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Skinny Bob Colorized and New Details

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posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: spiritualarchitect


Aliens invented Velcro ?

(post by ChrisJehova removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: gortex

I thought George de Mestral invented velcro after making observations of why cockle-burs stuck to his cloths while on hikes in the mountains.

Wow! Those space aliens get alot of credit. Transistors, too.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: gortex
Aliens invented Velcro ?

This has been known publicly since 1997. Doesn't anyone read books?

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: eManym
I thought George de Mestral invented velcro

You thought what the military wanted you to think.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect

originally posted by: gortex
Aliens invented Velcro ?

This has been known publicly since 1997. Doesn't anyone read books?

Yeah but the books I read says it was invented by a Swiss engineer in the 1940's.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 12:54 PM
This is interesting in color .

I Wanna reply that some specialist on CGI, stated that analyzed the video, and they couldn't find any way to prove it's fake, even with the current tools.

There are many elements on the mechanics, lights, physics to analyze, and they didn't find those characteristics to define when something is CGI.

a reply to: AlienAnonymous

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 12:56 PM
MAybe a reply to: Zadiel74

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 01:00 PM
According to this CGI experts (Myself I do too some) , it would take an incredible amount of time, and even more incredible amount of money to do such thing, and even for them would be extremely hard and require a great team. a reply to: beetee

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 01:03 PM
I think could be real, but, they keep always the status Quo.... a reply to: AlienAnonymous

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: ChrisJehova
at least 1 person cares about evidence...

You can keep talking to me, as I find Bob and the other 3 bobbies fascinating. Not sure if Bob is in the Vacation vid or not. Do YOU think Bob is the first walking ET in the Vacation vid?

The other poorly scene parts do not interest me as much and they seem to be the fake parts. Which makes me wonder why they were included. They were not necessary for the back story. The crashed disk does not seem to match the Roswell one according to witness accounts.

As for the Judy stuff, you showing up out of nowhere making a very first post about her had me thinking you could be Judy too. If only your last name was Judea!

There is an anti-alien agenda on ATS, a group of posters who are here to keep the government story intact. They spend a lot of time here year after year doing their anti-alien thing. I don't believe in demons or zombies, but I do not spend hours on threads provoking, hassling or attacking people about it. Then again maybe that is why this site exist, specifically to keep the alien idea as a joke. After all the owner/head honcho's name is Skeptical Overlord. Keep watch and see which ones attack this post.

Judy Judea. I suppose that someone changing their sex just because they lied to the public should be a fascinating story, but I find that one harder to believe then Bob.

I know that if someone working for NASA revealed an alien code they wold go through all the same dirt Judy went through too. But I do not think NASA is listening to the stars anyway, not more than just for the cover-up. Why listen to far away planets when They are RIGHT HERE on Earth. I think SETI is all about listening to the local ET's - the ones on Mars, the Moon and those already on Earth.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 01:07 PM
I noticed also that, the way they walk , matches many descriptions. a reply to: Gothmog

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: ObliviousMAn
According to this CGI experts

Yes, these "experts" have had 8 years to get off their buns and make their own Bob's to prove to us that Bob is a computer fake.

8 FLIPPING YEARS and these CGI "experts " have nothing to show for it.

Like the military in Phoenix. They have had 22 YEARS to recreate the flare drop and still nothing. Just tell the public,

"At 10 PM we are going to reenact the flare drop, everyone grab your cameras!"

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: gortex
Yeah but the books I read says it was invented by a Swiss engineer in the 1940's.

The people who officially came up with these things (fiber-optics/Kevlar/Velcro, etc.,) had to create their own backstory. So Swiss was the *Official* explanation. The gov is not going to tell us the truth. Heck, they do not even tell their own people the truth. Only the top of the top know everything that has happened and what is really going on. Need to know basis.

I tend to read books over and over every decade so I can remember what I read ten years ago, but I cannot remember everything. So don't jump down my neck too hard over my following post.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: ObliviousMAn
I am trying to recall, but did the ET's actually exit their saucer at Holloman?

I thought Ike and his buds went into the saucer itself, had their meeting and then came back out? That does not seem very safe though, must have been a lot of security dudes wetting their pants if so.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: spiritualarchitect

"Do YOU think Bob is the first walking ET in the Vacation vid?"
if he's the leader, that would make sense.
i actually thought the last alien could be bob. from 2nd clip of bob obv but idk
they look a lot different from the front than the side.
they all have distinct faces though which would be a lot of work.

"The other poorly scene parts do not interest me as much and they seem to be the fake parts."
i like to call them unverified parts. but they are again well done, here's a better version imo for clarity.

"makes me wonder why they were included. They were not necessary for the back story."
it would be a lot to setup for such tiny snippets. family vacation was released last which makes sense as it's the only one that's been digitally converted. i would kill for a digitally converted skinny bob.

"As for the Judy stuff, you showing up out of nowhere making a very first post about her had me thinking you could be Judy too. If only your last name was Judea!"
the area 51 raid was just 2 weeks ago. all the talk of it was what got me to go back and revisit the only close up alien video i believe, skinny bob. i felt the same back then and i am even more sure now that i've ruled out all the claims i could find against it. the most convincing thing about Judy was the south african tag on the video, but it's not enough to convince me she was involved. i first saw the video ~2013, loved it, watched it a lot, then dropped aliens altogether. im a big conspiracy theorist and i dont f**k around, facts only. or at least as close as i can get to facts given the circumstances.

"They spend a lot of time here year after year doing their anti-alien thing."
i know what that's like. a lot of reddit users have a history full of anti-alien as well while trying to appear unbiased and open-minded. plenty of people lie about their expertise to accrue credibility as well and it's so disingenuous that it makes me very angry sometimes.

"I don't believe in demons or zombies, but I do not spend hours on threads provoking, hassling or attacking people about it."
same, we can all be civil and respectful no matter what our beliefs are. especially because our beliefs, to the majority public, are absolute crazy nonsense. we of all people should understand what it's like.

"head honcho's name is Skeptical Overlord."
lmaooooo wtf. being skeptical is great, but when it becomes your title...

"I think SETI is all about listening to the local ET's - the ones on Mars, the Moon and those already on Earth."
i see that as a plausible theory.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 01:47 PM
The UFO segment, looks amazing ... a reply to: spiritualarchitect

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 01:55 PM

Welcome to the third new poster who has joined for this thread ObliviousMAn !!

coincidence much?

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: eletheia

because of how people here like to take things and run with it...
i gotta defend myself preemptively.

idc how many new accounts there are, i am the only AlienAnonymous.
i don't know how to prove that but just please don't jump to conclusions, i can't take it anymore.
im constantly defending myself when i really shouldnt have to from unsubstantiated claims.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect

I know that if someone working for NASA revealed an alien code they wold go through all the same dirt Judy went through too. But I do not think NASA is listening to the stars anyway, not more than just for the cover-up. Why listen to far away planets when They are RIGHT HERE on Earth. I think SETI is all about listening to the local ET's - the ones on Mars, the Moon and those already on Earth.

God some people are desperate to believe /smh.

If you had read the thread you were given the link to you would realise

that Judy NEVER worked for NASA. Freedom of information was obtained

by a member which proved that.

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