When I was a bit younger I'd paint it in a positive spiritual, religious or perfectly psuedo-scientific way.
To be honest, I don't think there's a master plan much anymore, no existence on other dimensions and no afterlife, no "returning to the source"
(you're not a monotheist but want to believe you exist after death too) stuff even though it feels good and makes good thinking, reading and writing
like an alternate reality game except you've convinced yourself that it's real like the other higher level players.
It's terribly depressing but coldly real too. I've been a Christian and a Gnostic, even into ancient aliens and new age around 2012 but eventually
reality kinda hits you. For me it was around the time that I didn't have free time to spend on it anymore. You get to a point where it's stretched so
thin that you have to prioritize.
God is both transcendence and immanence. God is whole, complete, perfect, having no desires or needs. Because God does not have any desires or
needs, God is perfectly good. All evil comes from having desires or needs.
God created the Universe not out of any need or desire. God created the Universe out of an outpouring of excess energy. God still is God in spite of
all the energy in the Universe. That is, God is still perfect, whole, complete, having no desires or needs.
The Universe however is NOT whole, perfect, or complete. Because the Universe is not whole, complete, or perfect we have imperfections in Nature and
in human character. It is these imperfections in nature and human character that are the source of all that is evil in the World.
So why are we here. We are here to experience great beauty and great performance in nature, ourselves, and in other people. Counter to our
imperfections as human beings, we can have near perfect experiences. It is in these moments of near perfect experiences we become closer to God and
God's perfection as we experience slivers of God's greatness. As incomplete and imperfect beings we are drawn to the total complete perfection that
is God.
These experiences bring us closer to God throughout our lives until we die. When we die we go into the light, look directly into the face of God, and
experience God's infinite beauty and absolute perfection. We then experience a state of Heavenly bliss for all eternity. Experiencing God's infinite
beauty is the greatest and most profound experience a consciousness can have. At this moment, we have no remaining desires or needs just like God.
Even though our final moments of life may only be a few seconds of real time, for our minds time slows down because of how deeply profound the going
into the light experience is felt. So for all practical purposes it pretty much feels like all eternity as the last few volts of electricity fade
from our neurons. We return to the nothingness that is the essence of God's transcendence. Essentially we return back to God perfect, whole, and
complete without any needs or desires.
In the meantime before you die, this video contains the secret to the meaning of life in the sense of becoming something your never imagined you would
be capable of becoming:
Killing a few dragons and demons is a really good way to pass the time. Plus there's nothing like killing a demon or two to avoid being sucked down
into the abyss of nihilism.
edit on 15-10-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)
We are here to work out our imperfections through experience in the eyes of GOD, eventually to experience the perfections with GOD in our more refined
perfected forms...
originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13
We are here to work out our imperfections through experience in the eyes of GOD, eventually to experience the perfections with GOD in our more refined
perfected forms...
Though there are challenges in following and maintaining the Religious or Spiritual paths, 1 has to keep in mind it takes time and pressure to perfect
a piece of coal to a gemstone/diamond just as it takes time and sometimes the pressures of Life/Existence to perfect the Souls of those of us still
learning what we Exist for.
So don't give in as the times you feel you are being stretched thin may too be the times you are being evaluated for strength and problem solving. It
definitely gets ruff and has at times been really ruff for me, but I had to make the decision am I going to fold?...or is folding NOT an option. I
got people/family that depend on me so Folding under pressure for me was and still is not a option. And so I continued truth seeking spiritual
knowledge aware that at times somethings I learn and or experience or go through may not immediately make sense to me but that does not mean I should
feel myself with doubts just because I don't immediately understand.
Some of those experiences made me stronger.
As far as a higher Power, yes I believe so such energy Exist. In my Truth seeking I have questioned though is that higher power a dualistic or non
dualistic Entity/Energy or both
The meaning of life, the universe and everything...
Life is a meaningless thing, it just happens. We exist for no purpose than to ensure something else, a bit like us, will exist, next. We traipse
across this canvass that was here long before, and will be there long after us, drawing nothing but a line in the sands of time with hopes, dreams and
aspirations. We think we're something important, because we have the ego to build ourselves above everything else. But we're finite specs contained
within the cosmic hourglass, all falling effortless through the wormhole of life, to death.. a ceaseless, swirling dance.. We have no reasoning beyond
our finite wants, provided to us with our infinite constructs of the imagination. But, we are not unique. We are a soon forgotten paragraph in the
book of time.
The universe is chaos. So expansive in it's nature, that it appears ordered; from the dark, there is light. Yet it is from death, decay and
destruction in slow motion, that it appears serene.. It is the canvas we are placed upon, in the smallest corner of creation, an infinitesimal jot of
the whole piece. The universe is the cauldron and existence for us, is just that. a whisp. gently escaping the brim.. The universe is unlimited,
infinite. It contains us an infinite number of times, yet we're alone in it. That's just how meaningless we really are.
Everything, well, that's simply.. everything. Everything is happening. Without reason, cause, nor conclusion. Everything will continue and keep
continuing long after there is any organic creature limited by the frailty of it's organic sensory organs to ponder the vastness of everything and
wonder "I wonder what everything is?". Everything is the entirety of everything. It is what it is. Everything. it has no purpose, it's what holds the
canvass on which the whisps of existence draws it's limited lines in the sands of time, just after they're realised they have an insignificant things
called life given to them by the sheer luck of some other life before them having swapped their genetic code to ensure they would create yet more of
themselves. Mostly.
I can understand the universe cycling the biological aspects of ourselves but how does our energy that generates heart rhythm and synaptic brain
discharge aswell as static electricity from body movement react to Existence beyond the universe?
1 wonders...