astounding how much junk a person leaves when they move, even if they attempt to keep up on throwing it out. My god, I filled up the
entire recycling container
just with various items my mother left that should have been in there in the first place. I have no idea what she
was going to do with 5 dozen glass yogurt jars, but the recycling center can do with them as they will now. The multiple bags of soda bottles went,
too. And the stacks of cardboard boxes she stuffed her closet with (it's a wonder we didn't have silverfish in there)
Never mind the actual trash like broken stuff that doesn't work, it's probably going to take another two garbage collections to get rid of it all.
She left a TON of stuff she decided she didn't want, so we've been going through it, trying to figure out what is broken or otherwise plain ol' junk
(a lot of it, actually) and what can be donated. There really isn't anything that we want out of it, we have enough of our own stuff. There's still
many boxes in the basement to go through, ugh. I'm definitely not looking forward to that, I'm getting real tired of Surprise Spring Cleaning in
And I don't think she ever thoroughly cleaned her room, ever. The layers of dust & grime I'm cutting through washing down window sills and closet
shelving is astounding. She wasn't filthy per se, but holy chrimeny that's a lot of dust. The mini-blinds are going to take me forever to thoroughly
clean off, yuck.
And we've been doing a lot of furniture rearranging because eh, why not, time to change the rooms up for something different. The built-in bookcases
flanking the fireplace have proven to be quite the challenge for me, I'm not exactly decor oriented by any means. It took me 2 days to decide how to
group and arrange things on the shelves, and I'm still not sure I like it.
The younger kid wants to move into the vacated bedroom, but also doesn't, so she keeps changing her mind. She better decide fast, that room or hers is
slated to become a computer room real soon.
Hey Night, here's those fish tank photos I promised!
The Octo grass got a trim, and yielded a nice bunch of cuttings to root
The new cluster is the smaller one in the front, I moved the original
cluster to the back. I also maintained the hill for the catfish, they love zipping up and down that and resting at the base in a small pit I left.
The Java moss we added came with 2 hitchhikers, two Ramshorn snail eggs. We just spotted these guys last week when they got big enough to notice.
They've grown quite a bit since then, I just took this photo tonight. I think this might be as big as they get, they're not big snails, one inch is
about the max for them.
I'm actually ok with the snail hitchhikers, they're ravenous algae eaters and we've been considering getting snails anyway (Nerites, though, not
Ramshorn) The only thing that may be an issue with them is spawning, we'll have to keep an eye out for egg clusters and destroy them accordingly -- we
don't really want a snail army.
Anyway, the kids having to name everything they come across like they do, named these two. I think the one in the picture is Wiggles (moves around a
lot) The other is a bit of an acrobat in the plants, so they named it Parker (instead of Parkour, haha)
Something else our fruitful Java moss came with -- this mystery plant (I think I already mentioned it) It's slow to grow, and the leaves seem to match
Amazon Sword, or at least one of the varieties. This is BEYOND fine, those suckers can
cost a pretty penny! The ones our local aquarium shop has for sale are $20 bucks a pop, yikes.
Introducing Casper, the Friendly Catfish! His hyperactive butt actually sat still for once, lol. Just long enough for me to get a quick picture that
wasn't a blur, before he and Kitty (the other catfish) took off to play-race.
Speaking of Kitty, I think Kitty was getting a little worn out.
View of the Octo clusters from the side of the tank.
The catfish duo, resting after playing chase/tag/go nuts/whatever it is they play. The little guy is going to be little for a while, catfish can take
up to two years to hit full size. He hasn't grown very much at all since we got him, so he seems to be fairly young still.
Another look at one of the snails.
Keeping the glass clean or giving Night a big "MWUA!" kiss?