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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
China is the #1 polluter of the planet's atmosphere. Where's the outrage from Biden and his minions against China?

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

So I'm confused. Is Fauci "The Science" or is he some sort of "god" now. Holy crap is Science GOD, that would be a game changer. Getting the "fells" that Jesus came back, saw this mess, and said "OH, HELL NO!" and left.

I wish these people were off their rockers, but they really believe this crap.

a reply to: Nunyabizisit

That doesn't explain the insipid fidgeting.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 08:32 PM
So a couple of events come to mind: 911, Pearl Harbor, Hitler ok so a lot.
Even if it can not change the past it can point it out.
Couple more I cannot stop OK City, Waco.
Can we collectively create a list and send it as an international inquiry?

a reply to: Guyfriday

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Oh Pa lease. Did God tell her that himself? Maybe she needs a Republican Psych evaluation?

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

The technocrats plan to bring in Scientism as the new religion of mankind, combined with the return of shamanism and the esoteric as mankind acquiesces to the virtual.

UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy by Julian Huxley (1946)
His summary of the program, the outline of UNESCO, will lead to a worldwide foundation for a minimum universal basic credit system. He says this will reconcile all opposition's in the world. It will no longer be dogmas but rather evolutionary humanism and science (scientism) will be the basis for everyone's faith.

God the Invisible King by H.G. Wells; projects a new religion centered around science.

The Next Million Years (1952) by Charles Dalton Darwin. He explains that science will be the new religion of the future and will succeed because it will produce a natural happiness in man. He says they'll even create a new religion of the future that will be a cloak for nothing but "scientific Darwinism" and because it will give material comforts, it will create a religion around controlling the populace that they can very easily and clearly reinstitute ancient notions of sacrificing to the gods.

The Ghost in the Machine (1967) by Arthur Koestler, another top level globalist. At the end of his book said that the new alchemy that would be the norm in the future. This would involve a pill that everyone takes to make them happy and adding specific chemicals to the tap water in addition to reversing and manipulating RNA and DNA. This would lead to the evolving of nature beyond the human and into the posthuman era. (pg 334-338). He says the technocratic elite are going to commandeer evolution like a religion and since the ancient world practiced cannibalism there is nothing wrong with the elite being cannibalistic in rolling out a One World government because that's just nature running it's course.

Bertrand Russell in 1953:

There are, however, two powerful forces opposed to such a policy: one is religion, the other is nationalism. I think it is the duty of all who are capable of facing facts to realize, and to proclaim, that opposition to the spread of birth control, if successful, must inflict upon mankind the most appalling depth of misery and degradation, and that within another fifty years or so.

And here we are. All they care about is attaining power and hanging onto it no matter the cost. With power comes wealth & control and the ability to punish their enemies with impunity and reward their friends.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I would likely have the same anxiety issue in that situation, but perhaps that's just me.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:15 PM
New Veritas is up. CLIP

While viewing this connection happened.

Amoral generation in positions of control.

99.9+ percent survival seems a good trade off...

An aside. Anyone notice the cops in Canada and in particular Australia are just a violent mob? They seem to have come from the underground tunnels, as the hive mind only act in groups is really strange. Every video I see they are just a mob hell bent on attacking their prey and act as if those they prey on are NOT at all like them.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:17 PM
So, who still believes predictive programming isn't a thing?💰🙃
Lions for Lambs 2007.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

To me Fauci is nothing more than a current day version of Doctor Muñoz From the story "Cool Air".

As I outlined in my thread:
Uranium 1, Human Trafficking, and the Occult

Let’s jump forward to today and this mystery cult that seems to be present amongst these exposed (and soon to be exposed) individuals. While they do not seem to have anything to do with the practitioners of this Vril Society, they do have a strange similarity to the writings of H.P. Lovecraft.

In his story “Cool Air” a Doctor tries in vain to fight off the specter of death, only to succumb to it’s inevitable grasp. Today we can artificially prolong a persons life by replacing organs that are failing, using technologies to limit the effects of time on our system, and most importantly clean our blood, or even replace it if needed, to keep dead cells from clogging up the precious arteries and veins that feed our brains. In the end though just like the Doctor in “Cool Air”, the will to live rots away.

He's a part of this cults Priestly class, a failed replacement for Epstein if you will. When Fauci is gone then Bill Gates will come in as the head Priest for this cult. It's a sad day when Michael Aquino made more sense than these clown of the occult. Whatever, I'm pretty sure that this Lovecraftian cult stemmed off from the Church of Satan's members and encrusted many high profile individuals with the promise of immortality and acceptance of debauchery.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:24 PM
Army, Navy Units Set to Transfer to Space Force in October

Eleven Army and four Navy units responsible for communications satellites are slated to be absorbed by the Space Force.

The transfer is slated for Oct. 1 barring a continuing resolution that could delay the process, Chief of Space Operations Gen. John Raymond said at the Air, Space & Cyber conference.

Was this ^^^ the reason for this posted last week? HUFFMAN INTRODUCES BILL TO ABOLISH WASTEFUL SPACE FORCE

Both dated 9-22.

DJT loves Space Force, Team Joe hates Space Force. Trolls think Space Force is stoooooopid "cause like, Star Trek and stuff ain't real." That tells us all we need to know.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:24 PM

Something is going on in NY.
And the NG is there.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

It was posted a ways back that they're firing a bunch of nurses and replacing them with Guardsmen.

It's interesting that the other side is calling the guard up...

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
Sorry about that. I rushed through the posts and didn't see it. That is awfully odd the NG is there!

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Solar flare may be the cause.

Watch for same in Wisconsin & Washington State a little later.
edit on 27-9-2021 by Nunyabizisit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Guy, I think the video at this link is important, although mis-titled, as it does not really cover shedding.


It's by Dr Michael McDowell, from Trinidad & Tobago (I think). It gives 6 smoking guns before showing a graph that looks to be a frame from the video I posted over the weekend (see EtMNs reply). This video shows graphs proving that much higher COVID peaks have started AFTER vaccinations started.

The Rumble video covers:
1) Book by Dr Leonard Horowitz: "Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola - Natural or Intentional" in 1996.
He proved AIDS and EBOLA manufactured in laboratory and his paper has never been refuted.
(Is this guy related to IG Michael Horowitz?)

2) William Cohen, former Secretary of State in 1997, raised possible risk of an Ethnic Bioweapon.

3) Dr Francis Boyle, who framed the Bio-weapons Anti-terrorism Act, signed in to law in 1990, said in Feb 2020:

SARS COV-2 is an offensive biological warfare agent, made in a lab and engineered with Gain of Function properties

"He has come to the conclusion, and this is going to shock you, PUT ON YOUR SEATBELTS, this is going to shock you! He has come to the conclusion that SARS COV-2 is a TRIPARTITE CHIMERA and it is composed of 1: The original SARS which was already weaponised, 2) Gain of Function, 3) Genetically recombined with an HIV virus."
22 nations have BSL4 labs capable of creating such bioweapons.
The SEATBELTS phrase makes me wonder if this is what KU was pointing at with BUCKLE UP

4) Then goes on to 6 smoking guns:
a) Francis Boyle quote from article "Antiviral research, Feb 10, 2020" by 3 French and 1 Canadian scientist:

The Wuhan coronvirus genetical analysis may provide a Gain of Function to 2019 Novel coronavirus for efficient spreading in human population compared to other beta coronaviruses

b) University of North Carolina labs at Chappell Hill brought Dr Zheng Li Shi, from Wuhan Insititute of virology, into their team. Wuhan gave grant to UNC so that their scientists could be involved in this experiment. They imported Sars viruses from the Fort Detrick labs (sic) (should be Ft. Derrick? = US main BSL4 Lab). The experiment was working on increasing the pathogenicity of the Sars samples that they got from Ft Derrick BSL4 lab.

c) Research at the Australian Animal Health lab was funded by the Chinese Ministry of Science & Technology, the Whuhan Institute and the China Academy of Sciences. Their experimental goal was to coalesce the initial weaponised SARS virus, enhance it with Gain of Function properties and then coalesce it genetically to an HIV virus; therefore forming the Tripartite Chimera.

d) Indian scientists did an analysis on the SARS Cov2 virus and said that they definitely found elements of the HIV virus in the genomic sequencing. HIV is a retrovirus and retroviruses use mRNA to inject their stuff into the cell. Because it has Transcriptase it WILL coalesce into your DNA.
Francis Boyle says "The most dangerous bioweapon ever released onto the public is SARS Cov2.

e) Fauci's emails and lies to congressional committee which he corrected repeatedly until: "We did fund it, it was Gain of Function but it was a sound scientific decision. It would have been negligent not to fund it."
Christian Anderson mail to Fauci: "The unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome, so one has to look really closely at the sequence to see that some features look engineered"

f) Another Christian Anderson email to Fauci: "we all find the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory".

g) Charles Lieber, was head of biochemistry at Harvard, trained chinese graduate students, received $15m from US govt to create genetic bioweapons. 2 of his students arrested at airport, Dec 2019, smuggling 21 vials of sensitive biological material to Wuhan, China. Lieber then arrested Jan 20th 2020 for espionage with china. He was the consultant and hands-on builder of the BSL4 lab in Wuhan! It was built through his consultancy and received $150m and salary of $50k/month from China.

h) Vaccines on market: Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca, J&J, are ALL genetic vaccines. They are mRNA and viral vector vaccines that will affect your human genome.

edit on 27-9-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 10:32 PM
How is Chyna on Taiwan war footing? Evergrande contagion, floods all over, 3G rotting and this...

China power crunch spreads, shutting factories and dimming growth outlook

BEIJING, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Widening power shortages in China have halted production at numerous factories including many supplying Apple and Tesla, while some shops in the northeast operated by candlelight and malls shut early as the economic toll of the squeeze mounted.

China is in the grip of a power crunch as a shortage of coal supplies, toughening emissions standards and strong demand from manufacturers and industry have pushed coal prices to record highs and triggered widespread curbs on usage. Read the explainer

Rationing has been implemented during peak hours in many parts of northeastern China since last week, and residents of cities including Changchun said cuts were occurring sooner and lasting for longer, state media reported.

Supply Chain.

2 weeks to unload of no more ships show up.

LA port backup grows to record 62 ships as supply chain crunch worsens

A record 62 cargo ships are waiting to dock at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, and are stuck floating off the coast amid a serious supply chain crunch that could mean fewer toys under the Christmas tree this year.

The problem reflects a combination of growing cargo volumes, a labor shortage and COVID-related safety measures that slow the handling of each ship. About one-third of all imports into the U.S. pass through the ports each year.

The Port of Long Beach has broken monthly records for how much cargo has passed through for 12 of the last 13 months, with 32 percent more cargo processed this year than in 2020, according to the trade publication Supply Chain Dive. Backups at the port as cargo ships wait for berths have been common all year, and have only grown as the peak fall shipping seas

And yet, Team Joe is going to Build Back Better by spending trillions of dollars that are not going to cost a thing given the above.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 10:34 PM
So apparently they are shooting a movie at the WH.......don't they have sets for that?

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 10:35 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

An aside. Anyone notice the cops in Canada and in particular Australia are just a violent mob? They seem to have come from the underground tunnels, as the hive mind only act in groups is really strange. Every video I see they are just a mob hell bent on attacking their prey and act as if those they prey on are NOT at all like them.

This comment stuck in my mind as something much more than an aside.

In general, we seem to be seeing an awful lot of people behaving as conscious-less raging psychopaths.

It seems to be sweeping the world, from the person in the street blaring idiotic hateful opinions to the guy occupying the White House lying shamelessly.

It makes me wonder if there is something to that whole idea of the vaccine killing the soul-connection.

I just cannot see how a soul-less world can even function when everyone turns on each other.

It’s becoming like a low-level zombie apocalypse.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

The only way ccp gets Taiwan is if joe gives it to them.

Were never capable of taking by force if U.S. is assisting.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, I think this frame from the Project Veritas J&J video was revealing:

If you asked 100 people what the worst effects might be from a dodgy vaccination, 30 years down the line, I bet ZERO would reply "Third Eye"?

Let's consider the context that might explain his answer:
a) Currently, Johnson & Johnson seems to be the Tip of the Spear on the 3rd jab push which is the 1st booster shot,

b) We're getting steers that the 3rd jab turns people into "zombies"

c) Another steer recently was that:
Jab 1 hits the Root Chakra,
Jab 2 hits the ? (can't remember)

d) The pineal gland is supposed to be a communication capability with links to our Spirit, perhaps even our connection to our soul?

e) The guy is very clear that children don't deserve the potential impact of the J&J vaccine, as Innocents, as not capable of Informed Consent?

I think this guy KNOWS that the J&J booster effects the Pineal Gland (and therefore removes our soul link to source?).

As a Business Leader, he is likely to be on distribution lists of emails that hint at this.

I think his position as a christian is that adults have free will but innocent children should not have their link to God forcefully removed.

edit on 27-9-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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