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Breaking BAASS, Assessing AATIP and Doubting Thomas ‘DeLonge’

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posted on Apr, 29 2021 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Historical negationism, condensed and accelerated for social media smooth brains- happening right in front of your eyes.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 01:05 PM

IG announces an evaluation into the DoD's economy, efficiency and effectiveness in relation to "the Unexplained Aerial Phenomena" .

The Senate Armed Services Committee is speculated as the catalyst by Lt Tim in his highly fortuitous scoop:

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: Jukiodone

I was looking at this too what do-nut man posted .

Can someone also give him a razor!

edit on 4-5-2021 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: Jukiodone

Highly fortuitous indeed!!

But there's only so long he can live of those swamp gas fumes.

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: mirageman

What an embarrassment of riches.

Harry Reid offering up new old info no one asked for.
IG/DoD giving its favourite (but nobody else's) media outlet an early copy of a memo.
Mellon to be on JRE today

It's almost like things are ramping up.......

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

My popcorn is on standby.

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 05:41 AM

originally posted by: Jukiodone
a reply to: mirageman

What an embarrassment of riches......
Mellon to be on JRE today

It's almost like things are ramping up.......

Looking forward to later to today. Although I wish I knew who the Jim Henson behind the operation was?

There's even rumours out there about even more excitement....

The boys are back in town it would seem! Although I am not sure they ever really left.

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: mirageman

There's even rumours out there about even more excitement....

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 10:56 AM
Heres a new one with Mr Mellon man.

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 01:38 PM
Joe and Mr Mellon.

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: Baablacksheep
Joe and Mr Mellon.

Seeing as no one else appears to have taken one for the team. Here's a synopsis of Rogue One v Mellonman....

□ Mellonman seemed to suffer with a respiratory problem. Sounding like Darth Vader throughout the interview. However, he wisely stopped short of asking Joe if he knew who his father was?

□ Pointed out how Joe is actually a comedian. Whereas Chris wanted to be known as a real stand up guy.

□ Chris knows someone who knows someone who knew someone who told them that Bob Lazar was raided by the FBI. Not once, but twice, for being in possession of and trading in false narratives.

□ Has been told UFOs interfere with nuclear facilities. So had his own bunker built just in case. However he doubts fellow Americans would use it in an emergency as they would want to "..exercise their constitutional rights".

□ Would not comment on whether Dravid Favor has had a sponsorship deal with Ferrero since 2004.

□ Says he was abducted by aliens when he was a teenager. But they were careful and used plenty of lubricant. Thinks others were not treated as carefully due to mix up of supplies.

□ Declared many credible people are credible because they tell him things that he believes. Which makes him credible when he tells this to people that believe him. Incredibly.

□ Thinks the Travis Walton story is compelling. Especially the bit about him earning $2500 in a Newspaper Competition. Which he finds very believable.

□ The Benny Hill Story is one of the reasons he got into this subject.

□ Doesn't believe aliens are involved in cattle mutilation but has been told Ronald McDonald definitely is.

□ Announced "Roswell is rea!" Joe proved it showing maps on the internet that show you how to get there.

□ Talked about Jacques Vallee. How he's not really French. He's a Scotsman called Jock Vollay putting on an impressive Gallic accent. Fun fact, Jock was also Leslie Nielsen's stunt double in the Naked Gun movies.

□ Declared the GoFast video as the best thing he's ever seen in black and white. Admitting he'd never watched Laurel and Hardy, played chess or seen a zebra in real life.

□ Told the story of how Bill Clinton wanted to know the truth about alien life. So they told him to announce life had been found in a meteorite from Mars. But then Monica Lewinsky was recruited to take his mind off things until everything was slowly blown away.

□ Said he'd tried remote viewing. But it eventually would mean he had to wear glasses. Joe interjected saying it was probably something else that caused Chris's eyesight to fail.

□ Agrees Bob Bigelow is dumb for spending money on paranormal research and not sharing. Claiming if he'd put his money into a cure for baldness then at least he'd have a good reason to only use it on himself and keep it from everyone else.

□ Joe pondered if Bob really did have a cure for baldness, citing that all of Bob's close friends aren't bald and even asked Chris if he could introduce him to Bob.

C'mon did you really think I listened to that?

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 04:44 PM
The pentagon must really want trumps Space Force. I wonder who will get the govt. contracts? hmmmm....

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: mirageman

C'mon did you really think I listened to that?

So the Las Vegas Mafia reached Bat Country and our very own pheasant Tucker wasn't even listening for mockery's sake?

Outrageous! It's the Mint 400 after all, good thing we have our Brave New Media Xperts around to cover the story...

posted on May, 7 2021 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: mirageman

C'mon did you really think I listened to that?

Yes I did😇.

It was not overly impressive, but that is just my opinion, I did listen.

Damn have laughed hard at your post. Too good.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 05:12 AM
Stumbled on this via a post by UAPlease on Reddit:

Puthoffs patent (granted in the 90s) for the none EM wave comms. device is/was a case study on emergent technology patent law....

After a quick review - it looks like the device got a very recent update (filed in 2019 then granted and published 27th of April 21) with a few

Interesting co-assignee. Seems to specialise in emergent technology patents which can be identified using big data.
Oh...and he works for one of the "key players".

Basic idea of the patent is when you have a craft that is isolated from EM waves .....(such as a sub in deep seawater
) you just use your scalar quantum interference transceiver for communications and navigation (via triangulation).

edit on 9-5-2021 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2021 @ 11:35 AM
Despite Harry Reid being heavily quoted about Lockheed Martin holding onto the UFO parts he's now clarifying that he doesn't actually believe it....

For years, Reid had heard rumors of Lockheed Martin possessing remnants of a crashed UFO. He sought clearance to access these remnants but was denied. A slew of national publications recently reported that Reid believes that the defense contractor possessed remnants. He corrects the record by saying,

“I’ve never believed Lockheed had anything in that regard, even though a lot of people believe that — I don’t.”

He's also completely forgotten about the warehouses his chum and benefactor Big Bobelow supposedly had built to house UFO parts....with the $22m Harry provided to him???

As to whether any UFO fragments are stored away in some other government or contractor’s warehouse, Reid is doubtful: “I never heard of anything, other than some conspiratorialists. So I don’t think that they’re credible that they’re things from outer space.”

Las Vegas Sun - May 9th 2021

posted on May, 10 2021 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: mirageman

So exactly what is going on MM. Everything seems all over the place with these folks.

posted on May, 10 2021 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: Baablacksheep
a reply to: mirageman

So exactly what is going on MM. Everything seems all over the place with these folks.

That is what the Inspector General's Office is attempting to get to the bottom of.

But I can't break someone else's NDA to let you know exactly what.

edit on 10/5/2021 by mirageman because: ...

posted on May, 11 2021 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

There is one consistent message from all preferred mouthpieces and it is that the US/The MIC/ Foreign Adversaries do not have the required technology to at least put them on the list of likely suspects (currently populated by ET, IDE, Dogman, Bigfoot etc).

Whatever it was - it wasn't humans.

You can say "LM stored Alien technology" but you'll never hear Reid point out LM (and NG, and Boeing and Raytheon etc etc) have all been undertaking taxpayer funded R&D on projects with outcomes that you'd expect to see on a "UAP observables" list - for decades.....
edit on 11-5-2021 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2021 @ 07:33 AM
It's a 2 hour interview but thought Barry Greenwood made some great points here about the ATTIP sideshow and repeated 'disclosure' lessons from history - polished, scripted narratives and fabricated stories from Skinwalker Ranch also get a mention.

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