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Data Will Expose the Covid Conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: UnearthlyEarthling
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

Just go to

Look into some real people with experience talking about what is happening or has happened and watch some videos.

I don't trust MSM WHO or CDC and especially someone who doesnt pay attention to real people who are at the center of this pandemic.

The MSM is useless for down playing it at the beginnig and letting it spread and so are you for saying this is not a problem because people die everyday from other causes. We are barely 5 months in to the pandemic and if it is like HIV mixed with SARS and bonds to cells and never leaves your system then that really sucks. How about Dr. Li who was a whistleblower trying to warn the world how dangerous this is and died from the virus. The guy was healthy and in his mid 30s.

Yea the elite will use this crises to control us all more. EARN IT act is an example. In the end it will be a double whammy. Depopulation and control. We all know there are too many people on this planet to sustain efficiently. According to whistleblowers who are either silenced or dead now in china the deaths in china was critically more than 3500. 3500 is a joke.

The 1918 flu killed millions more than suggested. It lasted over 2 years with multiple waves and mutations. This pandemic has the potential to be much worse.

Ah but you touched on part of my entire point...

If you’re saying that “millions more” were killed that suggests that many millions more were infected than reported.

The difference in the Covid situation is that I suspect there ARE millions on millions more infected with Covid - just like your point above - but we’re also INFLATING the mortality rate in some cases.

Long/short is that in your scenario the virus was “worse” and in my example the virus is less impactful.

So thats where we differ.

I also don’t really love the comparisons of Spanish flu to Covid. 100 years later there’s a whole lot of things that have changed...

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Joneselius

My wife, ER nurse in Washington state. Yeah, smaller hospital, eastern WA, but not a single person in critical with covid. Not any covid. You said ask ANY health worker, well, mine has nothing. Also, almost all smaller or low pop density counties are looking the same.

Yes, I know, soon there will be thousands and thousands...

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 12:31 PM
Indeed the Data will expose the conspiracy.

Just the other day Governor Andrew Cuomo was reading off all sorts of horrible sounding statistics, making things sound oh so horrible.

But one statistic he said made me laugh out loud, he said the number of patients admitted to the hospitals was going to " double every four days" . Now I'm not a mathematician, but I understand that little piece of math and that is not possible at all.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Novaroc

I get email updates from our local hospital. There was one person hospitalized with corona about a week ago, and that person was released a few days later. There are currently no patients there listed with corona. Or, as I like to call it, the CON virus.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: Novaroc
a reply to: Joneselius

My wife, ER nurse in Washington state. Yeah, smaller hospital, eastern WA, but not a single person in critical with covid. Not any covid. You said ask ANY health worker, well, mine has nothing. Also, almost all smaller or low pop density counties are looking the same.

Yes, I know, soon there will be thousands and thousands...

Here's another example such as the above.... Lane County, OR. This includes Eugene/Springfield - home of the Ducks - and the county has ~382k residents.

Population data:

From the official Lane County Government website:

Current Lane County/Oregon Testing Status*
Number of tests conducted for Lane County (including private labs): 496 total

Number of positive test results for Lane County (presumptive cases): 11

Number of deaths in Lane County due to suspected Coronavirus infection: 1

Number of tests conducted in Oregon: 10,172

Number of positive test results in Oregon: 479

It is important to note that Lane County/Eugene also have multiple large hospitals and a large VA center - they service a huge chunk of the southern/central Oregon coast as well as chunks of eastern Oregon from a medical perspective. Healthcare is a huge industry there outside the University.

11 confirmed cases. 1 death. 385k people in the county AND they take in ill people from other counties as a course of business.

The data just doesn't support what's going on....

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:04 PM
People with serious analytic skills are finally starting to speak up:

Stanford’s Goodman said that he’s confident scientists will eventually collect the data we need to understand this pandemic and how it’s playing out in the United States. “Right now we are floundering in a sea of ignorance about who is infected and the fate of people who are infected,” he says.
Though death rate figures of around 1% have been tossed around, Goodman says he’s skeptical that anyone knows the death rate of this disease since we don’t know the true rates of infection.

The point they're making here has been one of the cornerstones of the arguments here - we don't really understand how many people are actually infected with this - which means the numbers are probably highly distorted.

Logic dictates that more people are probably infected - which is insinuated in this article - which means the true scale of the impact from the problem isn't understood.

It also means that the mortality rate - which we've covered here on many posts, many times - is wildly overstated.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 03:51 PM
So what's the endgame to your purported conspiracy?

Was destroying the economy a part of it?
Was a record 3.3 million jobless claims a part of it?
Was control of a population that can no longer do their bidding for them a part of it?

Money is meaningless if you can't go spend it.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: Joneselius
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

Covid still isn't being taken seriously. I don't think it will until the death toll is into the millions, then people like you will disappear back into the woodwork and hope no one calls you out on your lunacy. All the ATS prophets did.... Save like Astroo

You even state probably..... I think you're 100% dead wrong. When you're conclusively wrong you'll pretend you never said this..... I'll put a years wages on it.
You are the loon here, you think this virus will kill millions? We will see then won't we? You doom lovers are always wrong. Millions haha.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: alphabetaone
So what's the endgame to your purported conspiracy?
Was destroying the economy a part of it?
Was a record 3.3 million jobless claims a part of it?
Was control of a population that can no longer do their bidding for them a part of it?
Money is meaningless if you can't go spend it.

Way too soon to be able to say how this was capitalized on and by who.

I mentioned this previously, but the virus itself is not the conspiracy. The questionable side of this is how it's being handled and what comes out of it.

Conspiracy may be the wrong word... maybe the better way to say it is who's going to be the winners/losers from this and what are the implications going forward.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: EnigmaChaser
Way too soon to be able to say how this was capitalized on and by who.

True. Right now, everyone is a loser.

originally posted by: EnigmaChaser
I mentioned this previously, but the virus itself is not the conspiracy. The questionable side of this is how it's being handled and what comes out of it.

Well, I hate to say this, but the way it's being handled isn't solely the product of greed. A huge factor is social media and the internet (even here).. worse, whether a real or imagined crisis, its more becoming a crisis of Red vs. Blue than one of humanitarian which is the worst thing that could happen if it's real.

originally posted by: EnigmaChaser
Conspiracy may be the wrong word... maybe the better way to say it is who's going to be the winners/losers from this and what are the implications going forward.

I would say conspiracy is definitely the wrong word. If we can agree that there isn't a single person intuitive or intellectual enough in WORLDWIDE governments to have been able to rationally predict an outcome from this debacle. I mean it's no surprise that governments from local on up are going to capitalize on other people's misfortunes, that's a forgone conclusion - ie., nothing to see here - that rare few would argue with.

In conclusion though, whether a real OR perceived crisis, people are going to die from "COVID-19", even if it means they have been shot to death by a looter because that looter is under immense strain due to their inability to procure something as simple as groceries. Yet, there ARE heartbreaking stories of people who HAVE perished (healthy, young people) from this virus and their deaths aren't pretty.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 04:40 PM

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 05:00 PM
Data is already exposing COVID19

On Thursday the US had 85356 cases. Friday we had 103321 cases. Yesterday we had 122653. Today's numbers aren't in but they are likely close to 136000 if they are doubling every four days. We will find out in 24 hours.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 05:07 PM
Covid is real.

The mass hysteria is real. Most people are not all that logical and we tend to follow the herd.

The conspiracy will be how the left will use this to damage the Trump presidency whether it is negative and false media reporting.

Part of me thinks the ChiComs are crafty enough to know this would have been the end result and using it to their advantage. This is a 4d chess move on their part of WWIII which is an economic war, not a physical war.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
The conspiracy will be how the left will use this to damage the Trump presidency whether it is negative and false media reporting.

Here's where I leave. Youre part of the problem....good luck with your theories

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: alphabetaone

originally posted by: Edumakated
The conspiracy will be how the left will use this to damage the Trump presidency whether it is negative and false media reporting.

Here's where I leave. Youre part of the problem....good luck with your theories

And your blindness is part of your problem...

You don't think the left isn't using this to damage Trump?

Are you that naive?

Do we really need to start listing the false reporting and other propaganda? Are you that insulted in a bubble that you don't see it?

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

You don't think the left isn't using this to damage Trump?

Is Trump the left?
Any damage which may be being done to him is self induced. But have you seen the polls?

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: alphabetaone

originally posted by: Edumakated
The conspiracy will be how the left will use this to damage the Trump presidency whether it is negative and false media reporting.

Here's where I leave. Youre part of the problem....good luck with your theories

Maybe so, maybe not...

Think about it... what was the number 1 thing Trump had to campaign on. The economy.

Love Trump or hate him, you can't argue with the economic results in America over the last 3 years. Lots of different gauges have reached all time highs - and better than both Obama and Bush2 ever did.

"The Vid" derails a lot of that - materially. In the process, it sends many people back to the .Gov folks for help. Think through US history... which party tends to be the one who is there with "assistance"....

I'm not saying that was the intention/plan, but it is factually true the above is part of the impact of this "pandemic".

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Edumakated

You don't think the left isn't using this to damage Trump?

Is Trump the left?
Any damage which may be being done to him is self induced. But have you seen the polls?

We're drifting here into politics - which isn't the point of this thread - but "$2 Trillion dollars for the American People" sounds real, real appealing to those who will never read the bill or track a dime of how that was spent... if they get their check, they're happy - and suddenly Orange Man isn't so bad.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

There was a period of about a week where I thought someone had talked some sense into him. I was wrong. It's still "this is bad for me."

edit on 3/29/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

There was a period of about a week where I thought someone had talked some sense into him. I was wrong. It's still "this is bad for me."

No different than Cuomo, Newsom, Insley, Brown, etc.

I've posted more than once about how the left wants to "take advantage of this opportunity".

Covid is a disease. It's going to kill some people. It's going to impact some. It's going to infect and do nothing to others.

Just like any other disease.

Were we prepared for it? No. We weren't.

This is why I turn to the data, Phage. There's lots of reasons to be concerned but for every story that says "this is horrific you should really listen" there's cases that suggest "we're not experiencing that".

Back to data:

I'll go a little more open Komodo. You should take a look at how long it took the Oregon State Board of Nursing to start to reduce the number of hours students need to spend "on site" in clinicals. They didn't reduce any hours of exposure until last week....

And these people know what's up.... right?

Just things to think about.

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