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Mandela Effect - One Of These Things Is Not The Same

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posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: SummerRain

Hey thanks for that. I don't have kids and it's been decades since I watched Sesame Street. Feel sorta of dumb for falling for a story that was blown up and basically, dare I say it, Fake News.

In my defense Cookie did temporarily go vegan but it was more to say he was always good about eating his veggies first before he ate any cookies.

I will say it was funny, after you got me to look it up, to see Cookie Monster blast the media for following false rumors, he did so with Martha Stewart and Lauer. He kinda called them out for FAKE NEWS.

Cookie Monster also says that the media is always blowing things out of proportion.

Glad he is still the same, I am now ashamed for falling for it, I shoulda known that Cookie would never give up cookies or anything else like a lamp post.

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: Pearj
I typed "one of these things is not the same" to another user in the Stouffers thread.. I had a feeling about it, so I looked it up - and sure enough it's changed.

I vividly remember the jingle - and the words:
"One of these things is doing the wrong thing.. one of these things is not the same."

It was the same if they used kids instead of objects.. (one of this kids is doing the wrong thing) - not very PC, but it was the 70s.

The phrases "doin' the wrong thing" - and - "one of these things is not the same" don't appear anymore..

This is the only example (residue) I could find.

That's for "doin' the wrong thing" - there is mountains of residue for "one of these things is not the same" - way to much to put here (just google the phrase with quotes).

It had a side teaching of the difference between 'thing' (noun) and 'thing' as a term for an action.

The jingle isn't the same anymore either.. Here's what it's like now:

I just discovered this - so I may be able to find more 'residue' as I go.

They are two separate phrases:
"doin' the wrong thing"
"one of these things is not the same"

There's tons of examples of people saying "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same." - but that phrase has NEVER BEEN IN THE SONG!

Neither phrase exists anymore. So if you remember "One of these things is not like the other" - then where's the "one of these things is not the same" part that follows?

..Does anyone else remember either phrase?

Whilst in this case I disagree with the argument I am honestly bereft of arguments for every single thing.
More than that though, the disrespect is offensive.

Let's be honest, if it makes no sense then damn, just walk away! Why must you feel the need to punish someone even more?

I don't get the need for that at all.

Isn't the idea that this s*** ISN'T what we know? Kids, don't show what we know! Show the differences.
edit on 27-7-2018 by Jonjonj because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: Jonjonj
Let's be honest, if it makes no sense then damn, just walk away! Why must you feel the need to punish someone even more?

Any member in particular you are complaining about? It seemed mostly lighthearted on reading the thread back, certainly not disrespectful.
In any case, why should an idea which has absolutely zero evidence to support it except personal opinion deserve respect?
I think the OP is capable of defending themself if they feel disrespected, you are not a mod so I'll post what I like and your job is to alert it if you think it breaks T&C's.
I think claims of the Mandela effect are BS, absolute BS, and you have zero eveidence to assert my opinion is wrong.
Wild claims/evidence and all that.

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 05:40 AM
Just when I thought that these ME threads could not get more silly this one comes along!

ME pushers (ie people who have terrible memories but can't accept that and instead think they are "special" and that the "un-effected" just can't understand them) seem to hate having their pet theory challenged and seem to take it personally.

Well, sorry to rain on your parade but ME was, is and always will be complete BS.

posted on Aug, 9 2018 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy

As someone who so deeply feels the Mandela Effect is "BS" - you sure seem attracted to it, and can't seem to stay away.

The Mandela Effect affects me - it controls you.

posted on Aug, 9 2018 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Pearj

I think a lot of people are actually scared of it.
There is cognitive dissonance on both sides of the argument.

Some people will dismiss it as bad memory and ignore the fact that everyone thinking the same thing can't just be attributed to coincidence.

Some people will embrace it as a fact and ignore the fact that ME's all follow the same pattern of being easier to remember which can't just be attributed to coincidence.

I like to think I've found a middle ground although that's probably just my cognitive dissonance showing through.

Regardless whether it's bad memory, magic or a trivial side effect of our great memories we can't deny that it's a fascinating thing and attraction to the topic doesn't prove anything except for curiosity.

posted on Aug, 9 2018 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: Pearj

Do you have a problem with that?

I'm sure that you would much prefer to only have your ME "Effected" on here so you can all cosy up together but, tough luck - the motto of this site is "Deny Ignorance", not embrace it.

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