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Baddogma's Other Meta Cafe- Polite Discussions About Scientific Mysticism and General Weirdness

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posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 01:30 PM
Bought a new tv, put it up, the system is searching he says. I stare at him hypnotised with a glas of Jim Beam pondering the philosophical implications.
Choose a #ing big television Irvine Welsh
Now he's doing something. What are you doing Phil? he's a Philips
We're halfway through. What will he tell me once he's done searching?
I bought him because I need a Xbox. He's so much bigger than I thought!?

posted on Mar, 27 2021 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Wow..."unwashed illiterate misogynists." Lol. And where should they get the water to wash? The "creation" of both nations was a largely European invention, and Israel is pretty much Europe in the Middle-East all made possible with the extensive and unsustainable use of water that that demands. Palestine have no direct access to water and are wholly dependent on Israel for what water they have. Should they just shrug their shoulders and say, oh well it's only an imaginary country, that's okay then, we can survive on imaginary water? As I understand it, the Jews living under the Ottomans did alright also, and that it was both native Jews and Arab peoples that objected to mass migration of European Jews.

Many of our modern nations are dissections made in state and war rooms with compass and ruler without any consideration to the life those lines enclosed. They're all imaginary, the people though are real. Should I give Israel latitude because it's not as bad as the Nazis? I realise they need to defend themselves, I realise that they have been scapegoated and milked of their material wealth countless times, and that statehood, much like it does for the Vatican, gives their religion temporal powers that help to maintain that cultural integrity but, water.

Israel needs to stop looking West. The creation of Israel was to serve Western needs and those needs are changing. It needs to think about serving it's own people, making friends with it's neighbours, instead of continuing it's service as scapegoat to the West.

I'm happy to agree to disagree on this one. It's six of one and half a dozen of the other.

The it-never-happening-again rhetoric is bull-crap appeasement. It's always happening, it just moves around. Rwanda. Darfur. The Balkans. Etc, etc.

The course that Catherine the Great steered is still playing out today, Palestine and Israel are indeed partial consequences of her actions both in terms of her Pale of Settlement plan, which can also be seen as a bringing to Russia of her Germanic concept of Jewish ghettoisation, as well as her ambitions in the Greek Project to oust the Ottomans from the former Byzantine territories and establish access to the Meditteranean thus launching the Great Game. Her actions, in terms of the Charter of Nobility and the Third Partition, in turn guarenteed both the fall of the Absolute monarchists (however enlightened they thought themselves) and the Great Patriotic War between those of her birth and her adopted nation.

I kind of see what you may mean about the magic of the will (and where there is a will there is a way) but, in anoalogy of Catherine and Theresa there is too much emphasis on the points, not enough on the spaces in between and where the boundaries interact. "God" needs to be in the centre. That the Masons get right, I think.

posted on Mar, 27 2021 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: Peeple

My son bought himself a VR headset. I don't like gaming, I'm not good at it and not inclined to get good at it BUT I utterly love VR. My son let me go and have a wander around in some of his games, and I have played Accounting plus (I had to kill myself alot). It's like being pyschotic but you can just take off the headset. Love it so much.

TVs feel kind of blah in comparison. Though, reminds me in TEOT's direction, while I am waiting for the rest of the final season of Attack on Titan to come out, my son has twisted my arm towards South Park - starting, conservatively, at season 20. Asides from getting triggered by Heidi and Cartman it's strangely current from a dissection of "where we're at" kind of place. Funny too which helps the medicine go down so the blinkers will drop off.

posted on Mar, 27 2021 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

Oh please # off. Ghetto is an Italian word and the first one on record was in Marocco 1280 or something. You want to know why there's no more worth mentioning art coming out of Germany? Because all of it, after Goethe maybe was Jewish, the Jews were bone and blood of German culture and educated elite up to the Austrian asshole.
Suddenly it's 'Europe' in the middle East, is it? Balfour Declaration ring a bell? Yishuv? Own it. An English exploitation racket, nothing else.

I kind of had to pick extremes to make my point, didn't I? It was just a thought and I kind of regret bringing it up, if it lands on "the Masons are right"

Also if you say God should be at the centre that's not working with the image of the pyramid, you basically are declaring him middle management. Who's the top if that'd be the case?
The Queen? 33?

I'm sorry I am kind of pissed right now, the bourbon didn't agree with my stomach yesterday and I apologise for lacking diplomatic language at the moment.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Haha, you claim that you don't like to repeat yourself and then keep parroting "Balfour Treaty" like you want a cracker or something. And? What about Sykes-Picot or for that matter all the promises made by Bell, Lawrence and Philby to their Arabic buddies, and while we're there what about Reinhard Heydrich's operation working with Jewish Palestinian militant groups and plans to move the Western Jews out of the Reich and into Palestine - thwarted by the British Naval Blockade? Or the 1921 conference in Cairo?

The secret to not repeating yourself is iteration.

And yes indeed, we get "Ghetto" from the "Italians" the Venicians to be specific. Il Ghetto was the name of the Jewish quarter in Venice and it was established in order to accommodate the influx of Jewish merchants that followed Venice becoming the centre of Levantine trade by usurping Constantinople. The Venicians wanted the Jewish traders, merchants and financiers that is why they dedicated an area for them. The Jews wouldn't have come otherwise because it was their laws that insisted that they not reside with gentiles.

edit on 29-3-2021 by KilgoreTrout because: add Cairo just to emphasise what a devious bastard Churchill in full effect

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 04:48 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

Good thing we decided not to talk about or it might have turned into a fight, right?

I love all kinds of games. But VR would be too much for me. I like shooting digital people in the head, but I don't want that to feel too realistic.
But it's for sure more interesting than the passive watching a movie at least the illusion of having control over the narrative.

edit on 29-3-2021 by Peeple because: add

posted on Mar, 31 2021 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: Peeple

We were fighting? I thought that was fore-play.

Oddly enough, I get nothing out of pushing a variety of buttons and staring at the screen - besides the lack of co-ordination required to manage multiple buttons and functions - but in VR, gun in hand, cops to the front of me, robbers to the rear and suddenly I'm Dirty Harry gone rogue and they're all taking one to the head - until I put one in my own. It's the all in physicalness of it that I really like but ya know, this is what I was playing... it wasn't like a first-person shooter or anything. Didn't feel "real" just, as you say, immersive. I'd like to use it to go wandering around on Googleearth, visit places I really don't want to actually go to but would like to "experience" spatially. That kind of thing.

posted on Apr, 1 2021 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

OMG "I'm Dirty Harry gone rogue and they're all taking one to the head"

You're so funny. Especially because in my head you're this classical distinguished British lady, ...that collided. But I guess that's how comedy works?

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I see what you mean now about the problem of you imaginings always creating fiction.

Distinguished? Don't I have to have a monocle and waxed mustache or something to qualify for that? Or a hat with a jaunty little feather? Either way, I'd have to jump through some serious hoops to get anyone who had ever met me to describe me as distinguished. Or classical.

And British purrrlease, I'm Yorkshire. Not even nearly the same thing.

edit on 7-4-2021 by KilgoreTrout because: arrrghhh italics have taken over

posted on Apr, 8 2021 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

See? And you're a human being still my imagining is way off. So one can't even fathom how far off one must be with 'the other' where we don't even got the baseline.
It's a bit crazy we use a word God/aliens/spirits and think we know what we mean while we really don't.

I'm super consumed by Red Dead Redemption 2 now. Arthur has tuberculosis now, he looks like # and coughs all the time. It's raining a lot and ... it's just horrible.
That's some pretty amazing game designing.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 08:56 AM
You're of course invited. Your opinion is most welcome

edit on 9-4-2021 by Peeple because: add music

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 10:03 AM
Guess what? I found this place. : )

Kinda obvious.

Still here BD? yuppa?

Ya know yuppa,, when I said "the problem with interactive shared dreams and other world girls is if you sleep with them three times they think they are married".

Tis also how you create a harem.

edit on 9-4-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: been a hard day, a scotch and coke with an Alice lightens the mood

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I think that perhaps even "imagining" is a word that means different things to different people. I know that I imagine differently to most people because I lack a faculty that most have - to picture what I imagine, and yet many people that do have that faculty don't realise that they have it, or that it is a faculty to be utilised and that while they don't know how to use it, others do and can "hack" into that faculty for a variety of purposes or indeed that that faculty can gain a perceptual dominance that undermines our sense of our own autonomy.

But yeah, gods/aliens and spirits are just words we assume that we know the meaning of. I personally don't try to imagine those "things" in and of themselves instead I imagine the people who coined them and then imagine being them and imagine seeing through their eyes to try to understand what they meant by the words - but then I am not looking for god/aliens or spirits just meaning.

Got my mound builder myth book - yay. The price shot back down once a new supply came in. So far, so promising. Could be a conspiracy after all and if not I have already learned a lot about Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin that I didn't know, and about all the cross-cultural insemination between the nascent US and France which has potential to shed some light on the mystery of James Tilley Matthews' imprisonment at around the same time but it does appear as though the Lost White Race myth was concocted in pretty much the same way as the Elders of Zion was and for similar motives....but I am barely 40 pages in, much remains to be seen.

edit on 10-4-2021 by KilgoreTrout because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

I know. Words are weird once you start thinking about them.
I stumbled over spell yesterday. to spell, spells of rain and magic spells.
Totally freaked me out. In the beginning there was the word. Plus magic often includes putting words on paper and do something like sealing and burning, or oil and bury it, etc.
Is one property of words having the potential to 'open the gate'?

I'm a person of the mind that gives me authistic traits but that's how I process the world and such. Also don't remember images but stories.
Jeder Jäck ist anders.
Have fun figuring out what that means.

You're also prefering to live under the dam denying it's there. How can anyone think for a second there's anything more important than figuring out.
I want to play this # only if we're all honest. I tell that a/G/s too. Stop lying. People too. It's a universe of liars apparently.
...unflattering truth

edit on 10-4-2021 by Peeple because: add music

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Depends what you mean by "the gate"? Have you looked at the etymology of the word?

early 14c., "read letter by letter, write or say the letters of;" c. 1400, "form words by means of letters," apparently a French word that merged with or displaced a native Old English one; both are from the same Germanic root, but the French word had evolved a different sense. The native word is Old English spellian "to tell, speak, discourse, talk," from Proto-Germanic *spellam (source also of Old High German spellon "to tell," Old Norse spjalla, Gothic spillon "to talk, tell"), from PIE *spel- (2) "to say aloud, recite."

But the current senses seem to come from Anglo-French espeller, Old French espelir "mean, signify, explain, interpret," also "spell out letters, pronounce, recite," from Frankish *spellon "to tell" or some other Germanic source, ultimately identical with the native word.

It's not the "word" that is the "spell" it is the combining of the component sounds that form the word, as I am sure you know that does not necessarily make the same noises as the word spoken in it's whole by combining the letters into syllables.

The thing with metaphors is that to be an effective means of communication they need to be shared, as in understood by all the parties involved. Now I know what a dam is, and what it does, but I have no idea of the context to which you are applying it. What are you so worried is going to break out and drown me?

edit on 10-4-2021 by KilgoreTrout because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

I think that

but then I am not looking for god/aliens or spirits just meaning.

triggered that reaction.
I have a very complicated relationship with my brain, it doesn't always think as I want it to.
Don't ask, just know my brain is a real dirtbag sometimes, making racist comments and such. I don't want to think that way, if I notice I try to correct it. Sometimes my brain is faster.
Personally I see that as human nature, also the need to be good. Battle Beast and Spirit, sometimes Intellect joins in...

The gods with the little 'g' we possibly can't call them aliens no more, but tongue in cheek is ok.
After probably 6 000 years of contact.
Alien, stranger seems a stretch.
I mean it serves a purpose: widening the viewpoint. But out from a famous point of no return, you're on boat or you're not.

My personal taste is there's still room for an entity like Earth and the Solar Buddies, as slow beings but aware.
And above them Milky the Way our one and only beauty.
And above that our Universe of all Multiverses.
And above the Great Sum of All. The most incomprehendible there is.
We are super far away from God, as in The Great Sum of Consciousness.
There is a lot of room for more inbetween.
That's I believe why it's all so weird. Our expectations are extreme and not possible to fullfil. We're not immediately being invited to the presidents' office, but at least a person to listen to our complaints. Metaphorically.
They don't have to be perfect. Make mistakes, misunderstand, not know everything.
And that's ok.

I drifted I believe. I'm inhaling stuff mixed with tobacco so I'm a bit spacey.

posted on Apr, 13 2021 @ 05:15 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I agree, I think that that is human nature and also why we have social conventions about thinking before you speak. Buddhism has some useful exercises, I found, in that regard - "right" thought, "right" speech etc etc - that help give me a little more discipline over the need to give any thought whatsoever to some things.

Thinking about aliens, reading the mound-builder/lost-white-race-myth book, and I was reminded of something Reverb's said (must have been a long, long, long, long time ago because he has been AWOL a while now - shirkers tsk) - something about realising you're the alien, you're the one not like everyone else and I can really see that aspect of the US coming to the fore. It is totally alien.

There is a series on Amazon Prime, Them. Kind of take horror to a whole new level and then brings it back round. Demons are cast out and the characters set themselves free. I don't know if you have read any Toni Morrison, I find her writing extraordinary, something in the way she writes whispers. I can't describe it any other way. In contrast Them roars with righteous anger. There is something quite healing in that I think.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

Are you the alien though? Or is that just how we feel because we surpressed a spiritual school into oblivion that would have taught us how to deal with that?
Something maybe that gave us a controlled 'psychosis-like-experience' and an attitude to handle that better instead of the dam (the same one) telling ourself the mind is not matter and only matter is real.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Depends. I may be in some circumstances, not so in others. But I was kind of talking in the spiritual sense, as was Reverbs - I think so anyway and that the alienation is from within us and that it manifests itself as a (unhealthy) fear of "others" and a need for order and control, for things to stay the same.

posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

That was the original that BD oversaw.

We hit the the limits on posts in a thread and I started this one to continue our meandering conversation!

BD and yuppa still show up from time to time but the Breakaway Society thread is more closely followed by both (and me!).

Here, we will just talk and only realize after that the ideas are not about the conversation but how we see the world. The “meta” in this thread is that, at least me, thinks that there is an... uh, er,... not god (or God) but the entirety of everything that not only reacts but intervenes upon our physical existence. I call her “Universe” ( no “the”, and, at least her dealings with me have always been feminine).

I am recognizing the meta in our world here! And sharing with all.

That is the type of person that I am. And hope to be!

Welcome aboard!!

BTW, the Fae stuff has me questioning some things and making me question which is a good thing!!

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