posted on Jul, 9 2017 @ 04:01 PM
Mr Campaign Manager won't like this next couple weeks at all , none of' them' will . Imagine just what the Russians can tell Trump about them Hillary
included. All of them, the networks, the military ones ,the alphabet connections , the old and the new. Swallow hard , they're dead men , because
neither Trump nor Putin is a molester of chlidrens , or their nations , or their citizens , or other peoples . May it be a meeting of true men (it's
in the eyes) and of latter day patriots and it be the very last day of this old order of phallus obsessed worms and snakes which still ground power in
America and across the world . And for those who put the (sometimes writhing) in guilt away , keep faith , order your guts for the job , because
exploded heads or so to speak aren't pretty , a soldier once said to me , out of a car window, "aren't they horrible though matt .." . He was talking
about finding them where they lay . No more conversation needed . The whole process will be absolutely sickening yes , but they were their own worst
enemy , got what they deserved , this is life , new masters , meet their maker , etc . They didn't want to do that . Hook em on the wagon and have
done , it was always going to be that way just turned out to be now . You'll be helped and it'll be magic to see them gone , red balloon heads or not
. The kids'll be happy for sure . Many thanks for published thread and all you good guys on the site