomas was with them. Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”

27Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.”

28Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”

29Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Mathew 10-14

I think maybe this is appropriate here.

If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

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