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Game Changers : Vegan Athletes

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posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
My thoughts are that people should eat what works for them. I don’t understand why people wouldn’t eat meat since we have literally millions of years of evolution running our bodies on animal protein. I eat mostly meat and dairy and avoid carbs and it works for me.

Bottom line is eat, believe and do what you want, but shut the hell up about unless someone asks for your opinion. You asked so I just gave you mine OP. If you are happy then good for you.

Being how the neurochemicals in our brain work, it appears that people ate more aged meats all along. Anotherwords, we were scavengers. You can tell by looking at all the microbreweries around in this area. People like the Umami taste, it attracts us and actually helps us to form memories better over our consumption of it over millions of years.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I don't focus on bone broth but I believe its a great idea....animal fat is what you need no matter where it comes from.....I do however now leave out the Onions and Garlic and their relatives due to chemicals sympathetic to specific parasitic growth and comfort/survival are produced by them.....and I have dumped the Potatoes because they are a Shade Family root vegetable and I now use Yams/Sweet potatoes.Your Soup sounds absolutely delicious....gourmet.

Onions and garlic are like bacon to me......old friends I often cry about when they come to mind.

Grass fed grass finished Beef is where IMHO the best fat comes from.

The free-range pesticides and the crazy amounts of spraying have definitely made safe berry harvesting a serious challenge in many places...thank you for mentioning it is something a lot of people miss....I have country relatives who were going to harvest rose hips from shrubs between sprayed fields and I had to warn them off.
edit on 22-10-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

One can get enough choline and b12 with supplements (fortifiied nutritional yeast and eating lots of choline heavy vegtables) , but it does require eating planned cooked meals. Taurine.. The article i read says that most adults produce enough on their own, but babies require more than the body naturally produces. So hmm.. maybe for some adults and babies supplementation is needed. I use supplements alot though, it's hard to eat super healthy vegan meals everyday that account for everything. So maybe, in a sense, supplements are needed if you're not willing to be a hardcore purist. Idk, im still learning.

I get it though. Vegan is a tough diet and every body is different. It sounds like it would be very hard to do for your body and im not against people eating meat entirely. Just wish they would respect the animal.

Nutritional science is advancing more and soon measuring our nutrients will be easier and more knowledge will be known.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: rickymouse

One can get enough choline and b12 with supplements (fortifiied nutritional yeast and eating lots of choline heavy vegtables) , but it does require eating planned cooked meals. Taurine.. The article i read says that most adults produce enough on their own, but babies require more than the body naturally produces. So hmm.. maybe for some adults and babies supplementation is needed. I use supplements alot though, it's hard to eat super healthy vegan meals everyday that account for everything. So maybe, in a sense, supplements are needed if you're not willing to be a hardcore purist. Idk, im still learning.

I get it though. Vegan is a tough diet and every body is different. It sounds like it would be very hard to do for your body and im not against people eating meat entirely. Just wish they would respect the animal.

Nutritional science is advancing more and soon measuring our nutrients will be easier and more knowledge will be known.

The farmer we get our beef from takes care of his cows. They are very healthy and actually run in the fields. He is completely grassfed, so he cannot shake the can and give them a nice grain treat occasionally out of his hand. He misses that interaction with the cows. The cows are well cared for, some of the healthiest I have seen grazing in the field. I used to have him finish my beef with some grains for the last couple of weeks, but he gave that up. But my yield from the cow is about eighty two percent of hanging weight, even after hanging two weeks. I take all the bones I can get, the cartilage on grass fed beef is way better I guess. I doubt if there is that much difference in the beef now than it was before he started doing fully grass fed, he was giving good organic grains of specific types before that, not much corn and no soy. It tastes the same to me, but less fat and the meat seems a little tastier when it is grassfed totally. You are right, grassfed organic beef fat actually winds up being good for you, opposite of what commercial raised fat is.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

That's just people being people. There are militant meat-eaters who eat raw meat at vegan events.

Best vegan burgers ive had were ones made by a farmer at a local market that didn'ttry to taste like meat. Even my meat-eater friend liked it.

It is more than just a diet for many because many go vegan as a way to not eat factory-farmed animals. I disagree with the ones who go after ethical farmers or hunters though.

My thoughts are.. that aliens will only see us as worthy of talking to once we're able to treat each other and less intelligent life with respect and compassion. Factory farming ain't go no respect

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Im sure it's much healthier and you don't feel bad if you know the cows aren't miserable. Most soy grown is for livestock and heavily processed. It's funny how so many people eat low-quality soy-fed meat and then go on to make fun of vegans eating tofu
edit on 23-10-2019 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 12:49 AM
Yeah, I got a lot of vegans in my family. They're all now stricken with health maladies and are being force fed meat by their doctors to stay alive. Don't join cults, kids.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: blueman12

I wonder if Anabolic steroids are vegan..

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: Gothmog

And others are succeeded and increasing recovery. I think the point of the documentary was to show that if you can be successful at a top athletic level as a vegan, then it disproves that it is an inferior diet.

Everyone's body is different and it's possible his type of vegan diet is not working for him.

At least he's not harming animals

Source one

At least he's not harming animals

WTF are you talking about ?
Are you saying all southern African-American athletes are the same ?
Or just confusing Cam Newton with Michael Vick ?
What are you trying to say here ?

edit on 10/23/19 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: bally001

Your appetite could be suppressed because you're likely in ketosis. Which could explain the energy boost, too.

Hopefully you're eating a little fat too help your body absorb all the nutrients from the veggies.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

If vegetarian and vegan stuff is so great, why do they try to make it all taste like meat?

they don't. they make it taste like the things people commonly season meat with...

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: sooth

I call BS. Are they all eating a healthy diet?

And, plenty of 10-20 plus year vegans who are healthy. It may not work for everyone, but calling it a cult just is a lazy attempt at a smear.

You have alot of vegans in your family all being forced to eat meat by doctors? Sounds like you're just making things up.
edit on 23-10-2019 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

Source one

Um.. that's the whole point of the documentary! Listing high-level vegan athletes.

NFL player Cam newton got injured and cherry picking him and his vegan diet proves absolutely nothing. Football is a dangerous sport and there is a HUGE list of injured players who are not vegan. I'm sure many of them are struggling to recover.

No I wasn't referencing Michael Vick. Just pointing out that he's not contributing to factory farming. But I digress, because that point is not that important to the subject.

Did you choose cam newton because of Joe Rogan's Podcast? Well, as much a I like Joe, he's a bit presumptuous and bias when it comes to vegans, as this YouTuber explains.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: Atsbhct
a reply to: bally001

Your appetite could be suppressed because you're likely in ketosis. Which could explain the energy boost, too.

Hopefully you're eating a little fat too help your body absorb all the nutrients from the veggies.

Never thought of it like that. Thanks for your concern and yes I will get some animal fats into me.

Importantly for me this is the longest period I have gone without alcohol for 8 years.

Kind regards,


posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: bally001

You haven't "gone without alcohol for 8 years" do not drink are a non-drinker from the day you decided to stop. Congratulations .That part of your life is the past.

Alcohol is one of the worlds most common anti-parasitics….its how our brains gets fooled into letting us pound the heck out of our bodily organs without stopping us from consuming more alcohol....when you quit drinking it is very important to add a regular intake of anti-parasitics to your diet....daily.....this stops the cravings which are legitimate and real because your body and brain crave anti-parasitics more than anything else on earth.

Alcoholism doesn't impact "weak people" fact the STRONGER your survival instincts the more likely you will fall prey to alcohols tricks.We "instinctively crave" anti-parasitics and when used medicinally alcohol is an effective daily use anti-parasitic.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 06:34 PM
I guess we orbit a star referred to as Vega. Nice to know.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: one4all
a reply to: bally001

You haven't "gone without alcohol for 8 years" do not drink are a non-drinker from the day you decided to stop. Congratulations .That part of your life is the past.

Alcohol is one of the worlds most common anti-parasitics….its how our brains gets fooled into letting us pound the heck out of our bodily organs without stopping us from consuming more alcohol....when you quit drinking it is very important to add a regular intake of anti-parasitics to your diet....daily.....this stops the cravings which are legitimate and real because your body and brain crave anti-parasitics more than anything else on earth.

Alcoholism doesn't impact "weak people" fact the STRONGER your survival instincts the more likely you will fall prey to alcohols tricks.We "instinctively crave" anti-parasitics and when used medicinally alcohol is an effective daily use anti-parasitic.

Cheers, guess I might have written that wrong. The last time I had to stop drinking alcohol was for work purposes and that was eight years ago. 3 months period, then when I got back home I commenced drinking - moderately again. Guess what I'm trying to say is I went on the diet recently and haven't had a drink. Longest period of abstinence of liquor I've had in 8 years. Gosh, I hope I got it right this time.

When I was drinking before my diet it must be considered that I only had about a couple of glasses of port generally per day. I didn't get drunk. Somedays I wouldn't have a drink. But I have cut all liquor as it was adding to my weight along with my deep fried foods, double portions at times and the usual snacks and crisps every time I felt hungry.

So my shopping list today was Avocados, Kiwifruit, Large Mushrooms, 'Redfish', Oranges, Mandarin's, Grape Fruit, Pok Chow, Capsicum and a Bag of 'Almond Fruit Mix.' No alcohol or meat although I did get some cut marrow bones from the butcher and will boil these and use the animal fats as suggested by a couple or posters here. I'll give the bones to the dogs.

Kind regards,


posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 09:08 PM
every single professional athlete is on drugs, lots of them, even third rate insta bloggers or whatever are on steroids and growth hormone cutting agents insulin the whole nine.

tons and tons of regular joes you may know or run into are also probably using performance enhancing drugs too.

what they won't tell you in this stupid video is that the real secret is drugs, doesn't really matter what you eat if your effective testosterone level is several times greater than that of a healthy 18 year old male and you're on clenbuterol.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Lol what the hell

posted on Oct, 28 2019 @ 11:50 AM
I'm a vegan athlete and can say without a doubt since going 100% plant based my performance, my strength, agility, endurance, recovery time and even sleep have been the best they've ever been. I eat a huge variety of plants and fruits and I avoid replacement products for the most part. It's wonderful and I wish I did it years ago!

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