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When Vegans Turn Radical

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posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 08:40 AM


posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 09:39 AM


posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 12:08 PM


The topic of this thread is When Vegans Turn Radical, not each other!! As always, if there are conflicts, please alert staff, and then don't reply to them.

Please post on topic.

Thank you

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Not that this would ever happen but how would vegans feel if Aberdeen Angus Farmers went on a rampage, smashing up Vegan Diners out of anger over the vegans eating their cattle's food.

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: purplemer

Murder among the animal kingdom is natural

Animals CAN'T murder.

Slaughtered animals for food is NOT murder.

Murder is the killing of another person without justification or valid excuse

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: purplemer

There would be enough food to go around for everyone


Mostly due to habitat loss.

Habitat is lost when vegetable farms are made.

Every vegetable farm you have ever seen used to be the home for animals.
What was done to those animals in order to make that area we need to grow vegetables?

How much land would be required to feed the world with only plants?

What do the people do who live in places that don't have the weather or land capable of growing enough different types of plants to keep them healthy, and that also don't have the means to transport those plants to themselves?

How much pollution do vegetable farms in the USA create now?

How much more pollution would be created if we had enough vegetable farms to feed the world and transport it around the globe?

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 02:02 PM
Just gonna drop this here, found it interesting.

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 02:08 PM
I think a more appropriate title for the story would be WHEN RADICALS TURN VEGAN. Choosing to eat plants out of compassion for animals and the environment, or for health benefits, doesn't make someone suddenly want to go out and destroy stuff.

Seriously, the only reason this story has garnered so much attention is because the term VEGAN makes meat-eaters nervous and uncomfortable. It might be a cognitive dissonance situation, many omnivores love their pet dogs and cats, but don't think twice about the fact that the burger or nuggets they are eating came from a self-aware/conscious, feeling, sensitive, sentient being. They don't want to change, don't want to think about it, and have a knee-jerk reaction as if someone has struck a raw nerve when confronted with the reality that exploiting animals is wrong.

The annoying vegans that so many of the members here complain so loudly about are a tiny fraction of the population! Think of how many annoying cell-phone users there are by comparison! The "radical" vegans that take part in these sorts of destructive acts to get attention would probably be part of a group that vandalized property whether they were vegan or not. Young people want to feel as if they are part of something, and joining a group of activists is way to do that.

My personal belief is that the best way to show others that veganism is a good lifestyle is to be a good example. I don't go out of my way to tell people I'm vegan, but I don't hide it. Some omnivores are willing to have discussions about this topic reasonably, but a lot of them would rather make insults or reduce it to a joke or meme. You can lead a horse to water...

I do hope that some of you devout carnivores will someday try to at least reduce your intake of animal products- yes, I know that is a lot to consider, but maybe, someday, you will realize that it is worth it in many ways.
edit on 9302018 by seattlerat because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: seattlerat

I do hope that some of you devout carnivores will someday try to at least reduce your intake of animal products- yes, I know that is a lot to consider, but maybe, someday, you will realize that it is worth it in many ways.

And (consider this is coming from a Christian) much like with obnoxious evangelicals, this sort of condescending attitude is what turns people off of whatever it is you are trying to persuade them too.

You display the same sort of holier than thou attitude that many Christians display when they claim to be trying to be good examples just attempting to lead others to God.

Most people know that eating pure meat all the time is not a balanced diet.
edit on 30-9-2018 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: seattlerat

I do hope that some of you devout carnivores will someday try to at least reduce your intake of animal products- yes, I know that is a lot to consider, but maybe, someday, you will realize that it is worth it in many ways.

And (consider this is coming from a Christian) much like with obnoxious evangelicals, this sort of condescending attitude is what turns people off of whatever it is you are trying to persuade them too.

You display the same sort of holier than thou attitude that many Christians display when they claim to be trying to be good examples just attempting to lead others to God.

What do you suggest? Just remain silent about something I care about (animal rights)? How did you become a Christian? Were you born that way, indoctrinated, or see other Christians setting a good example? My intention wasn't to say I'm better than you or anybody else, only to express my hope that others would CONSIDER the possibility of reducing their meat-intake and MIGHT find it to be beneficial. I'm not suggesting you are going to go to hell if you don't turn vegan.

Most Christians in the Western Hemisphere eat meat. Though a small vegetarian/vegan minority exists, for the most part Christianity in North and South America is a meat-eating religion. When asked about the morality of killing animals for food, the response from most self-described Christians is almost always the same: the Bible teaches that humans have dominion over animals, and that killing them for food or any other service to humans is allowable. However, despite the general acceptance of this ethos of domination within Western Christianity, the fact remains that when all scriptural passages pertaining to animal welfare are viewed within the larger context of the Christian message of grace, atonement, and mercy developed throughout the Bible, there exists an even stronger argument that promotes the humane and compassionate treatment of animals. As a matter of fact, a very strong biblical case for complete abstinence from meat and all animal products has been taught for years. Contrary to the teachings of Augustine and Aquinas, some of the most celebrated Christian leaders, theologians, and teachers of all time were/are vegetarians who espoused the view that meat consumption is contrary to the Biblical message of love and compassion and is not healthy, either for the individual or for the planet.

edit on 9302018 by seattlerat because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: seattlerat

Seriously, the only reason this story has garnered so much attention is because the term VEGAN makes meat-eaters nervous and uncomfortable. It might be a cognitive dissonance situation, many omnivores love their pet dogs and cats, but don't think twice about the fact that the burger or nuggets they are eating came from a self-aware/conscious, feeling, sensitive, sentient being. They don't want to change, don't want to think about it, and have a knee-jerk reaction as if someone has struck a raw nerve when confronted with the reality that exploiting animals is wrong.

That's a sweeping generalisation. Vegans have never made me nervous for any reason, I have watched a lot of documentaries that show how the food I eat reaches my plate, some made me feel uneasy and almost all of them educated me. After that I, made a conscious decision to keep eating meat, I don't think I eat nearly as much meat as I used to but still have it a couple of times a day. When I can I prefer fishing, bagging some rabbits, grouse, pheasant or other small game with an air rifle to butcher bought meat.

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: intrepid

Well let's take it to the extreme. That way we can get all up in people's # if we don't like the socks they are wearin

eating meet is destroying our biosphere. Thats the big elephant in the room. That the radicalism you are defending.

True story..

This is ultimately why I write vegans off as pompous little brats not worth listening to -- the broad brushing they despise against themselves done to others. Let me be blunt -- I know exactly which little area farms my foods come from. They are not factory farms, they're mom & pops.
I know which farm the fryer chickens I bought last week came from, all the various beef cuts, the various pork cuts, my eggs, my milk, I know who made the locally-made (real) cheddar cheese I bought. I know which local orchards my fruits come from, which local farms my vegetables come from. I know exactly which local apiary my honey comes from.I make a strong effort to only buy local, and SELDOM buy corporate factory-made food. How many self-righteous vegans with an axe to grind eat local and ONLY local, hmm? You know much pollution is churned out trucking vegan-preferred goods in from across state lines and abroad?

Pound for pound, it's a damn good bet that a random vegan eats a lot dirtier than I do. So much for saving the planet.

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 04:49 PM
Not a good way to protest obviously.

As a vegan I can tell you it is frustrating to try to explain to others what is obvious to us: Animals are put in conditions that would rival hell and die horribly and terrified so the population can have a convenient cheeseburger or chicken leg. Of course the dairy industry is worse.

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: seattlerat

In other words, your article says that because society changes, then we can interpret the Bible to mean we ought to be vegan because that's what hermaneutics essentially is.

Sure the Bible doesn't speak against slavery, and it doesn't speak against eating meat. So because society views slavery as abhorrent now, we may look at the verses about compassion toward animals as leading us toward veganism ... because those guys over there were all vegatarian, or close to it.

Fine base your interpretation on what you like, but the Bible does not explicitly tell you not to eat meat, and as it says -- Jesus ate fish with his disciples. So he was at the very least pescatarian.

As to my being a Christian, I can get into the weeds with you if you want to discuss theology. Do you come from the campe that believes those who were called were always called or that we choose to come to God on our own?

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 07:07 PM
If vegan activists actually used their brain a bit more and fight to bring attention/change (like mature adults) to what they say is their actual issue with the meat & dairy industry, which is the unethical/inhumane treatment of animals, as opposed to just blindly demanding everyone stops eating meat/dairy (which will never happen)... they might actually make some real progress and bring about positive change/reform.

But it seems they're more interested in making themselves feel better, not so much the animals.
edit on 30/9/18 by Navieko because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 07:45 PM
I don't agree with violence or forcing your opinion on anyone.

If you want to eat meat, go ahead.

If you want to eat fruit & veg, go ahead.

Just don't try and force others to do what you want to do. Let people choose for themselves.

I know a girl who is vegetarian. She stopped eating meat when she went to college, because her new friends didn't eat meat. She met a guy who was vegan and they became a couple. Neither budged, until they moved in together.

He went from vegan to vegetarian, because it was easier to have the same meal.

posted on Oct, 1 2018 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro
a reply to: StallionDuck

Not that this would ever happen but how would vegans feel if Aberdeen Angus Farmers went on a rampage, smashing up Vegan Diners out of anger over the vegans eating their cattle's food.

How would vegans feel? Probably like this:

posted on Oct, 1 2018 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Wow...i'm embarrassed.

I have cheese eating surrender monkey blood in my veins, and these fools either need an orgasm or a good medium rare steak to calm them down.

it's stupid-mammalian life evolved from eating meat. Do lionesses hunt for tofu? if you want to live on asparagus stew-fine-your life your choice. But it was meat that gave mankind the brainpower to make the choice to become vegan.

But i'm guessing these folk didn't eat enough meat, hence the ridiculousness.
edit on 1-10-2018 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2018 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

I know exactly where all my meat comes from too. It's very, very local. Like only 10' under my kitchen local.

posted on Oct, 1 2018 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: pointessa

originally posted by: StallionDuck

originally posted by: seattlerat
I don't agree with vandalism to prove a point. However, vegans make up a tiny percentage of the population in most countries (radical activist vegans even less), and I suspect that omnivores probably engage in far more destructive vandalism by percentage than radical vegans.

Towards Vegans? Don't think I've heard that one. Please tell.

Though, living in Austin, I do see a 'type' in 100% vegan restaurants. Granted, I love the food in some of these places since one of my dear friends is vegan, we eat out together now and then. Though, that type seems to be scrawny women with hairy armpits and slight muscle builds. Hey... That's alright with me but if you're gonna look like a man, at least wear some deodorant! Sheesh!

I know... It's not a vegan thing. It's more of an Austinite hipster vegan LGBT thing.

Wow!!! No bias here. Vegan women are scrawny with hairy armpits and slight muscles...give me a break. How about all men that eat meat and make jokes of animals suffering so they can get a jab in at vegans have teeny little atrophied dicks and are impotent and probably drive big trucks.... so much for vast generalizations...

lol That's not at all what I said. That's ok. You can take it that way if you want.

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