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Womans eyes change colour live. Reptilian? or what?

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posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 04:06 PM
This is so silly. She's wearing wearing contact lenses, heavy eye makeup and really bright lights.

No shapeshifting - - at all.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 04:11 PM
I think she maybe a zombie pretending to be alive.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: ManyMasks
this is a member of the media who shapeshifts right in front of your eyes.. yes eyes! look at the video then tell me that woman is not a shape shifting reptilian, this is proof that they are among us, reptilian aliens are real and David Icke is my new hero.
of course if this is just some sort of light hitting her eyes as she flicked them, or camera glitch then all bets are off, but when i pause the vid, she opens her eyes her eyes they have completely changed colour... someone please debunk this so i can sleep tonight.

Many people's eyes change color when deep in thought about certain topics...some can go from blue to green in a half second.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks

contact lenses catching a weird reflection for the win.

No reptiles here.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks

contact lenses catching a weird reflection for the win.

No reptiles here.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: dug88 using some pretty advanced picture analysis software, like they use on CSI, i've examined a still image from the video, zooming in to 1000x magnification you can see without a doubt and totally conclusively.....

she's a #ing reptile

You literally just ended the thread and yet we are still here...CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 04:43 PM
Artifacts from digital video compression.

Funny how we never saw any of this during the days of analog video broadcasting, huh?

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: Gargoyle91
a reply to: ManyMasks

Now that's one good looking Lizard I'd hit that !

I find chicks with eyes that flash different colors sexy as hell. Wink that flashy eye for daddy B***ch.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks

No what's the world coming to it's another of David Ike's ex girlfriend's.
Sorry all the lizard people crap is exactly that mostly crap though you do know that the Swiss have a different shaped head right, not that they are lizards or anything.

Right why did Amphibian's, Lizards, Sauropod's and dinosaurs not evolve into intelligent life.

Slower metabolic rate and dependency upon heat.

None of the known species had brains even half the size of a pet cat, in fact your average sparrow is probably more intelligent than they were - so Avian species could have if given the chance but that is a different tangent of thought.

Now let's look at it another way, what if an intelligent species DEVOLVED or altered itself deliberately to incorporate trait's from lower species that it found desirable for some reason, adaptation to new environment's, ability to survive deep freeze and so make cryostasis a reality for themselves and enable long duration biological space flight etc, well that is a different line of thought but perhaps possible.

However - if they are inter-dimensional being's or from a parallel world sliders style then who is to say how the tree of life was set up there?.

Energy being's - well of course spirit's are real even though the so called rational crowd would deny that but how is an energy based life form a lizard when it patently is not?.

I think Ike made a terrible new fringe belief and this imagery is just down to the camera set up, digital CCD refresh timing and probably digital double exposure or even later errors produced by the storage method of the digitized footage.

But the movie THEY LIVE is still one of the best of it's time and still relevant today, more so if you replace the aliens with NWO Conspiracy world leaders.

But lizard people, please pass me the stuffing they taste like Chicken right?.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks

Youre watching thru a tv or computer, tablet, phone...a lot of glass to and from there, recorded to another tape, digital file, or any other tv/video and transmitted to you or storage for replay...then its up/down-loaded again to/from the orig. site/link or to you here finally at ATS to upload*

I believe at best 75% of these are "artifacts" from any 3 of 10 or more different combos of reflections, refractions, replications, brightness, contrast, things...certainly probably not alien.

*I can make that happen to some old Beta Max/VHS copied videos by messing w settings

**Its the 25% that could only be real I'd be interested in regarding any "shifting"
edit on 21-2-2019 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 08:27 PM

ETA: There are a few hundred more different than these...even snake and black eyes kids name it...its avail

*Its the ability to change them in front of others thats the kicker
edit on 21-2-2019 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks


Interesting how her bottom lashes become thicker as her top lashes disappear.

Looks edited.
edit on 21-2-2019 by Antipathy17 because: derp

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 11:04 PM
Maybe she is a computer generated image, not a real person. Someone is messing with us, throwing in things to see if anyone notices. Are half of the people we see on TV actually real? Maybe stars do not even have to act anymore. And of course it will save money in pay, but the technology could be eating up any savings.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: ParasuvO

links for proof?

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 07:11 AM
Video Compression.

To compress a video, it tries to re-use as much from the previous frame as possible. This allows the video to need to remember fewer unique pixels, and just give instructions to use pixels from previous frames. This usually works well for videos that don't include a lot of motion where each individual pixel does not change that much from frame to frame.

However, the video compression algorithm is not perfect, and it may only think a little motion has occurred and tries to re-use pixels. For example, re-using many of the previous pixels on her eyelids while she was casting her eyes down for a while, then quickly looked up.

The compression algorithm eventually catches up with the motion, displaying her eyes rather than eyelids, but the transition frames between looking down and looking up end up being a combination of eyelid pixels + eye pixels.

edit on 2019/2/22 by Box of Rain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767
yeah but they could have evolved to a stage where they could create a new race and transfer their conscious onto this race, giving it the reptilian brain that is basically a hub for any shapeshifter to wirelessly transfer into, leaving the original zombie a mere passenger in his own body..... is one way i could look at it.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 08:43 AM
Heh, well chances are any media host is mostly lizard. Fox hosts triply so and likely the subspecies Bleach Blonde Monitor.

Meh, many people might just as well be aliens, even if they're just wearing contact lenses.

Plastic windows to the soul, indeed.

If this makes you fearful, my advice is to not watch the off channel infomercials post 3 a.m.

posted on Feb, 23 2019 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Box of Rain

so you say it has been tampered with as her eyes look up. but the capture above does look like her eyelids are still down as you can see the bottom is thicker, so either the lizard woman has two sets of eyelids, or the tampering has been done when the eyes were closed... what do you think, im sure someone with the tools could pick the anomalies out proving the video has been tampered with.... this sort of stuff makes me want to learn more about video editing.

on looking again it sure does look like her eyelids stay down but another set lifts up revealing "lizard eyes"

....or so it would seem.
edit on 23-2-2019 by ManyMasks because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2019 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks

I didn't say it was tampered with. I said it was possibly due to video compression.

Video compression is not tampering. It's the way videos are created or saved in such a way that makes the file sizes smaller. Like I said, one way that's done is by the video algorithm (the software that helps create the video file) looking to see how many pixels it can borrow from frame-to-frame.

Borrowing pixels means it does not need to treat every pixel in every frame as a bunch of unique things that it needs to remember. Usually these borrowed pixels are from areas where there is no motion (no motion means a pixel is likely to change very little from one frame to the next). However, the algorithm is not perfect, and it may think there is no motion when in fact there is.

So in this case, the compression software might have repeated some pixels for the eyelids from the previous frame(s) that should have not been repeated, but at the same time did not repeat them all, making a few frames that had half eyelid pixels and half eye pixels.

edit on 2019/2/23 by Box of Rain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2019 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: dollukka
Video editing for few frames.. my kid could do that too.

Your kid is a shape shifter? That's pretty cool.

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