That's according to Deseret Tavares (the husband´s family name, her maiden name being “Flórez”), the Colombian seer who has lived in that city
ever since she was 8 yrs. old (taken along with a sister by their parents). There she has a shop called "The Mystic’s Altar". Many in the
Hollywood business hire her, including Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and the Kardashian sisters (they all pay dearly for
her services and insist on strict confidentiality agreements; she goes to their mansions, and the other customers go to the shop and pay 1,000 dollars
per hour), but I'd never heard about her until Sunday, Oct. 8 of last yr., when I watched in Bogotá an interview (13 min. 17 sec.) on the Caracol TV
Channel in a program called "Séptimo Día" (Seventh Day). (It's still available on the Net in the full version at Her fame is due to the
fact that she has predicted several events, including the Indonesian tsunami, the recent earthquake in Mexico (Sept. 19), the election of Trump and
the death of a popular Mexican crooner called Juan Gabriel, “el Divo de Juárez”. She uses a pendulum, a glass sphere ("bola de cristal") and
the Tarot cards, and she also "reads" cigar ashes.
Deseret started to hear a voice that she calls "the Guide" when she was a small child. (It´s the Guide who calls her “Deseret”.) It warned
her about not doing this or that (instructions like ”hurry up!”, “don´t go that way!”, “go this way!”), and when she had not studied for
a test it would tell her the answers. It's either an evil spirit messing around with the lady or an authentic spiritual guide, so the present report
will be either misleading and completely worthless or else valuable and urgent. If the latter, then people had better get out of the said city
posthaste, and maybe even out of the country, cross the borderline over to Mexico, at the very least, and settle down there, which is what she will
presently do.
A sudden southward Biblical exodus across the desert would be somewhat funny. One sees everybody wanting to get into the U.S., by means fair or foul,
of the latter type, mostly. (Most illegal immigrants now arrive comfortably in Jumbo planes bearing tourist visas, then they overstay, according to a professor I heard at a lecture last yr. who said that that's why a wall from sea to shining sea would be useless.) Now millions would
start doing the opposite, because six cities would be utterly destroyed, not just that one. Would Mexicans welcome those now destitute refugees (not
to mention the 50 million people already living in poverty in the U.S.), or would they build a wall or dig a ditch or moat and shoot to kill, like the
civilian volunteers who help the Border Patrol in Arizona? Would the amusement-drug racket collapse due to a sudden dearth of wealthy Anglo yuppie
Brooklyn Bridge, too, will go down, which suggests that the rest of the city will be spared (just some wild guessing of mine here, that last part).
That Deseret has issued several true predictions doesn't mean her "Guide" is a dependable rather than a wicked character. Some yrs. ago I spent
many months watching religious TV channels, both Catholic and "evangelist" (U.S. Fundamentalist, with truly miraculous healing sessions) in Bogotá.
A priest told about how, during mass, he left the congregation waiting while he went and fetched something, and when he returned most people had
left. Someone told him what had happened. A man had stood up, pointed at several people and revealed their shameless deeds. Maybe he was member of
a Satanic group and a mind-reading demon was channelling through him. The priest explained that in the N.T. one of the apostles tells about the
"espíritus adivinadores", or evil "guessing spirits".
Moreover, Debby K., a former school classmate of mine of the Bible Belt kind (lives in Houston, born in Amarillo, Texas to a Baptist family), but now
a Messianic Jew, tells me that demons, too, can heal, that all apparitions of the Virgin Mary (in Fatima, Portugal, in Lourdes, France, in Guadalupe,
Mexico, in Medjugorje, somewhere in what used to be Yugoslavia, where unexplained healings are seen) are demonic and that the Catholic veneration of
Mary is actually a pagan cult whose roots go back to some virgin goddesses, including one that they called "Queen of the Heavens".
Debby interprets the Bible literally and believes that stories like Noah's Ark and the talking snake (the Devil in disguise, she says) in the Garden
of Eden are true, but I respect her devotion. She has a severe Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (there are about five degrees, ranging from mild to
catastrophic) with a life-threatening Arnold-Chiari malformation (of the brainstem) but healing sessions help her stay alive. She was called a
"miracle child" because during her early yrs. she nearly died several times. Emergency measures taken by her father, a surgeon, were what saved her
every time. She had asthma and would stop breathing suddenly. There was a telepathic connection between father and child. She would go into one of
those crises and he would sense this, rush upstairs and save her life. There's never been a single day with no headaches, yet she's ever cheerful.
On a Catholic channel I heard a lay Bible scholar claiming that, even though demons can heal, they can't do miracles that involve the creation of
matter, like the story about the bread and the fish in the N.T.
Now, back to the predictions, having dutifully discussed both sides of the matter. "He [President Trump] will not finish his administration, and I
saw that it would be sometime during his first two years that he will be killed, and a U.S. citizen will do it." THIS MEANS IT WILL BE THIS YEAR.
(Her exact words: "Él no termina su presidencia y yo vi que era en los primeros dos años de su presidencia que lo matan, y lo mata un
norteamericano." Canadians resent the use of the term "North American" if "a citizen of the U.S.A." is meant, since they, too, inhabit that
region. Ditto some Latin Americans and the use of the words "America" and "American" in the U.S.)
She also predicted that Mr. Trump would win, at a time when it seemed obvious that Hillary would be easily first, so she wondered: "So why are the
cards telling me he will win?" It made no sense. The cards (Tarot) were suggesting that he had "an ace up his sleeve", but what could that
possibly be? Then came the news about the careless e-mails, which was what apparently wrecked her credibility and her campaign, barely two months
before the elections.
No dates are attached to the nuclear explosions and the collapse of the bridge. She mentions the former thus: "Vamos a tener seis ciudades en
Estados Unidos que van a ser destruidas químicamente [then she rectifies] … aa … nuclearmente." Now the voice of the TV hostess or a narrator
is heard off-camera saying: "Ya está empacando sus maletas para irse a Méjico porque el futuro que le augura a Los Ángeles es catastrófico."
("She's already preparing her luggage and will go [move] to Mexico because etc." Does this mean that her one-way trip will soon be followed by the
It won't be safe for her, anyway, since SHE HAS PREDICTED HER OWN MURDER. This reminds one of the eerie story about (...)