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posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: 0bserver1


posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I think the real bottleneck is the faster than light concepts(all concepts to be honest) light is not a constant for one... and can be manipulated as two... so much stuff works or doesnt work on paper but does in real world and vice versa throwing things out at face value never advanced anything.

Even Einstein who gave a lot of certainty said something to the effect of at first if something isnt absurd or considered crazy theres no hope for it... most of his stuff works using the uncertainty principle... if we are going to hang concepts on a ladder or matrice sometimes it's best to let all of their feet dangle at once. Or else they will strangle us with impossibility. Impossible like impermanence automatically eats itself in a cancel itself out as impermanence is the only permanence... meaning everything is possible in some way shape or form... if we can think it we can do it, we were thinking of how to fly 1000s of years before we could.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: BEBOG

I liked cowboy bebop. you know what i could never figure out though. the kid. a boy or a girl?

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: BEBOG

Very philosophical words.. as one armchair philosopher to another.

But we might not have even 50 years left --- nobody is going to invent
faster than light drive in that time period. Maybe in 5000 years.
But we won't be here then.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
5) FOIA requests about the AATIP program have thus far drawn blanks. John Greenewald (Blackvault) was told no records could be identified.

Jack Brewer (UFO Trail) was told

We will be unable to respond to your request within the FOIA's 20 day statutory time period due to unusual circumstances. These unusual circumstances could be: (a) the need to search for and collect records from a facility geographically separated from this office; (b) the potential volume of records responsive to your request; and (c) the need for consultation with one or more other agencies which have substantial interest in either the determination or the subject matter of the records....

As a matter of clarification here, and as someone very well versed in FOIs, this is not a 'drawn blank' response, nor is it that records could not be identified. This is a formal response to explain that, for the reasons given, the requested material will not be able to be made available within the 20 days stated in legislation within which a response is to be expected. This type of response satisfies the requirements of legislation, and is entirely proportionate when one considers the vast amounts of records kept by government departments - the vast majority of which are non-digitised / electronically stored.
An interesting point is that under the UK FOI Act (2000) an FOI request can result in material being exempted from disclosure based purely on the cost involved in attempting to retrieve the material:
The bar set here is generally what would be considered three days' work for a single employee. This is a 'qualified' exemption, rather than an 'absolute'; meaning that the department needs to conduct a Public Interest Test (PIT) to satisfy itself (and the ombudsmen) that the expected cost of retrieval is likely to exceed the threshold.
Therefore it's very easy to exempt materials which are old, rarely or never used etc. even though they may contain nothing very interesting at all :-)

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
a reply to: BEBOG

I liked cowboy bebop. you know what i could never figure out though. the kid. a boy or a girl?

Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV hacker extrodinare? Girl of course at that age it doesn't really matter boy or girl, same as places like monasteries, work, classroom etc...

Yes I am that sort of person where everyone is not a possibility for brown chicken brown cow... always was that sort of not on the prowl person, in my personal life it has always been hit on the head all cavewoman style and dragged back to their lair.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Close your eyes and tell me how fast light gets behind the lids... oh wait when it does you are in a different reality or world altogether called dreaming, to others this is also a dream billions of realities with a bunch of shared concepts we like to say is reality but honestly theres nothing but the dreaming due to concepts.

I have a bit more of a degree than armchair according to my Buddhist monastery but meh I am first council sort as I dont think making money off of religious teachings of any sort is proper altough I do think it proper to support monastics and monastics be able to produce art of various sorts that lay followers sell in support of the monasteries but monks and nuns themselves nope... unrobe and become laiety if you are going to break the precepts as far as money goes. I think it ok for laitey to do the same but should give to the monastic tradition a good percentage instead of just capitalising on it for oneself.

I was given hommage/blessing to write if I wanted to by my monastery... something I will focus on eventually.

edit on 8-2-2018 by BEBOG because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: BEBOG

Well I can tell you the sound of one hand clapping.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I dont know if thats an insult like the sound of one finger pointing...

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: BEBOG

It's from Zen Buddhism.

It's a pretty silly thing. Both the exoteric and the so-called "esoteric".

I was being silly.

So many "UFO" threads get so bogged down in absolutely nothing of value..
that I can only respond in a silly manner sometimes.

Of course other's would respond that way to me as well..
only I usually piss people off, rather than have them get silly..

I'm good at making people angry.. as I'm autistic, and don't value
90% of the human nonsense out there. And it IS nonsense.

IMHO of course.

I took the time to explain that to you, because you like anime.

(tha'ts the level I'm at tonight. LOL).

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: BEBOG

hey thats cool. so Edwards a girl.

since you watch anime can you explain this to me. Attack on Titan. why can the main character turn into a Titan sometimes? and why do titans feed on humans?

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Im aware of where it is from, if you know that one why not give you another? That was my sound of silence applauding you on... or sound of one hand clapping. They have different levels or "Dans" if you want to stay with it the sound of one hand clapping has eh around 15 Dans or so. Depending on how much bean curd the sound of one ass slapping produces... none ride the Ox instead.

I'm Thervadin though, and yet realization is the path phala in the end. Hence the sound of one finger pointing... if mind moves and thinking begins you lose. Thats how the koan game works in reality... it is how to go from initiate to head monk in an instant... so you're not fetching 100 buckets to put out a fire on Wu Shan... no matter how many you carry it wont work he's an alcoholic.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

I have not seen the anime but Titans are like gods but the opposite the devil sort... what is the difference? Gods got there using siddhas for good and a lot of meritious kamma, titans got there by evil and a lot of bad kamma in the abuse of siddhas... Some Anigamis, Arhats/Buddhas have all the same powers of siddhas but ignore(d) them as an obstacle to liberation. It is the temptation to become a god benevolent in nature or a devil and ruling an entire world... Asuras are the children of titans and Deva the children of the gods... best to be neutral to either or basically all beings 1st precept in Buddhism in the non harm meaning in body, speech or mind... the trilokas or three realms when this idea was adopted on earth China called it the three kingdoms, as there are four wisdom kings that are ahead over all earth then the land of the 33 etc etc etc. as a Boddhisattva one learns all of this stuff but forgets the incarnations... after a time renunciation of those vows have to occur then all past lives flood back to the point where they are pointless and realization of the deathless arises or nibbana(nirodha sammapadi) it is an eternal and non reversible state of equanimity towards all beings known and unknown the boddhisattva typically regards only sentient but it is a bit more complex at other stages of the path... as there is form but no you and yet there is... all enlightened beings can flow through each other without effort.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: BEBOG

I used to be friends and trained with Chan Buddhist monks from Song Shan who followed Bodhidharma.

learned a lot from those guys. they were genuine ones not the show men that masquerade around as monks for entertainment.

anyways. can you explain to me what the deal was with the panda bear character from afro samurai? I never understood who he was or what his connection was to the number one headband.

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: GovernmentSauce

As a matter of clarification here, and as someone very well versed in FOIs, this is not a 'drawn blank' response, nor is it that records could not be identified.

The response to John Greenwald in the first link provided clearly states:

After thorough searches of the electronic records and files of of OUSDI, no records of the kind you described could be identified....

I'd say that drew a blank wouldn't you?

The 2nd FOIA request raised by Jack Brewer is admittedly a more complex one and the response was:

We will be unable to respond to your request within the FOIA's 20 day statutory time period due to unusual circumstances. These unusual circumstances could be: (a) the need to search for and collect records from a facility geographically separated from this office; (b) the potential volume of records responsive to your request; and (c) the need for consultation with one or more other agencies which have substantial interest in either the determination or the subject matter of the records....

You can argue the semantics of what I mean by "drawn blanks" but effectively we have nothing at the moment confirming details of the AATIP Project from two sources requesting information.

Details of the UK FOI act is irrelevant. No requests have been filed with British authorities. This is purely a US matter and this link is more relevant to the requests :DoD Open Government

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: BEBOG

Very nice. Most Westerners really mangle that up, so it would be easy
to presume that you are not a Westerner.

It's also nice that you follow Theravada, as I have some respect for
those thoughts. I tend not to respect Mahayana at all.. though
the path I took was a variant of Vajrayana.

Though of course one soon discovers that all knowledge is garbage..
but if one focuses upon that too soon, then one has no tools with
which to quest for liberation... and one inevitably settles upon
convenient lies (the path of the magician, at least a bit) and
find at least one "golden thorn" to tear at the ignorance.

At the very last, I took the "worst possible" path, that being the
path of expanding the false self, until it was roaring large.
glowing radiant and full of sidhhis.

I've never read anyone tell the tale of this path.. it seems people
won't tell the story.. but I did somewhat.. even had it published
in a famous book.

So at the very end of this path, all the ignorance and self-delusion
is gathered into a giant ball/being, which then cracks out the
top of the head, leaving one.

Now I'd heard of this, but the person is supposed to die at this
point.. only I lived.

In the end of ends, one is left without a personal being at all.

I suppose you understand very well what this means.

Well, I've never told this story to someone who might understand
it.. i'm a hermit.

I tell it in a UFO thread..

Now.. if you could interpret all that in terms of a vast machine
intelligence, I'd be very impressed.


posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

When was your first experience Kev? Did it precede this journey you've been on or precipitate it?

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: ctj83

People really hate it when I say this.. but i was conscious in the
womb. I've been on this journey a very long time. (don't assume
I had a pre-life.. that leads to delusion).

Of course at journey's end, I discovered that I didn't exist at all..
and that was a huge relief. Noting to fight for. Nothing to preserve
and worry about. Nothing to evolve or reincarnate for.

I suppose what's fascinating is the nature of the two remnants
that were once symbiotic.. how they benefited each other
for so long, then went their separate ways.. but that's a
different story.

But to speak like a person for a moment.. yah.. the "Kundalini"
thing happened a few years before I came to ATS.

I was still stumbling, feeling like I had been cored out from the
inside.. a discarded womb... not meant to live..

it was all very distressing..

I had nobody to explain to me what had happened.. and contrary
to popular mythology I wasn't "omniscient" as a result of events.

I felt this urge to come to ATS, which I had never even heard
of.. being a hermit... that there was a piece missing..

So I came here, and have been highly annoying everyone
ever since.


posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: GovernmentSauce

As a matter of clarification here, and as someone very well versed in FOIs, this is not a 'drawn blank' response, nor is it that records could not be identified.

The response to John Greenwald in the first link provided clearly states:

After thorough searches of the electronic records and files of of OUSDI, no records of the kind you described could be identified....

I'd say that drew a blank wouldn't you?

The 2nd FOIA request raised by Jack Brewer is admittedly a more complex one and the response was:

We will be unable to respond to your request within the FOIA's 20 day statutory time period due to unusual circumstances. These unusual circumstances could be: (a) the need to search for and collect records from a facility geographically separated from this office; (b) the potential volume of records responsive to your request; and (c) the need for consultation with one or more other agencies which have substantial interest in either the determination or the subject matter of the records....

You can argue the semantics of what I mean by "drawn blanks" but effectively we have nothing at the moment confirming details of the AATIP Project from two sources requesting information.

Details of the UK FOI act is irrelevant. No requests have been filed with British authorities. This is purely a US matter and this link is more relevant to the requests :DoD Open Government

My point was that you'll get responses, although they may not be the ones you like - but that doesn't mean that there's anything to hide, either.
That they can't be found after searching is a legitimate (and frequent) occurrence, and one may read too much into it. Don't underestimate the inefficiency of public bodies; and understand that there is a legislative process (on both sides of the pond) that will always favour minimising the workload for public bodies.

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

Black and white the duality found in the up and down spiral of the bhava ckara... and it is a bear to wrestle with... and well once one becomes number one in either sword or gun there was no retirement everyone came seeking that crown for themselves... meaning a perpetual hell or purgatory of unrest without a normal life whether one wanted to defend it or not they had position or station and honor or duty bound to continue.

Head got them into it and heart can't get them out of it. Bodhidharma was an incarnation of Maitreya of Chi I Su, Hotei it is easy to recognize them after awhile even in real life when one materializes unless you never met them, hence the old question what was your face before your father was born koan if you couldn't recognize them with the deva eye...

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