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I have now been mandated to get jabbed or loose my profession.

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posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 12:09 PM
Here is another interesting fact, that we are currently at level 3 phase 1, which is different from level 3. This phase meant that early childhood centres could open for up to 10 children, but primary, intermediate, and high schools were to stay closed. It is currently the second week of a two week school holiday here and they have decided not to open schools next week, as we still have so many unlinked cases.

What the F#,@%!. They say young under 5yrs will not catch or pass on the virus easily, but we just had rampant RSV go through just about all ece centres in Aotearoa this winter. Early childhood centres are a germ fest.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: Cloudbuster

What the F#,@%!. They say young under 5yrs will not catch or pass on the virus easily, but we just had rampant RSV go through just about all ece centres in Aotearoa this winter. Early childhood centres are a germ fest.

Working with those fomite producing little angels, is what I attribute my strong immune system to.

One of those precious angels infected me a number of years ago, with a respiratory infection with some unknown microorganism. Meaning, it was not identifiable, they claimed they had never seen it before.

It took me about six weeks to fully recover, but I have not been sick since.

Yes, they are walking, talking, living galaxies of virulent microorganisms, but you got to love them.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Cloudbuster

If you are coerced under duress to take the jab for COVID, there are some things that you can do to lessen its impact.

I know, and did this myself. I can't say it will protect you 100%, but it can definitely make the effectiveness of a vaccine's altering of your immune response lessened compared to if you did not take these steps.

I recommend taking tylenol + ibuprofen a few hours before your jab each time, and then continuing to take a normal dosage of each of these daily for up to 3 days after. You can add a baby aspirin each day too, but I didn't take the aspirin, because I am prone to gastric ulcers. Then, starting on day 3 or after, take NAC (n-acetyl cysteine) for a few days. I take vitamin D anyway too, and that cannot hurt, but I don't think it would be as important as these other meds.

Also optionally you can add alcohol. I am a heavy drinker, and I substituted alcohol for the tylenol after the second day, because alcohol and tylenol together can cause liver damage for some people. I took tylenol when I was on call at the hospital working, and then when I was home and not on call I substituted alcohol

Will this actually nullify the jab's immune effects? I don't know, but I have been okay since, and had the first two doses, after receiving heavy pressure at work (I work at a hospital). I am not going to take a 3rd dose, because the so-called healthcare authorities have lost my trust. Also, I DO know that these are the things they tell you NOT to do when you want your vaccine to actually work! I am doing a n=1 anecdotal study on myself!

Best wishes to you, and greatest sympathies in your situation, my brotha!
edit on 11-10-2021 by Fowlerstoad because: .

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: Vector99

originally posted by: Trueman
a reply to: Cloudbuster

Sorry but it's time to deal with it. For most of the people here it's easy to say don't get the vaccine but you are not millionaire or something and you need to work.

That defeatist attitude is becoming of you.

We might as well be British.

What defeatist attitude are you talking about ???

Do you think you are fighting a war against a regime, just because you reject a vaccine ?

All this is only a fantasy. You are not a soldier of freedom. Just someone in social media with a nickname.

Sorry vif I upset you but you can't deny a single word of my post.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 02:09 PM
i wish you well. it's horrific how people are being backed into existential corners wholesale by disgusting tyrannical government overreach, in the name of an entirely bogus 'pandemic'. i dearly hope there is a just and karmic resolution to it all, in which the plotters and perpetrators are brought to justice and punished to the maximum. with extreme prejudice,

bon chance.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 03:16 PM
Seems they are targeting government employees, perhaps the private schools will employ you. Montessory or Steiner schools are outside of government - a friend works in one in West Auckland. Might need a bit of retraining - many of the children taught there excel and you might find more kindred spirits.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 03:28 PM
Over three billion doeses of vaccines have been administered so far and the world is still very populated. So if the vaccines are toxic they not very good toxins. I was not mandated to take the vaccine but since they have banned ivermectin in australia for treating covid-19 I didn't want to take the risk given I work around children.. So decided to get pfizer jab yesterday as I read somewhere it has 2/3's less mrna than moderna.

I do suffer from arrhythmia (uneven heartbeat) and the only side affect I have experienced so far is the the arrhythmia no longer occurs.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: Cloudbuster

Both my wife and I have had both jabs months ago.

No adverse reactions in either of us.

I also get a flu jab every season.

It's not a big thing.

edit on 11/10/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70
Your soul is in more jeopardy with the shot. This is creating a mark of the beast, without a doubt.

Because they inject you in the head and the hand?

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70
This is the point you are at. You deny God and sacrifice your soul willingly or you protect your soul by standing for God and you will be killed.

For me it really isn’t a hard choice. The Bible is too close to exact in its prophecies to be discounted. Be strong.

I am a conservative, spirit filled Christian.

I have had the vaccine, because it is an effective way to protect myself against a disease. It isn't at all about choosing the anti-Christ.

Nor is it anything to do with buying and selling. In New Zealand, the jabs are 100% subsidized, so, no money down.

All sorts of things have been called 'the mark of the beast', but since the anti-Christ isn't in evidence, I can't see how you think a vaccine fits any of the prophecy. The description of the mark in The Revelation of Jesus Christ is fairly clear. This isn't it, not even approximately.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 05:16 PM
Im in west Tamaki Makaurau too. I will ask my friend who works in the other steiner school in East Auckland. a reply to: Peter Brake

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: Halfswede
It is a dastardly coercion they are playing with this. I am in the same boat (USA here) and am just not doing it. Looks like this Friday is the end unless they change course. Even so, I am looking elsewhere just due to the way its being handled. Even with a mandate, you don't need to be gleeful and oppressive about it.

My wife faces the choice of voluntary dismissal or take the jabs. She is going to ride it out till they say goodbye. Maybe it will break in all our favor soon. The liars are busted on Ivermectin and HCQ. The politicians and Pharm companies have profited off of creating conditions that actually caused people to die. This is ugly bad and won't end well for none of us.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: MDDoxs
a reply to: Cloudbuster

Protect yourself and protect your students. Get the shot.

You will run into issues and stress if you try and find a false or invalid way to try and circumvent the requirement.

Hmm, why would getting the shot protect the children?

Children have the lowest mortality rate from COVID of any demographic.

We now know, after false and misleading information put out earlier in the pandemic, that vaccinated people CAN and DO spread the virus. Very interesting to watch players from the highly vaxxed (by % of players) NFL continuing to end up on "COVID/inactive" list.

The invalid persuasive tactic of peer pressuring anyone to take a vaccine so as to "not kill grandma/grandson" has been debunked and put to bed.

If you as an individual are concerned for your own safety, or you are a member of vulnerable group due to medical issues, research and determine if you should take the vaccine, which may be the right answer. Otherwise, don't let people get away with the "you're selfish and killing grandma" garbage. Challenge that narrative.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70
Your soul is in more jeopardy with the shot. This is creating a mark of the beast, without a doubt.

But it doesn't leave any mark.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

I am a conservative, spirit filled Christian.

I have had the vaccine, because it is an effective way to protect myself against a disease. It isn't at all about choosing the anti-Christ.

Nor is it anything to do with buying and selling. In New Zealand, the jabs are 100% subsidized, so, no money down.

I can see you are one of those "tuday's news uz tumorrow's fsh n chps wreppers" kinda fulluhs.

You are purposely obfuscating the whole intention of the vaccine mandate. It does not concern the fact of whether the vaccine is cheap, free or subsidised. it concerns the act of being in opposition to it. Oppose it, decline it and it has everything to do with buying and selling as you will be systematically locked out of earning an income.

Isn't that the issue of the O.P.?

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

I am starting to see people around me with medical conditions that they could handle easily before the Jab. Who are now struggling with the basics of getting through the day? Sure they haven't got Covid or ever had it, but they did have the jab. It is totally anecdotal. But just be aware. What Is evident is that they are totally incapable of a full day's work. Then you look at what's happening in the world, the American economy along with the Chinese is collapsing, the only thing that changed was, was an introduced vaccine and supposed cure. Crazy times just take care..

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 08:46 PM
Time to stand up for your beliefs.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: HilterDayon

originally posted by: chr0naut

I am a conservative, spirit filled Christian.

I have had the vaccine, because it is an effective way to protect myself against a disease. It isn't at all about choosing the anti-Christ.

Nor is it anything to do with buying and selling. In New Zealand, the jabs are 100% subsidized, so, no money down.

I can see you are one of those "tuday's news uz tumorrow's fsh n chps wreppers" kinda fulluhs.

I'm actually an Australian citizen, resident in New Zealand.

Most people from other English speaking countries assume I am from England due to my accent, but it's all really Sydney Southern beaches...

You are purposely obfuscating the whole intention of the vaccine mandate. It does not concern the fact of whether the vaccine is cheap, free or subsidised. it concerns the act of being in opposition to it. Oppose it, decline it and it has everything to do with buying and selling as you will be systematically locked out of earning an income.

Isn't that the issue of the O.P.?

I was replying to someone who suggested that the vaccines are the mark of the Beast. And while I understand that someone may loose their job over it, they can still earn money in other ways. Nor is the vaccine a requirement to buy or sell anything, there's still plenty of commerce about despite it.

I take the Bible to mean what it says quite literally, the only exception being where it says something is like something else. If we could just reinterpret the words of the Bible to mean whatever we wanted, then that sort of kills it's authority and truth.

The Bible, in Revelation 13, says that people will take the mark of the Beast in their forehead, or in their right hand, and that the mark is required to buy and sell things, and the mark is the number that represents the name of the Beast, who is clearly an evil ruler.

The Koine Greek word for 'mark' in the passage can mean engraved, or stamped, or branded, or tattooed, or etched. A similar use of the word in 3 Maccabees 2:27-29 describes slaves being branded by fire.

Clearly, the vaccines (there are several different ones) don't leave a mark, they aren't required to buy and sell things, no-one receives them in the forehead or right hand, and the vaccines aren't a number that represents someone's name, nor is the named person who is the Beast, evident or prominent, as they would have to be, to be compliant with the prophecy, and also for people to 'choose' them, and to wear their mark.

edit on 11/10/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

I am starting to see people around me with medical conditions that they could handle easily before the Jab. Who are now struggling with the basics of getting through the day? Sure they haven't got Covid or ever had it, but they did have the jab. It is totally anecdotal. But just be aware. What Is evident is that they are totally incapable of a full day's work. Then you look at what's happening in the world, the American economy along with the Chinese is collapsing, the only thing that changed was, was an introduced vaccine and supposed cure. Crazy times just take care..

I would suggest that the collapse of the US economy is more to do with uncontrolled debt, and that China's economy is growing, at least in regard to the US's economy which is overburdened by its debt and its shift from a manufacturing, to a consumer, economy.

But even China's growth is also a bit artificial, with entire cities being constructed, where no-one can really afford to live, and so they stand deserted and decaying.

It's a crazy world, though.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 10:42 PM
The new banks will be the vaccine manufactor companys .
reply to: chr0naut

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