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IPPC published new climate report and not looking good

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posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

I live at 5,500 feet above sea level, so if I'm ever fishing off my front deck it's FAR too late!

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: BlissSeeker
The biggest problem we have in the US is plastic - there's a huge commitment to it and it's really bad - hate seeing bags on trees in the middle of no where.

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

isn't the US doing as much or more than other nations? Until the others do their part, yelling at us won't change the dynamic. It sounds like folks like yourself would do better telling China all about the future woes. I'm looking forward to the beach being closer.

that's not an insurmountable issue, we can fix that with some smarts. If you couple that with trying to stop the sun from being too hot, you may find things a bit overwhelming. If you can get the propaganda arm of the left (MSM) to champion your cause, you could usher in a new personal water container with a small filter device and refill stations all over, so we eliminate the need for plastic bottles that end up making islands in the ocean. Perhaps they could go next to the charging stations we will need for the electric cars we are going to be forced to drive in a few years.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:11 AM
I was in Captiola, CA. at the beach in 2009 or so. A woman on the boardwalk struck up a conversation with me during which she told me that when she was younger, her family's home was three blocks from the cliff/beach bluff and that at the time of our meeting, it was three houses away.

Most important is to keep your eyes open and to watch out for yourself. In the end, it will be about our local communities... and even then they may be quite separated...physically that is.

originally posted by: KindraLabelle2
a reply to: musicismagic

I moved to higher ground 11 years ago because of the climate predictions. What is happening now and will happen in the near future is known for decades.
No one would listen to me then and even now people seem to think that I just love my doom porn a tad to much...

I told my aunt, who lives closer to the coast, to sell her house and move inland, because when the word gets really out there and more and more people start believing it, then the house will be worthless. She doesn't believe me.

edit on 8/9/2021 by BlissSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:13 AM
Link not working ...

Checking this out, isn't this from the United Nations?

Not saying it isn't a concern, but anything that is done by the UN I take with a huge grain of salt.

Why did it take a teenager to come up with a viable solution to start cleaning the Pacific Garbage Patch for instance?

We have known about the patch for a decade or more... the UN has no teeth or innovation and can be bought anytime they encroach on unregulated industries especially those in China and throughout the world.

Not to mention even if we could switch completely to battery cars and trucks, we would still have the industrial pollution and that's not going anywhere, on top of those used batteries have to end up someplace. The mining of lithium doesn't make it exactly a clean procedure.

I'm not saying we shouldn't try and do better just I have no faith in the United Nations' ability to ascertain the causes and to come up with an effective solution.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: BlissSeeker
I was in Captiola, CA. at the beach in 2009 or so. A woman on the boardwalk struck up a conversation with me during which she told me that when she was younger, her family's home was three blocks from the cliff/beach bluff and that at the time of our meeting, it was three houses away.

I don't know if that has to do with climate change and more to do with costal erosion. We regularly go to Cape May, NJ. There was a town called South Cape May, it's not there anymore, the ocean ate it. Why? The didn't put in jetties like Cape May did and the erosion consumed the town long before climate change was a thing.

edit on 9-8-2021 by AugustusMasonicus because: Cooking spirits since 2007

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: BlissSeeker
As long as American politicians and industry are committed to China, it is our problem.

a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

That's a real convenient argument, but it has a fatal flaw.

If China was as committed to our industry the way we are to theirs we still wouldn't be able to pollute like that. Why? Because it's against the law!

So no, it's their problem. All they have to do is try, and they're not even trying.

Now, we might not always like how they fix the problem, when the dollar store becomes the two-dollar store, but the reality is their problem, not ours.

edit on 8/9/2021 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:17 AM

There are sea level rise maps for every part of the world available, I suggest you check one.

Due to the innate physics of a liquid, you should need only one. Many climate alarmists tend to confuse subsidence and erosion with sea level rise. People seem to have forgotten that less than 50 years ago scientists were considering spreading soot over the arctic to melt the ice and negate the coming ice age.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:19 AM
Can somebody explain this to me please?
Since lockdowns and far, far less planes in our skies, I have welcomed the beautiful blue skies with the odd fluffy white clouds I haven't seen since my teenage years! (40 years). I am also enjoying all the rain albeit downpours that are not seasonal here in the UK. Now I'm not a climate change denier, but I do come from the late Professor David Bellamy camp.
So plants, trees need CO2 like humans need O2. We have a symbiotic relationship with all things botanical. If we radically reduce CO2 emissions, what is going to happen to plant life? Will we be cutting our own noses?
There are 2 things I have noticed with the reduced pollution, the air is defo much 'cleaner' where I live. Reminds me of the highlands of Scotland!
But also, rain water is much cleaner.
They keep talking of rising sea levels. Do we honestly think there is enough going on in our atmosphere for hydrogen to make that much more water? Anyone else done that 'ice in a glass of water' experiment?


PS, let's not forget that the 'conspiracy theorists' predicted the whole climate agenda would start kicking in big time once C19 started waning. As to electric vehicles, I don't think most people realise the long term cost to our environment and the localised harm the mining of cobalt to produce the lithium batteries is causing!
edit on am88America/ChicagoMonday2021-08-09T08:22:36-05:0008America/Chicago08000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I believe that's beach erosion. We have a section of North Topsail beach that has houses built right up to the edge of the surf. Trouble is, they were built up to the edge of the surf 15 year ago, and now the surf is much closer, due to nature, shifting sands, beach erosion, and no barrier between the houses and God's ocean. Poor planning doesn't always equal global warming, just bad vision.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: Flatcoat

There are sea level rise maps for every part of the world available, I suggest you check one.

Due to the innate physics of a liquid, you should need only one. Many climate alarmists tend to confuse subsidence and erosion with sea level rise. People seem to have forgotten that less than 50 years ago scientists were considering spreading soot over the arctic to melt the ice and negate the coming ice age.

This touches on the broader point we aren't doing damage to the planet we're doing damage to ourselves. Like Carlin said the planet will be fine and shake us off like a bad case of the fleas. We the people however are screwed, again not saying we should try and do better, but we will likely eradicate ourselves through war pestilence or disease long before climate change or global warming become immediate threats to our existence.

Hell one good eruption from any of the numerous volcanoes dotting the planet could turn the temperature increase into a temperature reduction very quick.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Sure, I see your point. But if erosion happened that quickly "normally," why would anyone build?

Many (wealthy) communities in CA are fighting to protect the coast...with tax payer dollars. But rip rap and rocks aren't going to do it.

I used to walk/bike the path in HMB...they just keep throwing money at it. Idiots

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: putnam6

How many countries have navies? The US is pushing climate change is the biggest threat to the USA?

And there is no commitment to use naval operations to clean the oceans?

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:31 AM
California? The Californian sea front is actually 5 or 6 miles inland, it's called the San Andreas fault. When that pops a new sea front will emerge. But then again if it does pop they'll blame it on man.
A few years ago they predicted this scenario???? No they didn't. They predicted an ice age.
Just where is the water going to come from for this sea level rise? It's simple childhood knowledge, which the supposed scientists should know. IF, the Earth warms up it would precipitate more oceanic evaporation. This in turn increases the cloud cover which blocks the Suns power thereby cooling the planet.
I know cos I've got a white coat so I'm a scientist.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:33 AM
It's not even 8am yet, it's too early to get mad!

But, I'm already mad, so we might as well get on with it...

I know the OP is not preaching about what WE should do other than move to high ground because nobody is ever going to do anything about it. I get that part. But you know what my response to that solution is?? It's called..."GET THE F OFF MY LAWN!"

I categorically reject the notion that nothing can be done about it, and I DEMAND my representatives to hold those responsible for it accountable. If this means China then so be it. I'm already paying enough taxes with little to no representation for those monies and the only solutions our current "regime" have in mind is to raise MY taxes even more. BULLSH##!, I say! NO MORE!

No, instead you (politicians) need to get up off your collective FAT ASSES and DO SOMETHING! Stop fleecing me and lining your pockets with the gobs of cash I pay you every week! This is NOT America's problem, so STOP blaming us by TAXING us to DEATH! Repeat, this is NOT America's problem, it's not the UK's problem, or the EU. In fact, this is not the western world's problem. STOP...BLAMING...US!!

Go do your damn jobs! That's what you're paid to do, yet all you really do is sit around and figure out more ways to TAX us into oblivion. STOP IT!

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: network dude
I believe that's beach erosion. We have a section of North Topsail beach that has houses built right up to the edge of the surf. Trouble is, they were built up to the edge of the surf 15 year ago, and now the surf is much closer, due to nature, shifting sands, beach erosion, and no barrier between the houses and God's ocean. Poor planning doesn't always equal global warming, just bad vision.

The fact that way too many people live near the ocean is the issue, not the ocean itself.

You can't blame the ocean for dining on your house if you built the thing across the street from the water.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: BlissSeeker
Sure, I see your point. But if erosion happened that quickly "normally," why would anyone build?


People think the ocean won't eat their house, it's still happening here in New Jersey. Multimillion dollar homes going up on the beach and the nudnik owners don't want dunes, which prevent erosion, because it will block their views.

edit on 9-8-2021 by AugustusMasonicus because: Cooking spirits since 2007

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: BlissSeeker
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Sure, I see your point. But if erosion happened that quickly "normally," why would anyone build?

For the same reasons people continue to build in natural disaster zones or right under destructive volcanos - because their just plain stupid and ignorant.

Human impact on global warming is minuscule at best, the earth will evolve through its cycles and there's not a damn thing humanity can do to change that.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Play stoopid games, win stoopid prizes.

Once again, we must look to our politicians and bureaucrats. If there were stand back ordinances preventing people from building this close to the water there wouldn't be an issue. But NOOooooooo, we can't have that because then we couldn't get our greedy little mitts on those extra tax dollars.

My homeowners insurance went up $600 this year. I've never had a claim, not one. You know why it increased? Part of it is due to these bastages who build right on the edge of the water, and then some hurricane comes along and wipes 'em all off the beach. The politicians who allowed this to happen don't pay...WE do!

Once again, politicians DO YOUR DAMN JOBS!

ETA - And what's their (the politician's) solution...raise taxes. You know, to prevent this kind of stuff. Baloney!

The least you could do is kiss me! I don't care if the vaseline has sand in it, anything is better than nothing!
edit on 8/9/2021 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Once again, we must look to our politicians and bureaucrats. If there were stand back ordinances preventing people from building this close to the water there wouldn't be an issue.

The zoning boards/town council's see the property tax hauls coming in from these McMansions and rubber stamp them.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 08:58 AM
Thanks for writing that!
I think it's exactly what a lot of people are thinking, including me.

I guess I gave up while feeling completely powerless ....
Maybe if the majority of people yelled like that, got mad like that, became heard... would it change anything?

Sorry my post made you mad this early... (but mad is better then ignorant)

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
It's not even 8am yet, it's too early to get mad!

But, I'm already mad, so we might as well get on with it...

I know the OP is not preaching about what WE should do other than move to high ground because nobody is ever going to do anything about it. I get that part. But you know what my response to that solution is?? It's called..."GET THE F OFF MY LAWN!"

I categorically reject the notion that nothing can be done about it, and I DEMAND my representatives to hold those responsible for it accountable. If this means China then so be it. I'm already paying enough taxes with little to no representation for those monies and the only solutions our current "regime" have in mind is to raise MY taxes even more. BULLSH##!, I say! NO MORE!

No, instead you (politicians) need to get up off your collective FAT ASSES and DO SOMETHING! Stop fleecing me and lining your pockets with the gobs of cash I pay you every week! This is NOT America's problem, so STOP blaming us by TAXING us to DEATH! Repeat, this is NOT America's problem, it's not the UK's problem, or the EU. In fact, this is not the western world's problem. STOP...BLAMING...US!!

Go do your damn jobs! That's what you're paid to do, yet all you really do is sit around and figure out more ways to TAX us into oblivion. STOP IT!

edit on 9-8-2021 by KindraLabelle2 because: (no reason given)

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