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False Flag Incoming?

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posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: GeechQuestInfo

“Just be normal so society won’t shun you”

Do you say that to trannies too?

Sucking on the media’s tit is a good look on you though
edit on 12 9 2021 by Breakthestreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: GeechQuestInfo

So suddenly after hundreds of thousands of years evolving naturally alongside pathogens and adapting appropriately, the human immune system is now a walking time bomb simply because a new experimental treatment has hit the market. Our natural effectiveness at combating coronavirus and much more deadly viruses is evidenced by our survival as a species. It has the ability to fight hundreds of different virus species and i would suggest a more efficient and trusted source of fighting infection. Who knows what effect mass vaccination will have on this relationship.

You have to be better than that thinking.

Yes. We have had viruses.

Believe it or not, we Vax against a bunch of nasty stuff (that yes my children are vaccinated against - as am I).

What you’re saying is destructive. Your immune system, depending on the situation, cannot fight various implications of COVID.

Please at least try to see things differently.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 01:44 AM

Remember folks, freedom isn't worth the hassle. My word, what are we turning in to.....

Bunch of terrified sheep. Go get sheared, your moral cowardice is utterly contemptible. Ethically you're on par with Hitler.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

I think it’s you who needs to open their eyes. I’d take my natural resistance and antibodies before your jab any day of the week.

That’s the beauty of freedom, I can think and do what I like.

Now enough with the thought police, leave people the hell alone and mind your own god damn business. Sick of it, perched on the high horse and drunk on false authority.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: VulcanWerks
I bet we get some sort of false flag event perpetrated by a “ring wing anti-vax” extremist tied to the EO announcement that’s completely bogus but opens the door for majority public support to in many ways cripple (economically/societally/etc.) those who are unvaccinated. I have no idea what that event would be, and to an extent it doesn’t matter what it is, but it probably needs to be more 9/11 in nature in terms of shock factor.

It’s a pretty big gamble though… the baked in assumptions for a false flag to work are significant but when I slice those different ways I really don’t think the problems come to pass. The objective is an ideological shift… so I suspect this won’t get too elevated beyond the false flag.

From a narrative perspective, you have to use “right wing”, “Trump Supporter” and “unvaccinated” synonymously. This is what allows the plan to work.

You're on the right track, there will be another false flag event, which creates a terrible war.

But it appears that it happens in Italy, and grows out to Greece, and Tunisia, among other places.

I'm not sure of when it begins, though I'd say it would likely be within the next 5-7 years, or sooner.

I've never talked about this before, until now.

I'm sure nobody would think it's possible to happen in Italy right now, and there's no solid indication of it, either.

But I know it will occur in Italy, for many reasons, which would need a separate thread for me to discuss...

Two prophecies mesh together for an Italian conflict, one of which I know will come to be true, based on his earlier prophecies that proved to be true, about 9/11.

And yes, it will definitely be linked to 9/11. COVID/vax doesn't seem to be involved, though I can't say that for sure, as yet.

I'll leave it at that, for now. Your sense of such an event occurring in the near future appear to be quite correct, that's what I mainly wanted to mention to you here.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: Joneselius

“The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes.”

edit on 12/9/21 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 03:43 AM
Ok, I just can't take this anymore. I don't get it. I don't get the irrational fear of this virus. I don't get how #ing stupid and insane it has made so many people. Some of you idiots are actually trying to make the case that somebody that doesn't get the vax should not be allowed medical care, even though they likely have insurance and will be paying for said medical care:


Oh, yeah? You broke your leg scaling that mountain and want medical care now? Nope! You and your thirst for adventure are a drain on the healthcare system--you will not be taking up space in our hospitals.

Oh, yeah? You had unprotected sex and spread a sexually transmitted disease? DENIED!

Oh, yeah? You didn't get the flu shot this year and now you want to seek medical care because you're sick (and may or may not have the flu)? I DON'T THINK SO!

I no longer wonder how unthinkable atrocities were allowed to happen throughout human history, instances of absolute tyranny that led to massive erosions of human rights, political imprisonment, and even genocide. You #ing imbeciles, you #ing sheep.

And when did this #ing site start censoring speech? Jesus Christ, I obviously haven't posted much in the last 10-12 years.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 03:46 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: Joneselius

“The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes.”

Your two quotes - the one above, and the other in your footnote, are both spot on.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: GeechQuestInfo

I haven't used any additional resources since the start of the pandemic despite a covid infection. Granted i only knew i had this deadly disease through testing, think i may have coughed twice.

I didn’t have much of any symptoms when I get exposed either.

Here’s the thing though - you have to think at scale and realize this issue isn’t just about you.

This is where the “I take care of myself/family/etc.” Mindset - that I typically agree with (I take care of myself so you don’t have to take care of me type of thinking) actually bites folks squarely in the butt.

Just because you had a reasonably easy go (and I’m truly glad that was your experience and now worse) doesn’t mean everyone has that experience.

At one point I was pretty skeptical of COVID and the vaccines. Truth be told I wasn’t really excited about the vax. But, when I put the vax in broader context and did my research I got it.

Taken into the context of my OP, there are lots of reasons beyond public health that make getting the vax a good idea as this is not an issue you want to be on the wrong side of.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: VulcanWerks

I think it’s you who needs to open their eyes. I’d take my natural resistance and antibodies before your jab any day of the week.

That’s the beauty of freedom, I can think and do what I like.

Now enough with the thought police, leave people the hell alone and mind your own god damn business. Sick of it, perched on the high horse and drunk on false authority.

"perched on the high horse and drunk on false authority."

That is exactly what we are witnessing in so many people right now, especially the "authorities" who are most certainly following in the very foot steps of the devil himself. It is the very thing that caused his fall from Heaven. His time grows short and his influence is now being witnessed in the world with a big increase in evil.

A lot of people don't, won't, can't believe it is real, but I know it's real. Perhaps soon everyone will know.
edit on 12-9-2021 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: VulcanWerks
That's what Mother Nature calls 'survival of the fitest'. How the heck do you think we have evolved thus far.
Secondly with reference to your OP....nice try at reverse psychology....


posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: GeechQuestInfo
a reply to: Breakthestreak

There isn’t a vaccine nor does obesity spread person to person. Unhealthy folks definitely pay increased premiums for insurance currently.

Even outside of that, the unvaccinated are walking legal liabilities. Companies aren’t mandating vaccinations from some moral or ethical high ground. They’ve got lawyers advising them to minimize their legal exposure and institute vaccinations for the workplace.

Again, if you don’t want to get vaccinated I’m apathetic towards it. I also won’t feel sorry for you when society shuns you, as you’re an unnecessary risk to the society we’ve built.

It’s less about being a good citizen and more along the lines of not being a burden.

This is functionally over target.

You’re not wrong about counsel being involved and I know that from first hand experience.

The other risk to business is reputational. Imaging if you’re the business who says “screw it everyone come back in the office and it’s business as usual” and you have a COVID outbreak and people get sick. That’s going to hit the papers and public opinion will say “you obviously don’t care about your employees/the community/etc.”

Good luck recruiting after that as the employer who doesn’t care about employees health - never mind fines/getting shut down/etc.

I know this sounds alarmist but it isn’t - the above are very real realities that most people don’t have to think about.

If you’re just a person who works a job - not someone with a career - and holds anti-vax beliefs who says “I’m fine and this won’t hurt me” you’re seeing this issue through a very narrow/small lens. There’s a whole lot more to this.

That’s part of the point of my OP - some people are so focused on “me” that they fail to see how much larger this issue is than simply “get the shot or don’t”.

As far as the burden comment goes, I personally agree with that. If you are one to “handle my own business” then you’re not wired to be a burden - but that sense of self-reliance is also a huge problem in the context of COVID because this isn’t just about you.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: VulcanWerks
With Biden’s recent EO - and the problems it would cause the administration if it got struck down by SCOTUS (which I think it will after the misfire tweet in particular), something has to be done to ensure this EO garners full public support - forcing lawmakers to not contest it at scale or seem unpopular or on the wrong side of the issue.

The crescendo of the long-game plan for COVID, as a result, may be right around the corner.

"This is not about freedom or personal choice," Biden said during a Thursday address to the nation. "It's about protecting yourself and those around you, the people you work with, the people you care about, the people you love. My job as president is to protect all Americans."

This is step one. The obvious implication here is that if you’re not vaxed you don’t care about the people around you. My point isn’t about the wrongness or rightness of that implication. It just is the implication.

But now the unvaxed have “cost us all” - which means the unvaccinated are the enemy of us all who want a “normal” life - again, that’s the implication.

"We've been patient but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us," Biden told the tens of millions of unvaccinated people in the country. 

Division complete - officially.

Now this makes me wonder… the admin has created this official division that includes tens of million people.

What do you do with that?

Exploit it, obviously - with the goal of moving the country further left.

But how?

I bet we get some sort of false flag event perpetrated by a “ring wing anti-vax” extremist tied to the EO announcement that’s completely bogus but opens the door for majority public support to in many ways cripple (economically/societally/etc.) those who are unvaccinated. I have no idea what that event would be, and to an extent it doesn’t matter what it is, but it probably needs to be more 9/11 in nature in terms of shock factor.

It’s a pretty big gamble though… the baked in assumptions for a false flag to work are significant but when I slice those different ways I really don’t think the problems come to pass. The objective is an ideological shift… so I suspect this won’t get too elevated beyond the false flag.

From a narrative perspective, you have to use “right wing”, “Trump Supporter” and “unvaccinated” synonymously. This is what allows the plan to work.

Capitol Riot was probably a test run and the setup for the walling off of the capital and turning Trump supporters into dipsticks wearing Viking horns (so goes the narrative). That actually worked pretty well but probably not as well as hoped.

The next false flag has to be fabulously over the top compared to the Capitol Riots. It has to be like that as I suspect mobilizing the military against US citizens in the name of public health if they fit a certain profile (unvaccinated right wing) is part of the plan - with full public support the feds will weed out “the problem”.

Remember, the unvaccinated cost all of us and are the problem - weeding out the problem will be hyped up by the media to demonstrate who the real enemy is.

Vax status IS the deciding factor - if this all occurred along political lines it would be too transparent. The COVID end-game is to shift the country left using event to help do it. Heck, done right they could layer in gun control, social credit, vax passes, etc.

This is the true Great Reset - moving the country materially further left to align more with Western Europe.

There will be no “civil war” and the military will follow orders - remember that whole “purging of right-wing extremism” from the services? They’ll fall in line almost certainly and those who don’t will be treated just like the unvaccinated or disciplined severely. Compliance is mandatory.

These efforts, as I see it, will shame Trump supporters into obsolescence - which by default moves the country left. If you support the GOP/Trump you are a horn wearing, angry, self-absorbed and societally unfit angry white dude. That’s the narrative and anyone fitting that persona will be ostracized and hunted down until they comply and if they don’t it’s either detention/camps/etc.

Assuming they aren’t vaccinated… because if they’re vaccinated they’ll be ok. That’s the diving line.

Sounds like another occurrence from the 20th century…

This will usher in a much more “moderate” right that will become more socially liberal - permanently - for anyone who resembles the unvaccinated will forever be painted as the problem in society.

This was always the end game, folks.

And all of the vaccine theories, COVID theories and more are probably just carrots to feed and keep the division alive. That’s all things like Bitchute and “anonymous nurses” are accomplishing - ensuring that those who are against the Vax stay that way.

In another thread, a comment was made that “the only way to avoid all of this is to get vaccinated - because they are banking on millions of people NOT getting vaccinated”. This rings 100% true to me and I suspect that those who say “whatever bring it on” will have their wishes fulfilled - not necessarily in terms of military violence against them but material social stigma, job opportunities, education opportunities and more. That said, if someone gets violent or “resists” I’m sure there are government officials who via the military or otherwise would be happy to oblige you to your satisfaction.

Problem is, if you “fight back”, you only make their plan work better. It’s a trap… and the unvaccinated are walking straight into it and presiding over the demise of more than COVID - you’ll turn every rural trump supporters into something that society will shun absolutely - because the only people who will care are their fellow rural Trump supporters.

I’m vaccinated and hope I’m wrong about what’s about to hit tens of millions of Americans but to me the above is how it plays out. My sincere hope is unvaccinated people don’t go postal and make this situation even worse because the powder keg is full. If a bunch of people do “take a stand” it only makes the plan work better - but I doubt that’s what’s truly hoped for or necessary because that creates new problems and can spiral quickly. Plus, tens of millions aren’t required for this to work - one could use 20 to make an ideological shift - which we learned from 9/11.

The above is my current take on the impact of being unvaccinated and, to me, it’s not worth being stubborn and not getting the vax - the true price tag of that is far more significant than what’s imagined.

The jabs actually do materially help improve COVID outcomes undoubtedly at this point. But if the real benefit to public health isn’t an incentive to rethink your position the above might be.

That’s my hypothetical read of the tea leaves as things stand.

Trump said get the vaccine, his actual words were "it's an individual choice and no one can take that away, but I recommend vaccination"

edit on 12-9-2021 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: VulcanWerks
That's what Mother Nature calls 'survival of the fitest'. How the heck do you think we have evolved thus far.
Secondly with reference to your OP....nice try at reverse psychology....


It's an excellent point, Jane. And they repeatedly ignore it. The feigned helplessness is absolutely pathetic. The anaphylactic allergic among us have learned to adapt and avoid what can kill them (I married one, guess he's better at basic common sense survival than others) So what's these cold-fearing folks' excuse? At this rate, they'll die off and the allergic will inherit everything no problemo.

Or better yet, my Type 1 diabetic mother-in-law is an equally good example of where overreach isn't warranted. Going by this train of thought of forcing capitulation, the world should bend over and make ONLY gylcemic index-compatible products, because some people have health issues. We can also expand that to banning everything not Elimination Diet food -- so the OP can get used to a bland rice diet, so people with hidden allergies or undiagnosed diabetes can only have bland crap to eat, or just GI diet-specific foods.

All of that is noble in theory to try, but in practice, it's oppression of others because someone is an entitled puss-ass.
edit on 9/12/2021 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: VulcanWerks

I think it’s you who needs to open their eyes. I’d take my natural resistance and antibodies before your jab any day of the week.

That’s the beauty of freedom, I can think and do what I like.

Now enough with the thought police, leave people the hell alone and mind your own god damn business. Sick of it, perched on the high horse and drunk on false authority.

This has nothing to do with authority.

You’re seeing this in an extremely one-dimensional way.

Based on your slew of posts in this thread, you’re extremely self-centered and using “freedom” to validate your self-centered view of the world.

That self-centered/righteous view of this issue probably expands onto other subjects.

Everything you said in the post above is exactly why they can exploit you and will burn your life down. But you’re so convicted in your convictions about “how things should be” or “are” you’re entirely missing so many other implications to this issue that you either can’t or won’t fathom.

Notice in my OP, I didn’t say anything about COVID being a death sentence. Notice I also said I wasn’t personally thrilled about the jab, but got it.

Your post above is going to lead to far more ruin than your post is comprehending. This isn’t about your immune system or personal freedom - it’s about a whole lot more than that if you can let go of your ego and think larger.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: VulcanWerks
With Biden’s recent EO - and the problems it would cause the administration if it got struck down by SCOTUS (which I think it will after the misfire tweet in particular), something has to be done to ensure this EO garners full public support - forcing lawmakers to not contest it at scale or seem unpopular or on the wrong side of the issue.

The crescendo of the long-game plan for COVID, as a result, may be right around the corner.

"This is not about freedom or personal choice," Biden said during a Thursday address to the nation. "It's about protecting yourself and those around you, the people you work with, the people you care about, the people you love. My job as president is to protect all Americans."

This is step one. The obvious implication here is that if you’re not vaxed you don’t care about the people around you. My point isn’t about the wrongness or rightness of that implication. It just is the implication.

But now the unvaxed have “cost us all” - which means the unvaccinated are the enemy of us all who want a “normal” life - again, that’s the implication.

"We've been patient but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us," Biden told the tens of millions of unvaccinated people in the country. 

Division complete - officially.

Now this makes me wonder… the admin has created this official division that includes tens of million people.

What do you do with that?

Exploit it, obviously - with the goal of moving the country further left.

But how?

I bet we get some sort of false flag event perpetrated by a “ring wing anti-vax” extremist tied to the EO announcement that’s completely bogus but opens the door for majority public support to in many ways cripple (economically/societally/etc.) those who are unvaccinated. I have no idea what that event would be, and to an extent it doesn’t matter what it is, but it probably needs to be more 9/11 in nature in terms of shock factor.

It’s a pretty big gamble though… the baked in assumptions for a false flag to work are significant but when I slice those different ways I really don’t think the problems come to pass. The objective is an ideological shift… so I suspect this won’t get too elevated beyond the false flag.

From a narrative perspective, you have to use “right wing”, “Trump Supporter” and “unvaccinated” synonymously. This is what allows the plan to work.

Capitol Riot was probably a test run and the setup for the walling off of the capital and turning Trump supporters into dipsticks wearing Viking horns (so goes the narrative). That actually worked pretty well but probably not as well as hoped.

The next false flag has to be fabulously over the top compared to the Capitol Riots. It has to be like that as I suspect mobilizing the military against US citizens in the name of public health if they fit a certain profile (unvaccinated right wing) is part of the plan - with full public support the feds will weed out “the problem”.

Remember, the unvaccinated cost all of us and are the problem - weeding out the problem will be hyped up by the media to demonstrate who the real enemy is.

Vax status IS the deciding factor - if this all occurred along political lines it would be too transparent. The COVID end-game is to shift the country left using event to help do it. Heck, done right they could layer in gun control, social credit, vax passes, etc.

This is the true Great Reset - moving the country materially further left to align more with Western Europe.

There will be no “civil war” and the military will follow orders - remember that whole “purging of right-wing extremism” from the services? They’ll fall in line almost certainly and those who don’t will be treated just like the unvaccinated or disciplined severely. Compliance is mandatory.

These efforts, as I see it, will shame Trump supporters into obsolescence - which by default moves the country left. If you support the GOP/Trump you are a horn wearing, angry, self-absorbed and societally unfit angry white dude. That’s the narrative and anyone fitting that persona will be ostracized and hunted down until they comply and if they don’t it’s either detention/camps/etc.

Assuming they aren’t vaccinated… because if they’re vaccinated they’ll be ok. That’s the diving line.

Sounds like another occurrence from the 20th century…

This will usher in a much more “moderate” right that will become more socially liberal - permanently - for anyone who resembles the unvaccinated will forever be painted as the problem in society.

This was always the end game, folks.

And all of the vaccine theories, COVID theories and more are probably just carrots to feed and keep the division alive. That’s all things like Bitchute and “anonymous nurses” are accomplishing - ensuring that those who are against the Vax stay that way.

In another thread, a comment was made that “the only way to avoid all of this is to get vaccinated - because they are banking on millions of people NOT getting vaccinated”. This rings 100% true to me and I suspect that those who say “whatever bring it on” will have their wishes fulfilled - not necessarily in terms of military violence against them but material social stigma, job opportunities, education opportunities and more. That said, if someone gets violent or “resists” I’m sure there are government officials who via the military or otherwise would be happy to oblige you to your satisfaction.

Problem is, if you “fight back”, you only make their plan work better. It’s a trap… and the unvaccinated are walking straight into it and presiding over the demise of more than COVID - you’ll turn every rural trump supporters into something that society will shun absolutely - because the only people who will care are their fellow rural Trump supporters.

I’m vaccinated and hope I’m wrong about what’s about to hit tens of millions of Americans but to me the above is how it plays out. My sincere hope is unvaccinated people don’t go postal and make this situation even worse because the powder keg is full. If a bunch of people do “take a stand” it only makes the plan work better - but I doubt that’s what’s truly hoped for or necessary because that creates new problems and can spiral quickly. Plus, tens of millions aren’t required for this to work - one could use 20 to make an ideological shift - which we learned from 9/11.

The above is my current take on the impact of being unvaccinated and, to me, it’s not worth being stubborn and not getting the vax - the true price tag of that is far more significant than what’s imagined.

The jabs actually do materially help improve COVID outcomes undoubtedly at this point. But if the real benefit to public health isn’t an incentive to rethink your position the above might be.

That’s my hypothetical read of the tea leaves as things stand.

Trump said get the vaccine, his actual words were "it's an individual choice and no one can take that away, but I recommend vaccination"

The anti-vax right who want to “stop the steal” also won’t get the shot he recommends.. odd.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: murphy22
a reply to: VulcanWerks

"Collective"?, .."What life used to be"?.."People are dying on the wrong hill right now?...Don't know about you, but I ain't been stepping over any bodies lately.

1. You lost me, at "Collective". I'm an individual.

2. You lost me, at 1.

So you 100% don’t engage with society, purchase any goods, complete any transactions, etc.? Do you have electricity or water that comes from a utility company? How about garbage service? Do you own a vehicle and put gas in it?

If you do any of those things, other humans were involved.

You’re part of a collective society, factually.

Why does that bother you?


Also, what makes you so amazingly individually special that you are the only person who matters?

edit on 12-9-2021 by VulcanWerks because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: VulcanWerks
That's what Mother Nature calls 'survival of the fitest'. How the heck do you think we have evolved thus far.
Secondly with reference to your OP....nice try at reverse psychology....


Think more and feel less, Jane.

Also, your passive aggressive nature is a sign of weakness.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: VulcanWerks
I am thinking, but clearly not on the same wave length as you.
As to passive agressive...think you need to look at yourself first. I was being polite calling your OP reverse psychology.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: VulcanWerks
I am thinking, but clearly not on the same wave length as you.
As to passive agressive...think you need to look at yourself first. I was being polite calling your OP reverse psychology.

It’s not reverse psychology. It’s the reality of what is happening and some people think they’re more self reliant than they actually are.

They will be written out of society and blame others while their quality of life slowly declines. All over a shot.

It’s eerily similar to what we’ve seen happen to different industries in the country. Some folks didn’t want to retool and change their skill set, and now have no real path to get ahead in life. They constantly blame “XYZ” for their position in life, when the world just passed them by. Covid and this vaccine will be no different.

That’s the reality. Doesn’t mean it right or wrong, it just is.

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