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Convince me of your faith

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posted on Sep, 6 2018 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: Ghostsinthefog
Regardless of your religion. Try to Convince me, or why you believe your god/religion is the right one. Make 5 points in bullet form.

a reply to: Ghostsinthefog
Sorry. Bullet form doesn't work for me.

1. I remember the day I first wake up.

How the cold air rush and fill my dry lung, the numb in my brain's vein as I suddenly awake and become conscious. I remember the warm water, the sound of heart beat. I remember the sound of woman's voice under water. I remember the sensation of being pressed by something outside, the warmth of blood rushing my body as I am delivered into this strange world. I remember how it feels to be afraid for the first time and in those few moments, I remember how it feels to drift back into darkness, this time no longer the void of emptiness. I can see glimpse of things. I feel the sensation. I hear sound. But I don't know what they are. This life, created and nourished by the breath of something else, and I have travel this long journey and survive. I remember the instinct to continue forward and going no matter what. The strenght and instict to guide me as I desperately wade my way through the darkness. Out of perhaps billions brothers and sisters that keep colliding with me, it is I who is telling this story. Everyone else dies. I could not possibly survive it by mere chance.

There is something else beside my existence. I remember the sudden burst of air, the energy to keep my heart beatings. And in moment it fills my brain connecting everything. Something else has awaken me to experience this life.

I call this something else as, My father in Heaven.

There are four more points. But, I maybe posting them in near future, if I feel I want to.
edit on 6-9-2018 by EasternShadow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2018 @ 02:37 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: FinallyAwake

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: FinallyAwake

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: FinallyAwake

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: FinallyAwake

What do you want exactly?

If God got rid of evil, He would have to take control of all of us and do everything for us because we do as much to create evil as anything else.

Think about the times you were selfish and greedy, when your actions (actions you chose to take btw) inadvertantly hurt soemone else or plenty of others in some way. Understand that you would not have taken those actions, no matter how much you might have wanted at that point in time because God is preventing all evil now.

Yeah, so there you go ... you can either live your life as you please ... or you can not ever have evil in the world.

Either way, I predict you will end up hating God for it.

I don't want anything, I don't believe in God.

I just want religious people to stop saying God loves and cares for you, when there are a million kids a year dying unnecessarily. It pisses me off.

Than what should God do?

I already explained why God cannot stop human evil and many of those kids die from human evil. Look at all the kids shot in the streets of Chicago.

Do you think God ought to play puppet master? Sure. That stops a lot of evil, but it also stops you from doing what you want to.

I don't want God to do anything because I am a non believer. But thank you far sharing your thoughts with me. 👍🏻

Pretty weird then to get angry over something you claim you don't believe in.

It's certain types of religious people that make me angry. Not something I don't believe in, now that would be weird.

Ah, I see. So you're made that other people believe differently than you do. Gotcha. That's a wonderful way to go through life.

Ummm no. I'm not happy with the way certain religious people act. Please don't put words in my my mouth. Thank you 👍🏻

posted on Sep, 7 2018 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

If you think your life is a disappointment, you are probably not fulfilling the purpose for which you were made.

I had talent pouring out both ears. Using said talent has been impossible. And then- the things I have had happen to me- crap that I not only didn't sign up for, but did not in a million *lifetimes* ever thought would be possible, let alone happen to me? Being called nuts on top of it all doesn't help things one bit, BTW.

After the last few months of being used like some 3 Stooges gag nearly nonstop, and having to do things I just should NOT be doing (like driving, or being my own attorney... oh, holy bleeping bleep...)-and failing miserably ... driving hasn't been one- I hope the doc can clear me at some point anyways- I spend quite an amount of time telling the universe in general where it can shove itself. Especially since the bulk of this hell has been most of my life, nonstop, no breaks, no rest. How I haven't ended up in an alley with needle tracks and a bottle under my arm is beyond me.

Just don't give me the whole 'you're strong' saw. I could be gifted with Superman's abilities, and after a few decades of stupidity, want to throw in the towel. Even Superman needs a break- and he's a comic book character.

posted on Sep, 7 2018 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

So god created all and everything. Everything in this reality is according to their will. They are all knowing and powerful. Why create evil in the first place?

If you state that someone can always live in good and recognize good in the absence of evil, why create evil?

What is your definition of evil? What is your definition of good?

What happens when someone's good is your evil and vice versa?

posted on Sep, 7 2018 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: ClovenSky
a reply to: chr0naut

So god created all and everything. Everything in this reality is according to their will. They are all knowing and powerful. Why create evil in the first place?

If you state that someone can always live in good and recognize good in the absence of evil, why create evil?

What is your definition of evil? What is your definition of good?

What happens when someone's good is your evil and vice versa?

You are treating evil as if it were a created object.

Evil is an intention by an intelligent free willed being to do something that advantages themselves with wilful disregard for the negative consequences it will wreak upon others.

God did not create evil. We make the choices which can be evil, neutral or good. If anything, we create evil.

edit on 7/9/2018 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2018 @ 04:49 PM
when I learned to clear my mind & wait for God to speak I found that God did speak & show me the future etc. But when I allowed my mind to focus on worldly things it was impossible to hear God speak. And God teaches far more than any religion has in their books. So it is no good thinking a religion is going to teach you everything about God. It isn't. You have to open your mind to God & then God will teach you the facts. No one else can explain it to you because it is beyond words most of the time. One guy simply looked up & said to God, "Are you watching me?", & a loud voice replied "Yes". A woman was told by God to stop thinking so much so that there would be room in her mind for Him to speak to her. That is all it takes. That is all religion needs to teach. Stop thinking about worldly matters & concerns etc & clear your mind so that God, who is closer to you than life itself, can speak to you & teach you everything. Just do it. Ignore the religious barbarians who tell you not to, & ignore the critics who have absolutely no purpose in life except to serve satan.

And praying or reciting mantras. Or studying scripture & reciting it. Or carrying out religious ceremony. Or worshipping God. Etc etc etc. Is all just going to fill your mind with things that block God from speaking to you. The only thing that can get you in touch with your maker is your empty clear still mind. That is the only thing that can put you in God's Presence where God can speak to you etc.

Once you learn this basic lesson & practice it then you will get to know God. And sooner or later God will manifest after He thinks you are ready

Just do it if you want to know who God is
edit on 7-9-2018 by SourcePage because: Just do it

posted on Sep, 7 2018 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: wylekat
a reply to: chr0naut

If you think your life is a disappointment, you are probably not fulfilling the purpose for which you were made.

I had talent pouring out both ears. Using said talent has been impossible. And then- the things I have had happen to me- crap that I not only didn't sign up for, but did not in a million *lifetimes* ever thought would be possible, let alone happen to me? Being called nuts on top of it all doesn't help things one bit, BTW.

I think you may have misunderstood me. I wan't saying you had cognitive problems. You don't appear to be "nuts" to me.

I was pointing out the reasonable and rational conclusion that the happiest you will ever be is when you achieve in areas at which you naturally excel. It's what you were 'made for'.

Also just having talent isn't enough if you don't struggle to excel there or if you use the talent incorrectly. Imagine the good that Hitler's oratory skills might have done, had he used them for that, instead of being driven by his megalomania.

Doing what God plans for you is a far more subtle path and requires that you walk close to God. Otherwise it is most likely you'll miss the directions and go your own way instead.

The universe God made is not centered on only you. God's plan is sure to require that you give of yourself, for others. Jesus sacrificed Himself to the maximum, and He was God. Hopefully, we will not be required to go that far, but if it came down to it, could you do that for someone else?

Bad things happen to good people. The book of Job in the Bible explores that quite deeply. But God has promised ultimate reward for doing right.

I am also going through a 'long dark night of the soul' right now and have been for over four years. I could easily retreat into the cocoon of my depression and isolate myself but I have a hope! And it isn't in myself but does involve what I can do for others and for God.

I've also achieved many things but you can't live on the smoke of old fires. The only true thing in this moment is to strive for something new, constantly. To cease that is to begin to die.

After the last few months of being used like some 3 Stooges gag nearly nonstop, and having to do things I just should NOT be doing (like driving, or being my own attorney... oh, holy bleeping bleep...)-and failing miserably ... driving hasn't been one- I hope the doc can clear me at some point anyways- I spend quite an amount of time telling the universe in general where it can shove itself. Especially since the bulk of this hell has been most of my life, nonstop, no breaks, no rest. How I haven't ended up in an alley with needle tracks and a bottle under my arm is beyond me.

Just don't give me the whole 'you're strong' saw. I could be gifted with Superman's abilities, and after a few decades of stupidity, want to throw in the towel. Even Superman needs a break- and he's a comic book character.

Everyone is hurting - and pretty much all the time. It is the human condition. The Stoic philosophers of Ancient Greece put it like everything in life is a balance of pleasure and pain. As high as you climb, that's as far as you can fall, and you will.

But you are strong, you are intelligent, you are emotive and you are expressive. Credit where credit is due.

posted on Sep, 7 2018 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: ClovenSky
Why create evil in the first place?

If you state that someone can always live in good and recognize good in the absence of evil, why create evil?

Because we, including animals, need to survive? Because our damage brain could cause delusion and turn mentally disorder retards into enjoying sadistic experience? Because evil is also necessary to stop evil from spreading? Because evil is a thing without consciousness, such as bacteria and virus and worm etc..?

originally posted by: ClovenSky
What is your definition of evil? What is your definition of good?

Is it evil for a hungary snake to swallow a small kid alive? Is it evil for dominant male lion to steal food from female lions and it's own cubs? Is evil for starving crocodile to violently kill a man and tear apart his flesh? Is it evil for bacteria to consume your own stomach when you are deceased?

From your enquiries, I assume you must have realize that, both good and evil is subjective issue.

Nevertheless, it's not an excuse to permit retards running amok, spreading chaos, raping women, enslaving children, and murdering anything alive for pleasure like barbarian of dark age. No one wants to be violated. Even the retards themselves don't like to be ripped apart by hungary lions and bears, while the crowd cheers in delight. Not even retard sadists enjoy their own slow painful death by being cooked alive or having their butt hole impaled with stake.

originally posted by: ClovenSky
What happens when someone's good is your evil and vice versa?

I won't called torturing each other out of pleasure is "someone's good is your evil and vice versa".

It may be good for Hitler to exterminate 6 millions European Jews, or handful delusional Jews willingly die for Hitler's cause as a token of their faith. But I don't encourage this Abomination.

Plus we are not the lamb of God, predestined to be humiliated, tortured and crucified to save the world's sin. Therefore, don't be so foolish trying to act noble. It's not healthy to our mind. That's not your call for existence and never be.

edit on 7-9-2018 by EasternShadow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2018 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

I think you may have misunderstood me. I wan't saying you had cognitive problems. You don't appear to be "nuts" to me.

No- didn't mean you... but there's a plethora of armchair psychologists who have decided to jump in on various threads and psychoanalyze me. Like I stated previous, I seem to have my very own Greek Chorus of jackasses following me around.

Also just having talent isn't enough if you don't struggle to excel there or if you use the talent incorrectly.

I've tried to. I excel at something, and... well... no one really *cares* or occasionally, just flat out steal from me.

Jesus sacrificed Himself to the maximum, and He was God.Hopefully, we will not be required to go that far, but if it came down to it, could you do that for someone else?

I would have for people- but then I found out the depths of deception and betrayal people did to me, time and again. Now- people are on their own in that dept.

I've also achieved many things but you can't live on the smoke of old fires. The only true thing in this moment is to strive for something new, constantly. To cease that is to begin to die.

I admit that I'm heading that way... mostly, because I'm just that worn out. I'm worn out doing stuff, acting in a logical manner, and watching... IDIOTS take home the prize, and be treated like royalty. I'm talking about people with less sense than a rotten turnip succeeding, while I'm left goggling and screaming "HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK???". An example would be the Kardashians (not that I have had to compete directly beside them- but as a general example)- I could be half dead from a cold, have enough Nyquil in me to down a horse, and I'd still have more talent than they would on one of their good days! I'm not a talented superstar, but I am competent in several areas.

Not to mention- I also, I got no way to explain it- I've had success just *taken* from me. Out and out robbed blind and naked. I did a test when I was in the navy for some company that made jet engines- like Boeing or someone- I was told I did extraordinarily well on the test. Next thing I know- my test results are *gone*. Poof. No one knows where they went, and even more fun- NO ONE CARED. I spent 2 months going exactly nowhere, while some redheaded lieutenant kept flirting with me- I was not exactly interested in her, while trying to figure out where the potential for a $50,000+ year job went. Hell- no one believes me- but my (I admit this freely) abject stupidity sending Hasbro new Transformers ideas spawned Beast Wars. I called them Animabots, but years later, there's my ideas prancing around on a tv screen. I facepalmed so hard, I knocked myself down. Millions.

And if God wanted me right where he wanted me- and he could have- lock, stock and barrel- that all blew up like a nuke set off in a fireworks factory. The complete and utter shot at getting it all from me, and he blew it, epically. And yes. I know what I just said. It went up in a fireball, and that was the beginning of unwanted paranormal crap as well. It went so badly, I can honestly say my soul, spirit, operating system software, whatever you want to call it, took an almost mortal hit. Think shotgun wound, but not in a physical sense.

As high as you climb, that's as far as you can fall, and you will.

I didn't so much fall, as get sent sideways and backwards a good hard distance. And it's done a lot of damage.

posted on Sep, 8 2018 @ 02:27 PM
Just the other day God told me to give my life for humanity. The evil death cult was on the news again & I knew it was death to stand against it. So I walked away. Then God gave me a dream telling me over & over that I had to die for my people. And I had to die for ever & ever, over & over as many times as is required. He said my purpose in life is to give my life for others. God actually said that & I am just an ordinary person. So I imagine that God would expect the same from everyone if it was called for. Jesus expects us to follow Him. So that means total sacrifice sometimes

posted on Sep, 8 2018 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: wylekat
a reply to: chr0naut

I think you may have misunderstood me. I wan't saying you had cognitive problems. You don't appear to be "nuts" to me.

No- didn't mean you... but there's a plethora of armchair psychologists who have decided to jump in on various threads and psychoanalyze me. Like I stated previous, I seem to have my very own Greek Chorus of jackasses following me around.

Also just having talent isn't enough if you don't struggle to excel there or if you use the talent incorrectly.

I've tried to. I excel at something, and... well... no one really *cares* or occasionally, just flat out steal from me.

Jesus sacrificed Himself to the maximum, and He was God.Hopefully, we will not be required to go that far, but if it came down to it, could you do that for someone else?

I would have for people- but then I found out the depths of deception and betrayal people did to me, time and again. Now- people are on their own in that dept.

I've also achieved many things but you can't live on the smoke of old fires. The only true thing in this moment is to strive for something new, constantly. To cease that is to begin to die.

I admit that I'm heading that way... mostly, because I'm just that worn out. I'm worn out doing stuff, acting in a logical manner, and watching... IDIOTS take home the prize, and be treated like royalty. I'm talking about people with less sense than a rotten turnip succeeding, while I'm left goggling and screaming "HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK???". An example would be the Kardashians (not that I have had to compete directly beside them- but as a general example)- I could be half dead from a cold, have enough Nyquil in me to down a horse, and I'd still have more talent than they would on one of their good days! I'm not a talented superstar, but I am competent in several areas.

Not to mention- I also, I got no way to explain it- I've had success just *taken* from me. Out and out robbed blind and naked. I did a test when I was in the navy for some company that made jet engines- like Boeing or someone- I was told I did extraordinarily well on the test. Next thing I know- my test results are *gone*. Poof. No one knows where they went, and even more fun- NO ONE CARED. I spent 2 months going exactly nowhere, while some redheaded lieutenant kept flirting with me- I was not exactly interested in her, while trying to figure out where the potential for a $50,000+ year job went. Hell- no one believes me- but my (I admit this freely) abject stupidity sending Hasbro new Transformers ideas spawned Beast Wars. I called them Animabots, but years later, there's my ideas prancing around on a tv screen. I facepalmed so hard, I knocked myself down. Millions.

And if God wanted me right where he wanted me- and he could have- lock, stock and barrel- that all blew up like a nuke set off in a fireworks factory. The complete and utter shot at getting it all from me, and he blew it, epically. And yes. I know what I just said. It went up in a fireball, and that was the beginning of unwanted paranormal crap as well. It went so badly, I can honestly say my soul, spirit, operating system software, whatever you want to call it, took an almost mortal hit. Think shotgun wound, but not in a physical sense.

As high as you climb, that's as far as you can fall, and you will.

I didn't so much fall, as get sent sideways and backwards a good hard distance. And it's done a lot of damage.

Yeah, I understand about having an idea ripped off from you. I have been pursuing an idea in cosmology for some years, intending to write up a paper when the math was rigorous enough for me to pass as a hypothesis. Then two months ago, I read a paper that drew pretty much the the same conclusions (but wasn't half as far along as I have gotten). They could have copied my idea, which I have been discussing with some others, but they also could have independently come up with the idea (I also have to admit, they had integrated some things, speculatively, that I hadn't anticipated).

I have also studied and was examined on an IT qualification, where I achieved a perfect score (apparently no one had ever got that according to my examiner) but my certification was 'lost'. I never received the accreditation and I had no time to sort things out, due to the restructure of the company who funded the course, as I had to manage a new division in an area that I had no previous experience of (which blindsided my anticipated career path), I had also undertaken University again to do another degree, I bought a new house and I had another child born all at the same time.

As to the paranormal stuff, I don't know what went on but I would think that you are seeing the effects there of the demonic side of things trying to throw spanners in the works. That is why you have to keep moving forward, despite setbacks. To believe is to begin, every day.

posted on Sep, 8 2018 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: SourcePage

Just the other day God told me to give my life for humanity. The evil death cult was on the news again & I knew it was death to stand against it. So I walked away. Then God gave me a dream telling me over & over that I had to die for my people. And I had to die for ever & ever, over & over as many times as is required. He said my purpose in life is to give my life for others. God actually said that & I am just an ordinary person. So I imagine that God would expect the same from everyone if it was called for. Jesus expects us to follow Him. So that means total sacrifice sometimes

Most times, your own death will have little effect in the service of others.

A long life dedicated to service and doing the right thing, regardless of difficulty, is effective sacrifice.

Think about the way that the greatest thrill seekers risk death. It is obvious that you must die to self, to truly live.

posted on Sep, 8 2018 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
2 To show the extent of God's love, He became a human, like you, and gave Himself up to death by torture, so you'd take notice of the lengths He'd go to for you.

WHy did he choose to do that 2000 years ago when people were stupid, ignorant and fearful of everything?

Why not do it 'now' in 2018? When we have video recording, archiving, scientific methodology -- everything at our disposal to validate the event, document it and learn from it?

Weird.. it's almost like.. 'He' doesn't want evidence or 'proof' being propagated to the intelligent masses. Hmm.

3 Everything else is secondary so, I'll stop there.

Yeh, including evidence.

posted on Sep, 8 2018 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: noonebutme

Why not do it 'now' in 2018? When we have video recording, archiving, scientific methodology -- everything at our disposal to validate the event, document it and learn from it?

Weird.. it's almost like.. 'He' doesn't want evidence or 'proof' being propagated to the intelligent masses. Hmm.

God likes to work through the power of his Holy Spirit as he knows that having eyes to see and ears to hear takes on a whole meaning through this power. Having faith in the unseen is an important aspect of it, as shown in the verses below...

John 20:26-29

26 And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.

27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.

28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.

29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

posted on Sep, 8 2018 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: SourcePage

Agree SourcePage. Religion might lead us to spirituality. But its the dogma of religion that blocks us from going further. The messages from God are very subtle. That easily get drowned by an unfocused mind. So we have to free our mind to receive God.

posted on Sep, 8 2018 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: noonebutme

originally posted by: chr0naut
2 To show the extent of God's love, He became a human, like you, and gave Himself up to death by torture, so you'd take notice of the lengths He'd go to for you.

WHy did he choose to do that 2000 years ago when people were stupid, ignorant and fearful of everything?

Why not do it 'now' in 2018? When we have video recording, archiving, scientific methodology -- everything at our disposal to validate the event, document it and learn from it?

Weird.. it's almost like.. 'He' doesn't want evidence or 'proof' being propagated to the intelligent masses. Hmm.

3 Everything else is secondary so, I'll stop there.

Yeh, including evidence.

The evidence is ample. There is more evidence for the existence of Jesus than there is for the existence of Julius Caesar.

If it happened today, people would say it is faked or CGI.

Basically, if you wear a tinfoil hat and have your fingers in your ears, it's likely that the level of denial of what makes you uncomfortable, will be strong.

edit on 8/9/2018 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2018 @ 12:07 AM

originally posted by: noonebutme
Why not do it 'now' in 2018? When we have video recording, archiving, scientific methodology -- everything at our disposal to validate the event, document it and learn from it?

Weird.. it's almost like.. 'He' doesn't want evidence or 'proof' being propagated to the intelligent masses. Hmm..

It is either, John 19:30 "It is finished." Nothing left to show or to prove to the masses


It is not time yet.

posted on Sep, 9 2018 @ 02:19 AM
1) The evidence that:


3) The evidence that the bible is:

4) Observed patterns of human behaviour being well described and/or predicted (prophecied) in the bible, such as:

The Spirit of the World
In contrast to the:

And those who are:

Searching for Friends of Peace (Song 141; not in word alone, see next video in this playlist)

5) The evidence for what the book of Revelation refers to as "Babylon the Great" and its master and his activities:

Religion is a Snare and a Racket

I could continue and highlight different pieces of evidence but I'll keep it at 5 as requested. Oh, because it somewhat relates to point 4 and 5: the commentary on ATS and the patterns I'm observing in them (2 Timothy 4:3,4 being the most applicable in relation to what I mentioned under 4, or most noticeable to me, another interesting phrase in relation to point 5 is the phrase found at 2 Timothy 3:5 that says: "having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power"; the subject of hypocrisy in organized religion has already come up in this thread, but this phrase is more inclusive).
edit on 9-9-2018 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2018 @ 02:26 AM
i'd rather jump from a roof top than be a JW.
just sayin' is all...

there is a device called numerology.
in it rest a tetragrammaton. it reads as (english) 7•8•4•8 > 27 = 9° Master Elect Of Nine (9)
27 - 15 = 12
10° Master Elect Of Fifteen (6)
11° Master Elect Of Twelve (3)

there are 27 things to know of god. apart from 72.
15 are theirs (enemies) and twelve are yours.

the nine are already ready...


edit on 9-9-2018 by Pinocchio because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2018 @ 02:42 AM

12•12•12 > Master Elect Of Twelve (3)...

Twelve Are Yours... Play Fair.
edit on 9-9-2018 by Pinocchio because: (no reason given)

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