a reply to:
Sorry if I came across of accusing you of that I did not intend that at all but was pointing out one of the oldest misunderstandings of
As for your point I would ague that the Antichrist will be mistake as a messianic figure and thought to be the good guy by man that will follow him,
he may actually be the one prophesied in Islam as there Mahdi.
Or me he may be a secular figure.
The Vatican is just one Christian authority there are many, even they will possibly be deceived at that time or due to a great falling away from the
faith they may even vanish leaving just scattered pockets of Christian community's some calling themselves catholic and others by other names just as
today before it occurs.
For all we know the Beast is walking on this earth right now.
I would say follow the scripture closely, remember the Vatican has been mistaken in the past and it is not the only authority in the Christian -
corporeal - world as all it really represents is the largest church, the Greek Orthodox were once upon a time Catholic but that was before a schism
over several points, one being does the holy spirit come also from Jesus which I would say that it does but they are not so sure of that one, the
other being about the Papal authority since they did not agree that any bishop was higher than any other bishop so did not recognize the authority of
the bishop of Rome though they would definitely recognize the authority of the Apostles whom they are apostles of just like the Catholic Bishop's.
Then there is Antioch in the East, the Syriac Orthodoxy, founded before Rome and not originally a part of Constantine's church since Syria was the
first nation to become Christian (sadly later invaded and oppressed by Islam) but eventually due to the fact that they disagreed more with the Greek
Orthodox than they did with the Catholic church they joined the Catholic's however for a very long time they were another Christian authority, then
there is the Ethiopian Orthodoxy and the Coptic (Egyptian) orthodox Church's.
All of these Church's have there own saint's many of which ARE shared but not all are recognized by all Church's.
All of them are watching and waiting and trying to do the one thing Christ told them to do.
"Feed My Sheep".
"Care for my Sheep".
"Protect my Sheep".
Sadly some of these church's long ago forgot there first love and the later and somewhat heretical since they have left tradition behind
Protestantism also is far from perfect on this (no offence to Protestants there are very good points and also some mistakes that all church's have
made and when the protestant religion was formed it was actually the Catholic church that was committing heresy by NOT spreading the good news, oh you
can see there point they remembered that "What you do not know you will be forgiven for" but they also did so out of corruption that had festered
within the heart of the church, Borgia's etc and on that point the former Monk and Priest Martin Luthor was correct, all he really did was spread the
good news, what happened after that was probably not what he intended but it happened and I think that God had a plan there though it led to one of
the worst periods in Christian history during which millions died fighting over there interpretation of the same religion and in essence killing in
the name of Jesus both sides committed blasphemy).
In this the Cathars had a point when they sent a corrupt silk robed bishop packing after pointing out how he did not feed the poor but wore the
churches wealth but whether you agree with there teaching or not (and the idea they taught that we were worshipping the wrong God in the God of
Vengeance and were meant to worship the God of LOVE).
To get an idea of what the Church was meant to be like you will have to forget the name MARX and his economic ideas and just imagine a commune,
literally a communal community that shared the burden, cost of living, teaching and looking after the children, elderly and the sick and acted as a
bit family were woman were your sister and men your brothers, they lived for the next life, the true life as they believed it and thought of death to
this world as going home to there real world or at least they tried to.
I Know only this, the beast will appear to be respectable, to offer solution and have answers, he will offer great things but in the end will be a
tyrant, he will appear to be a man but have all the power of the devil as well as more earthly power.
Some of the descriptions of things that will happen are very reminiscent of robotics such as the image of the beast given the power to kill etc
(could be robot soldiers or artificial intelligence surveillance equipment and NAZI/Communist style great leader images or many other possible
I know that if you even think it may be the mark of the beast you should then NOT accept it even if that means you can not trade, buy or sell without
the mark as the prophecy states will be the case.
edit on 25-1-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)