I've been following this subject for years- wrote many posts here and on my own blog that speculate on why 'the Aliens' will not come right out and
admit they are 'here' - Problem is I've yet to see solid evidence that there is any other biological life in the universe.
So I'm watching this video from Top Documentary Films, "Is Anybody Out There" [
topdocumentaryfilms.com...] and one
of our favorite speculative scientists on the subject, Seth Shostak is telling us we now know there are many thousands of Planets like Earth out
- That causes a light to go off; If we now know there are at least thousands of Earth like, life capable plantets out there........This would at first
you to believe that sure there must be other life out there.
The problem is we are constantly scanning the Stars and to date we see no solid evidence that there is any other life at all - You would think that
after so many millions of years that if biological life, especially conscious Human like life existed, there would be some evidence of it, right?
Sure we have many UFOs which in fact prove nothing, odd events such as 'Wow' signal, etc., and of course the many cases of supposedly alien
abductions, not one of which has ever been proven without a reasonable doubt, to ever have happened.
But we all love a good alien story, even if is nothing more than science fiction and we want to believe - Like people who want to believe in
religions but can't prove they are based upon fact, can't prove their Creator really exists - We alien speculators and believers alike, can't really
prove one single alien exists, let alone the myriad of supposed different alien life forms that 'they' claim exist [Greys, Reptelians, etc.]
- the proof is lacking and still doesn't exist.
At some time in the future we may have to accept the fact - Either some type of a creator created life in this universe a faith based belief,
- Or, biological Human life is a freak occurrence, an anomaly that may have only happened here on this planet, and to date has yet to happen,
and may never happen elsewhere.
What do you think
edit on 17-9-2019 by AlienView because: (no reason given)