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The employment process today BLOWS and I'm about to lose it.

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posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Lagomorphe
Stop being so stroppy and be more positive is the only positive suggestion I would like to add.

What you write can be felt and can bugger up your CV...

Just saying...



Do you honestly think the OP sends her ATS posts as her CV? You need to worry about your own damn posts, Lag.

Losing a job and going through the process of getting another one is brutal. Research shows that losing a job is in the top three most stressful things that people endure. The other two being a divorce and death of someone close to you.
edit on 19-6-2017 by icanteven because: hit post too soon

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

I work recruitment and have done for many years. One thing we pick up once attitude and judging by you post it's far from positive. I get times can be tough but keep trying. If you come across anything g like have here then no wonder u not securing anything. Treat each interview as an experience rather than a choir. When that perfect job does u have gained scent interview experience in this day and age.

Wish you luck

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:16 AM
Don't over-look schools during your search. Public schools are almost always hiring for multiple positions. Not all of them require a degree.

Cleaning staff are constantly retiring, and they almost always need sub cleaners to fill in for vacation/sick/retired cleaners. If you don't mind being on call and working irregular hours for a while, you can get your foot in the door as a sub and if you're reliable you become their #1 pick for a full-timer.

Minimum will be $15 an hour soon, and since the cleaners are state employees they get healthcare and annual raises as part of their contract. At least in NY. Probably true for other states as well. Put in enough years and you will be much better off than someone flipping burgers.

They also need maintenance and secretaries. But you might need some additional certifications to be eligible for those.

Depending on what State you're in, you could also get a state pension too. Here in NY our rat bastard governer changed pensions to 401k's a few years ago. I'm lucky that I started while Tier 5 was in effect and still have a real pension. They are having a vote soon to open the NY Constitution and the goal will be to loot and pilfer the State pension system.

I worked as a sub cleaner for a while before getting into IT (what I went to college for). I had my foot in the door already when the IT position opened up. Worked out great for me. I actually kind of miss the cleaning job, because it was a lot less stressful. After a while you don't even think about the work you're doing because you've done it so many times already. You can listen to music or just think about other stuff while you do your routine. Where I am now, it's a new crisis every day.
edit on 6/19/17 by peskyhumans because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

It has been almost six months since my last job interview, but you know what, i do not care, i have cut my expenses to a minimum, and get my money from about ten different things, that i can do from my home, buying and selling stuff is awesome, for example.

But i hope you figure it out, things will always work out one way or another.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

I have another idea, do you have any experience with chemistry? I have a used RV I can sell you...

HAHA! Not really but I'm a fast learner and eager to try new things! It was my favorite subject in HS and I tool it as an elective. Does that count? LOL! Thanks for the MASSIVE laugh AM!

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:20 AM
Most of this situation is a result of the current batch of job seekers.
I've had to sort through a lot of crap to find a decent hire.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: icanteven

But yeah looking for a job sucks was these days.
I have a pretty niche type environment so I'm good but when I did have to it sucks.
Back in the day I would get hired on the spot. See a sign. Apply. Talk to manager. Start next day.
I hate the online # and the job fair crap.
I look on Craigslist and indeed. I've done this before and is how I got this job.
Call a company and ask for h r. Wait for voicemail to get their name. Then email them my # directly. It's first name initial and last name@ company name. Com
Sometimes little variations on company name but yeah.

Go into a bank and get a teller business card. Then you will know the email extension. Clock managers name on way out. Email them.
Sounds stupid but you never know

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:24 AM
I think this is an excellent thread. There is good advice popping up here.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:28 AM
lol stay positive......that's like punching somebody where you know its gonna hurt and telling them to just smile its not that do that a 100 + times .......stay positive smile if you need too put a thick layer or Vaseline on your will be grand
edit on 19-6-2017 by MissCoyote because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

I hear you. Places around me are doing what's called open interviews, which mean you compete with 50+ other applicants. There is a 100% chance that some of those 50+ will be more qualified or desirable than me.

It is very frustrating and anxiety is through the roof. Hope you find something soon, I hope I will too.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:34 AM
I deleted my original post. It was unneeded commentary.
I wish you well.
Keep the advice coming.

edit on 19-6-2017 by abago71 because: I type slow and other people had conveyed the point I was attempting to make before I had finished typing!

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

I feel you maam.

I am on my way to an interview right now. Was in your exact position, left an OK job because they retaliated against a bunch of us, stole wages, the whole nine.

So I took a month to heal my body, was wrecked.

I was keeping my eye on the job market the whole time, but was dreading day one of the search.

Time has come and I found this advice most helpful.

Stay active. Take breaks, make it work, but stay active.

As long as you fill out an application, make a new resume for a different type of job, what ever.

Keep positive. This one sucks ass, but is true.

If you get weird it will bleed through to your emails and applications. Interviews will be less than spectacular.

Apply to everything, dont limit yourself.

I was at that frustrated point when you go to craigslist and start to consider prostituting yourself. Lol.

I was only applying to crap jobs because I lacked faith and clarity.

I took a break, reworked a resume I didnt even use and applied to different jobs after looking for virtues I could sell to these employers from past work history.

Long story short, I got some great interviews this week for pretty damn good jobs. You never know how what you know or have done is percieved by others who have never done or dont know what you do.

There are entry level jobs that even educated people would like to have. These are dependant on character not education or title.

You can take away from all this:

Retweek yourself and your searching. Leave no stone unturned.

Also, I wouldnt waste time on jobs you know arent worth it. A job is a job, but you never know how close that great company is to firing the guy that has your future job. You could miss it if you are off trying to stay sane. I know though.

Dont let the crappy ones get you down. We all know how we try to put our best foot forward and take whats offered....but you dont seem like you should be selling yourself short.

Dont let your sense of pride and purpose make you feel guilty for not being at work every second you are looking. Its fine. As long as you keep trying it will happen.

I dont know what else to say. Stay positive maam. You need you.

And always,

Hold it down.

edit on 6 19 2017 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: mblahnikluver
I did get a call while I was typing a reply from a credit union and I have an interview Thursday. I am keeping my fingers crossed! I love smaller banks, big corporate banks can sink for all I care. I actually enjoy helping people and the big ones don't allow that it's all about sales! The local banks don't have sales goals and pushy sales tactics. So I am hoping one will hire me this week and I can breathe a sigh of relief! I

Fingers and toes crossed on the Thursday interview!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the others I see you have lined up!!!!
edit on Mon Jun 19 2017 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: tadaman

this one I like this one lol.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 12:02 PM
I think a lot has to do with education or lack thereof. Now it's getting to the point HR is getting too selective and if you have a BS like so many do they start looking at what college or university you went too. To help weed out the candidates. I can only suggest tailoring each resume for the specific job to get a face to face or over the phone interview. Then in the interview try to get the interviewer to do most of the talking to take the focus off you and more on how the corporate culture is and to give yourself an idea if you will fit in. My issue on finding new jobs is not getting an interview but travel. I have obligations that don't allow me to travel. With the world as small as it is now why do we still need to travel for non-marketing/non-sales positions?

I think, in the next 10 years it will swing back to craft skills or OJT and training for management positions more that education. I see a pattern emerging.


posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 12:33 PM
Great to see you Hun, though not under these circumstances. I know what you mean about how things used to be and how easy it was to find a job back in the day. There are just too many applicants for a single job and workers are a dime a dozen. With your qualifications, I'm sure something will come up and hopefully soon. Just had to come in and give you a big hug and wish you luck!

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

Is there a flea market near you? You know, open air where they have stalls and people sell stuff?

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 01:00 PM
Have you ever tried an online business? Honest and true, there are many different approaches to making money and not everyone requires you to physically be anywhere. You could work from the comfort of your home while watching your child all at the same time. Do yourself a favor and download a free podcast called "Smart Passive Income". Give yourself some time to listen. It may kick start you into a world of ideas you've been looking for.

Best of luck!
edit on 19-6-2017 by kngfc because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

I feel so bad for you, I've sorta been there. I'm not a single mom so I can't imagine how stressful that is but years ago my hubby was run over at work. He was laid up for 2 years with no workman's comp. It was all up to me but at least he was able to watch the kids. I know it's hard but try to keep the chin up.

The rural area where I live is economically depressed. There's not many jobs to begin with and it can be a struggle. Since our population is aging, people here are finding work providing senior services.

I know several home health care workers. They apply through the Council of Governments, COG here in Colorado. Nursing/medical experience isn't required, they do light housekeeping/prepare meals/run errands etc. It's typically just a few hours a day per client but with multiple clients, hours add up. I've been told there's quite a demand.

Most work straight days, some split up their work day if they're needed at home. Typically clients are flexible and willing to work within your schedule. You and the client decide what they need based on what you feel comfortable/qualified doing.

People that use COG for care providers are low/fixed income but if word gets out via adds/posting on local bulletin boards, other seniors/disabled people might hire you privately. Sometimes churches are aware of people without family who need help. Some elderly folks just want a little companionship.

In my hubby's biz he has several long term clients who know/trust him. Aside from his normal business dealings with them, they hire him to make wellness checks, do yard work or arrange for it, run errands, pay bills/banking, take their pets to the vet/groomer etc. just about anything.

This type of work has saved the day for many people I know. The fact you're trustworthy/worked at the bank is a definite plus. The elderly get ripped off and are suspicious of people coming into their home.

Seniors are having a tough time getting good, reliable, trustworthy help. Some can't even find anyone to cut their lawn and cities will fine them if it gets overgrown. Although some elderly aren't poor they're still on a fixed income and can't necessarily afford a weekly landscaping bill, they just need their grass cut once in awhile or a sidewalk shoveled etc.

Lots of retirees in Florida, I imagine there are senior service providers in place, you might try applying to one of them if you don't have COG.

If you belong to a church, let them know what's going on. I'm not religious but my sis-in-law is and the congregation helped her so much. She owned a small piece of land and a church member gave her a single wide trailer for free. He even delivered it/set it up.

The one thing that saved my sanity during tough times, is living in a really beautiful place. Taking a walk in the woods or going to the nearby lake is free and I feel so much better afterwards. I wish it was easier for all of us, life can be such a damn bitch sometimes.

Hang in there and whether you realize it or not you're showing/teaching your son a work ethic he won't easily forget. Our sons saw how hard we struggled/worked. Peer pressure couldn't touch them, not in a big way, they took their educations/life in general very seriously. They grew into responsible, hard working men. I wish you and your child all the best.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

I just got done doing that myself, so I feel you. My line of work is I.T. which should by all rights be available everywhere but the market is at this point flooded with random startup contract companies to the point that no business or IT firm wants to hire a permanent employee anymore, they bring contractors in for a few weeks to a few months, get the task at hand done and cut them loose. The resume and application thing is a nightmare too, but the best advice I can give is to keep working at it. My old man once told me that not having a job is a full time job of looking for another one, but don't forget that when you're doing that, you are your own boss. I'm sure you'll find something though, just keep your chin up, soldier on and remember who you are doing this for, yourself and that son of yours. You owe nothing to anyone else. Best of luck hunting.

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