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posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 10:56 PM
I laugh, see the only reason senile mentally challenged china man, can not get away with the china virus jab passports is because the Republican states will not support his rant.

The more the deranged china man screams the more the Republicans give him the finger and challenge him back.

I think the latest is that mentally ill biden is to use his somewhat presidential Tyrannical powers to get rid of the governments in Republican states, really the American government with the democrats are darn joke and people should read what other countries have to say about the crazy biden in the white house.

Is not respect and is not funny, you can not give respect to somebody that have no earned any.

And as for the vaxed is soo funny too, those that do not have vax like me go every where like a normal person with no need to cover my face.

Poor vaxed are wearing 3 and 5 mask because they think the unvaxed is going to kill them.

The irony of all, what in the hell did they got a vax for if they can not even take away their darn diapers from their faces

Is just a freaking joke.
You pretty much knows who is glue to CNN all the time drinking their koolaid.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: GeechQuestInfo

And people who refuse to eat healthy and use a gym or look after their personal health should be refused hospital treatment too, right?

They’re using societal resources at a far greater rate

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: Breakthestreak

There isn’t a vaccine nor does obesity spread person to person. Unhealthy folks definitely pay increased premiums for insurance currently.

Even outside of that, the unvaccinated are walking legal liabilities. Companies aren’t mandating vaccinations from some moral or ethical high ground. They’ve got lawyers advising them to minimize their legal exposure and institute vaccinations for the workplace.

Again, if you don’t want to get vaccinated I’m apathetic towards it. I also won’t feel sorry for you when society shuns you, as you’re an unnecessary risk to the society we’ve built.

It’s less about being a good citizen and more along the lines of not being a burden.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: GeechQuestInfo

I haven't used any additional resources since the start of the pandemic despite a covid infection. Granted i only knew i had this deadly disease through testing, think i may have coughed twice.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Cool for you, but plenty others have and continue to do so.

Micro vs. macro.

We already have current restrictions in healthcare for the burdensome anyway:

-No liver transplant if you’re not sober from alcohol.
-No lung transplant if you’re not nicotine free.
-No bariatric surgery if you won’t lose SOME weight first.

It’s not like unvaccinated people would be the first group to draw the healthcare short straw for their destructive actions.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Grenade

No matter how it may affect anyone else, dammit!

ok how EXACTLY does someone who doesnt want to take a vax "effect anyone else" in a negative way?

first before you answer let me remind you

a. the first version of covid had a 99.7 overall survival rate..
99.9 or better for children survival and lowest of all groups catching and transmitting.

b. those most vulnerable and died have PRE EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITIONS that almost any pathogen (from common flu, cold, rsv , pneumonia, ect) poses a lethal threat.

c. 80 percent had covid and RECOVERED NOT KNOWING they had it because the symptoms were so low (or even non existent) that MEDICAL INTERVENTION was not required/testing not required.

d. that now the CDC states ONLY 6 PERCENT of covid listed deaths were FROM COVID (or major factor)..
that drops (taking figure from two months ago) the death toll from 600,000 to approximately 35,000.. half or less than die from the COMMON FLU EVERY YEAR... BTW the 600,000 was for OVER A YEAR AND A HALF for accuracy.

e. the new "variant" known as delta has been LESS LETHAL than previous..

Also take into account the "vaccine"

a. WILL NOT (despite the claims from supporters) PREVENT the spread of covid nor prevent you from catching it

b. designed to (if works as advertised and no "flu" vaccine ever has fully) limit the effects and LESSEN (not prevent) death.


covid virus is part of the corona group of viruses. along with influenza group (common flu) has

a. existed for most of time

b. mutated all the time


so again how exactly is the "unvaccinated" such a threat to anyone but AT WORST themselves again?


posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: GeechQuestInfo
a reply to: Grenade

Cool for you, but plenty others have and continue to do so.

Micro vs. macro.

We already have current restrictions in healthcare for the burdensome anyway:

-No liver transplant if you’re not sober from alcohol.
-No lung transplant if you’re not nicotine free.
-No bariatric surgery if you won’t lose SOME weight first.

It’s not like unvaccinated people would be the first group to draw the healthcare short straw for their destructive actions.

how exactly again is NOT taking the vaccine a "destructive actions"

oh and BTW most transplants they DO NOT WANT YOU to take any vaccine because it could hurt you before the procedure


posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 11:30 PM
The sad fact is? The American citizens/the people, for the last hundred + years have allowed a faceles "Government" to rule over them and not serve them as was intended. There is now, so many bureaucratic agencies with "rules", "regulation" and "color of law".

That even the "law makers" can't keep track of it all. Law makers come and go, the faces change, that's "Democracy". But we're a Republic, ruled by a law, the C.O.T.U.S. .
Notice how the fuhrer is using a "regulatory agency" (O.S.H.A) to implement his design? Much like the I.R.S. is used, has been used, to implement other designs.

The C.O.T.U.S. is a very simple read, any high school graduate can understand it. Even the kind they're turning out today.

It is a classic fall of a Republic. It always happens in history.... "A Republic, if you can keep it".... Out of "fear", (but it is always "the brave") sort of fear. Because not upholding natural law and civilization, is a "brave" act to twisted minds. That and some People can not, just leave other people alone.

I predict, that even some of "their" most mesmerized and vehement supporters. will not even understand why they're having to dig the mass graves, for their "enemies". That they can't see, or hav'nt even arrived yet. The fact that they're forced at gunpoint? Will elude them.

edit on 11-9-2021 by murphy22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: GeechQuestInfo

So suddenly after hundreds of thousands of years evolving naturally alongside pathogens and adapting appropriately, the human immune system is now a walking time bomb simply because a new experimental treatment has hit the market. Our natural effectiveness at combating coronavirus and much more deadly viruses is evidenced by our survival as a species. It has the ability to fight hundreds of different virus species and i would suggest a more efficient and trusted source of fighting infection. Who knows what effect mass vaccination will have on this relationship.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 11:44 PM

originally posted by: GeechQuestInfo
a reply to: Breakthestreak

There isn’t a vaccine nor does obesity spread person to person.

That's not the point, they STILL use more resources, and STILL cost you more than a covid patient does over their lifetime. Since they're dipping into your collective health insurance pot to begin with.

Is there something about this one you do not understand? Or do you just resemble it more than you want to admit?
edit on 9/11/2021 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: marg6043

If Joe says the unvaxed will kill you, you can bet it's the other way around. The result is always the opposite of what they say. Inverted logic seems to be the thing these days.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 12:00 AM
Watch out for a nuke in America and blame Russia

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: GeechQuestInfo

I don't buy the idea that there should be some kind of parallelism between the state and the individual. Our bodies and the autonomous right to sovereignty over them is the last bastion of liberty. Handing over these decisions to the state is a nail in the coffin to freedom.
edit on 12/9/21 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

"Health Insurance" is, a pyramid scheme. Nothing more than a poker game. It is a bet, on odds. Nobody offers "insurance" or faces them odds. Unless they can make money off the bet. But they do. Because they care about you?

"Living" is a "risk", that's a known fact!

Everyone, every living creature has a "terminal illness". Time, isn't on anyone's side.

All "insurance" is for? Is to make "a business" money. And deprive you of your hard earned "income", while you still work, breath and can do something with it. It's about depriving you, of your life value, more than your worth. It is a numbers game! The business, wouldn't be in business very long, if they actually paid out.

It's a "numbers" game, always has been, and "the dealer/house" always wins!

It is like pure "Socialism", with a "Capitalistic" twist.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 12:34 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: VulcanWerks

I don’t support any politician and just want to be left alone in peace with equal rights and opportunities to every other law abiding citizen, able to make my own decisions about the safety and security of myself and my children without government interference.

You’re not wrong.

But the thing is, in practice, what you want that’s entirely noble and reasonable isn’t tenable.

The line was drawn. I suspect it matters not about the rest of your post.

The line is vaccinated or not.

If you want to preserve what you have or what you want - get the vax.

To be clear (TBC if that’s not a thing) - I’m not saying this to tell you or anyone what they should or shouldn’t do. That’s your jam. But… eyes need to be opened. I got my vax for various reasons and yes I live to tell the tale. And live well at that + have a lot to lose if I’m wrong.

The irony is I could be put on a mission to outreach to many, many conservative/blue collar/libertarian minded people about the vax and why they should get it.

Yet… do you see any sort of outreach to the demographics I described? None. Disappointingly none.

And that’s your tell. “They” do not want you to get vaccinated. Because “you” are walking into a trap.

I don’t mean “you”, Grenade, I mean humans like you.

Please for the sake of our collective sense of what life “used” to be get the shot.

People are dying on the wrong hill right now.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 12:35 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: marg6043

If Joe says the unvaxed will kill you, you can bet it's the other way around. The result is always the opposite of what they say. Inverted logic seems to be the thing these days.

I don’t have to say this is politicized because you proved my point.

And the people you view as the enemy, “Joe”, will crush you for it.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 12:50 AM

originally posted by: CharlesT
a reply to: VulcanWerks

...moving the country materially further left to align more with Western Europe.

That's funny. People are rioting all over Western Europe.

Yes - “people” are. But think about my OP

They’re small in relative quantity and will suffer the same fate as US based folks who don’t comply.

If the government narrative is smoke and mirrors… what can’t you get the Vax and smoke them back?

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

"Collective"?, .."What life used to be"?.."People are dying on the wrong hill right now?...Don't know about you, but I ain't been stepping over any bodies lately.

1. You lost me, at "Collective". I'm an individual.

2. You lost me, at 1.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: marg6043

If Joe says the unvaxed will kill you, you can bet it's the other way around. The result is always the opposite of what they say. Inverted logic seems to be the thing these days.

I am finding the vax'd are becoming a hive mind, like cult members but worse. They push the same garbage, use the same speaking points and have this hate thing going on constantly. People I have known all my life who have had the jab, I just don't recognize anymore. It could be the micro-clots/micro-strokes caused by capillary leakage and feathering or maybe there is some kind of metalized nano-particle in the jab that gravitates towards the brain and is triggered by EMF? Things are getting weird, people are getting strange.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: Bleeeeep

originally posted by: VulcanWerks
Now this makes me wonder… the admin has created this official division that includes tens of million people.

What do you do with that?

Exploit it, obviously - with the goal of moving the country further left.

But how?

They demonized the unvaccinated and their employers and anyone who would sell to the unmasked. I think they are not going for a war nor are they trying to round everyone up to put them in camps - instead, I think they are just imprisoning people in their own homes while they seize total production of goods and then they will use that to force people into submission.

What you’re saying doesn’t take into account a much broader and larger train of thought.

Said another way, your thoughts are probably true but that’s small thinking from a “this is a unique event” perspective.

It’s unique - as defined by Schwab himself - but the opportunity for “them” goes exceptionally far beyond what you’re talking about.

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