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Skinny Bob Colorized and New Details

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posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: GapPlaylists
What is the Vacation Video?


posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: ObliviousMAn

Well, there are, as you know, deep pockets in the most obscure corridors of various governments.

I don't know what it would cost to create a animatronic doll and simply film it. Could even be a fellow in a suit, as we have no proper scale for the Bob clips.

It might be expensive to do this professionally, but enthusiasts have done pretty impressive things with small budgets before.

I don't necessarily think this is CGI, but something about it screams puppet to me. It's something about the way it moves in order to move, and not because it is necessary to move. It "animates" rather than move with purpose.

But let's have the whole 21 hours and we shall see..

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: beetee

8 mm film comes in 3 minute reels. As I recall.

8mm cameras aren't very big. That's something that made them popular.

edit on 10/5/2019 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: beetee

But let's have the whole 21 hours and we shall see..

Can you imagine the truck required to lug that many reels?

In any case, kobalt7 seems to have wrapped up this case in the latest post of the eight-year-old sister thread:

351NOVA was tracked down and said he clipped it from a tv show

And If you do want me to waste a bit of my time and critique it, I AM an expert who has worked with 3D CGI since 1995, professionally since 1999. Even without knowing the source I could tell you despite it being well done by a paid professional, there are multiple clues that identify it as a 3D render that was brought into after effects.

1. Timecode font(cited by other people already)
2. 50s style grain pattern loops (35 millimeter camera plugin available in after effects since the early 2000s)
3. short clips(3D renders take hours per frame)
4. stretching above eyes characteristic of 3d polygonal modeling.
5. body motion between start and stop points shows easing characteristic of tweening.
6. Framerate, grain, contrast and film degradation do not match any one camera from the time period rather multiple.
7. Framerates jump between 16 fps to 24 depending on shot

And this is just after watching it a couple times. I'm sure I could cite far more.

Sad that nobody here of all places has cited the exact tv show. Everyone here much not have watched ufo docs from the early to mid 2000s. I'll browse around and see if I cant find it. What the hell ATS did you chase off all the UFO nuts from the early 2000s they would have cited the UFO Doc this was lifted from in the first 5 threads.

SkepticOverlord wtf you should be on this.

edit on 5-10-2019 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: gortex

Thank you!

Is there a good thread this is discussed in here in the archives? I don't want to derail anything.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: underwerks

Thanks. Perhaps he's wrong about what it would take, but I'm no expert. There are those who claim crop circles can't possibly be made by humans, after all.

I'm not sure that poster is entirely unbiased.

Since uploading my original post there have been some massive breakthroughs in UFO Disclosure that the world and UFOlogists can’t argue with.
Do you think he might be talking about TTSA? That "original post" isn't very old.

That projector sound is just too obvious to ignore. Yet, he does.

I don't know about a projector noise, but it does sound like one of my generators. Along with the fluctuating light, it maybe a generator.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Violater1

A generator which follows them around outside? See the post at the top of this page.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Violater1

A generator which follows them around outside? See the post at the top of this page.

Oh gee, I never thought of that /sarcasm
I bet that they never thought of extension cords or buried lines with utility
boxes. Kind of what are out in the fields at Ft Benning.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: Violater1

Or in airplanes.

edit on 10/5/2019 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: AlienAnonymous

There was footage of military personnel moving alien bodies on stretchers some time (decade?) ago.

It's quality kind of looked similar to this.

That one was supposedly from the notorious 1947 Roswell crash.

posted on Oct, 6 2019 @ 08:32 PM
lol I just posted on the old thread of this a days ago because someone else brought up ivans video

ivan0135 lifted it from 351NOVA who lifted it from a UFO documentary that I have somewhere from the mid 2000s(I've yet to look for it), which 351NOVA stated on this thread.

I am an expert who has worked with CGI and video FX since 1995, professionally since 1999. Even without knowing the source I could tell you despite it being well done by a professional, there are multiple clues that identify it as a 3D render that was brought into after effects for processing based on the date of production. Other software can do it now but based on when i saw it the industry standards at the time were Autodesk 3DSMAX or Softimage and Adobe After Effects. These days it could be done way way better but this was peak for early 2000s.

1. Timecode (cited by other people already)
2. 50s style grain pattern loops (35 millimeter camera plugins and stock overlays available in after effects)
3. short clips(3D renders can take hours per frame more cost effective, longer clips would have shown more telltale signs thus easier to debunk)
4. stretching above eyes while blinking characteristic of 3d low polygonal modeling (less polygons means textures stretch farther when the polygons are moved)
5. mechanical head motion between start and stop points shows typical easing characteristic of basic tweening using only a few keyframes.
6. Framerate, grain, sound, contrast and film degradation do not match any one camera rather multiple.

And this is just after watching it a couple times. I'm sure I could cite far more but your free to continue to believe what you want at the end of the day.

As for Cost this could be easily reproduced by a average pro studio for FAR less then you'd think even back then. I can break it down.

The short clips and low res make it so renders could be high quality and rendertimes low even lower now utilizing a renderfarm.
the film grain, sound and color overlays would take a few hrs at most in post production. I could crank this part out in a few hours.
The 3d render cut corners because of the high contrast, short clips and low resolution. The focus was solely on the face and hand modelling and texturing, prolly about 2 days time for someone who specializes in character modeling in zbrush, I'd have to ask my old coworker how long it would take him but for me it would take 4 or 5 days to create, 2 day sculpt in zbrush 3 day low poly model for rigging and texturing. The character animator could do this in literally 2 hrs since there's so little motion beyond a basic head movement and a few subtle moves.

This a basic breakdown I give to project managers on the daily.

All in all I imagine it could be done by a decent team for around 10,000 for a small studio and up to 35,000 for a high end studio. with the results being of equal or greater quality.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 02:00 AM

originally posted by: bally001
a reply to: AlienAnonymous

Just my observation, and there might be a legit reason for this. The collar on the uniform seems a little small to get over skinny bobs head unless the material is super stretchy or has some form fastening at the back that I can't see.

Seems a tight fit to the skinny neck.

Kind regards,


Here everyone is scrutinizing the neck movements, when clearly that Shirt defies physics...!!! Good Find, Hoaxy....

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 02:46 AM

originally posted by: kobalt7
lol I just posted on the old thread of this a days ago because someone else brought up ivans video

ivan0135 lifted it from 351NOVA who lifted it from a UFO documentary that I have somewhere from the mid 2000s(I've yet to look for it), which 351NOVA stated on this thread.

Cheers you really put the OP/Judy
and associates to bed with your post

and the links on that link straight back to the ATS hoax of Judy Faltskog.

She keeps reappearing at regular intervals in the hopes of resurrecting her


Get lost Judy the games up!!!

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: 2ndTenor

originally posted by: bally001
a reply to: AlienAnonymous

Just my observation, and there might be a legit reason for this. The collar on the uniform seems a little small to get over skinny bobs head unless the material is super stretchy or has some form fastening at the back that I can't see.

Seems a tight fit to the skinny neck.

Kind regards,


Here everyone is scrutinizing the neck movements, when clearly that Shirt defies physics...!!! Good Find, Hoaxy....

Yeah cheers. It has been suggested that the suit may be put on from the bottom up. Can't see it happening. Even if it was zipped or had velcro up the back I suggest that would be difficult for an individual to get into. "Zip me up honey". Some wet suits, and I've worn them, have zippers up the back but it still requires a lengthy toggle and tag on the rear zipper to pull it up to the back of your neck.

Just couldn't see the suit fitting in the film. Unless..there is a secret to putting that polo top on..



posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 10:46 AM


posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: HipHopMaster

As I said your free to believe what you want, at the end of the day if a professionals opinion doesn't matter I can't help but I'll will still try to find the video. It was after the first wave of kgb ufo stuff hit the web in the beginning of the 2000s.

Quick note 1000 quads for a head detail is low poly, This is standard in gaming, you can add smoothing by using normal and bump maps which help hide the hard edges and add finer details like bumps and veins without increasing the end poly size. Whats changed since then is really the texture map sizes ie: 500x 500 pixels back then is now 2k.

Sculpting has been around since early 2000s and tend to be upwards of 2 million quads. They are mainly used for concept design in place of front and side profile art. Back then you could sculpt it but most would have just used front/side profile art back then but the low poly creation methods would have been the same as today. If I had to do it with software from 8 years ago the amount of time would only increase by a day or 2 because building good quads is a skill in itself. I'm still waiting for zRemesher to be able to fully replace it but until then the old topology methods are still used.

Most would have created low poly mesh doing something called poly modeling which I've seen amazing speed modeling done in a just a few hours with twice the detail required here. Seriously what i see people who specialize in polymodeling in 4 hours would take me a whole week.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: HipHopMaster
a reply to: kobalt7

"1. Timecode (cited by other people already)"
Not many people cited it because my OP explains it sufficiently.

You're right you can't help yourself

Isn't the OP AlienAnonymous?

And then you were CrisJenova .... Fond of the nova tags aren't you?

And nowHipHopMaster

You're three posters in this thread with a possibility of two more.

Well out of the T & C's of ATS

edit: "ivan0135 lifted it from 351NOVA who lifted it from a UFO documentary that I have somewhere from the mid 2000s(I've yet to look for it), which 351NOVA stated on this thread."
Show me please, that would be by far the greatest evidence against this footage. practically proof imo.
"I've yet to look for it"
could you please try to find it? it would be the nail in the coffin. your link doesn't show anything. (end of edit)

Anyone who clicks on to kobalts link will find another link that brings them

right back to ATS and THE thread

More can be found at and this is discussed on ATS on this thread :

So it seems that after two failed attempts at profiting from fabricated UFO crash stories, James Van Greunen (who impersonated an airforce Major) has changed his identity and is possibly the Judy Faltskog (claimed Nasa scientist) who has leaked the detection of a possible alien signal on facebook of all places.

More digging by member dcmb1490 uncovered the name Oliver Gerschitz in connection to Dr Judy. Googling those names together brought up this german message board where there were some very interesting posts indeed.

I couldn't stop myself, I had to post again. I'm weak..

and stupid.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 02:21 PM

Just my observation, and there might be a legit reason for this. The collar on the uniform seems a little small to get over skinny bobs head unless the material is super stretchy or has some form fastening at the back that I can't see. Seems a tight fit to the skinny neck. Kind regards, Bally

Didn't your mum knit you a Polo neck sweater back in the 70's?. Damn near pulled your head off taking if off.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 02:30 PM


posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: eletheia

I read EVERY post in THIS thread. And I am telling you it is a FACT that THEY are here. But that is a different thread and sometime I will direct you to it. The question in this thread is, is BOB for real.

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